Realms Beyond
RBC3c - Ancient Mediterranean Mayhem - Roma
This game is one of four running on the Rise of Rome Conquest, seeking to experience each of the four playable civs and to compare their different situations.
Scenario: Rise of Rome
Civ: Roma
Difficulty: Deity
Goal: Domination Victory before time limit is reached
All exploits listed at RBCiv are off-limits. 10 turns per player at all times. 24/48 rule is in effect for "got it" message/playing turns, once everyone gets a copy of the expansion. Until then, we will be more flexible.
I *think* everyone on our roster has Conquests, but please let us know if you're still waiting.
Here we our, snugly fit into our little boot:
I don't have any experience with this conquest, but it does look like we have a lot of "rising" to do!
Things we have:
two sources of iron, one of horses
bonus resources- silver and olive oil
Two volcanoes- one near Neapolis, the other near Messana. Are these things programmed to erupt at some point in this scenario? Isn't that the whole reason why they added those? Scary.
We're at war with Carthago, and hoping that they can't land an invasion force any better than regular AI can. Of course, galleys do now transport 4. Curraghs transport one.
Other than the island by Messana, I don't see any real motivation for continuing the war with Carthage. There looks to be a whole lot of Europe to conquer, and naturally we wouldn't be afraid of the unwashed masses up there, would we? I don't know if the screenshot shows the dark green border up there, but we certainly do have company. They need to be shown the greatness of the Roman empire, don't you think?
Hmm, the Goths get a 4-1-1 spearman. That should be interesting. We get the Legionary I, II, and III. They can all lay roads and build fortresses, and move at a rate of one. We can still make workers, though, which is a relief! We get one pop, two movement settlers (citizens), and can build 20 shield garrisons (1-3-1) in cities with iron.
That can all be a problem in Messana, which is guarded by two legions, and archer, and a galley. It has no harbor, so it has no resources at the moment. I'm not sure what all Carthage has over there, but Syracuse has a regular numidian showing.
Our military consists of one army, ONE worker , 6 archers, 8 garrisons, 4 galleys, 13 legionary I's, and 4 citizens. We're paying 19 gpt in unit support. We have nine cities, certainly the least of any of the "major" civs. Of course, the legionaries and garrisons look pretty darn good as UUs go.
We're in Oligarchy, which seems like a reasonable enough government for now. Poprushing, 2 MP, "nuisance" corruption. Monarchy has a cash rush, 3 MP, and "problematic" corruption. The Republic, in this scenario anyway, appears to be like Oligarchy except with cash rushing. None of the available governments have war weariness. I have no idea whether it would be worthwhile for us to go through an anarchy in a short game like this.
Hey, also we're militaristic, commercial, and industrious! The bad news is, we don't start with a heck of a lot of land.
I can start us off and play 10, but it would be nice to hear a general consensus as far as there we'd like to go. I'm thinking, military push north into Europe, some sort of zone defense on the boot to guard against landings. Ditch the wonders and focus on military. I have no idea WTH to do about that island. :unsure: In general, though, maybe we should try to make peace with Carthage soonish, and come back to them later? Even a military push towards Greece seems more doable than Carthage, though it would be nice to see how the Greece/Persia conflict seems to be going first.
Everything needs some good human MM help, naturally. We actually have a barracks, granary, marketplace, and walls in almost all of our cities, which is helpful. Only Messana has a temple, but we already know that AI Caesar never build culture, right?
Oh, we're actually tech leaders! We're up on the ones we can talk to by mathematics, and they have gold but no tech to sell. Persia has dyes for trade. There's also workers for sale. What was the ruling? One per civ? What do we, as a team, feel comfortable with? We only start with one worker, sheesh.
With 4 citizens and very little visible unclaimed land (and a short game) the idea of backfilling a bit sounds very appealing. I want to get this posted so we can get the ball rolling, but I'll see if I can dotmap a couple of new cities onto our boot without getting excessively dense.
