RBC3b - Ancient Mediterranean Mayhem - Persia

I've got it but don't expect miracles. Will begin working at it as soon as I complete LK57. Should be started later tonight.

I've started and played only 5 so far. We have new units NuMercs. We have bridges and still have a hop problem.

Good night !
Originally posted by Rubberjello
They will attack Iconium. (I'm 90% sure) Those Hoplites go after our poor Immortals like Modern Armor after horsemen. ;) That 3 to 2 attack to defense ratio is very attractive to the AI and makes them very aggressive.

It's like legion vers. immortals in the orig. game. I always prefered the legions and disliked playing against them because they are so hard to kill.
A defense-3 unit in the ancient age is simply huge.
You need pults if you want low casualties.
Tnx for the screenshot, Sir Bugsy -- OUCH, that IS a stack and a half! What will be interesting to see is if they go for Iconium, or... will they head to Antioch? My own bet would be the latter (just to be contrary :P ) I hope, in a sick way, it's Iconium though -- otherwise a 'pull the goalie' attack tactic will inadvertently pull their strings. (Moving up units to concentrate an attack as a tactical choice is fine btw, it's when you have an existing defender step out of a town just so it appears empty to compel the AI to do something stupid, that's "puppet strings" an a no-no)
If the AI does choose to attack Iconium it will be because it thinks it can win. And... they will be right I'm afraid.

I look forward to your report, hotrod. NuMercs for us?!?! How do I keep missing key stuff like this? :wallbash:
River bridges? That means Engineering, which means buying construction was a smart move, and it means the tech pace is going quite a bit faster than I expected!

One last tip to keep in mind -- *one* galley holds 4 units, which means if the army gets in a hopeless situation, use it as an escape pod rather than have it die. Fortunately with its two moves it can run away pretty quick. And did someone say the Macedonians made a horseman rather than a hoplite army?? If so, Yay!! :hammer:

OK. Rule number 1 when playing Persia: On turn 1 send a settler and 2-3 workers to N- NE of Persepolis to get that Ivory roped in as soon as possible. A '3' defensive unit will make all the difference in the world vs. the Hoplites. It should alter their tactics quite a bit.

*Keeps repeating to himself: 'Ivory is not just a luxury anymore...Ivory is not just a luxury anymore'*
245 BC (0): Am I looking for Monsters under the bed or is that really a Egyptian units just outside our undefended cities. With all our rivers Engineering would be huge right now but all our gold and gpt is a bit steep. Okay now I check out the front :eek: there are a lot of hops 14 can attack next turn. And we have 5 cats, and 5 immortals and 1 spear. It is not enough not by a long shot. The city isn't even on hills. But it has walls. I am not sure how many hops we can kill if they attack but I am almost positive it isn't all of them. I attack the hop in the forest figuring the best chance to kill any hops is if I attack. 2 die and finally a third is victorious. Move the cats to the mountains to avoid losing everything. Change Antioch to a baracks.

IT: Macedonia takes Iconium killing the remaining immortals and the spear. Goths join the fight against us.

240 BC (1): Change Zela from Cats to horses. Found Darius Kabir in the hills. Move another settler to a less congested position. Found Gulhaman near silks and ivory. Various movement. Being moving our stack to take Sardis in 2 turns. Our cats in the hill go 2 for 5.

235 BC (2): Our Golden age is over. A couple cities riot. Egypt builds Great Lighthouse. Macedonia is sending reinforcements to Sardis in large numbers will have to retreat and wait for our own reinforcements.

230 BC (3): Have enough units to attack Iconium now because the stack of hops is stuck in the MOuntains away from Iconium. Retake the city barely. Various moves. Found Zohac in the center of it all .

After seeing how I unintentioally moved the hop stack toward Sardis by moving the army and immortals out of Miletus I take my original plan of action and attack Sardis, before the SoD arrives. Manage to kill 2 hops in Sardis but the Army is beaten up badly and needs to retreat. Hops I thought were on the way to protect Sardis from our advancing army. :wallbash: Fail to kill what may have been the last elite on the town. . We lose a galley to Macedonians attack. With only 2 turns left on the Roman alliance vs. Carthage we will be able to make a few more trades soonish. Carthage has Lit. rome Engineering and Monarchy now.

IT: Rome made peace with Macedon. But Celts join our cause. Then declare war on us too. What I thought were reinforcments have belined for Miletus. or so it seems. There is a spear and an immortal still in the city.

225 BC (4): Hops are all over the place but can't decide what to do. Carthage completed the Mouseleum. Found Istakhr in the East. Kill 2 more hops outside of Iconium. Retreat wounded immortals near sardis. Moving reinforcements to the front. Kill a lone hop that landed on our shores. A futile attempt to cut the supply lines at the choke results in the lose of 3 units. Hop are everywhere.

