RBD - Succession Game Ideas

Grey Fox

Master of Points
Dec 19, 2001
Originally posted by Charis
Not a true poll, but just wanted to get feedback from rbd folks and/or others who have shown recent interest, on what games to be targetting as next (rbd9, 10) Several good ideas have surfaced for possible 'next games', so I wanted so summarize a few that I could find from our game threads, and add a few more.

If you could, please respond with: x, y z sound good (or 'nn won't work because...')

1. Globocop. Simple premise - make sure no civ ever gets wiped out.
Chinese (patch 1.17 should help early/good/fast Riders, due to upgrading)
Large map, 12 civs. (There is an initial element of luck in that two civs
might start out in civil war against each other before you even meet them.
But I think it will take a LOT of skill not to just conquer, but to work
the AI's so much that none get eaten up)

2. Army game. (Jaffa showed interest here, and I like) Along the splendid
lines of the Infantry and Artillery games, only the "Army" unit may be
used for offensive attacks to take a city. Mil civ, focus on getting an
early GL, Epic, Mil Tradition, etc. With new 1.17 army-can-blitz rule,
should rock.

2B. Air Force game. Babs or Americans. Main 'offensive' units are the archer
(bowmen), longbow, all artillery units, missiles, nukes, all planes and
paratroopers. Pretty much all expansion would be ancient and middle ages,
since longbowmen is last unit until paratrooper that can take a city.
Wars are wars of attrition, pounding the heck out of enemies without
capturing their cities per se. (Recapture allowed) Carriers would be key.

3. Ignoranti, Clueless Newbies, Dark Ages, however you call it. Zero percent
science, must win by Space Race. How far can you go with a lone scientist,
the Great Library, Trading, Tribue and Espionage? Have several 'sci' civs
in the game. My MOST recent games suggest this won't be nearly as bad as
it sounds at first. (Arathorn showed interest in this one)

3B. Cretans. No culture (the palace is IT). No temples, libraries, culture
wonders. Push the limit and see what kind of impact near zero culture would
have for attitude, flipping, reversion. Crete=Greece? (Sirian suggested
this iirc, as a followup to a Dark Ages proposal) Your city radius will
ONLY be 9 total squares except for your capitol.

4. Five city challenge. Build five cities. Be first to Alpha Centauri.

5. Swiss game - neutral folks, no whipping, razing, bombarding. French, Greek
or Roman as actual civ, with mil opponents.

6. Opium Barons. Trade and luxury focus, no religious happiness wonders
(ie colliseums ok, no temples, cathedrals or related wonders)
Control the masses with luxuries. Overarching goal is to have as many
luxuries for your cities as you possibly can. Perhaps India as 'Thailand'

7. Capitolists. (Yes, that's spelled right) A definite anti-blitz game. The
ONLY cities which may be taken are capitols (and no razing of other ones).
Penetrate, capture, garrison vs flip, and hold. (Actually extend from capitols
to also include any city with a wonder) For added spice, you can't build
wonders, only capture. This has a xCC flavor in that once initial expansion
is done, you won't be getting many new cities (hmmm... capitol hopping would
be an issue) Victory: space race, with ship components only built in
ex-foreign capitols :P

8. Methodists. (No, not the denomination) A peculiar methodical civilization
which thinks some things are just done best in a certain order. Rather than
wait 3500 years to build the FP, why not make it right away? Well, you need
a certain minimum number before you can build it, but basically the last
city that causes this message to fire is the one you want for your Forbidden
Palace, and you start it right away. Max civ size is the 'optimal' size,
which is double the size where you can build the FP. (8 city/16 on std map)

Note, some of these 'combine' fairly well, like 5CC with Swiss for a 'leave me
alone!' attitude, or a 5CC+original-foe-capitols game.


Post what you think about these, and suggest your own ideas!
Well, might as well repost this here. :) Sorry about cluttering up the other thread.

Drat, posting too late to get in on this game. :(

A lot of those suggestions for future SG's sound really interesting to me, especially the Globocop, Communicator, Ignoranti, and Cretan (is that referring to the Isle of Crete or the insult, cretin?)games. I imagine the Cretan game would have a lot of culture flips to the opponents, so that would make capturing cities impossible. Also, we better hope that we start on an island because if we border an opponent, a lot of our border cities could start flipping. By the way, we wouldn't be limited to only 9 squares because if you build your cities close enough together, the game extends the cultural borders automatically.

