R:I. My personal spin-off


Jun 5, 2018
Northwest Zealand, Denmark
Post #1
Edited, Nov 7, 2024
Edited, Jun 8, 2024
Edited, Jun 7, 2023


That is surely true - even though we have this outstanding mod, the Realism:Invictus on top of the best Civ-game all-time made.

I - for my part - want this game to be(come) more difficult and time-consuming. The task to develop a nation from a few units to become a winner-nation shouldn't be a dance-on-roses. Not that it is easy now - the newest version 3.6 is the hardest version I have tried to play so far. But even so...... I think
  1. The way resources are used in this game is too simple and the limits too few. Much work has been done in the latest versions by making new resources via converter-buildings, but more can be added.
  2. The result/outcome of humans way to live, produce and consume is also something I'm trying to "handle" in my spin-off.
  3. Mother Nature is too kind and patient is this game.
  4. Last but not least - the AI's use of ranged units - mostly artillery in self-defence - is far from perfect. *) See Post #6
As for 1: and 2. Much work and testing is done so far - I still miss a little for the Industrial- and Modern Eras, but not much.
As for 3: I did some testing in the previous realease (3.55). I guess much can be carried over without many changes, but that will be the last part I'm going to work with, as most of this stuff is related to the Events.
As for 4: I can only repeat. All what is needed is part of this mod-pack: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/dales-combat-mod-bts-3-19.440557/ . Seems that it is allowed to use what-ever made here - as long as credit is given to the developer. Seems fair to me.

And as long as the AI is able to handle, what I'm doing, I'm going to see how far I can go. Remember I can't do any useful programming in any language except in XML (which hardly can be considered a serious programming language).

Edited and added, Nov 7, 2024
Right now I'm designing a new map 144*120 Flat with 'round 7.500 land tiles. Guess it will be with 15-20 starting nations including my own.
New maps are created as described on page 6. Since it takes quite a long time to make a good map, new maps are all made as a scenario, which enables you to choose which nation you want to lead - but of course only among the nations that have been created in the scenario and placed on the map.... This way a scenario with 18 nations kind of give you 18 different ways to play the map.

I'm going to comment my game and changes the best I can - and I'll try to give reasonable answers to any questions, that any might have to my game. Feel free to make comments/suggestions/what-ever to my game.

I'm going to "reserve" next 10 posts for details on specific issues - just to keep some sort of "order". Those will be updated with relevant stuff during the game.

Added, Jun 8, 2024
Edited, Jun 7, 2023

I'm going to use these markings from today:
New (date): New post.
Updated (date): Post updated with news.
Moved (date): Something moved from one post to another.
Edited (date): Post edited.
Added (date), something added to the post/item.

As I use to say/write: It's not the fantasy, that set limits. It's the lack of fantasy, that set limits
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Post #2
Edited, Nov 7, 2024
Edited, Oct 17, 2024

Edited, Mar 24, 2024

My preferences. Allways big maps and long games and a "fair" difficulty, where I have a decent chance for success but also a similar risk of failing.

On R:I versions earlier than the latest one, Monarch level was my preferred level. On the lastest version, Monarch level became a little too troublesome for my taste, so I tried to use the Prince-level instead. However that showed up to be much too easy for me. Therefore I ajusted the Noble-level for the AIs a little up and the Monarch-level for humans a little down.

I also like playing with the Barbarians On - but hate their cities. Mostly because they are too easy to take, but they are also too time-consuming. As I normally is behind in techs in the early eras, I often got techs when taking a barb-city. A little unfair I say.

So I made some changes in the ...\XML\GameInfo\CIV4HandicapInfo.xml - I might ajust the Monarch a little back against the default......

Spoiler HandicapInfo - Noble and Monarch :


<!-- <AIFreeTechs>
</AIFreeTechs> -->


In the ...\XML\GameInfo\CIV4EraInfos.xml file, the Barb-cities are turned off.

Spoiler EraInfos :

From the Ancient Era only BarbCities are turned off.


