RBD10 SG - The Five Iroquois Tribes

I traded our world map for map making, their world map, and 40 gold, taking map making off didn't give us any extra gold. Philosphy was auto-chosen when we got map making, feel free to switch it to another tech if you want. For those following the game, here is what our territory now looks like.


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The Persians are to the southeast of us.


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Japan is on the other side of Persia


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And finally India, who is above Japan


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Wow, that was nice with those screenshots - I like to follow a interesting game, and it can be hard without screens...
I must say ur spice-strategy is a pretty wild plan. Lookig forward to see if you pull it off
Originally posted by Schnarrd

:( Well, that's unfortunate. At least we'll probably still get the GL. By the way, wasn't there something that required more shields that you could switch to besides a barracks (like a library)?

Ahhh, nope. If you read the turn summary you'll notice that Lit (and the ability to build a library) was discovered by us 5 turns AFTER the Oracle was built by the Greek.

Trust me, if the option had been there to build *anything* else so as to waste less shields (and provide more benefit than our 4th-5th barracks) I would have taken it. :)

Edit: Um, I agree with Grey Fox regarding the Map Making trade. If we got extra gold then fine, if we spent gold, why?? If all three of the other Civ's had Map Making we would have gotten it either the next turn or shortly there-after from the Great Library so if we spent gold then it should have waited. IMHO.

FYI, the units in the "spice gambit" plan need to be placed so no AI settlers will found a city in that valley with the spice, not around the border of the Persian city. :)

Question... Did we get Map making from the Library? I notice the initial time to discovery was 22 turns, then 10 turns later we had it.

Just curious. :) Woo hoo, let's hope we get the Lighthouse. :)
shdwlord's results are solid: we got the wonder, and everyone on our continent had access to the parts we had explored anyway, so brokering the maps was harmless.

EDIT: Wow, the thing submitted all on its own in mid-sentence! :lol:

I'll have to post again to attach the screenshot.

- Sirian
For the Spice Colony Gambit to work out, we need precisely two things to happen:

1) First and foremost, we must prevent the area from being settled. Expanding borders automatically destroy colonies.

2) If we do succeed in blockading the area, we still also have to connect roads to the area, and defend it if we are attacked.

Since no settlement can be formed on a mountain, we don't need to position ANY of our troops on the mountains to achieve our objective. In fact, unless we have spare troops (we're not even close to that) we can't afford to put them on the mountains. If war breaks out, they'll have time to move to defensive positons.

Also, that Persian town was founded in a spot friendly to our plans. It's too far to disrupt what we want to do, nor even to threaten any of the colonies until the city has accumulated over 1000 culture points. That's a long way off! I've outlined in white, the area the city's border would include at 100 culture, influence factor 3. Harmless to our plan!

We don't need to place any unit on the mountains, and we don't need to place any within two tiles of that city. So here's what we still need to do:

Red Dots: URGENT.
Yellow Dots: middle priority but still important.
Blue dots: insurance, and a possible shot at also grabbing the iron.


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My apologies if I seemed to question the validity of the whole map-making deal, I simply was confused on how it transpired.:confused:

If I have this right another Civ discovered it and we traded our World Map for it and some gold and then traded it to everyone else??:enlighten Is that right? [dance]

Sorry, not meaning to be :flamedevi, just puzzled. I hope that's correct however, thanks for the clarification. :D

EDIT: Didn't see the new map, but there should be enough units available in our cities now to be able to do this, it's simply a matter of getting them there without upsetting X-Man too much.
Got it. :)
Originally posted by Ozymandous
If I have this right another Civ discovered it and we traded our World Map for it and some gold and then traded it to everyone else??

Almost ;) Everyone had mapmaking, all I did was trade our world map to everyone, one of the things I got was map making.
After the reign of the Lord of Shadow, Schirroquois siezed power through a vastly complex scheme involving sharp sticks, "incense" (smuggled in from foreign countries), a new peace pipe called the "bong," fourteen hogs (there were plenty of those among Shirroquois' advisors), leather clothing, whips, a dozen eggs, three large blocks of stone fashioned into hammers :hammer: , and four bovines for good measure. Upon gaining power, Schirroquois set two goals for himself:

1. To continue the plan known as the "Spice Gambit."
2. To make contact with the mysterious tribe across the waters.

Inherited turn: We're running science while we have the GL??!! Someone spent too long smoking his peace pipe! :smoke: I decrease science expenditures to zero, raise the luxuries one notch, and fire all entertainers in all cities except for Salamanca, whose entertainer I change to an alchemist. I also upgrade a couple chariots and prepare to send the resultant mounted warriors to the spice blockade. Most of our cities are building military (ie mounted warriors).

2. We get polytheism from the GL.

5. Galley built in Allegheny. I move it towards the yellow border.

6. Barbarian galley appears out of nowhere and attacks our galley! :eek: Two hitpoints taken off our galley before the barbs are destroyed.

7. We have contact with the Zulu! Apparently they are alone on their island, as they do not have communications with any other civ. They are also quite backward, and do not possess map-making, so they cannot make galleys yet to contact the other civs. I trade our world map for his world map plus 155 gold. I decide to keep the Zulu in the dark by not trading him any communications and by withholding our world maps from the other civs. As soon as we see a galley going towards the Zulu we can trade around their communications and world maps.

I also notice that our expenditures are getting quite high and that Xerxes has quite a few Immortals wandering around. I call up X-Man and trade 87 gold for gems and lower our luxuries down a notch.

8. We get Mathematics from the GL. A few catapults are started in various cities.

10. Because Schirroquois no longer had any "spices" to pacify his advisors with, the advisors of the five Iroquois tribes overthrow Schirroquois and install a new leader.

We have 14 turns to the Lighthouse. Also, our spice blockade is nearly complete! Speaking of blockades, there is a hole between Allegheny and Niagara falls in which an AI with a galley and settler could place a blight on our land. We may want to consider placing a blockade there, too.

EDIT: ARRGH! I did it again! I attached the wrong game (I'm playing my own Iroquois game at the same time as this one - probably not a good idea!). :smoke: Hopefully this attachment is the right one. ;) Btw, the spice blockade could be expanded with the amount of troops currently down there. We'll also need a few more troops on the coastline in case of galleys.

Here's the roster:

Carbon Copy << up now
Grey Fox << on deck
Here's the current spice gambit situation (oh, and I forgot to mention in my writeup that I've got three workers building a road to the spices).
Let's see if the attachment works this time:


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Originally posted by Ozymandous
Question... Did we get Map making from the Library? I notice the initial time to discovery was 22 turns, then 10 turns later we had it.

No, the time dropped by a combination of libraries coming online, and going from 1st civ cost to at least 4th civ cost.

Originally posted by Schnarrd
We're running science while we have the GL??!! Someone spent too long smoking his peace pipe!

We got Map Making the last turn I played, the last time I had checked before that (3 or 4 turns), no one else had it. I just never readjusted the science/tax rate before I saved. I thought it would be better to get galleys and get more contacts so we would have more civilizations to get techs from than to drop science to 0% right away.
Ah, we don't need troops on top of the mountians down there because you can't build cities there. THe troops on the mountians should be moved to block the areas where the AI can settle.

Thanks for the clarification on Map Making! :) Now if we can make contact with everyone else first (and get the GL) we'll be set.
I guess it's my turn to be chief for a day. I've actually spent a long time down in the "famine" cycle these past few days, to tell the truth it was quite a nice vacation from "which two games do I have to play tonight?"

Should be able to get to it tonight.
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