Rat14 - 3 v 3 AWE


Nov 29, 2004
City of one angel
this time I'd like to discuss our moves first before taking 30 turns
standard hub, 3 v 3 AW, emperor

after moving the scout, this is our starting location, we are Huayna

I would actually settle on the spot rather than moving around
build warrior working the sheep until we grow to 2, then go for worker

ally #1:Cyrus

ally #2: Louis

we are at the right upper corner with Cyrus in the right lower corner, Loius in the lower left corner, he might be the first victim of attacks

the tech situation: suggest to go for mining then BW

ThERat - playing after input
I’d like to join since you choose Incas :)
This would be my first SC game, but I have plenty of exp on emperor and immortal.
care to explain details of 3 vs 3 AW however please? I see we share techs with one another?
acidsatyr, have you played AW games before? A 3v3 game means 3 of us fight against 3 others. This means research is shared. Read Rat13 for more info and let me know whether you think you are up to this challenge.
If you can beat the AI on immortal, I'd say you are ok, but beware of, AW. It plays very different from normal games.
Also as you have mentioned WW is different as well.
WW seems to be so bad in my test game, that I hope we will be showered with happy resources here.

I am sure someone who can beat immortal is up to the game, I just wanted to alert acidsatyr. i am actually happy that the 3v3 or 2v2v2 game has brought in new players. It's always good to get new ideas.

played 40 since nothing much happened
settled on the spot, went for quechua
we got a 2nd scout from a hut but that was killed by a bear and 128gold
later 2nd scout was killed by another bear
went for another quechua and we are currently building a settler to go settle either ivory or copper further up.

we got mining, went for BW, one of our friends popped pottery from a hut
we got AH and are going now for priesthood. No religion is out yet, so we might get an early religion maybe

Paris and Persepolis have horses in their radius, we have it nearby. We also have copper nearby. they develop nicely.

We are fighting Caesar, Bismarck and Qin, a true warmonger game

the northern part of our hub

French land, note that they have 2 cities already

for strategic planning

we are in the east and thus are a little shielded from the AI, France will be a victim as stated
Talamane - up

As for the future: we will get priesthood and should try to get either CoL or metal as a free tech from the Oracle. So research must be set to accomodate that.
We will need sailing for galleys soon to fight off landings by the AI.

Thus, I would go for Oracle after that settler, this can be helped by chops easily.
Then we need to head for masonry and pyramids, as they are the game killer.
Immortal is not an issue (or emperor in this case). It's the fact that I never played 3vs3. I guess if you guys don't want me screwing up the game, I’ll just watch it its absolutely fine :D
On the pother hand as long as you guys point out directions and give suggestions, I don't think there will be any problems; besides , this is a team game. Whatever you decide is fine with me. :)
Ok i just played around with team vs. team, i guess only thing different really is we all share techs, wonders, etc... cool, i'm in :D
Here, I’ll throw in couple of suggestions I have from looking at the save file.
Bronze seems to be relatively far away and two major city locations are north (where city grabs FP, Ivory, Bronze) - which means that obelisk needs to be rushed as quickly as possible, bronze hooked up, and connected all the way to the capital. Lots of work (which requires two extra workers). Other city location is just south of the border so it grabs horses. We might have issues with axmen barbs pretty soon, and we might get that bronze little late. We could also build several archers, but I don't like this idea. So maybe we should go get horses straight, and build those HA. THEN go for masonry. OR go straight for masonry, priesthood, etc...Also I’m not sure if AI will build pyramids, their production is poor.
agree to go for masonry after meditation, we can change research, do not forget to ask the AI's to change as well. We should try and get an early religion, thus do not change mediation. Religion will be our friend for more happies.

I agree with cities, but I would like to delay HA. The reason is that Cyrus can build very cheap immortals, so we don't want him to lose that opportunity. He will then waste a lot of shields to build HA's.

One thing I found is that military tech superiority is of real high importance to avoid, that our friends waste shields on lousy units. They will start sending their units against the enemy fairly soon.

So, I'd say masonry, priesthood, IW then maybe head for feudalism after grabbing sailing.

Nice that you decide to join acidsatyr
thx, should be fun i guess :D

theRat -> Makes sense... I guess I just don’t like that bronze being so far away, and we're going to waste a lot of shields for archers...
Did anybody do a dot map? I have a tough decision about where to place Bedrock, our stone city.


Yellow dot gives us one more grassland tile, but cuts off the coast. Green gives us the coast, but we end up with an extra useless desert tile.
green ofcourse.
But IMHO i don't think that city is our primary target.
[0] 2400 BC Let the Q man heal one turn.

[1] 2360 BC I will tell our allies to switch one turn before meditation is due. If we do this, it will be our responsibility to send missionaries to provide them the religion if trading doesnt spread it. On emperor, we need the shrine income.

[2] 2320 BC zzzzz.

[3] 2280 BC Lion attack Qman, promote to C2 since he will be fighting bears/lions apparently on open ground to settle Bedrock (a crap site, but we need the stone to snag pyramids). Ordinarily, i would have gone for the corn patch as the second city site.

[4] 2240 BC Buddhism is founded in Cuzco. Didnt convert, since we have no civic that would do us any good at this point. Converting would only net us one happy.

[5] 2200 BC We are all on masonry now, due in 5. Worker starts road towards Bedrock, but first he chops the hill next to the cottage to speed the settler.

[6] 2160 BC Louis is the man, he is cranking out archers.

[7] 2120 BC Continue moving Qman towards the settler route to Bedrock.

[8] 2080 BC Sneaky lion wont take the bait.

[9] 2040 BC
Cuzco complete settler with chop and starts on barracks.

[10] 2000 BC Nothing happened.

[11] 1975 BC Settler and Qman are moving to green dot.

[12] 1950 BC zzzzz.

[13] 1925 BC Worker starts road to Bedrock.

[14] 1900 BC
Hinduism is FIDL.

[15] 1875 BC JC converts to Hinduism. Heathen!

[16] 1850 BC Bedrock is founded as Tiwanaku. So appropriate, i didnt rename it. Starts on a barracks.

[17] 1825 BC Cyrus is building immortals and has founded his second city.

[18] 1800 BC
Rax completes in Cuzco, and it starts on an archer.

[19] 1775 BC Priesthood completes, and the allies want fishing (3 turns), so i go along with it.

[20] 1750 BC Oops i overshot a turn. Will play one more to even out the date to 1700 BC.

[21] 1725 BC Allies are aggressively putting units out. Cyrus pillaged some wheat.

[22] 1700 BC
We sure could use another worker to prep Cuzco for the Oracle and pyramids. Archer is due in two. The silks can be chopped for the wonders. The archer can provide cover for the worker chops on the north side of Cuzco as the pyramids build. The AI aggresively pursues the Oracle, so we may not get it. Science is down to 90 and will go to 80 in the next turn. IW in 14 turns.



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