And from the Medieval Era and forward, Goodies are turned off too (default setting as far as I remember), however Animals and BarbUnits are "on" to the end..


One more thing. I do believe, that without access to fresh water (or at least sea-water), no human civilisation can exist and develop, because as we know from the game: Water sustain all.

Therefore I made changes to where cities can be builded. by changings some lines in ...\XML\Terrain\CIV4TerrainInfos.xml:
Spoiler Water sustain all :

Grassland. No limitation. 1st. line gives free access everywhere.

Plains: New cities can be founded only along the coasts, lakes and rivers. Edit: Changed the conditions to be the same as for Desert, Tundra and Snow: New cities can be founded only along fresh-water lakes and rivers

Desert, Tundra and Snow (In-land Ice): New cities can be founded only along fresh-water lakes and rivers.

As above "Found" variables also exists for the Coast and Ocean terrain, "one" might try to enable the build there by using this setting <bFound>0</bFound> - just to see what happens. ....I have not tried and will not try........

Added, Mar 19th, 2024
Spoiler Features, appearance and spread-factors :

XML Values:
natural spread (iGrowth)
jungle 16
forest 8

improvements - man-made assisted spread (iFeatureGrowth)
forest preserve 64 (replaces natural spread probability)

conditions for feature spread on to a certain tile:

there must not be a unit on the tile
there must not be an improvement on that tile (forests don't spread over camps or forts!)
possible bonuses on the tile must allow the feature to spread over it (grassland oil/banana/pigs/rice/dye/gems/ivory/sugar only allow jungle, not forest)
jungle is allowed to spread before forest
spread can only occur along cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) not diagonal, for one tile the 4 (or fewer when at edge of map) respective probabilities are added up (max 4*64=256)
the value is scaled for FEATURE_GROWTH_MODIFIER from GlobalDefines (*1.25)
the value is scaled for ROUTE_FEATURE_GROWTH_MODIFIER from GlobalDefines (*0.5) if there is a road/railroad on that tile
the result divided by 100 gives the probability for the spread of the feature in percent (max 4 forest preserves, no road -> 256*1.25/100 = 3.2%)
Above was valueable info found on the forum.

Feature App Disapp Growth
ICE: 0 0 15 Disapp changed from 15 to 0, Sep 2. 1923
JUNGLE 0 0 50 Growith changed from 40 to 50, Sep 2. 1923
OASIS 500 0 0
SWAMP 700 0 15
FLOOD_PL 1000 0 0
FOREST 0 0 110 Growith changed from 100 to 110, Sep 2. 1923
FALLOUT 0 500 0
SCRUB 500 0 20
HOTSPRING 700 0 0 App changed from 300 to 700, Sep 2. 1923
SAVANNA 2000 0 80 Growith changed from 75 to 80, Sep 2. 1923
REEF 300 0 0
ISLAND 600 0 0
ISLAND_N 600 0 0
SOIL_GRASS 200 0 0

Added, Jun 8th, 2024.
Population growth, happiness, health and illness/epidemics:

Citygrowth <iHappiness> is in my version of this game, basically limited to buildings, that gives the population better living conditions i.e. food (fx. granary) and water (fx. public well) or protection (fx. walls). Some buildings related to <iHealth> also gives additional <iHappiness>. Some buildings related to public order, religion or government might give - or reduce - the <iHappiness> of a city, depending on the actual situation (fx. may jails and courthouses be considered in very different ways depending on the government, religion, peoples education and cultural level). A few buildings isn't very popular and makes people move away (until now, it's only the. NuclearPlant). Anyway, it's the "opinion" of the common people, that determinates the "value" of the buildings. <iAreaHappiness> is seldom used, <iGlobalHappiness> is - as far as I remember - not used at all (if I find it active somewhere, it will nullified).

