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Radical Earth - 18civ (52x32 & 64x40)


Oct 7, 2001
These are my Radical Earth maps... The goal? To get all the civs onto an earth map small enough to play on non-uber computers. This involves shrinking and expanding different landmasses so that civs have room to build (or not). It was inspired by my RAZzical Earth Maps - which were inspired by The Raz's original map (link available - in my Conquests map thread)

There are two sizes of this map offered:
The Small 64x40 map. I attempted to place resources required for Unique Units... I tried to place most of the wonder building resources in the ancient world (with a few exceptions based on actual wonder location).
The Tiny 52x32 map. Similar resource tendancies as above

Please feel free to leave constructive comment or if you see any resource errors concerning unique units.

BTS versions coming soon
An 18 civ version of the map is now available at the bottom of this post ( RadEarth_52x32_BTS_no_mod beta2c.rar) - it is beta and I will update it as I play through it and find problems. See post #71 for more details.

Here is the new lineup for the 18 civ BTS version:
spain, france, rome, england, viking, germany, aztec, egypt, zulu, russia, sumerian, china, usa, japan, maya, india, persia, greece.
Spoiler :

old version of a 34+ civ mod map Beta 1m7 version available in post 64 - must use a 40mod dll for now. Pics of starting area in post 65 and 66

The 2006 versions:
64x40_3o This is the one posted 7/22/06
52x32_2q. This one was not updated to version 3 due to losing interest in cIV and slideshow slowness on my laptop after one of the patchs in 2006
Beta version of 52x32_3 available for Warlords mod - Earth24 (or anyone that has modded warlords to be able to play 24 civs)
ps - thanks to yame 0.92 editor for not making me want to gouge my eyes out! The 2006 versions would not have been available without it.

Edit - version b of both files replaced with under 5 downloads - relocated Mali to west africa... in 52x32 fattened up west africa - also added ivory to map

version 52x32_ver1d had 31 downloads
version 52x32_2k had 16 downloads
version 64x40_2c had 205 downloads
Version 52x32_2m had 110 downloads fixes errors in setup (removing gameturn limit and removing noble settings from AI)
Version 64x40_2n had 806 downloads (428 for the aggro) It was a rebuild from near scratch... more mountain ranges and some out of character floodplain features to ensure that the AI builds cities in semi-appropriate places aggressively.
Version 64x40_3j had 76 downloads (61 for the aggro) - this was a test release - Europe expanded - Africa expanded - resources shifted... barbarian cities added at locations for future warlords release...

Version 52x32_2q changes some resources near greek start (they now have copper) and tried some out of character floodplain features to make AI build second city faster... Aztec start moved north west. Spain start area may be revisited in next release.
Version 64x40_3o - Europe expanded - Africa expanded - South America shifted - resources shifted... barbarian cities added at locations for future warlords release and others.

Version 52x32_3_WAR_betaJ2 - map for a 24civ mod. find it here - http://forums.civfanatics.com/./downloads.php?do=file&id=1797

You can find the Earth24 Mod here http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=179246 Insert my map into the private map folder within the mod.

A 34+ civ version for BTS will be available when someone gets around to releasing a modified DLL.
(the dll's have come out - see post 2)

The files below include maps for the original cIV (from 2006)
one beta version for unmodified BTS
(limited to 18 pre-selected civs in order to allow them to be placed in the correct spots).

I recommend using the MOD maps in the second post instead of the unmodded BTS version (4th file in this post) - still working on some balance issues when only the 18 civs are used.

The following file was removed to make room...
RadEarth_52x32_2q_aggro.zip (9.7 KB, 581 views)

The first 3 files here are for the original civ game.


Here are some old maps I made for civ3 (links in spoiler)

Here are some MOD versions of the current BTS map...

You will need a modified dll to run these versions - I recommend Lt Bob's 40civs mod for the 40 mod version and I include a link to his thread and a shortcut to use to open the game direct to the mod when it is installed in the default place.

For the 50mod version you should be able to use any 50mod dll that uses default civs. A well supported 50mod can be found at the link below (there are probably many others).

The files are version beta2i posted 7/12/09


Mid-Game Map for 52x32_2k_aggro - played germany(grey)


  • RadEarth_52x32_2g_midgame_germplayer.JPG
    8.5 KB · Views: 10,424
midgame map for 64x40_3j - test version - played as inca -rest of world should be accurate - blank spots are barbarian cities that the ai has not gotten around to attacking effectively... c'mon AI - DO SOMETHING!!!


  • 64x40 3Jmidgamexx.jpg
    64x40 3Jmidgamexx.jpg
    38 KB · Views: 1,869
Looks cool! Nice distortion, I suppose it's a bit more fair. But Mali seems to be off. It really should be in West Africa, not in the South.
Cool :drool: At last i'm gonna take over all world with my crapy pc :king:
There was a problem with forum database, so i doubleposted accidentaly... x_x
just out of curiosity, whos who out of the grey brown and orange civs in the russia area? i guess brown is mongolia? and i assume one of grey and orange is russia.
just out of curiosity, whos who out of the grey brown and orange civs in the russia area? i guess brown is mongolia? and i assume one of grey and orange is russia.
The colors are default assigned...

Lormax said:
What happened to South America?
Land masses are skewed

One major error in earlier versions - HOF would score the maps as standard size - the new 52x32_2k map (just posted) is appropriately labeled "tiny" in HOF

New version just posted...

ps - last couple games played with aggro - the AI likes to pick fights at that setting
Love the map!