One idea for a game that I mentioned on the builders' thread was not up here, and is something that I would definitely be interested in. The game's premise is similar to that of the Swiss game in that no offensive warfare is allowed up to the modern era. However, in the modern era, anything goes (actually, I'm thinking of modifying this to having offensive warfare only being waged with modern units to insure that we don't just conquer the world with tanks). This game was inspired because most of my games are decided in the early industrial age, so I have not seen full-scale modern warfare. To insure that there will be warfare in the modern era, all victory conditions except domination and conquest will be disabled. SDI could be key to prevent nuclear strikes. I'm thinking of making the civilization the Greeks to make defending from ancient attacks easy, but this could be subject to change.
So much for efforts to avoid thread spam :P

> Gasp I've been hijacked!!
Oh wait a minute, I hijacked Sirian's thread??!


The Faux Pas are just a' freel flowing! :hammer:


PS Just to hit all rbd games at once... I go out of town briefly
tomorrow eve. So tonight I'll finish rbd6 turn (already started), and hopefully rbd7. I think that's all I'm up in. Zed or others feel free to swap or skip me Friday night and Saturday. If 5CC starts, put me in, just not first. After some feedback here, I'll likely start off (or assign starter) for another game. Or two games if Army isn't one picked :P
All those sound interesting. Some of them sound like games already in existence, just a little more extreme. I could swear I've played a couple games where I never actually researched anything...

The one that REALLY appeals to me is the 5 city challenge. It has everything going for it. It's challenging. It's simple to manage, since all you need to do is micro 5 cities. It's not boring, nobody will be spending turn after turn building railroads. It focuses on building skills, but also has the potential for some very bloody home turf wars. Or even going barbarian, invading somebody, and just razing a civ to the ground. Cultural victory, diplomatic victory, space race victory... it's all good.

But I'd join anything.

:cool: i'll play ne thing, if u need me call me, i'll be there:nono: :cringe: :whipped: :mwaha:
I would really like to get involved in the RBD games. I have been lurking for quite a while, but haven't been able to play due to problems with the home computer's modem. :mad: I'm fixing that for good this weekend though. :hammer:

I'd love to play in Opium Lords :smoke: , Cretins :confused:, or Capitolists :king: type games. I've played up to monarch level solo, although my total number of games has been small. Hope to join soon.
This one popped into my mind a while back while I was managing our massive worker army in RBD 3. One of the reasons why the Americans in RBD 3 are so dominant is because we've got a whole LOT of workers and we developed our tiles MUCH faster than the AI (to the point where the AI's difficulty bonuses are negated because their tiles aren't as good as the player's). I've not worked out the details, but the basic idea involves making lots of workers and selling them to the AI civs, with the victory conditions enabled being Domination, Conquest, and Space (the former two for the AI's sake), the object would be a space victory despite selling most of your labor pool to your rivals.

I'm imagining the player being Greece or Rome (since I've never played as either yet in Civ3), versus all the Industrious civs and one or two Scientific civs on a standard Pangea or Continents map.
This is just a quickie vanity/novelty project, but I thought some folks in the audience who don't frequent the RBD Network54 forum might enjoy this. I toyed around with civ3edit today and created an RBD mod.

Civ Name: RBDers (name of the country: Realms Beyond). Replaces Aztecs

Civ Attributes: Religious/Commercial. Why? (Edit: Whoops! I forgot to include India when I drew up the table I used to figure this out. Hmm...I'm not sure what a good representative set of traits for RBD *would* be, so I'll just keep it like it is)

Leader title: Scum (We love the Scum Day!)
Leader Name: King of Pain

Unique Unit: Beyond Naked Mage (see footnote). Replaces Knight. Attack of 5, but defense of 1. 2 movement. Requires no resources. Graphics of the Jaguar warrior.

City names: Diablo/Diablo II locales (the "D" in RBD stands for "Diablo", after all), names of some Diablo variant/strategy sites.

Preferred/Shunned gov'ts: Monarchy/Despotism

Leader names: RBDers, Diablo variant players, some variant characters. Very incomplete list compared to what it should be, but it's plenty long that you'd never go through all of them even if you had wall-to-wall-to-wall war.

Other changes:

I undid some 1.17 changes I didn't like. Draft/whip penalty is back at 20, Oil and Aluminum show up on plains again, no strategic resource disappears.

There are no new civilopedia entries. Any entries point to the corresponding Aztec entry.