Cityhealth <iHealth> is in my version of this game, basically limited to buildings, that gives the population better living conditions (just as the <iHappiness> do) or giving them worse living conditions (physically or mentally). <iHealth> also represent the very physical danger of working at or living by several buildings. Fx.: Work in the workshops/factories, at shipyards or working as fishermen or sailors at the sea is not without danger. <iHealth> is also increased (or decreased) with how many different kinds of food the inhabitants have available - and then of course there are some "products" that are not so healthy.... But in general: The greater the variety is, the better the health is. <iAreaHealth> is seldom used (can't remember if I have it active somewhere). <iGlobalHealth> is as <iGlobalHappiness> not used at all, and will if I find it active somewhere, be nullified.

The <iEpidemicModifier> is used to "balance" the population in a city with the present buildings and to represent the risk for being serious ill due to epidemic diseases, easily spread between large gatherings on marketplaces/railroad stations or workplaces. The more people, the higher risk.

Added, Nov 7, 2024
And due to what I saw in TV a couple of weeks ago about the plague in ancient Rome and other places.... I'm going to add a risk that an epidemic can spread via public baths and/or wells. This will probably lower the populationsize in the cities a bit.

Added, Oct 17, 2024:
Screenshots added, Nov 6, 2024

Epidemics are now "the new normal" for citizens, no matter if they are controlled by a human or by the AIs. You will seldom see cities with a population over 25-28 for a longer time. This situation will last until late renaissance/early industrial eras, where clinics and waterworks starts working.
Spoiler Screenshots from present game, Nov 6, 2024 :


See... after 699 turns I have "only" pop 23 in my largest city.

And pop 27 at the most in the Top-5-cities - here after 709 turns.

Epidemics, deaths due to dangerous work or illnesses resulting from poor and unhealthy working conditions "cost dearly". And if I'm not mistaken, it still does in various places around the world....

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Post #3
Updated Nov 6, 2024
Updated May 31, 2023
Updated Aug 2, 2023

In general about the use of resources: It is only possible to "consume" 3 different resources and - as far as I can only guess (I haven't tried) - only 3 different new resources can be produced in a converter-building.

Use of resources in ConverterBuildings:

As I already have written in the official R:I thread, I do miss some basic "converter" resources. As I'm not able to add new resources, I have been "forced" to rethink the use of the existing.

Let's "follow" how the ressource PrimeTimber end up as Naval (Supplies) in my game:

You have the ressurce PrimeTimber somewhere on the map. You build the improvement LoggingCamp upon the ressource. Here I take it, that this is the place, where the "crude" lumber is "processed" to Timber (as this is the word, that is used in the CIV4BuildingInfos.xml file). Naval in my game is timber processed and "consumed" by a carpenter/sawmill and turned into boards or planks.

The Carpenter consumes 1 Timber and produces 2 Naval. When a Sawmill is available, it consumes 1 Timber produces 3 Navals (more), because more boards and planks are needed in the cities later on due to many larger buildings and specially because many military buildings consumes a considerable amount of "Navals". You will most often not be able to build all key-buildings in all your cities when playing as I do in my spin-off.

But Naval is also Hemp (Cannabis) processed to ropes (for ship rigging), whereas Cotton has been "moved" in that sense, that it isn't used for naval equipment anymore. More on this later.

Edited, Aug 1, 2023 - updated Nov 6, 2024.
Spoiler Timber --> Naval : Carpenter - Sawmill :



Carpenter - mainchanges: This building is not going to become obsolete. Actually only a few buildings will.

Because I use Masonry in different quantities for different buildings, I made a lttle change for the Stonecutter, the Brickwork and the Cement Factory.
Edited, Aug 2, 2023 - updated Nov 6, 2024.
Spoiler Stone/Coal --> Masonry : Stonecutter - Brickwork - Cement Factory :




i guess I'm going to change the outcome for the StoneCutter from 6 Masonry to 4 (done in my latest ajustments). Same time I ajusted the production from the BrickWork and added the Cement Factory to this "building-line"..

Since iron (and later steel) is one of the most important raw materials in this game, then the Iron --> Steel buildings/factories have seen some changes too..

Edited, Aug 2, 2023
Spoiler A little specialty about how Pig_Iron ends up as Steel :

See a ironmine shouldn't provide useful iron, but more a kind of pig iron. That pig iron should then be processed in a forge... So how to manage that?