Not sure about hardcoding the # of turns in the map though. Playing an epic game, I was surprised to see "100 turns left" in 900 AD or so...
narmox said:
Love the map!

Not sure about hardcoding the # of turns in the map though. Playing an epic game, I was surprised to see "100 turns left" in 900 AD or so...

Thanks for reply - I will see if removing that line will still let it work... now that you mention that - noble is set for the individual AI's... I had assumed that when it gave you game settings choices at start up - that it would allow you to override...

Thanks for the heads up...

EDIT - new version up...
Craterus22 said:
Thanks for reply - I will see if removing that line will still let it work... now that you mention that - noble is set for the individual AI's... I had assumed that when it gave you game settings choices at start up - that it would allow you to override...

Thanks for the heads up...

EDIT - new version up...

Sweet. Gonna try the new version once I'm done with this Egypt game (I edited the file mysefl to make it epic /650 turns - I hope epic IS 650 turns.. ;) )
the new version works great :D Though I had my first ever crash playing it as England - I doubt it was related to the map.

BTW, it's great that for once an Earth map (combined with civ4's engine) makes playing as the English a viable option.
narmox said:
the new version works great :D Though I had my first ever crash playing it as England - I doubt it was related to the map.

BTW, it's great that for once an Earth map (combined with civ4's engine) makes playing as the English a viable option.

I have attempted to make both England and Japan playable on this small map... the ai seems to handle England ok, but does not build out Japan as I would expect (I even put oil on the north island in an attempt to make them put a city there - no luck - will revisit them in a later version.)

I have attempted to have a "suez canal" by having egypt build a city in the right spot... same with panama (but I have not confirmed success in latest version).

Almost all of my testing is on quick settler... I will be upping difficulty level (for myself) soon, but appreciate any constructive feedback concerning AI placement of cities (French and Rome are first on the list, followed by Japan) or performance issues on the alternate length games
Craterus22 said:
I have attempted to make both England and Japan playable on this small map... the ai seems to handle England ok, but does not build out Japan as I would expect (I even put oil on the north island in an attempt to make them put a city there - no luck - will revisit them in a later version.)

Japan seems to develop quite a small empire, usually larger than China. I don't remember if they settle that small island.

Egypt builds a city in that Suez canal area I think, though I'm not sure if it's in the correct spot. In my game as Egypt though, it was Persia that settled there, took my horses, so I had to conquer it ;)

France and Rome, I haven't seen them get more than one city yet.

EDIT: except that time Russia conquered Germany and Hamburg revolted and joined France, and then I as Egypt conquered Spain and one city fell to the French culture while Madrid revolted and joined the Romans...
Some more thoughts and comments:

- copper south of Italy on the north African coast: I'm not sure about this one. The AI never gets to it because it always falls under Roman cultural control but there's never enough land around it for Rome to found a city. Even if they did, it would surely be hammered by Egypt/Mali's culture.

Human player has very little chance to get it too, for the same reason. As Egypt or Mali you can send your first settler in that area in order to found a poor city that will produce bulidings slowly because of the desert and will be under the roman influence sooner or later, meanwhile losing better city spots.

Besides, Egypt without copper is kinda cool. Makes it a challenge and perhaps more realistic (I never heard of Egypt axemen tearing through the african continent...)

- Japan: The AI doesn't know in advance where resources are, so it doesn't even think about settling that little island with the oil...

- Egypt: it does seem like they settle that little Suez area. If they don't (I didn't when playing as Egypt) then Persia will :D

- Arabia: They seem to always be stuck down there (at Noble level) and do nothing the whole game.

- Aggressive AI: love it. Never played a game with it before, but I LOVE it!

- Oceans: contact between americas and the old world happens too soon. Heck Japan even settles Hawaii or something, while America wil settle Iceland if England doesn't do it first. This may or may not be your goal for this map, just thought I'd mention it. It'd be cool if the oceans were larger (while keeping the exact same landmasses) to make this contact come later.

- Rome: whoa. I just played my first ever game with the Romans where I decided to rush for Praetorians... All of Europe fell before 100 BC (except for England), then Russia lost their capital and 2 cities before 1000 AD. Too bad the AI never does a rush like that.

- Even though the map is really small, I still feel like it's a very big world. For most of the ancient and middle ages, I don't even care about what happens over in asia if I'm playing in Europe or Africa. It seems like they're so far away, and there's so much happening "locally". That's probably because there's so many civs in a crowded area. Good job :D
Craterus22 said:
My first attempt was with the 64x40 map. It crashes repeatedly near the end game for me (most likely due to my low-end computer). I would appreciate feedback (especially if you have a higher end computer and it crashes). I tried to group resources so that there would be a reason to trade - I also attempted to place resources required for Unique Units... I will most likely revisit this map when I get a better computer (or a patch resolves issues for lower end computers).

Here is some great news for me. I down loaded the above map (64x40) and I have made it all the way to 1820 without a crash so far.

Never before have I got passes 1500AD before the game become unbearable with Hard Crashes and BSODs. So thanks for that I can now play the game.

Unfortunately its midnight here now so I have to save and go to bed so it will probably crash tomorrow when I start up. I only played on 2nd easiest lvl as it has been my first real game, even then I have not really been able to enjoy it as I have been hammering through the years seeing if it will crash.

If all goes well will try it again, who knows it may well be the only map I ever get to play on this game. :goodjob: Thanks again........
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