MM a bit, our production is quite meager
1. 1355AD
defeat 2 rifles in Fustat, a LB left
take Satsuma, take out 2 units at the front and continue to rail to the front
IT Persia loses 4 cavs at Satsuma
2. 1360AD
defeat LB in Fustat and gain a MGL, attack with redlined cav and take the city from another LB
form army
attack Kyoto and take out 5 rifles, still a musket left (4 rifles were drafted)
take out an English cav and gain yet another MGL, this one has to stay in enemy land for now
continue to rail to our core and the front
IT Persia ignores Satsuma but drop 5 cavs in our hinterland
England suicides a Cav
we get some cultural expansions
3. 1365AD
take Kyoto, it has 4 wonders including Bachs
am able to form another army
redline and take out all 5 Persian cavs and gain another MGL
am short of cavs to fill those armies
rail to Korea to free some cavs for our armies. clear some enemies at the front
we better take our Japan before the cities flip
pillage English saltpeter and they aren't owners of it any longer
4. 1370AD
take out 5 units and Osaka and incense is ours
cover workers at front with armies so we can rail all the way up, bomb units and clear quite a few
we simply need more cavalry, start to attack Kagoshima
IT Persia is going after Osaka
5. 1375AD
take Kagoshima
with the help of armies and bombardment, am able to clear a lot of cavs and other stuff around
6. 1380AD
take Nara, Japan has one city left, manage to take Tokyo as it got a mere 2 defenders and Japan is out
take out a few units and gain a 4th army this round
7. 1385AD
Tokyo is a real hot spot right now and we need to clear units there before expanding again
clear 11 units there, start to attack Coventry
while clearing get yet another army #5
IT electricity is in, RP next
8. 1390AD
there are more units next to Tokyo
bombard and clear them, gain another MGL
capture Coventry for 529gold
9. 1395AD
clear some units and capture Nottingham for another 500+ and Sun Tzu
during the usually clearing actions get a MGL, but we can't form an army
so much about that army built in our capital, swap that built to Newtons
10. 1400AD
clear newly founded Hastings in our hinterland for a mere 333gold
attack London and take out 7 rifles
clear quite a few other units, empty our 2 English cities from armies, they move for full healing into others
please do NOT use them for attack as they can heal, some of the worker covering armies are the same
If we go for conquest I suggest to raze London for the high flip risk
would keep Nottingham for Sun Tzu of course