Well I put 1 iron and 1 timber in and take 2 iron out. Due to my changes later in the game I need more iron than a normal setup normally would give. But to let a forge just double the number of iron is...... well, just let us say Stupid, because that is the right word. No, instead I limit the number of forges and number of processed iron by the use of a PrimeTimber resource. "Keine hexerei nur behändigkeit" as we say (also in Denmark).



Moved, Jun 8, 2024.
Edited, Aug 1, 2023.

I have decided to implement some more significant effects from healthgiving ressources and buildings - and bad health, sickness and epidemics for the more dangerous kind of work and buildings, but this have not been implemented in full yet. But it will be - as soon as it's possible (I'm limited in making changes to buildings/units, that already exist in my current testgame - I can always make changes forward in time, but not always backwards).

Added, Jun 8, 2024.
Most of above is now implemented upto and including Renaissance Era. I still have some loose ends and smaller corrections, but they will come. Gradually. In due time. Sometimes. When I find a reason. Perhaps.
Another big task will be to changes the text in the civilopedia. Again a job to be done in the future. Actually, I didn't intend to change this extensive "work", but Walter's latest announcement that there will definitely not be a new version - it has made me change my mind.

Added, Jun 8, 2024.
Well, since above was written, a new version was released. And I know several more major or minor changes to this one are also ready and currently being tested. And as far as I can read, it doesn't end here. So the thing about updating Civiloperia - it is "archived" for now.
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Post #4
OBS! Changes are made to the game and tested - this post will be updated in a few days.
Updated Aug 2, 2023

Use of resources in naval buildings:

Now you need - really need :aargh: - resources to build certain buildings and train certain units. And be prepared - you will probably not be able to build each and every building in each and every city........

Edited, Aug 2, 2023
Spoiler The Fishing Docks and the Harbor :



Pls note that a Harbor is required to train "WarGalley" and "Galleass". And pls also note already now, that a "Galleass" also requires Gunpowder (both the tech and the ressource) to be made.

Also pls note, that the risk associated with a life near and/or at sea is dealt with via Events.

Updated Aug 2, 2023
Spoiler Shipyard - On the way to the deep sea..... :


Updated Aug 2, 2023
Spoiler Drydock and Industrial Shipyard :



The Drydock "shapes" the ships - the Industrial Shipyard make them better, faster and more dangerous (with more experience-points). Industrial Shipyard cannot be builded without a Drydock.
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Post #5
Updated Aug 9, 2023

Buildings with either a complete new purpose - or a somewhat changed/expanded purpose:

Since I do not have a food resource which represents one of the first long-lasting (and transportable) types of food needed for say soldiers on march, traders, seamen etc... I had to find a buildingrype, that could be used for this. My choice fell on the CannedFoodFactories, which we have in 4 different versions.

Updated Aug 9, 2023
Updated Aug 2, 2023
Spoiler Canned Food Factory - Now buildings are distribuated in time from the Ancient Era to the Industial Era. :

Earliest CFF is needed shortly after you have established your nation. Without this building, your barracks will not work (you can't build any barracks before you have this building) as this "canned" food is all your hungry soldiers gets to eat.

For one-or-another reason, I do not get all info for this page. Do not know why...... But you might see/read that the more types of grain, that are in your granary, the faster the population of your town will grow.

Same "food-support" goes for the CFF, that work together with your Smokehouse.

3rd. CFF is a little special - I wanted to have more Tuna as a tradegood - I didn't want to "settle" with what I could get from The Tsukiji Fish Market........ Besides this makes Fish a little more valueable.......

4th CFF: I'm not sure this is how it will look like when finished - have to make up my mind regarding the Supermarket first.

New Aug 9, 2023
Spoiler And what do we want to drink to the dinner? :

The 3 distilleries are more-or-less as in my post dated Mar 24, 2023 in the official RI thread. I have reduced the output a little, but that's about all. My comments are posted in the said post from Mar 24.



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Post #6
Added Jun 8, 2024
New Jun 7, 2023

This post will be dedicated to changes of military buildings and pre-req for units.

