(0) 850 AD - We review the world situation.
Egypt is down to just 1 city
Available techs - Music Theory, with the size of the landmass, I will pass.
Democracy, not much value in mostly war mode with a non-relgious civ.
Metallurgy - This one a WANT.
Physics - Need this to leave the Middle ages.
Veto - Switch Veii / Cumae to musketman - Why build an obsolote Legionary?
I am stuck finishing an incomplete turn.
All troops but 1 are healed, wake up the stack in Calix...
I HATE THIS GAME! - Turn zero is not completed and Texcoco flips back to the Aztecs.
(1) 860 AD - Smith's is rushed - you don't have to tell me twice about a wonder
I switch Neapolis to settler and RUSH it. I plan to raze these Aztec cities.
Cumae switched to settler.
Our Elite knight RAZES Texcoco - flip this.
(I) No surprise, Smith's is ours.
(2) 870 AD - I really hate to keep ANY Aztec cities, but I can't resist owning Leo's.
Instant Starvation in Tlatelolco.
(I) Spices have added $3/turn to keep importing them.
China is building Shakespeare
(3) 880 AD - We RAZE Teot - flip you Aztecs.
(I)WTH - Hispalis flips to the Aztecs - This is OBSCENCE - There were NO overlapping borders.
Iroquois start Bach.
(4) 890 AD - Hispalis created a Demonic spearman, and we lose a knight.
I may regret this, but I capture Xoch...
+2 workers, +1 catapult.
One city to go.
(I) English start Shakespeare.
(5) 900 AD - Resting the weary troops.
$150, Furs, Ivory get us Metallurgy from Babylon.
(I) Greece lands a lone swordsman by Veii - I hope this isn't a sign of trouble.
(6) 910 AD - Most of our galley are know Caravels.
Greece is builing Shakespeare.
(I) The silks supply goes - the frelling greeks declare war.
The lone Greek swordsman commits suicide at Veii.
Babylon can offer an MPP
(7) 920 AD - Viroconium is founded - we have another source of Ivory and SaltPeter.
Since we have 5 extra incense, I trade one to the Iroqoius from Music Theory, wm, $6.
Three luxuries and $125 prys Physics from China.
I rush the temple at Tlatelolco - border expansion will give us another fur.
I can't spot any cities that look like the will revolt due to the loss of Silks.
I can't wait for Play the World
(8) 930 AD - Hispalis is captured and...
(I) Iroquois start Shakespeare.
(9) 940 AD - Zzzzzzzz.
(10) 950 AD - Lugdunum is formed - I general hate building on a wheat square, but this is the square to cover the center of former Aztec land.
I can finally buy ToG gravity for a more reasonable price - Ivory, $285 gets it from England.
Summary - Finally, a turn that feels good - the Aztecs are DEAD
We are still behind in tech - The next player can decide on Magnetism for about $425.
We need more military.
I dont know where I got that name from??? [blush]
@Sirian - did you change the culture flip at all?
I know you said map only, but I have NEVER suffered with it this bad before.