Random Raves 54: You will succeed. It is inevitable.

I just remembered that I joined CFC on my 30th birthday. I can't remember why, or why that day in particular, but I remember where I was when I did it. It was on my laptop in the living room of my apartment in Philadelphia. :D
I once read an article that argued a person shouldn't try to decide what to do with his or her life until that person was 30.

You were following its advice, whether you've read that same article or not.
I just remembered that I joined CFC on my 30th birthday. I can't remember why, or why that day in particular, but I remember where I was when I did it. It was on my laptop in the living room of my apartment in Philadelphia. :D

Did you intend to give away your date of birth like that? Also, I didn't realise that you're nearly two years older than me.
Kiwi are very rare but conservation efforts numbers are trending up.

One of them has figured out how to use cat flap.
Did you intend to give away your date of birth like that?
You do know that the forum has such a thing as a birthday feature?
Sommer doesn't have his listed in his profile ;P
Very dangerous having "Random Rants" and "Random Raves" right next to each other in the thread list. Also, does it concern anyone that there are 94 threads of rants but only 54 threads of raves? We need more positivity!

I love my local brewery and how old-school and conversational it is. It's my kind of place. It ain't too far, no televisions, and pretty much everyone is there is up for conversation. There's a healthy regular crowd, the bartenders have been there forever and have the right personality to encourage conversation, and it doesn't hurt that there's a good variety of beer and it's all good. I meet locals and visitors to town, but most people have been there before even if they don't live within walking distance. Tonight I talked with one local, a couple from North Carolina who spent a couple months a year up here, and a farmer from Kansas who's also a repeat visitor.

I'd never found a spot with that atmosphere before. People tend to be happy to strike up a conversation with someone they don't know, it's basically the main feature, sit around the bar and you'll meet someone interesting. A great place to make friends.

And my favorite coffee shop is only about 97 steps away. I've seen the bartender at the coffee shop five minutes before his shift starts, or the barista at the brewery shortly after their shift. It's a great place too. Maybe not quite as good of a place to meet people, but also a great community location.
Sommer doesn't have his listed in his profile ;P
Well, OK, he'll be hunted down by a Terminator armed with a lightsabre (sic) and that'll be it.
I applied to present a panel at a convention back in June, not expecting anything to come from it, but it got approved in July and then me and the rest of the panel prerecorded our presentation at the beginning of August. From there it was just waiting until the actual convention this past weekend, where there'd be a live Q&A afterward. There were no questions, so I was able to just peace out after a couple minutes. That is probably bad from a panel perspective, but for me, who really does not thrive in a public performance setting anymore, it was nice to be able to just go.

Anyway, despite hating everything about this, it's a rave because it's a natural evolution for someone in my field, and I've avoided it these past years. Now I can say I was on a panel at a convention. Will anything come from this? Probably not! But maybe it will come in handy someday in the future and I can name-drop it, even if it's just getting approval for another panel elsewhere.
I went to my neighborhood council meeting tonight, it was a surprisingly uplifting local government meeting. Met the economic development director for the City as a whole, and I don't think I've ever met anyone who's as passionate about where they live. The level of emotion he has for his neighborhood and city is typically only encountered at funerals, and I don't think even Amy Poehler, of Parks and Recreation fame, could do his level of enthusiasm for local government justice. He did the same role for the neighborhood for a dozen years before taking his City role last fall, and the neighborhood has done great, so that increases my optimism for the City as well.
Desktop computers are the true PC master race. Just saying.
I couldn't play Civ 4 on my then laptop because of the graphics card issue. So my Civ 4 compy had to be my desktop. I installed an Nvidia card and it fixed the black scenery problem. Now I just get gaming laptops. I haven't had a desktop since that last one I used to play Civ 4.
(in hushed tones) I am sorry for your affliction, Sommerswerd.
I finally found out that there is a dating app on Facebook. Everything is free of charge there.

And I can find friends of my friends' there. When meeting new people it is a lot safer if I can get a recommendation and short bio from a common friend.

I seem to have come to peace with Asperger's once more. I was kinda diagnosed with it when I was 16. After 10+ years of therapy I thought it doesn't concern me much anymore, but
after watching many videos on Asperger's and Autism I actually still have some behaviors and thought patterns.

My company is doing fine. I have pupils from 9th, 10th, 11th grades, also from 6th grade. I teach chess to several kids twice a week.

I have re-started my studies to become a Math teacher with diploma applying to University of Latvia and joining second year students.

My darts level declined a bit during summer, but now is picking up again.

I have been on testosterone therapy for 6 months now. I have more physical strength and endurance.
From the NYT Metropolitan Diary today:

At the Cookery​

Dear Diary:
I was visiting New York City for the first time in 1981.
One place I wanted to go was the Greenwich Village restaurant the Cookery to see the blues singer Alberta Hunter perform. I had discovered her music in the movie “Remember My Name” and had then fallen in love with her album “Amtrak Blues.”
I was a scruffy 23-year-old, so I was seated way at the back of the restaurant. I ordered the cheapest thing on the menu.
Ms. Hunter was sitting alone at a banquette nearby, sizing up the audience before her set. She was a tiny woman in her 80s, wearing a glittery dress and big dangly earrings that looked like they weighed more than she did.
At one point, as I was looking for the rest room, Ms. Hunter saw me looking confused and pointed the way.

On my way back to my seat, I impulsively sat down across from her at her banquette and gushed like a fool.
I asked whether she would be singing “I’ve Got a Mind to Ramble,” my favorite song from the movie.
“Oh, dearie,” she said. “I’m afraid not.”
Later, toward the end of her set, she turned away from the microphone and said something to the band. Then she looked out to the audience and right at me.
“Son,” she said, “what song did you want me to sing?”
Everyone in the place turned around to see whom she had asked.
“‘I’ve Got a Mind to Ramble,’” I said.
“OK, boys,” she said to the band, “Let’s do that one.”
— Jeffrey Rotin
Hmmm. Oreos for breakfast.
I finally found out that there is a dating app on Facebook. Everything is free of charge there.
Do remember that this means you are the product.
I stressed for a week and stayed up until 2 am numerous nights working on a paper for grad school (currently pursuing an MLIS). This morning I saw that it had been graded for full points -- and last's night's class featured some book brochures we'd designed being shared by the teacher; mine was one of the ones the professor wanted to share. Glad to not have any pressing assignments in this class this week, but it's nice to know that I'm pulling off the semester so far.
That's an unexpectedly nice story!
Every week the (on Sunday) Metro diary publishes quick stories about living in NY.
I've accumulated way too many vacation days over the pandemic and the director of our unit has been on my case to get that number down to something reasonable. My trip to Portugal and all the days I took off to work on home renos didn't really help enough, so..

I just booked a flight to Taiwan and will be there for 4 weeks! I'm PUMPED

I'll still actually be slightly over the desired amount of vacation days in the bank after this, if you can believe it, at the end of the year at least.. but this should make the director & HR happy enough for now
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