Siegeweapons will be grouped into sections:
  1. Ancient to medieval, based on (Prime)Timber.
  2. Medieval to rennaissance, bombards/cannons, based on Bronze or Iron and BlackPowder.
  3. Early industrial, based on Iron or Steel. Standardized cannons.
  4. Modern, self-propelled artillery.
Spoiler Siegeweapons under section 1: Wodden siegeweapons including worldunit Heliopolis. :

Majorchanges: Neither Trebuchet nor Heliopolis can be upgraded to Bombard.

Heliopolis has been upgraded to a more powerfull siegeweapon with some changes. Guess a Hediopolis could be dismantled and transported from one place to another as other wodden siegeweapons, then the impassable features (swamps, forest and jungle) has been removed. <iCombat> value 5 and <iBombardRate> value 10 (same as Trebuchet).
Added Jun 8, 2024. Also see Post #1.
Spoiler Siegeweapons under section 2 Medieval to rennaissance, bombards/cannons, based on Bronze or Iron and BlackPowder and 3: Early industrial, based on Iron or Steel standardized cannons.. :

I believe I saw Walter wrote some time ago, that he might take a (new?) look at this issue. However I can't get this out of my mind, so while I'm waiting for what-ever comes up, I going to make a new try for a work-around, that gives the AI-bombards, AI_
-cannons and AI-artillery ability to attack an enemy just as Human-controlled units can.

Now, If I somehow could "give" the AI a more than just fair chance to survive a preemptive attack, I would call it a success. The idea is that a preemptive attack from the AI should "replace" the passive bombardment humans can do. Humans can of course also use this work-around, but personally I doubt I will, since this comes with a risk of loosing your unit. Even if the risk is very small, it's still a risk.

n my latest "attempt" to find something useful, I changed the <bOnlyDefensive> from 1 (the siegeunits cannot attack) to 0 (the siegeunits can attack) and the <iWithdrawalProb> from 0 (the siegeunits cannot retreat) to 66 for Bombards and 80 for cannons (66% respective 80% chance for retreat). It is now tested and it works apparently. The result was quite promising I think - although the AI is still at a disadvantage compared to Humans when it comes to battles in the open. I guess this disadvantage will be smaller if I raise the <iWithdrawalProb> value to the highest possible.

Therefore next test will be a try to raise the default value for <iWithdrawalProb> from 90 (90 is max today - this value comes from the GlobalDefines.xlm in the ..\Assets\XML\ lib in the BtS-expansion itself) to 100. Wonder if the game-engine will accept this - but I will find out I think.......... If not I can try with 99. Else I have to "settle" with the default of 90.

Work-arounds for both im-mobile fortificated units and units with ranged attacks 2 tiles away will still be pending though.


Spoiler PowderMill - changes: Tech-placement and use of bonus :

<PrereqAndTechs> changed from <TechType>TECH_ARQUEBUS</TechType> to <TechType>TECH_BLACK_POWDER</TechType>

<ConsumesBonuses> and <ProducesBonus> changed

Spoiler Arsenal - changes: Tech-placement and use of bonus :

<PrereqAndTechs> changed from <TechType>TECH_BLACK_POWDER</TechType> to <TechType>TECH_ARQUEBUS</TechType>

Arsenals now consumes bonuses, their number will therefore become limited and an arsenal will (most likely) not be available for every city.
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Post #7
Updates comming soon

Spoiler Workshop - from a small pre-factory to a vital military building :

This building had always annoyed me - I found it almost redundant and didn't use it. But now..... seems like an early military academy and can only be built in very limited numbers.....


