Radical Earth - 18civ (52x32 & 64x40)

Fantastic concept, I'm really looking forward to playing on an Earth map that doesn't disadvantage European civs.

Have you considered making a similiarly distorted map at larger sizes though? My motivation for playing on this map is the balanced gameplay rather than the promise of lower technical requirements and personally I'd prefer a standard-sized map.
Well looking back over the thread it seems you're not interested in doing more rad maps so forget my previous comment.

There seems to be a problem with the Americans on the standard small-sized maps though (maybe on the tiny map too; I haven't tried). They just don't appear at all :(.
Well a larger size map wouldn't be radical anymore. It's "radical" because it's small and crams 18 civs in that little space :)
lumpthing said:
Well looking back over the thread it seems you're not interested in doing more rad maps so forget my previous comment.

There seems to be a problem with the Americans on the standard small-sized maps though (maybe on the tiny map too; I haven't tried). They just don't appear at all :(.

I will revisit these maps someday... I will probably stick to small and tiny maps. If you want to make a standard map along these lines - feel free (put it in this thread or create your own).

I am currently playing around with the civfanatics HOF scoreboard. I am dreading working on the maps again only because I have not found a good map editor yet.
Craterus22 said:
I will revisit these maps someday... I will probably stick to small and tiny maps. If you want to make a standard map along these lines - feel free (put it in this thread or create your own).

I am currently playing around with the civfanatics HOF scoreboard. I am dreading working on the maps again only because I have not found a good map editor yet.

No problems - I don't blame you. But could you please tell me how to find out the x,y co-ordinates of a plot? I really want to fix the Americans problem on your standard map and figure it may be something to do with their starting position.
lumpthing said:
No problems - I don't blame you. But could you please tell me how to find out the x,y co-ordinates of a plot? I really want to fix the Americans problem on your standard map and figure it may be something to do with their starting position.

I normally count squares... you can use the game world editor to count out where you want to move the start to (up 1, right 1 for example) and then change the start position in the file using notepad (american start of 11,21 would change to 12,22 using example below).

tiny map
StartingX=11, StartingY=21

hypothetical change
StartingX=12, StartingY=22

ps - not really a change I would suggest - just made it up1 right 1 to make it so numbers made sense.
lumpthing said:
There seems to be a problem with the Americans on the standard small-sized maps though (maybe on the tiny map too; I haven't tried). They just don't appear at all :(.

Really? I will have to check it out... normally americans are one of my test civs and the first one i notice if something goes wrong. They often dominate due to the room they have for expansion.

You may have made me play my own map again after a month of playing custom worlds... though I have gotten the itch again to fiddle with it - just no time in real life... play for fun or play to fix the map... lately play for fun has won out.
I know what you mean about time. After getting hopelessly addicted I've had to limit myself to five hours civ-playing a week.

Anyway you deserve some play for fun after your services to civilization :D

I'm happy to count the plots but I don't know where to count from horizontally. Where is the left edge of the map on a cylinder-shaped world?? The Americans just don't appear at all so it's not like I can count from their current starting position. I did change the Americans' leader to Roosevelt but I don't see why that would make any difference.
Hmm been looking for a world map where England is a realistic civ above monarch.

Gonna give it a try thanks..2 cities a civ looks normal on here?
Sorry for my english but i'm french :crazyeye:

I would like to thank you Craterus22 !!! Just because I have poor resources on my laptop (16Mo of video memory with my Geforce4 420 Go), I was limited to Demo (with unlimited turns :D ). Yesterday I download your map et yesterday evening I was really happy to play another map with much more civilizations ! I chose Greek and I was surprised to see those number of civilizations so near.

I was obliged to :nuke: some of them :lol:


lumpthing said:
I did change the Americans' leader to Roosevelt but I don't see why that would make any difference.

If you had a typo in the name it might have not put the pieces on the board.

Glad people are enjoying the maps (I am also a laptop guy - it was the main reason I made the map!)... I have actually not played the game for around a month or so (since soon after 1.52 patch)... the game is unplayable for me due to slideshow slowness - a feature that was not present in earlier patches... :rolleyes:

I am getting the itch to work on this map again - i will be looking to see if there are any map editors out there that will not drive me insane... waiting for new patch.
New version is 3j - looking for feedback - considering moving Celtic city northeast - considering rebuilding africa from scratch to make room for new civs in warlords expansion.

Only minor testing so far with regular version... the zulu barbarian city is typically destroyed in version 3j by egypt who then creates two new cities... my next version that I will be testing soon will try to make them keep it and make it tougher to conquer... still need feedack about other areas of the world though

America should be a much tougher play now... it might be too tough - two barbarian cities are proving to be too tough for the AI, not sure if this is equally tough for the human

Rome has an easy barbarian city in sicily to attack, but the AI doesn't seem to take it out and keep it - planning to revisit

have not tested aggro version in version 3j AT ALL - use at your own risk...

Enjoy! Barbarian cities inspired by Synthero's tiny realistic map... let me know if they are challenging or just annoying.

start and midgame pics on page 1 - here is a map with barb cities overlaid

edit - Just started a aggro version game - those cities pump out a HIGH amount of barb warriors to harrass player and AI... awesome!


  • 64X40_3Jstartxbarbxx.jpg
    45.7 KB · Views: 278
New releases:
64x40_3o for civ4
52x32_3_WAR_betaJ2 for Warlords with 24civ mod active.

ps - if anyone has a 32civ mod out there with extra civs included that are compatable with warlords - I would be interested in adapting this map to be compatible (prefer canada/iroquois, western native american civ, maya, viet nam, australia/polynesian and other civs - perhaps secondary american, russian, and chinese civs - duplicates with alternate leaders and reverse city naming lists)
*bump* :devil:

Cool...I was looking for something like. Has anyone tried hard coding a version of Rhye's for this map?
good map by the way but one question, why does germany start near estonia?
To give France some room to breath.
If any of you are interested to play this map 52x32 with all 24 civs and Earth fully settled with barbarians check this thread: Settled Earth. I have disabled settler unit (in fact there is no space where to build a new city) so you have only one option how to expand your empire: to conquer barbarian or other player's cities. I have also altered how the religions are founded.:king:
Here is the first official public release of the RadEarth map for BTS.

It is a map that REQUIRES a 40civ dll mod. I recommend LtBob's dll.

Later versions will insert barbarian cities for civs that will be removed to make it compatible for 18 civ "normal" play.

Keep in mind that this map is a beta I will be working on the following:
  • Starting Strengths (the following are starting too strong - USA, Mali, Kmer)
  • Resources available for each unique civ unit near start
  • Civ start locations (I am not entirely happy with the middle east starting positions - open to suggestions)
  • Also, some civs are not building second cities in positions that have room for expansion (rome) - I may consider adding barb cities as I did in earlier versions
  • I am also considering adding coastal squares to encourage portugal and dutch expansion to the islands of the new world

EDIT - it looks like there is a strange ocean tile near portugal that allows coastal movement... I am considering changing this map to 52x37 to make the oceans bigger in the next version

Please leave constructive feedback if you see something horribly wrong (incorrect terrain for a particular region or missing resource for a unique unit)


I've played the smaller map for a while and my German Empire is doing good, except for those darn Russians declaring war on me.

But I'll beat them back to Siberia soon because I got Rifling.....that everyone else already has...I've been warring too much :D After I solve the Russian conflict I'll turn my attention to puny France and Italy, they shall feel the wrath of the German Reich! Muahaha
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