Random Raves XVI: Runnin' Down a Dream That Never Would Come To Me

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I'm finally getting some realistic results from Madden 08! :clap: Impossible! Unheard of! (I'm still keeping 04 handy, though)
Just won an ebay auction for a new phone! It was tense, i outbid the guy in the last 10 seconds.
AHAHAHA Capstone presentation is done, it's all ponies till graduation ;)
Just finished my History project....I'm helping my teacher make a notebook that every student would copy and print, it has the basics in them

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I have a very good rave but I'm not so sure I'm allowed to post it here.
Just finished my History project....I'm helping my teacher make a notebook that every student would copy and print, it has the basics in them

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Thats interesting but I can't read it.
Suddenly, it's a shame I don't speak Bosnian. :)
1st Page translated - From Google translate very bad translation
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Social system and development of Bosnian State
Due to the influence of the East (Byzantium) and West (Hungary) in Bosnia fell apart with the familial-tribal society until the end of XI century. The process of disintegration of the tribal clan society lasted much longer than in neighboring countries for relief. At the beginning of XII century in the Bosnian nobility, which came from tribal elders and the ruler of a clique, a property they acquired feudalization local administrative functions. According to the economic power of this class is divided into nobility, nobles and squires. They were obliged to fight for the lord to have the land because in the event that neodzove or issue a ruler, the ruler had the right, with the consent of the other noblemen who was often more powerful than the ruler, to suspend his possession. Feud are called heritage, noble, plemenština ... Heritage in Bosnia is different from the tradition in Croatia and Serbia because it was family owned indivisible. Larger feudal lords vasalima devoted their heritage and thus created a large number of aristocrats and squires who were in the permanent Council. In the initial period of medieval Bosnia, there were free people. They are mainly engaged in farming and they were in direct relation to the ruler of which were paying taxes and conduct their work duties. Over time, their condition worsened and they came to the position of dependent people - serfs. In medieval Bosnia, there was slavery. Rob could be borrowing, spoils of war and other violent methods. Bosnia was first mentioned in the work of Constantine in his book "The management of the empire" and part of pop Doclean "Annual". The head of state was on Sovereign. In the initial period, the ruler of the titulisao as a prince and later as Ban. Ban the word comes from the Avar words Bajan (rich). 1377. the company I was crowned as the king and all the rulers after him, will retain that title. Rulers had the courts and the eunuchs who will perform various functions. Another form of state government called a meeting of Parliament, or, all of Bosnia, all rusag or Bosnian to Bosnia. This was the decisive authority vlasti.U Bosnia Parliament was skupinau estate where they participated just ruler and gentry large. Have addressed all the major national issues including the selection and removal of the empire.

Ban Boric (1154-1164)
In the entire history of Bosnia, Bizanztija from the east and Hungary to the west had considerable political influence in Bosnia. 1138. Hungary occupies the parish Rama and placed the Slavonian nobility Bana Borica to rule in his name in Bosnia. He was the first Bosnian ban of whom we have biographical information. During his reign led to war between King Stephen IV of Hungary and Adrapovica Byzantine Emperor Comnenus Manojlo for supremacy in the Balkans. In this war the ban Boric participated on the side of Hungary and participated in the siege Branica. King of Hungary was heavily defeated in battle and Srem during withdrawal of the Bosnian army in Bosnia, the Byzantine army and her porazuje and Ban Boric losing their land
It's all about the way you phrase it.

Well somebody saw my website. But I cant say who. But it's very exciting.
Any response?

Rave: Today is a terrible day for birthers! :w00t:
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