Spoiler Stable - Horses - Moved Jun 7, 2023 :

Most new mounted soldiers need a horse (sorry, but I do not have any camels on stock right now)..... therefore any stable kind of "consumes" a horse . A very few nations (still) have their own way to do this (default feature). However, there is a way to produce more horses - use of a large stable (The Elephant Stable - read more about this in the next post)


Spoiler Large Stable (horse breeder) - Elephants. Edited: June 7, 2023 :

The large stable or as it is called in the building.xml - an ELEPHANT_STABLE - is excellent for breeding horses (I think). So here we go:

As soon as you have knowledge of ElephantTaming, you can build this large stable - if you have the resources needed - Naval, and Masonry for the building, wheat for the food and."a" horse to represent the "MotherHorse".
To train the Warelephants? Well you need the specific resource - the elephant itself - for that. The elephant is a prereq bonus for all types of war-elephants. Nothing new here.
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Post #8
Updated Aug 15, 2024
Updated Mar 16, 2024
Updated Nov 19, 2023
Updated Nov 15, 2023
New Aug 9, 2023

I still can't say I'm finished with my changes (will I ever be :confused: ). At least I know already, that "something" more will be changed for the industrial and modern eras.

Spoiler Technology - when can we do what - in a somewhat modified version :









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Post #9
New Nov 7, 2024 - to be continued today.

I have made several changes to the Routesystem. Changes are made to this file: .....\XML\Units\CIV4BuildInfos.xlm. The speed (number of tiles) units can move are in this file: .....\XLM\Misc\CIV4RouteInfos.xml, more specific in these lines: <iMovement>60</iMovement> and <iFlatMovement>60</iFlatMovement> (values are for Cart_Paths).

First I want Cart_Paths to be available only few turns after the gamestart (if "you" start with the needed tech that is). Start tech: TECH_ANIMAL_HUSBANDRY. Right now default buildtime value for <iTime> is 80 for making a Cart_Path in open terrain. I might reduce this a bit more to say 50 or 60 - don't know yet.

2nd. is Roads. Start tech: TECH_ROADBUILDING, default buildtime value is <iTime> 250.

3rd. is Paved_Roads. Start tech: TECH_CIVIL_INDUSTRY, default buildtime value is <iTime> 700. Here I already have postponed the time of when to build a Paved Road to the tech "Civil Industry" - although I would prefer it to be placed even later in time. Reason for this? It's simply because I can't "stand the sight" of a modern road network (with left- or right-turn lanes "pulled out" and then to be crossed over or under the road itself) this early in the game.
Spoiler How Paved_Roads are connected today - and how I would like to see them :


See??? This kind of roadnet comes much too early in the game. I would like to see this as a ModernRoad.

This roadnet is fine as it is. This should last to late MedivalEra. From there and to late IndustrialEra I would like to see a roadnet mixed between this - something like this below.....

Much more "simple" - not straith roads but still not with that many curves. And of course - the color of the PavedRoads. If possible, this type of road might be "granted" for a few civilizations somewhat earlier (like the Romans). And units should of course move a bit faster than on the older roadnet.

4th. is Modern_Road. Start tech: TECH_ASSEMBLY_LINE, default buildtime value is <iTime> 1200. This is actual the German Unique-improvement Route_Highway, that I have made buildable for all civs.

5th is Railroad. Start tech: TECH_RAILROAD, default buildtime value is <iTime> 1500. I have not done anything special with the railroad itself - but I have made a little twist. It's not possible to build a Railstation in a city if the city is placed on an island smaller than 30 tiles (<iMinAreaSize>30</iMinAreaSize>). Reason? I say it's Nuts to "upgrade" a road to a railroad on small islands - but I can't prevent it. But I can prevent the AI to build a railstation on such small islands with limited space/tiles.

6th is Railroad. Start tech: TECH_RAILROAD_ELECTRIC, default buildtime value is <iTime> 2000. Comments same as for Railroads.

7th is Canal. It's not a route - and then it is (remember I use the ChineseCanal as an ordinary inland seaway for ships and not for irrigation). Start tech: TECH_MECHANICAL_ENGINEERING. default buildtime value is <iTime> 3000. Max.length 2 tiles (replaces the use of Forts)) and can be made on flatlands only. Must start and end at sea or at lake tiles.

Routes made in terrain with features such as Scrub, Savanna, Forest, Jungle and (worst) Swamp takes longer time to make/construct.
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Post #10
New Aug 4, 2023

A special area about what makes "the general population" happy or unhappy has been on my mind for a long time.