About the Beyond Naked Mage:

The Beyond Naked Mage (BNM for short) was one of the first "variant" playstyles for Diablo. Basically, the mage character class for the original Diablo was way overpowered. So a player by the handle of Woody decided to make a mage character that not only would shun items that augment his character's stats, his mage wore nothing but cursed items...and could still beat the game. Since the stats of a character wearing nothing but cursed gear are far worse than the stats of a character without any equipment on at all (i.e. "naked"), the playstyle was called a Beyond Naked Mage.

To make the Beyond Naked Mage work, copy the /Art/units/Jaguar Warrior folder, and name the copy "Beyond Naked Mage". Then, go into the new folder and rename "Jaguar Warrior.ini" to "Beyond Naked Mage.ini". It should work after that. If you don't do this, you'll crash the game if you try to build a BNM.
The Indians are commercial and religious. We played them in the very first RBD SG. There are fifteen combination pairs of the six traits possible, so one pair is duplicated (but even then, the two civs don't start with the same militaristic techs).

Some more variant ideas:

:yinyang: Environmentalists: Our civ refuses to make ANY use of fossil fuels. No coal or oil shall ever be connected to our trade network. (Pillage the squares when they turn up at the applicable times. If one turns up under a city, someone would be designated to go into the editor and move it to another square nearby, which could be pillaged.) Lack of coal/oil takes the following things off the table: Railroads, Coal Plants, all modern ships starting with Ironclads (AEGIS Cruisers available, heh, if the game lasted that long), all planes, all motorized units, and any trade involving these resources. Our civ would also be forbidden to build nuclear plants or to use nuclear weapons. All victory conditions on the table except for diplomatic. Large Pangaea map. We would probably play this one as the Egyptians, or perhaps a custom civ.

:D Communicators: Our civ places the highest priority on communication technology. We are required to beeline our own research at the fastest possible rate straight to the communication technologies in each era: Philosophy (in the ancient era), Printing Press THEN Free Artistry (in middle ages), Radio (industrial age), then Sattelites (modern age). ALL victory conditions on the table, but WE must win through diplomacy.

We are allowed to trade techs with other civs, but may not make any side trips in our own research until our Priority techs in each era have been researched. We must buy Communications with other races at the earliest opportunity (as soon as we can afford it) and must also sell Communications at the earliest opportunity. We are also obligated to trade maps with each known civ at least once on each player's turn. Having to win through diplomacy, yet not being able to research Fission until Sattelites have been learned, would really put the pressure on in the modern era. We would play this one as the Russians. Continents map, standard size.

- Sirian
:satan: The Evil Empire. Fomenting wars and betraying your allies. No RoP agreement can go unpunished. Heavy use of espionage to steal technology and disrupt production. Probably stay in despotism and whip-whip-whip all game.

:nono: Not In My Backyard. Resources are dirty and we, the superior people, will not live in a contaminated city. All strategic resources must be obtained from trading or colonies. No cities to be founded with a resource known to be in radius -- if one shows up later, it must remain unconnected and unused. If a resource shows up under a city, that city is contaminated beyond any hope of recovery, and must be abandoned or given away.
:sleep: The Lazy People. Idea prompted by progress in RBD9. An expansionist Civ that can't be bothered to build its own cities -- no settlers to be produced, ever, all cities come from free settlers or conquest.
Originally posted by Jaffa Tamarin
:sleep: The Lazy People. Idea prompted by progress in RBD9. An expansionist Civ that can't be bothered to build its own cities -- no settlers to be produced, ever, all cities come from free settlers or conquest.

And produce no workers at all, only captured workers will work... the others are to lazy to even push the slaves to work full capacity (that's why they work 50%)
There seemed to be a lot of interest in the 5CC game. RBD9 was full before it even hit the forum, so there was no application process. If others are interested, I'd be willing to host (and play in) a second 5CC game, with up to six players. Apply here, and if there's enough momentum, we'll get it started as RBD10. :)

- Sirian
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a 5CC game???

I'm interested but I don't know what it is...
Five City Challenge. We build five cities total, stop there, never found or capture any others, nor accept any cities that want to flip to us.

A less intense but more busy variant than the One City Challenge. :)
Yea, those are fun... I played a 10 city challange with my freind.

We played the same map, and we could only build or capture ten cities. But we could keep those that we got by culture.

And that was my first Diplo Win...

Anyway, I'm really interested in playing a 5CC game.
Sure, I'd play a 5CC game. I've been wanting to join (or start) another succession game now that RBD 3 is winding down.
Out of curiosity, are people in the other 5CC allowed? If so, I'll join. :)
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