Ratification poll for CoS section H - Citizen Complaints

Shall we ratify this section?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Abstain

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Member of the Opposition
Feb 1, 2002
Gateway to the West
Do you wish to ratify the following as Section H of the Code of Standards?
Citizen Complaint

I.  Complaint
  A.  A Complaint is filed with the Court by a citizen
    1.	May be filed as a post in the Judicial Thread or;
    2.	PM to any Justice or;
    3.	PM to Moderator
  B. The Complaint should detail the circumstances for the accusation, and 
     include some evidence.
  C.  The Court appoints a Prosecutor for case.
    1.	The Accuser may represent themselves, arrange for an Advocate, or 
        request the Court to appoint an Advocate.
  D.  Court notifies Accused and determines Defense.
    1.	Accused may represent themselves, arrange for an Advocate, or 
        request Court to appoint an Advocate.
  E.  The Prosecutor and the Defense investigate complaint.
    1.	May interview witnesses, gather evidence, etc.
    2.	If complaint made via PM, the Prosecutor and the Defense shall 
        communicate with Accuser through the person the Complaint was sent 
        to.  The identity of the Accuser should not be revealed unless they 
        choose otherwise.
  F.  The Prosecutor and the Defense then present the results of the 
      investigation to the Court.
    1.	The Court should be skeptical of all allegations, requiring a reasonable 
        chance the allegation is true and determining that, if the allegation is 
        true, a violation of COUNTRY_NAME law has occurred.
  G.  By majority vote, the complaint is disposed as follows:
    1.	Dismissed
      a.  Complaint dismissed completely.
      b.  Complaint should not be referenced in future, non-court events 
          (think arrest record vs court record).
    2.	Accepted
      a.  Complaint accepted for Trial.
    3.	Partially Accepted
      a.  Only some parts of the complaint are accepted.
      b.  Those portions not accepted are Dismissed and should not be 
          referenced in future discussions.
  H.  If the complaint is Accepted, the Court should determine if there is a 
      specific action that can significantly remedy the harm caused.
    1.  The Prosecutor, the Defense and the Accused meet to determine a 
        proposed remedy.
      a.  If they unable to determine a remedy, the complaint is Accepted.
    2.	The court then votes on the proposed rememdy.  If a majority of the Court
        agrees with proposal, the remedy is accepted.
      a.  If not accepted, remedy discussions should continue, with guidance 
          from Court.
    3.	The Chief Justice shall post all instructions needed to carry out the 
        remedy for the next turn chat.
    4.	Failure by the Accused to carry out remedy, or make every effort to see 
        that the remedy is carried out, is treated as Guilty plea.
    5.	The Complaint treated as Dismissed if remedy is carried out.
  I.  If the complaint is Dismissed for any reason, including the Accused carrying
      out the rememdy, the Chief Justice shall post the disposition and reasoning
      in the Judicial Thread and the Judicial Log.  Any remedy should be included
      in this post.

II.  Trial
  A.  The Prosecutor creates the formal charge.
  B.  The Chief Justice shall create a trial thread in the Citizens forum, entitled
      "People vs <Accused>".
    1.	The first post shall be from the Chief Justice containing formal charge.
    2.	The second post shall be from the Prosecutor.
    3.	The third post shall be from the Defense.
    4.	The Discussion continues until the Chief Justice declares arguments over.
      a.  Associate Justices may overrule if both agree.  They may also declare 
          a halt to arguments if both agree and Chief Justice is not willing.
      b.  At this time, the Prosecutor and the Defense should make final, 
          summary posts.
  C.  The Judiciary shall then confer privately and determine by a majority vote, 
      Court determines
    1.	Innocent
    2.	Guilty

III. Sentencing
  A. The Chief Justice shall create a poll to determine the sentence 
     handed down to the guilty party.
    1. If there are multiple Guilty verdicts, the Chief Justice shall 
       determine if multiple polls (one per charge) or a single, combined 
       sentence poll shall be used.
    2. The poll shall include options determined by the Chief Justice
       a.  The Chief Justice shall consult with the Associate Justices
           for appropriate options, but the final decisions shall rest 
           with the Chief Justice.
       b.  The options shall be ranked in the order of most severe 
           to the least severe.
       c.  There shall be no abstain option.
       d.  Some of the sentencing option the Chief Justice should 
           consider are:
         A. Expulsion (removal from the current DG)
         B. Suspension (time to be determined by Moderators)
         C. Impeachment (removal from office)
         D. Final Warning
         E. Public Apology (wording to be approved by Moderators)
         F. Warning
         G. No Punishement
       e.   The preceding list should not be considered complete.  
            The Judiciary may add additional options as needed.
       f.  Options may be combined at the discretion of the 
           Judiciary for a single sentencing option.
       g.  Explusions and Suspensions must be approved by a
           Moderator prior to their inclusion in the poll.
    3.  There shall be a minimum of three options with varying 
        levels of severity.
    4.  There shall always be an option of "Warning"
    5. The poll shall be open for 2 days (48 hours)
    6. The poll shall allow each citizen to select only one option.
    7. Once the poll has been closed, the Chief Justice shall 
       determine the sentence for the accused.
       a.   Each vote shall be determined as a vote for the option 
            selected, and all less-severe options.
       b.  The sentence selected shall be the most severe sentence 
           that a majority of the citizens supported.
            Option A	- 4 Votes
            Option B	- 12 Votes
            Option C	- 13 Votees
          The sentence carried out is option B.
            Option A has 4 total votes.  
            Option B has 16 total votes.  
            Option C has 29 total votes.  
          A total of 29 citizens voted, making Option B is the most 
          severe sentence that a majority of the citizens support 
          with a total of 16 votes in support and 29 votes overall.
    8. The Chief Justice shall announce the sentence in the sentencing 
       poll, and PM the accused with it.
    9. Sentencing shall commence once the sentence is announced.
    10. The guilty party may appeal the sentence to a Moderator.
IV. Conclusion
  A. The Chief Justice shall post a summary in the Judicial Log
     and in the Judicial Thread.
    1. The post shall include the formal charge(s), verdict(s) 
        and sentence(s), as appropriate.
    2. The post shall include a link to the discussion thread and 
       the sentencing poll(s).

V.  General
  A.  The Accused is innocent unless proven Guilty.
  B.  All proceedings should go forth in an expedient manner.
  C.  All proceedings started under one Court shall continue with that Court 
      through the conclusion of that proceeding.
  D.  The Accused may plead Guilty at any point, immediately moving the case to 
  E.  Members of the Court may not initiate a Citizen's Complaint.
  F.  Should a member of the Court be the target of a Citizen's Complaint, a 
      pro-tem Justice shall be appointed.

Relevant Discussion
Citizen Complaints

Please vote as follows:

Poll will be open for 4 days

-- Ravensfire

EDIT: Typo corrected
I also Voted yes
Originally posted by Octavian X
II.C: 'confer' is misspelled.

Otherwise, it's good.

No need for Spelling cops now :p
Typo - what typo?

I don't see no sticking typo!

At least, I don't now ... :devil2:

-- Ravensfire
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