As I see it, there are 2 major "areas" that determine this, namely what kind of government/leadership we have and what are the future prospects.

As for the leadership of a country, it all depends on the trust of "the people". For example a barracks or a jail under an autocratic or dictatorial regime will probably not be the most trust-building institutions, while the same functions will mean something completely different to the population of a more "locally-governed" or more "democratic" country with a constitution and legislation, which is not just changed if/or the government/leadership wants it.

The above part will be "addressed" via the Government part of the Civics - most likely as posted below....

Spoiler Happiness and Unhappiness under different governments - the Civics :

New Aug 4, 2023

What so say here? Well - no need to be happy, no need to be unhappy - life just goes on the best it can :sarcasm:.


Our leader think he/she knows best - always:sad:. Well, we are happy for the walls - that keep the barbarians and most robbers out:deadhorse:. We are happy for the PrintShops - because the government can't control all:high5:........ We don't trust our Courthouses and we fear the jails:faint:


We love our local autonomy and our local Mayor :agree:- though this cannot protect us from some corrupt judges:deal::whipped:. The jails? Well - they are not the best places to come:vomit:.


Again - the jails could be better:splat:.


Long live the King/Queen:sheep:. And f.ck with their soldiers and jails:c5angry:


If we believe in the true religion:confused: - of course we do. Or it will be worst for ourselves:trouble:.


:yeah::yup::yumyum: - :nope:


:run: - while you can - :ar15:
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Post #11
New Aug 5, 2023

The second part of above is how the cities grows.

Some buildings brings happiness, some makes citizens sad. Common is, that "happy" buildings on what I would call "level 1" sometimes gives 1 "happy face", no matter how many different valueable ressources that this building "offers" the citizens. Buildings level 2 and 3 gives always 1 or 2 happy faces.

Spoiler Buildings - development from the oldest kind to the most modern - from Weaver to Designer Outlet :

New Aug 5, 2023

Weaver's Shop is no longer limited to 3 buildings. Now it's a common building, that can be placed in every small or big city.


The Tailor "needs" 3 weavers work and a good hunter to back-up a production. As a Tailor is able to provide clothes and some luxuries, it makes the city more attractive - and (some) people happy... Later the Tailor will be able to get fabric from a Textile Mill for more clothes for the citizens.


- A small update for this building is needed - the requirement for "Weaver's Shop" will be deleted as - if you actually made a calculation - should have been at least 9 due to the 3 Tailors -
Designer Outlet - more exclusive, more expensive.......
Common for all above is: Money makes the world go a'round.

Spoiler From Market to Supermarket - under development :


I'm working on a connection for a "Market under the open sky" and the City Square - and that way move the trade wíth Horses, Cattle, Sheeps etc. from the market to there.



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As for 4: I can only repeat. All what is needed is part of this mod-pack: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/dales-combat-mod-bts-3-19.440557/ . Seems that it is allowed to use what-ever made here - as long as credit is given to the developer. Seems fair to me.

And as long as the AI is able to handle, what I'm doing, I'm going to see how far I can go. Remember I can't do any useful programming in any language except in XML (which hardly can be considered a serious programming language).

I fear you'll have to scrap number 4 then, or find someone who can do it for you as DCM requires dll coding and it's not pretty easy I think. And I'm not sure AI can handle all the features of DCM so that it can really improve the game or make it harder. Probably more enjoyable from a player's perspective because you have more things to do, but not sure it could make the mod better.
I fear you'll have to scrap number 4 then, or find someone who can do it for you as DCM requires dll coding and it's not pretty easy I think.