220 BC (5): Spend some gold and upgrade 10 spears to NuMercs. Cancel alliance with Rome vs. Carthage. Make peace with Carthage for the cost of our WM. Buy Engineering for dyes and 170 gold. If I can secure Iconium with a few Mercs then I will send the immortals to the choke up north and maybe cut Macedonia in to 2 halfs. The huge stack is now in the vacinity of Miletus and our galleys were just cut down by Macedon ships, thankfully they were empty.

215 BC (6): Continue forming up units to move on Sardis and now Delphi. 5 more immortals are enroute. Astronomy, Lit and Monarchy are out but can't buy any of them. Our Army is healed but I am reluctant to dare try again. Will wait for better numbers but how long is too long.

210 BC (7): Slowly the stack builds. A few rouge hops enter our lands I will just watch them for now. Still no tech trades. Need to send units to Ancyra to protect against an advancing small stack. Darius steps out and kills a hop in the hills taking no damage.

205 BC (8): Begin moving a stack toward Delphi. Found Jinjan in the desert. Moving another settler up north. Start on a market in persopolis. Still no tech trades.

200 BC (9): Delphi was bombed an destroyed neting us 120gold. Kill 4 hops advancing on Ancyra. Plenty more remain. Still no trade opportunities. MT is due in 28 more turns. We have 404 gold and +37gpt. Still building settlers and workers like they are going out of style we have so much land it is tough to pick where settlers are needed most.

Here is the save;

I've got it. I'll try and provide a screenshot during lunch. I probably won't get this played for 30 hours or so, since I have a commitment this evening.

Guys...sorry for my silence. I had no idea this game has started. Only when I clicked on the thread replied by Bugsy did I realise the game has begun. I am so sorry. Will read the entire thread. :blush:
BTW. Goodjob on your turns Hotrod! That Hoplite Stack of Doom is pretty scary, isn't it? Good thing the AI can still wander around aimlessly at times or else we would have been hurting pretty bad. :goodjob:
I like hotrod's move of razing Delphi. Perhaps that should be our treatment of all Macedonean cities in Asia Minor.

Some how we need to get control of the chokepoint.

Here's an idea and I would appreciate all comments. Especially on whether it is even possible.

If I gather a defensive task force of approximately 4-5 NM, some cats, plus 4-5 workers and move to one tile east of Byzantium. Use the workers to build first a fort and then a barricade.

Two problems I can see with the plan:

1. We have 20+ Macedonean units running around our territory at the moment.

2. Any injured units couldn't heal in the fort since it is inside Macedonean lands.

Perhaps this plan should wait until the fall of Byzantium.

Any comments?

I'll be studying the save during breaks. Additionally, other than try to continue hotrod's stabilization of the western front. Is there anything else that needs to be done?

I like the razing too -- the initial thought of capturing the four Asia Minor cities then blockading Byzantium was wildly overoptimistic (unaware of the number of hoplites that would stream down). We just don't have enough extra units on hand to HOLD several cities AND be on the attack, especially when our army is our key attacker, so razing the rest in Turkey sounds better.

One thought on the Byzantium situation -- we could take a heavily guarded combat settler and plonk him down on this side of the straight, opposite Byz, and cutting off the 'road' between their Turkish cities and home. (The lack of lux itself would hurt 'em too) Our defenders could then heal, shoot at any troops trying to run past, and in general see them stop dead in their tracks for a minute rather than shoot through.

I have to think they would avoid a city of 6+ Numes and cats and try (to their doom) to take 'easier' cities deeper past it.

Where? See that hill two steps from Cyzius? That would give the most protection from attack. Otherwise, pick one of the two square right ON the road for maximum 'cutoff' potential, although without the defense bonus.

Regarding Miletus, if we could raze Sardis at the expense of losing Miletus again (after whipping it down at least twice) it would be a fair trade -- we need to get our army and that nice force up closer to Byzzy, preferablly leaving a few ruins in its path. This has another advantage -- if we sit still in Miletus and put no offensive pressure on their cities, their stacks will go after (and likely take) a city or two of ours. That "20+" hops in our lands again make any planning dicey, but fun. (In fact, I can't remember ever in a SG having such 'tactical' interest or uncertainty on where to attack, whether to attack, raze/keep, can we hold a choke... and on top of that the AI mixing it up and pressuring our cities as well -- this is great :P Tis like a chess match of opposing king-side and queen-side attacks, and Byzantium is the 'center' that one side must gain to win)

Keep in mind that not only is OUR GA over, so is Macedons! :D

I thought units could now heal in enemy territory (just slower).
This is so much fun.

