Rate 'Da Avatar Above You pt. II

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Oh my God, they killed

Reference to random Sid Meir game, smaller than it probably could be, fairly crisp and unobstructed though and it matches the whole theme of the poster...

Be careful of the Genki Girl, she might GET YA!!
England shocked at seeing a nude woman poping out of the door
Actually, what England is really shocked about is, "POOOOOOR LITTLE TUUUURKEEEEY!" Dirty Ruskies.

Jill Valentine thinking about killing some zombies. 7/10
The horse needs to be on fire, 4/10
Looks like a St. Patrick's Day thing. One problem though. It's September.
2/10 for mixed-up Irish holidays.
The unemotional Bleach character

+1 points for anyone who can guess the gun Jills holding
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