For me, it's more a mix between a (strong) wish and a statement, because I know I can't do it myself.- but maybe someday, someone would pick up such a challenge. :help:

And I'm not sure AI can handle all the features of DCM
Maybe not all the features, but I know it can handle the most important part - the passive bombardment of an attacker (or defender). Take a look at the screenshots here (my post dated 5. June 2022 https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/realism-invictus.411799/page-425

This mod doesn't leave the AI totally behind the moment the human learn about gunpowder as it did "in the good old days" :spear:.not at all. But it still feels a little "unfair" to use a "feature", that the AI can't use.
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DCM works pretty well, it's included in the mod that I've contributed developing in the past years, Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn. Still, it's pretty hard to make AI understand what's the best decision in many cases; sometimes you have to settle for something between adding a feature that gives you something more to do in the game and not spoiling AI because it doesn't have a clue on how to use your brand new feature. I've always been a fan of less-is-more than more-is-more. I prefer a few working features than a ton of partially working ones. But hey, that's me and I know there are people that prefer the other way around (Caveman2Cosmos comes to mind).
The map is almost ready.

Mapsize 144*120 with 6887 landtiles (will probably change a little due to fine-ajustments during the final setup). 18 starting nations, all from Europe, Middleeast and Africa. Starting locations will be placed, so even the game will be on a fantasy-map, all nations will have their "natural" neighbors. I need to make some changes for the Bantu tribe (add some african style units) and change a trait for their leader - I can't have a leader with a Hunter-Gatherer trait (that's unfair).

Spoiler Settings :


Special "feature" for the Barbarians. They will keep spawning until the very last, but they will not be able to make any cities - to get one, they will have to conquer it. Therefore I will not see city-names, that doesn't "fit in" - at least that is what I expect.
Special for all nations: Starting units 1 warrior and 1 settleer only. No starting techs for any.
All nations will get 2 copper, 2 limestone, 2 prime timber and 2 wheat within a reasonable distance from their starting location. Simply because some of the vital buildings in the ancient era consumes such resources.and produce other just as needed in the first couple of milleniums. 1 iron will also be available somewhere within reasonable reach.

Guess that is all for now.

Edit: Ohh, I nearly forgot. I used the SmartMap_mst.py to make the map. I have done that many times before with no problems. But this time I used a special feature in the script. Seems like it sometimes makes scrub, swamps, fertile soil (both types) and canal to become separated from the surface - like hanging over it like a cloud.... Fortunately, it's something that can be solved relatively easily, so it's okay. The alternative would be to make a completely new map...... and that takes quite a few days....I'll post a screenshot below next time I'll see it. Just for your amusement.
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Game started and first wolf skinned.


As you can see, my preferred first promotion for scouts is LandTactics, followed by ForwardObservers. That's the fastest way - I think - to get control over what's going to become my homeland. Specially when babarians are active........

Turn 92: First babarian warrior seen. Time to withdraw my scouts a bit.
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Looks like all got a fair start - good.

Spoiler Revealed world :


And I got my first gold coins (yeahhh, it's the first time (I think) I play without the TribalVillages active). 80 shillings directly into my empty treasure chest (I lost the race for the Stonehenge a few turns after this screenshot.....). Now I'm trying with the Pyramids instead.

Turn 148: Ohh well. 285 more gold - the Pyramids are gone aswell now.
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The first steps towards a proff. army. When time comes, I'm able to construct a barrack.

Spoiler The way to a barrack :


And the carpenter makes naval (replacement for planks, boards and other wooden building materials) for my first food-producing building.

Then the Food producing building makes long lasting food fx. dried or smoked meat and fish and bread for the comming soldiers. But before that, there is a long way to go before that barrack can be made.


Ohhh, did you see that with pottery? Soon we are able to make a great party :grouphug:with booze and subsequent hangovers:thumbsdown:. Well, it looks like we can brew vodka, but..... at this point it's probably just fermented grain, which with a little luck doesn't kill the partygoers completely :faint:......


And finally my first barrack. Soon I will have skilled troops - not yet battlehardened as my militia, but ready to meet even more skilled barbarians (and other enemies).
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Turn 219: Got it! The Moai Statues.
And as time goes by my gold reserve is slowly diminishing.... I can't even pay for the grain some thieves and robbers have honestly stolen from me......
Spoiler Highway robbery in broad daylight :


But my military training facilities are increasing year by year. Good to have some usable wood for good bows and arrows.
Spoiler First archery :


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