Here is a partial turn log of my first four turns. Alex is short an army and a city in Asia Minor. All advice and criticism is welcome.

Preflight 200 BC - City check – Change Trapezus from a NM(17 turns) to a cat (7 turns)
MM Zela to grow and still get a NM in 7.
Change Ergili from a NM (20 turns) to a Barracks (30 turns) Another corrupt city.
MM Zohak for an extra gpt.
Change Jinjan from a warrior (9) to a worker (9)
We can buy a worker from Cleo for 118G. Go back and check the thread to see if we’ve bought any from her yet…Scythians, but not Egypt. Execute deal.

Checking the map, Rome is rapidly expanding northward, although Carthage has kicked them off of Sicily.

Don’t think I can learn anything more… been studying this for the last day. Hit and enter and begin my first turn playing C3C.

IBT – Macedonians are running around like a bunch of nuts. Some Hops move off a tile then others move back. They don’t seem to have any pattern. A fleet of galleys head for our shores. Scythia and Egypt sign an MA against the Goths.

1. 195 BC – Consolidate our forces and allow some to heal. We have a settler north of Arbela, but I don’t see any direction in the thread on what to do with him. Decide to settle NW of Arbela on the river, sharing one tile with Melitene.
Diplo check – Literature is known by Carthage and Rome, but neither will trade. Monarchy and Astronomy are out also. The only two-fer I could see was getting Monarchy from Egypt for everything we own. Then trading it to Scythia for Astronomy for peanuts. I don’t see what we would get from either of these techs, so I pass.
F1 check – boy I need to get some faces with smilies. The basic heads are too hard to count.

IBT – We have hoplites running amuck. Several cities build stuff, but the preferences weren’t set to ask for a new build order. I set that up in preferences. I don’t trust the governors very much.

2. 190 BC – Bombard a hoplite outside of Ancrya down to 1hp. Kill him with a 4/4 immortal (-1hp) Move NM to cover immortal. Now there are only 27 Macedonian units in our lands. :D
Arbela has grown. Hiring a tax lady still gets us a NM in 3 due to corruption.
Move our army to the gates of Sardis.

IBT – Goth & Rome sign a peace treaty. We lose a NM and an Immortal. The Macedonians lose three hoplites. They land a huge amphibious force of one hoplite next to Beirut.
Gazaca: Settler=> settler
Ecbatana: Immortal=>Immortal
Antioch: Barracks=> NM
Istakhr riots :smoke:

3. 185 BC – It is hard to figure out the AI’s objective’s. Mostly it seems that they are going after our weakest units. However Alex has divide his forces and is sending a force towards Sardis for defense.
5/5 immortal kills 2/5 hoplite in the open (-1hp)
Found Borazjan NW of Arbela. Start worker.
The Goths sign a peace treaty and give us 20G for it.
The Celts give us a peace treaty and kick in 140G for the good looking guy bonus prize.

IBT – Rome and Macedon sign a MA against us. Goth and Egypt sign a peace treaty.
Carthage and Egypt sign a peace treaty.
Susa: NM=> NM
Carrhae: Imm=> Imm

4. 180 BC – Siege of Sardis. Cats go 2 for 4. Looks like 2 defenders.
12/12 Immortal Army kills 3/4 Hoplite (-2hp)
10/12 Immortal Army kills 3/4 Hoplite (-3hp)
4/4 Immortal kills 4/4 Horse Army (-2hp)
Sardis is razed. 4 slaves captured.
Found Herat north of Gazaca. Start worker.

Hmmm....The AI doesn't know how to fill up an army? Maybe it got stuck in a loop and wanted a Horse army, but never built any more or got any more horses to Sardis? I saw on my turn that the army only had one unit in it, but I had assumed that the AI would shortly remedy the situation.
> This is so much fun.


The only odd thing I note is... "IBT – Rome and Macedon sign a MA against us." :eek:
We're forever at war with Macedon for the entire game, and we were gracious at one point with old Caesar. What a chump! (I would try to keep him in alliance vs Macedon for most of the game until we set our sights on Rome. I can see folks not liking extra alliances which cut trade opportunities, but let's keep the dogpile on Greece, shall we?!)

> 4/4 Immortal kills 4/4 Horse Army (-2hp)
> Sardis is razed. 4 slaves captured.


A double bonanza! Our biggest single foe (unit) is dead, and the large city of Sardis is toast.

