Quotes you have started using since Civ 4 was first launched.


Phoenix Rising
Feb 12, 2006
What I want is original but maybe amusing quotes you have used since playing civ 4 over the last few years.

They can be original ones from famous people or just amusing ones you have made up.

You'll excuse me if i don't as 'We have enough on our hands right now' planning for a certain game. hehe

We were promised a golden age is we sacrificed 2 people. We got 2 golden ages and now all our great minds are gone too.

We were promised a bug mode on Civ 4. I think most just looked in horror at their screen as the unexpected unfolded.

Anyway you get the idea. Lets be creative. :)
"Can you borrow me your Algebra book?"
"We just don't like you enough."
"Who is we?"
"Uh... me and my inner self, of course."
I often end up quoting tech discovery quotes. The best of:
"I must study politics and war so that my sons have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy."
"A man does not have himself killed for a half-pence a day or for a petty distinction. You must speak to the soul in order to electrify him"
"Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe"
I'm very guilty of using Civ 4 tech discovery quotes, they've helped me alot in solidifying my school essays. (I'm 14, school and learning...) I even know them after my computers fall from Friday the 13th.

One's I love to use are:

"Democracy is the worst form of goverment, except all the others that have been tried" - I used this once in America (I lived there for a year, but moved back to Scotland due to a VISA scam.) about how Democracy has about as much uses as the pope's testicles but how it beats slavery like a Pedofiled 1930's History teacher.

"Political power grows out the barrel of a gun" - It's a sad but true fact of life. I always know that we can't accomplish anything without using some type of force to gain it. It doesn't always have to be from a gun, but it's the cheapest and most efficient way to do it. You're opponent is at a slight dissadvantage when dead. :nuke:

This isn't realy a quote, but I just LOVE to use these great peoples names for my English assignments. Once we had to create a book (Short thing, only 5 pages on a short story, but needed the reviews and all that stuff on the back.) and I used things such as "Best thing since the Wheel" - Aesop (can't remeber spelling. :eek: ).
Also one's like "A book that surpasses my favorite pass-time, smiting Jews." - God. (Sorry about a bit of racial stuff there, I only intend to humor. Not to offend.)

Civ 4 should definetly be played by some world leaders. You actually learn something from it. It's definetly served me. :goodjob:
This actually works: How about <thing you want>, all the cool <wives/mums/bosses> are doing it.
My favourite opener when talking to girls: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Nothing turns on a woman faster.
Being a maths student its always good to have a quote handy when someone questions your area of expertise.
“If in other sciences we should arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics.”

That usually shuts them up.

Also "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
Is a good thing to say to beggars, except if they then ask you to teach them to fish, then you're stuffed. :lol:
My favourite opener when talking to girls: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Nothing turns on a woman faster.
The satelites tech quote works well on women too, at least i've had succes with it once:

"Beep.... beep.... beep...."
I'm loving 'The People are the Heroes'. I find myself singing it subconsciously.

Oh, and 'For everything there is a season, and a time, for every purpose under heaven'.
Being a maths student its always good to have a quote handy when someone questions your area of expertise.
“If in other sciences we should arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics.”

That usually shuts them up.

I work in sales and you would be surprised at how often this quote has came in handy:
"Everything is worth what it's purchaser will pay for it." Of course you have to use it in different contexts but man, its awesome. And seriously, how do so many people not understand this?
My favourite opener when talking to girls: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Nothing turns on a woman faster.
Yeah, I've used some of the tech quotes when they seem appropriate. words of wisdom from the ancients :)
Leonard Nimoy is my hero

I notice when others use them too, but when the person is also very unlikely to have played civ. and i smile :D
Not really a game quote, but relevant none the less...

Other day I was having a debate with someone and they spat out some statistics. I replied "Just because my Quechua has a 99.7% chance to kill that archer, doesn't mean he will."

He didn't get it.
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