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Race to the Newworld - Conquests

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    Votes: 6 50.0%

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Oct 7, 2001
The map is small with 8 starting islands. A number of early contest islands (two are heavily populated by barbs - good for making privateers). And the Newworld.

The map was designed with 8 starting places. but I allowed up to 31 civs. During testing the other civs spread to the Newworld and create opponents on the starting islands. This map uses default rules. That means the HOF works!

Lots of barbarian camps and goody huts...

Version 2h is the third public version. I have not tested it for multiplayer play - I would like to hear from multiplayer crowd.

Version 2m is the fourth public version.

Later, after minor changes are complete, I will post an altered rules version for more amphibious units and rebalanced naval warfare.
8 civ start AI builds 6 cities per island. The new edit fixes a map error in version h - there was some missing marsh tiles which caused scewed city placement. I would love to get some feedback from some of the high scorers at this site (even a high scoring save if possible).

It took many revisions to get the max cities per island. Unfortunately, had to use marsh to prevent AI from building in "bad" locations.


Version h had 147 downloads replaced with m on 9/12/04


8 civ start


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Interesing map.

Advice: Give it a bit more feel. Shape it more, give it more character, not so geometrical like :D It would give the map more appeal.
Thanks for the feedback

I tried to give more variation in earlier versions of this current version. Unfortunately the AI placement of cities was driving me insane. To keep my sanity and still have the AI place cities in a reasonable manner, I had to keep scaling back on the interesting aspects of the map - with the current map as the result.

In earlier versions of the map, the AI would place anywhere from 4-6 cities per start island. Now it places 6 per start island fairly consistantly (except for portugal - for some reason they are the only ones I found so far that are placing 5 cities).

It is also geometrical so that I can keep track of the number of sea squares between land masses. My goal was to have a non-huge map with an interesting race to the new world goal - along with the ability to play vs. 31 civs.

This meant that things had to be fairly tight - limiting the variations in shape.
Yes I would agree, but are you going for a map where you rule what goes on always? lol. In life here on Earth some countries grow big, others smaller. God granted us freedoms to do what we wish. Are you going for a dictorial God-mode world? lol j/k lol its a great map. You do what You want, I'm sure what you pick will be great.

What I would do: This is only my opinion on what I would do if I was makeing this map, its just to spring up more ideas. fisrt I WOULD give the map more character, makeing the countries have to make do with what they have, just because one country has more cities doesnt mean its any better (at least not in my opinoin :D lol) Then i would edit the game rules (to make it more appealing to the other members of the forum, A map can be made by anyone, give them something they DONT have and they'll take it (also you'll like it better) "So what do I change" you might ask. I would suggest looking back during previous games and think: what flaws do I see in the game? How can I change them

Example: Say you dont like that the swordsman has only has 3 attack and 2 defence, prehaps you think it should have 4 attack and 3 defence.

But the rules change doesnt just have to appy to the units, broden your horizon! think outside the box! lol. Add a new government, this isn't earth, why should there always be the same governments (always personally wanted to make a new government that combines Communism and Democracy that would be pretty twisted but awsome! lol) Do what YOU think would be best. [But dont give the AI too much of a disadvantage lol, dont make it too easy]

Well I hoped I helped out, let me know If I did.
Oh, One more thing, couldn't you just pre-set the cities in Civ3QEdit if you want them in a certain way???
Could you please tell me which post contains the Latest version of your map, I'll give it a go and let you know (hey that rhymes!) Give me a link and i'll download it, I noticed you have 2 forums for this map (least i think) tell me where to download.
Version 2h is the latest version - and this is the thread to get it.

There are plenty of maps that have unequal starting positions - I wanted one that had semi-equal starting positions (difference is only resources). With no rules changes I think it is a good map for seeing how the AI works and gives every AI a chance to build up defenses before getting snuffed out.

With no rules changes - I can play the map over and over again to see how much I improve overtime since all the scores will be recorded in the HOF.

As stated above there will be a rules mod version to beef up navy stats (among other things).
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