Excellent, keep up the good action! :P

:goodjob: Excellent new on Sardis! War with Rome :eek: ! :hammer:

As far as build orders it wasn't the governor but rather build same unit. Sorry for not noting that :blush:

Aren't too many SG's with Governors ;)
4. 180 BC (con’t) – Since Cleo has some units floating around in our lands, I decide to give them a mission. I sign Cleo to a MA against Alex for WM & 240G.
We don’t have an embassy with the Goths so I buy one for 80G.
I could bring the Goths in on a MA against Caesar for WM and 342G, but I feel that is a bit steep. They are at war with the Macedonians and the Scythians, so they won’t be a threat to us anytime soon. This maybe a poor decision, but I think we need to save the money for Heavy Cavalry ungrades.

IBT – Scythia and Macedonia sign a peace treaty. Looks like we’ll bring them back in right away. The Macedonians are in general retreat to support their Turkish cities.
Persepolis: Market=> Imm.
Babylon: Settler=> Settler
Arbela: NM=> NM
Hatra: Settler=> Settler
Pasargadae: Worker=> Barracks
Istakhr: Worker=>Worker

5. 175 BC – Bring Scythians back into our war for WM & 250G. (not a penny less.)
Cats bombard two hoplites down to redline.
4/5 Imm kills 1/3 Hop (no loss)
5/5 Imm kills 1/3 Hop. He is redlined and Cyrus is born. [dance]
Use Cyrus to build an Army. I will fill him up with some immortals.
Carthage now has Military Training, but won’t sell it.
Hire a tax collector in Melitene

IBT – Scythia and Rome sign a peace treaty. Lose two Immortals that I thought were beyond Macedonian reach. :smoke: They kill two hoplites. Our four slaves are also captured that they were protecting.
Susa: NM=> NM
Sidon: Granary=>Barracks
Dariush: Barracks=> Horse

6. 170 BC – 5/5 Imm kills 1/4 Hop
4/4 Imm kills 4/4 sword (-3hp) recaptures 4 slaves. I disband the slaves since I’ll never get them out. Resource denial. Our Mini SOD with our cats are going to come under attack from a Macedonian SOD of Hoplites next IBT.
Bringing the Scythians in on a MA against Roma will cost us WM & 194G. I decide against it. Hoping to bring the Romans to the Peace table and sign them up against Alex.

IBT – The Celts sign Carthage to a MA against Macedonia. :) Inexplicably the Macedonian SOD runs away from our Cat stack. Our raiding Immortal who captured the slaves is killed. And a Hoplite disconnects an Iron source.
Trapezus: Cat=> Cat
Zela: NM=> Horse

7. 165 BC – Decide to fill the Army with NMs. [Edit - fill with 3 NMs]
Much maneuvering.
Sell WM around netting 42G and some TMs.
Hanni now has Siege Craft and 2420G. He won’t sell TM or SC.

IBT – A 4/4 NM loses to a 2/3 Hoplite. The Macedonians are headed back our way. A hoplite lands next to Beirut. An Egyptian sword attacks him and knocks off a hp.
Persepolis: Imm=> Imm
Susa: NM=> NM
Ecbatana: Imm=> Imm
Ghulaman: NM=> Horse

8. 160 BC – Found Dakyanus on the Caspian Sea. Start worker.
4/4 Imm kills 1/3 Hop and promotes with no loss.
More maneuvering.

IBT – Our NM kills a Hop (-1hp). Immortal on top then loses to a Hop.
A second Hop loses to a NM.
Arbela: NM=> NM
Jinjan: worker=> worker

9. 155 BC – 5/5 Imm kills 1/3 Hop (no loss) outside of Ancyra.
5/5 Imm kills 2/4 Hop outside Beirut (no loss)
Hanni still won’t budge on MT.
We get 10G and some Tm’s for our WM.

IBT – Carthage and Goth sign a peace treaty. We lose a NM, after killing a Hoplite. Another Hoplite lands next to Beirut, and one of Cleo’s archer’s promptly kill him.
Susa: NM=>NM
Babylon: Settler=> Settler
Bactra: Imm=> Imm
Samaria: Granary=>Barracks

10. 150 BC – Found Bampur. Start worker.
5/5 Imm kills 1/3 Hop (-3hp)

After Action Report: There are two groups that are on their way to our choke point control city (see picture.) The worker group is building a road and should be done within a turn or two. The settler group is coming from the south.

There is a task force just outside of the next Macedonian city on Asia Minor (edit - Antandrus). They will need to cross the river before attacking.

I left the settler for the next player (gorm?) to move. I’ve been trying to expand our holdings while settling in reasonable locations. Sometime in the next 50 turns or so we will probably need to start a few temples to expand some boarders.

I just noticed that there is some spices just under the city name badge of Samaria. I didn’t have any worker moves left to get the spices hooked up.
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