RBC 13 I Sweden
Since this one is decided during the 1st 15 turns, we can just start it now while waiting for another player.
Turn 0: Jan., 1800AD
Things look grim
at least, we are breaking even at 5.5.0.
What do we have to expect from Russia? They have no Troop Transport in the Baltic Se, so were pretty safe from landings. They make about 35gpt at 10.0.0. The only Cossack they start with is far in the S. A musket is 35sp for a DG AI; St. Petersburg makes about 15spt, so I dont thin well face more than 3 there, and not more than 2 anywhere else.
Try to get as much cash as possible. Start with selling the Courthouse and the Library (were never going to invest a single beaker) in Stockholm; 40gp, and saves some maintenance.
At least, we have the basic improvements everywhere, except that we, oddly enough, only have 2 Harbors. But that isnt that bad, I want regular TTs anyway, and it saves a bit gpt.
On to Diplomacy. We need Horses, and 2 Luxuries. Well, and cash.
Furs to Ottomans for Horses, Dyes and 86gp.
Furs to France for 263gp.
The only Civ that is weaker than us are Netherlands, but renegotiating peace isnt worth a single gp. We could get a bit for a RoP, but Id think we will get more once we are a little bigger.
Start 3 Cannons. Sell Iron to KoN for their 200gp and Wines.
Lend 454gp from Britain for 30gpt we need the cash NOW.
We now have 1243gp, +7gpt.
The good thing is, we can short-rush Cavs via Libraries, and Cannons via Harbors (though this wont work now, since well sell our Iron).
Hit enter.
Prussia and Spain sign MPP.
Turn 1: Mar., 1800AD
Load 3 Muskets and a Cannon aboard our TT, and position to unload next turn.
Rush a Cav via Library and 3 Cannons, 610gp left. A 2 turn Cav in Stockholm cost 264gp
Max for Food and Commerce.
Prussia and Denmark sign MA against KoN.
Stockholm Cav->Library, Norsundet Cannon->Library, Husqvarna Cannon->TT, Kristianstad Cannon->Musketman.
Turn 2: May, 1800AD
Russia has 76gp, Iron and Furs. Shouldnt be enough to sign in anyone against us. Declare.
Land 3 Muskets and a Cannon next to Helsinki. TT back to Norsundet, picks up another Cannon and our Cav. Disembark on the same tile.
Dutch Frigate sinks Privateer.
Turn 3: Jul., 1800AD
Russia rushed a Vet Musket in Helsinki; better there than elsewhere.
Cav takes out Vet Musket, Elite 3/5 now.
2 Cannons hit, and a Musket of ours kill the 1/3 Russian one while promoting to Vet.
Helsinki is ours, and immediately renamed in Helsingfors. 3 resistors, but comes with Barracks, Market, Granary and Courthouse

As expected, the Russian Baltic Fleet (1 Frigate) shows up.
Rush Cav via Library in Stockholm.
Britain wants MA against Denmark, decline
The Russain Frigates goes to Talinn; hm, dont like that, could mean theres a TT waiting for escort.
Stockholm Cav->Library
Turn 4: Sept., 1800AD
Healing, reinforcing.
Spain and France sign MA abainst Portugal
Great, the only Russian Cossack shows up near Helsinki.
Turn 5: Nov., 1800AD
Bombard the Cossack and kill it with our Elite Cav
phew, win at 1/5. Glad I didnt use the Vet, would have meant fighting Russia in GA.
Our 3rd Furs are connected.
Rush the next Cav in Stockholm.
Prussia declares on Portugal.
Austria wants to swap TM, sure, why not?
Resistance in Helsingfors ends.
Next Cossack shows up 
Turn 6: Jan., 1801AD
Cannon misses Cossack, but Vet Cav kills him, 4/5 Elite.
Approach St. Petersburg.
We *must* get St. Petersburg.
We very much need Novgorod and Stariya Russia as well (IIRC, we need 8 cities for the FP, and Novgorod makes an excellent choice, being the most productive Russian city).
If things go great, Talinn and Yaroslavl. Otherwise, peace ASAP.
The Save