4. 180 BC (cont) Since Cleo has some units floating around in our lands, I decide to give them a mission. I sign Cleo to a MA against Alex for WM & 240G.
We dont have an embassy with the Goths so I buy one for 80G.
I could bring the Goths in on a MA against Caesar for WM and 342G, but I feel that is a bit steep. They are at war with the Macedonians and the Scythians, so they wont be a threat to us anytime soon. This maybe a poor decision, but I think we need to save the money for Heavy Cavalry ungrades.
IBT Scythia and Macedonia sign a peace treaty. Looks like well bring them back in right away. The Macedonians are in general retreat to support their Turkish cities.
Persepolis: Market=> Imm.
Babylon: Settler=> Settler
Arbela: NM=> NM
Hatra: Settler=> Settler
Pasargadae: Worker=> Barracks
Istakhr: Worker=>Worker
5. 175 BC Bring Scythians back into our war for WM & 250G. (not a penny less.)
Cats bombard two hoplites down to redline.
4/5 Imm kills 1/3 Hop (no loss)
5/5 Imm kills 1/3 Hop. He is redlined and Cyrus is born. [dance]
Use Cyrus to build an Army. I will fill him up with some immortals.
Carthage now has Military Training, but wont sell it.
Hire a tax collector in Melitene
IBT Scythia and Rome sign a peace treaty. Lose two Immortals that I thought were beyond Macedonian reach.
They kill two hoplites. Our four slaves are also captured that they were protecting.
Susa: NM=> NM
Sidon: Granary=>Barracks
Dariush: Barracks=> Horse
6. 170 BC 5/5 Imm kills 1/4 Hop
4/4 Imm kills 4/4 sword (-3hp) recaptures 4 slaves. I disband the slaves since Ill never get them out. Resource denial. Our Mini SOD with our cats are going to come under attack from a Macedonian SOD of Hoplites next IBT.
Bringing the Scythians in on a MA against Roma will cost us WM & 194G. I decide against it. Hoping to bring the Romans to the Peace table and sign them up against Alex.
IBT The Celts sign Carthage to a MA against Macedonia.
Inexplicably the Macedonian SOD runs away from our Cat stack. Our raiding Immortal who captured the slaves is killed. And a Hoplite disconnects an Iron source.
Trapezus: Cat=> Cat
Zela: NM=> Horse
7. 165 BC Decide to fill the Army with NMs. [Edit - fill with 3 NMs]
Much maneuvering.
Sell WM around netting 42G and some TMs.
Hanni now has Siege Craft and 2420G. He wont sell TM or SC.
IBT A 4/4 NM loses to a 2/3 Hoplite. The Macedonians are headed back our way. A hoplite lands next to Beirut. An Egyptian sword attacks him and knocks off a hp.
Persepolis: Imm=> Imm
Susa: NM=> NM
Ecbatana: Imm=> Imm
Ghulaman: NM=> Horse
8. 160 BC Found Dakyanus on the Caspian Sea. Start worker.
4/4 Imm kills 1/3 Hop and promotes with no loss.
More maneuvering.
IBT Our NM kills a Hop (-1hp). Immortal on top then loses to a Hop.
A second Hop loses to a NM.
Arbela: NM=> NM
Jinjan: worker=> worker
9. 155 BC 5/5 Imm kills 1/3 Hop (no loss) outside of Ancyra.
5/5 Imm kills 2/4 Hop outside Beirut (no loss)
Hanni still wont budge on MT.
We get 10G and some Tms for our WM.
IBT Carthage and Goth sign a peace treaty. We lose a NM, after killing a Hoplite. Another Hoplite lands next to Beirut, and one of Cleos archers promptly kill him.
Susa: NM=>NM
Babylon: Settler=> Settler
Bactra: Imm=> Imm
Samaria: Granary=>Barracks
10. 150 BC Found Bampur. Start worker.
5/5 Imm kills 1/3 Hop (-3hp)
After Action Report: There are two groups that are on their way to our choke point control city (see picture.) The worker group is building a road and should be done within a turn or two. The settler group is coming from the south.
There is a task force just outside of the next Macedonian city on Asia Minor (edit - Antandrus). They will need to cross the river before attacking.
I left the settler for the next player (gorm?) to move. Ive been trying to expand our holdings while settling in reasonable locations. Sometime in the next 50 turns or so we will probably need to start a few temples to expand some boarders.
I just noticed that there is some spices just under the city name badge of Samaria. I didnt have any worker moves left to get the spices hooked up.