[C3C] Quick games mod


Jun 3, 2022
Hello guys,
I would like to create a mod designed for short, fast games. I want units to have more movement points, so that you can research discoveries faster and build buildings and units faster. Is there a function in the editor that allows such changes without tedious clicking? Where can I find it?
Apologies if aware, there is the accelerated production option in the game select screen (speeds up techs and building improvements). There is also a 'Quick Civ' mod in the Conquests Scenario folder (but I don't know the specifics of it).​
I think to modify unit movement speed you need to do that manually for each unit. Or you could make Steam Power an ancient era tech (the Romans almost invented it after all).​
I have the opposite question: what about slow games? As I see, the hardcode limit is 1000 turns. How to strecth game from 4000 BC to 2050 AD to that limits? Any good examples?
I have the opposite question: what about slow games? As I see, the hardcode limit is 1000 turns. How to strecth game from 4000 BC to 2050 AD to that limits? Any good examples?
RAR extended and RARR extended both have 915 turns.
The multiplayer community runs a few short-game mods including (a variant of?) QuickCiv that are supposed to play from 45 minutes to 3 hours.
I have the opposite question: what about slow games? As I see, the hardcode limit is 1000 turns. How to strecth game from 4000 BC to 2050 AD to that limits? Any good examples?
May I interest you in BIGGER BETTER WORLDS? Also, C3X can remove the 1000 turn limit.
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