Here's the start, in case you'd like to look around:
This game is one of four running on the Rise of Rome Conquest, seeking to experience each of the four playable civs and to compare their different situations.
Scenario: Rise of Rome
Civ: Roma
Difficulty: Deity
Goal: Domination Victory before time limit is reached
All exploits listed at RBCiv are off-limits. 10 turns per player at all times. 24/48 rule is in effect for "got it" message/playing turns, once everyone gets a copy of the expansion. Until then, we will be more flexible.
I *think* everyone on our roster has Conquests, but please let us know if you're still waiting.
Here we our, snugly fit into our little boot:
I don't have any experience with this conquest, but it does look like we have a lot of "rising" to do!
Things we have:
two sources of iron, one of horses
bonus resources- silver and olive oil
Two volcanoes- one near Neapolis, the other near Messana. Are these things programmed to erupt at some point in this scenario? Isn't that the whole reason why they added those? Scary.
We're at war with Carthago, and hoping that they can't land an invasion force any better than regular AI can. Of course, galleys do now transport 4. Curraghs transport one.
Other than the island by Messana, I don't see any real motivation for continuing the war with Carthage. There looks to be a whole lot of Europe to conquer, and naturally we wouldn't be afraid of the unwashed masses up there, would we? I don't know if the screenshot shows the dark green border up there, but we certainly do have company. They need to be shown the greatness of the Roman empire, don't you think?
Hmm, the Goths get a 4-1-1 spearman. That should be interesting. We get the Legionary I, II, and III. They can all lay roads and build fortresses, and move at a rate of one. We can still make workers, though, which is a relief! We get one pop, two movement settlers (citizens), and can build 20 shield garrisons (1-3-1) in cities with iron.
That can all be a problem in Messana, which is guarded by two legions, and archer, and a galley. It has no harbor, so it has no resources at the moment. I'm not sure what all Carthage has over there, but Syracuse has a regular numidian showing.
Our military consists of one army, ONE worker , 6 archers, 8 garrisons, 4 galleys, 13 legionary I's, and 4 citizens. We're paying 19 gpt in unit support. We have nine cities, certainly the least of any of the "major" civs. Of course, the legionaries and garrisons look pretty darn good as UUs go.
We're in Oligarchy, which seems like a reasonable enough government for now. Poprushing, 2 MP, "nuisance" corruption. Monarchy has a cash rush, 3 MP, and "problematic" corruption. The Republic, in this scenario anyway, appears to be like Oligarchy except with cash rushing. None of the available governments have war weariness. I have no idea whether it would be worthwhile for us to go through an anarchy in a short game like this.
Hey, also we're militaristic, commercial, and industrious! The bad news is, we don't start with a heck of a lot of land.
I can start us off and play 10, but it would be nice to hear a general consensus as far as there we'd like to go. I'm thinking, military push north into Europe, some sort of zone defense on the boot to guard against landings. Ditch the wonders and focus on military. I have no idea WTH to do about that island. :unsure: In general, though, maybe we should try to make peace with Carthage soonish, and come back to them later? Even a military push towards Greece seems more doable than Carthage, though it would be nice to see how the Greece/Persia conflict seems to be going first.
Everything needs some good human MM help, naturally. We actually have a barracks, granary, marketplace, and walls in almost all of our cities, which is helpful. Only Messana has a temple, but we already know that AI Caesar never build culture, right?
Oh, we're actually tech leaders! We're up on the ones we can talk to by mathematics, and they have gold but no tech to sell. Persia has dyes for trade. There's also workers for sale. What was the ruling? One per civ? What do we, as a team, feel comfortable with? We only start with one worker, sheesh.
With 4 citizens and very little visible unclaimed land (and a short game) the idea of backfilling a bit sounds very appealing. I want to get this posted so we can get the ball rolling, but I'll see if I can dotmap a couple of new cities onto our boot without getting excessively dense.
Here's the start, in case you'd like to look around: