RBD16 SG - Opium Moghuls Luxury Game

Sirian taking three steps before settling down! I had the same idea as Charis, to take 4000 BC and see if immediate is worse or better. Then I thought...I will bet the Sirian has already done this....

It will be interesting and informative to hear the results......and discussion.

Was it weed :smoke: ...or was it not :smoke: :whipped: or both :yinyang:
If you get to a dot map, keep in consideration having around 8 (or max, 10) cities in this core, all highest quality, that's it. Then envision one at nearest unclaimed lux site, and another on the direct path to that spot, spaced loosely not dense.

I know this is a Charis Mix-n-Match game, but in terms of functionality, I'd rather not see this become a virtual 5CC along with the rest of the restrictions. We're going to need a core, and frankly, ANY land within two city diameter's of the capital, is AUTOMATICALLY "highest quality".

I'd like to see two rings of cities fully surrounding the capital, and eventually two rings fully surrounding the FP site. I'm all for the idea of forsaking capturing/settling distant and/or AI lands, except those needed to secure luxury sites. That part should be a lot of fun, but can we manage to do that without tying our hands worrying about local city count near the capital? I say again, ANY land near the capital is automatically "highest quality" (and I marvel at how frequently players pass up local deserts and mountains on top of the capital).

We could put two, maybe three more cities in the south, in the "second ring". We could put one north of Agra, and a fishing village west or northwest, in the "first ring", then whatever fills up the second ring beyond that, but not have a third ring at all. Beyond that, only resource-sites, and maybe some day an FP.

That would be my suggestion. (The water to the west nixes about five or six cities out of what would be possible for a two-ring inland arrangement. Isn't that good enough on the "low city count" aspect?)

As for dotmaps... don't look at me! Maybe Charis should do the dotmap this time.

- Sirian
Good points... the city count sure does run up fast even with second ring cities :crazyeye:

I'll try a dot map, but there's so much unexplored it will be about as useful as my 4000 "dot map" :lol:

The optimal city from 24 to 20 was minor, an 'encourager'. A bigger change was considered but tossed out as "too mix-n-match". I should do a breakdown of empire sizes for each of the rbd games vs the map size. Are we always way over optimal? At it? Below? When did we found FP and what effect did it have? That type of thing... (A good weekend project :P )

> We're going to need a core, and frankly, ANY land within two
> city diameter's of the capital, is AUTOMATICALLY "highest quality".

Agreed, and this is a point overlooked. My comments were meant to imply that if you have a choice of 5 spots where you get extra hills or resources, or 6 spots covering the same area and each one a little, go for the former.

> We could put two, maybe three more cities in the south, in
> the "second ring". We could put one north of Agra, and a
> fishing village west or northwest, in the "first ring", then
> whatever fills up the second ring beyond that, but not have a
> third ring at all. Beyond that, only resource-sites, and maybe
> some day an FP.

> (The water to the west nixes about five or six cities out of what
> would be possible for a two-ring inland arrangement. Isn't that
> good enough on the "low city count" aspect?)

Actually yes, the coastal/water nature of the start is what should turn the "smaller number" core into a minor-to-medium stretch rather than pain, pain, playing two games. Let me look at the map with your suggestions...

Well, ok, yes, that paragraph of yours is pretty much dead on. :p I see I was off with the count, sorry. 8 wouldn't do AT ALL, 10-12 is more like it.

... heads to Power Point ... ok, made an illustrative map
* A and f : Red 'A' a high quality spot near Agra, and 'f' a far lower priority eventual fishing village.

* If we wanted more room here (and I don't think we do) you might think A2 and f2 instead. But that's more third ring distance, and gets us no luxuries. (Self-veto)

* B, cd , and E are three "second ring" Yellow sites that would make up the lower half of the core. It's black now, but choose 3 high "quality" sites based more on resources than on perfect geometric coverage. C and D (orange) separately would be a more normal choice if not shooting for a smallish core.
E might be coastal, or if lux or nice spots inland, not.

* '?' the Green dot, will be, if it exists at all, a luxury site somewhere beyond B, cd, and E. It could be 'third ring' distant, or fourth. But it should be founded, with fairly high priority, and *if needed* and extra city between it and second ring should be founded to bring the goods home. Or... if it makes sense, shift B, cd or E further away an extra square to ensure that. (I drew it past E but it might be beyond B or anywhere, or it may not exist. If I were to dream, I would make it an 'Opium' site, our second "key" resource, and it would be rather close to B, cd or E :P )

As drawn, cd and E are about 11 squares from the capitol. Pretty much 12-13 distance = end-of-core. The corruption factor increases fairly dramatically over the distance from 11 to 14 from what I can tell (it's map-parameter dependent, so not 100% sure here)

Currency is good for first beeline, and Literature might be our next ?? Without temples the 3 culture of the Library will be *essential* in not having huge border gaps! We'll also need culture for good deals.

FP? There would be merit to razing Memphis and replacing it one day (or an area near it) for an FP. Current thinking (obviously very subject to change) would be that we might find a 'cluster' of lux sites someday on another continent. If so, rushing an FP there would be very nice. It would NOT be according to plan to think about near-term FP at Memphis area, with a second hub of cities around it. (Well, unless the dark spot behind Memphis is *teeming* with luxuries)

With this dotmap, not counting the fishing village, there are 10 core cities, and hoping for a lux 'green' dot on top of that, down to the south. (So that's 8-10, which should have been phrased 10-12)

Feedback?? Has the weed gotten to me?! :p


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Originally posted by Charis
- Tech rate and cites: Was set mistakenly for tiny. (Note!! Always choose
'customize world' if starting with a scenario with no pre-made map :P )

Well, this was confusing me :confused: , since I never got a 'customize world' option when starting my scenario. So I investigated a bit, and found that the choice to 'customize world' or not only appears if you actually do have a map with the scenario -- if you want a scenario which really doesn't have a map, you should select 'no map' under the editor 'tools' menu :)
Inherited turn:

Gave Rome 1 gold piece :).

2110 BC: MMOW (ok it wasn't that much, but still...) and warrior fortified at Agra

2070 BC: Agra Settler finished, Madras spear sent to Agra, Agra warrior escorts the settler to it's founding location.

2030 BC: Luxuries upped to 20% so that Madras wouldn't revolt any more (forgot that the granary had been whipped - and after all that hullabalu about whipping temples and the like :) )

1990 BC: Madrass completes worker, changed to warrior. In between turns Liz demands 21 gold. Normally I don't cave in to such outrageous demands, but smoke and mirrors had left for Roman territory long ago :). She went from cautious to polite.

1950 BC: Mathematics finished, currency started. Egypt started building the Pyramids after this turn.

1910 BC: Karachi founded north of Afra. Scout started. PUNGENT WEED spotted north. We met a nice gentleman by the name of "Hammurabi", or so his men told us. Mathematics sold to Babs for Mysticism, Wheel and 12 gold. He went from annoyed to cautious.

Our "little sister" ;) makes her way into our palace via the Romans. In the same deal we got writing, and all we did was teach them how to add digits and give them 32 gold! Rome goes from annoyed to cautious. Then we decided that Rome would like to make some wheels for their pathetic chariots, and so we sold them the knowledge of the wheel for 44 gold.

We then decide that the backwards English have far too much currency sitting in their bank account, and relieve them off 100 gold pieces. We also taught them how to subtract, just for future reference.

1870 BC: Bungalore builds worker - changed to granary. Good news, our army (aka our farmers) is acutally average in size compared to everybody else that we are in contact with! That is of course, except for the English, who have more men than we do.

1830 BC: Madras builds warrior, starts settler

1790 BC: Embassy with England, Egypt (pyramids in 70, size 2, growth in 3) and France. Lahore worker gets :hammer: vetoed and in it's place, a warrior is trained. Goody hut spotted up north.

1750 BC: Lahore warrior complete, worker started. Agra finishes settler, sent to in between Karachi and Lahore. The goody hut gave our mighty empire... some pathetic maps of their region :(.

1725 BC: Calcutta finishes barracks, starts spears. Bombay builds settler, which is sent south of calcutta. Luxuries dropped to zero because ....


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1700 BC: Egypt has our opium! We ask them for an ROP and 28 gold - they oblige. ROP with England for 27, with France for 25. With the new funds, we establish and embassy with Rome, and then get a ROP with them and 25 gold. Embassy with Babs (Pyramids in 63, growth in 2, size 2) established.

Everyone is polite with us :).

1675 BC: We have the highest score - that we know of :D. Also discovered a bug. If you go to view spaceships, you can see the other undiscovered civs on the planet. I didn't take note of who they are, and won't look there again until the spacerace is on.

1650 BC: We all take a nap.

1625 BC: We sell writing to Ms Patra for 47 gold.

1600 BC: English building pyramids. Karachi builds scout, then starts worker. Barb camp spotted south. Lux changed to 10% so that Madras doesn't revolt. We then dial up the Ham meister, and buy Horseback riding (our stupid people kept falling off the horses - the knowledge of how to correctly balance is very beneficial to us) for 2 gpt and 44 gold.

1575 BC: Kolhapur founded. Will be pillaged next turn. English warrior + settler pair spotted north of Karachi.

Iron working for horseback + 2 gpt + 10 gold from Egypt. We find some iron near Calcutta and some near Lahore. NOBODY has any iron connected. The only other iron in the map is near Babylon. No other iron was visible.

1550 BC: ROP + 5 gold from Babylon. Ham goes to polite. Kolhapur ransacked for 1 gold piece :D. Agra builds settler. Sent to cut off Newcastle from the rest of the English lands. We will (unless plan is vetoed by the next leader) try and culturally take it over by the careful use of whipping a library :). Madras builds settler, which is sent to claim the rest of the weed. Jaipur founded north of Bombay/ Karachi.

1525 BC: We throw a party. We invite Joanie. Last we heard, she was mumbling something about whether a test was going to go blue or red ;).

1500 BC: Lahore builds worker - we start an archer there for posterity :). Hyderabad founded, claiming some more pungent weed in the south. One gold given to Liz and Cleo (who were complaining because Joan got to have all the fun).

Note, the dot is the proposed location for Newcastle killer.


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Overall looks like good expansion of the kingdom smegged.

However, I think there are some cases where our nation's love for the weed has gotten the better of us! I'm not sure if you saw my post with dots and expansion thoughts before you played, perhaps not.

- Kolhapur. It looks like a comfty, nestled in the hills spot, but... it's locked at size **two** until a library, and then stuck, hard and cold at three. Chopping down, irrigation can get an extra spot, but a ton of work and effort just to get to size four. If I can figure out how, I would think abandoning the city and re-settling right next door east one step on the coast let's it be a full size city and still decent production.

- Umm, Hyderabad. It's also hosed. Nil food. Only by stealing the fish from a better city would it even have ONE square with two food. We'll need to disband it on and resettle, one square south, where it can still pickup the spice. pungent weed. Btw, if that was the concern, eventual expansion from madras following up a colony there would get it for us anyway.

- We want Newcasle as a BUYER, not as one of our cities - it has nothing to offer us. Fish? Fish and sand, no luxuries. Settling a second city with no lux value to capture it would be (imho) a mistake, and that'll be a veto. :P

That's ten cities, as mentioned in the previous post, covering our core territory. If there is a luxury south below in the darkness, we would settle one or two more down there, but that's *it* for cities right now.

Marketplaces, exploring, trading, infrastructure, these are all our next focuses.

I wonder if we've missed out on the ancient-wonder-train with Agra at size two and nothing started.

Thoughts on wonders? Colossus or Lighthouse at Madras might work. Wonders we see being constructed are the Pyramids at London, Thebes and Babylon. (If Persia is in the game, count on it at Perseopolis too :P) They're not bad of course, but competition is stiff and continental cities less here than other games. The Hanging Gardens (or Oracle, although near useless for us) would give us a head start on denying happiness, but those two expire anyway and so aren't a part of the variant win condition.
We need libraries (badly) for culture, so going there next and Great Lib isn't a bad course either.

I'll see what I can do -- will play it this eve.

I almost had a conniption when I saw those two landlocked no-food cities in the south. :eek: However, those were such fine examples of Opium Usage that I knew I could wait and let Charis or someone else point out the less-than-ideal aspects of these locations. The one in the north should have been on the lake, too. When dealing with rugged (low food) terrain, one has to look first at food potential, or else a city won't be going anywhere, and fresh water is always a priority, unless there is some imminently compelling reason not to be there. There is a huge difference between being on or off the coast, too, as a harbor can add a ton of food (and size) to a city.

Population is power!

- Sirian
You must let it grow to two.....then start settler...make all people entertainers causing food shortage, rush settler. You will get, can't complete settler message, but with add "abandon city" choice. Abandon city and poof, no more....move and resettle.
Kolhapur was founded because of a barb trap. I couldn't go anywhere without loosing the settler. I also have a habit of trying for no overlap with other cities. My stupid brain didn't realise that there wouldn't be enough workers to work all of the land anyway :)

Hyderabad was just weed :smoke: should have been settled one southwest.

Jaipur was founded off the hill for one reason. There are no other hills in the area. I forgot that inland water was all fresh and therefore required no aquaduct :eek:

Karachi was founded on desert, which saved a hill and got the extra food out of the desert imediately. Where it is now will also allow a harbour to be built there.
The weed was strong. Pungent so to speak. Tis a double-edged sword, for
the same weed that leads to power, money, respect, desire, also can lead
to decisions that *seem* at first glance to be wise, yet are opium induced.
Such were several recent decisions. A new leader was sought, one who had
tasted and known first hand the power and effect of the weed, but who had
sought to not subject himself to its control any more (or at least, as
little as he possibly could! :P )

In this way did Padshah Charopia come to power. His task was to fix and settle
the core cities in his land, to explore nearby lands for luxuries, and to
start marketplaces for trade.

1500 BC (0) - We kick the Settler habit. Switch to Granary in Agra and start
Colossus in Madras, hoping to get SOME wonder from it.
England has a worker available, which we trade for knowledge. More folks to
work the weed!

1475 BC (1) - Settler does an about face and heads south, with a warrior in
front of him, HOPING to find some luxury or something of interest in the

1425 BC (3) - Just south in darkness we now see a barbarian and iron.

1400 BC (4) - French join the pyramid race. Add to the south list horses and
some luxury mid-fog, can't make it out yet. We need horses for our UU,
the Pachyderm! (Bangalore when it expands will get some too)

1375 BC (5) - An Opium cache, right next to London! (MOST unfortunate for them!!)
(Ex London works for an FP site :P )

Ah, we now see what's in the mountains -- Shrooms!! 1 food, 2 gold resource!
Looking around, the world has the identical tech set.

1325 BC (7) - Ah! We see the south is the end of a penninsula, with the iron,
horses and shrooms right near the bottom.
1300 BC (8) - We disperse that bar camp in the south.
Ya know, it's just ugly down there. Foodless. The horses and shrooms
make a coastal spot a worthwhile grab. Iron would be on outskirts,
accessible via colony or (much) later culture expansion. Or... it can be
denied with a modified 'spice gambit' :P That leaves the question then of
what to do with Hyderabad and Kolhapur. The former looks much better one south,
on the coast. Do we need Kolhapur at all? There seems a gaping hole without
it - better see if there's a whale in that coastal land...

1275 BC (9) - Currency arrives, next we start Literature. (Need culture and
border expansion BADLY) We see shrooms up near Rome.

The others must have been on map making. Being traders, we recoup the
expenses of researching Currency, gaining world maps, 120 gold, map making,
and Philosophy.

What does the map show? OMG, we MUST have Pompeii one day, surrounded by
four adjacent Pungent weeds!! Marseilles has one. Babylon has one Opium,
Canterbury has shrooms. Egypt has several opium. Too bad not more concentrated.

Ah! Interesting! No whale or fish off our SE coast, but... a tiny island,
just perfect for, er... chemical 'research' with Opium that is best NOT
carried out under the prying eyes of our neighbors. We'll need a coastal
city over there, boat and settler to claim this little rock.

Basically we seem to be on a medium-large continent, but with six of us
packed in there with insufficient room. One more 'ring' at best for everyone,
and that's it.

1225 BC (Yes, Charopia going over, to make sure 'resettling' of cities is
carried out, and will get back to a round year) -

Meldor is correct :P Get to size two, produce at least ONE shield toward
a settler, whip it and put all workers as entertainers. Next turn you get
the choice of Delay production, zoom, or abandon the city. We do the latter.

Kanya Kumari is settled as our Southern Shroom village.

1175 BC (13) - Hyderabad is refounded.
1150 BC (14) - English start building the Great Library in Nottingham. Last
seen as size one, it has hills, forests and mines. We can compete, but would
need to start soon if we do.

They have Lit obviously, so cheaper for us to top off than finish. 35 gold.
We start Code of Laws heading to Republic, but... we'll let others rush there
first this time, and we kick back from 80% sci to 10% or a scientist.

1100 BC (16) - Egyptians start Great Lib also.
1025 BC (19) - Lahore starts the 'double whip' of a Library. Get one or more
shields, switch to Barracks, whip (1 citizen), then without leaving city
screen switch to Library. Go one turn to get one or more new shields, then
whip again. Use this in cities with size 3 and lame production.
In the same way, Jaipur gets a half-whip.

1000 BC (20) - England wants to cancel free RoP (fine with me). They have
Construction, and we can buy whenever you like - I would wait until we
have other things built and/or need of aqueduct first, and hope price drops.
Lahore completes the library (the second whip).

Kohlapur refounded on the coast. Mission complete, thanks for your patience.

- Get a settler ASAP to Chemist Island please! :D (just off coast of Kohlapur)
- Once horse at Kanya Kumari is connected, can build our UU, the Pachyderm.
the two key points there: all move is as road (so 3 spaces), and...
it can *CARRY* a foot unit. (Careful if it fights, it's 1.1.1 and would set off
our Golden Age)
- Several top cities are on marketplaces - if you think library should come
first, swap order.
- Madras Colossus is more "wonder placeholder". It would work, but there might
be another we want instead.
- Calcutta has been knockin out spears for every city. Unlike other games,
THIS one isn't leaving gaping defensive holes, and we'll be ready for any
- The Southern cities will need harbor and library, and should be fine after
that. Until then, low food.
- I'll try to take less-then-normal #turns next time...

Jaffa <<< UP
Meldor <<< ON DECK

Good luck!
0) 1000BC Renewed RoPs for maps and cash. Why does Elizabeth thinks she's so special that we would pay her for an RoP?

3) 925BC Trade route opened up with Egypt. Traded Ivory+2g for Opium :smoke: :)

I guess Egyptian opium will be our first 'hostile takeover' target?

Buy Code of Laws from Rome for 100g. Start full-bore research on Polytheism, heading for Taj Mahal.

4) 900BC Egyptians finish Pyramids, and start on Oracle.

Babylon cascades to GL. England cascades to GL (from Pyramids) and Colossus (from GL).

5) 875BC We blow some of our treasury and investigate England. GL will complete in 17 turns, so we're not going to get it (or use it as placeholder, even). Colossus completes in 52 turns (probably less, as Nottingham will grow).

French and Romans start on GL (from scratch, or is that delayed cascade?)

7) 825BC Babylon starts on Oracle.

9) 775BC Our scouts reach the ends of the world!

10) 750BC We just finished researching Polytheism (and everybody else picked it up this turn :( ). Monarchy in 17 turns at max science.

Everybody currently building GL will cascade off it in at most 12 turns, which will probably take Oracle and Great Wall. I was thinking about using Oracle as prebuild for Taj Mahal in Agra, but obviously that won't happen. We may be able to use the Madras Colossus, instead.

Have we traded our map yet? I didn't on my turns.
Digging at the site of what was once the great center of the Opium empire, the lost city of Agra, a discovery of several scrolls written on dried elephant skins. Translators say they cover the mostly uneventful reign of the despot Cannibus the first. It is reported that he came down out of the mists of the Pungent Mountains to lead his people through a time a great peril after the loss of the rastifarrian king Jaffa. However, secondary sources say that Jaffa most likely fell due to too much sampling of the budding drug trade that had its roots in the Moghul kingdom. However some of the foundations laid by these early despots lead to the great opium lords of the later centuries. We will list here a summary of what was found on the scrolls, as the actual text is filled more with false praise for a long forgotten ruler than actual historic fact. While many of the great early civilizations were building the wonders of the world the Moghals were spending time perfecting drug distillation techniques.

-- Cannibus after stumbling out of the Pungent mountains, finds himself in Agra during a time of great distress. It seems the last ruler has wonder off and no one is willing to take up the holy pipe and smoke of the sacred weed, thereby accepting rule of the budding empire. Cannibus, never one to turn down a good buzz takes a bold step forward and after a long draw on the bong of office utters his first offical edict as the new ruler...."Bummer man, don't hog the munchies". Thus began his reign.

Preturn 750 BC - Cannibus is very happy with the ability of all the cities to do the best they can. One small change at Karache is all he can see to do. He takes his pipe around to each of his fellow leaders but no one wants anything to do with him. Construction is known by all, but none will trade it to him even for the finest pungent weed.

(1) 730 BC - The new marketplace finishes in Bombay and now only the best in post weed dinning is to be had there. A group of people start talking about moving to the coast and settling on an offshore island. Some of the few people willing to do any work finally connect a source of iron to Agra and everyone is happy as we will now have iron bands for our hooka pipes and they won't fall apart when they are knocked over by stragglers in the middle of the night. Agra finishes its Library and is ordered to start a flop house for wayward soldiers.

(2) 710 BC - A building to house books of trivia is finished in Bangalore. And having heard how good the eating is in Bombay, they start there own market. A wandering scout falls prey to some mounted bandits west of England. Losing all of his stash, he disappears into the country side not to be heard from again.

(3) 690 BC - Workers finally come free to start working on improvements around Madras. Cannibus found it hard to believe that someone was trying to build a statue for druggies to gaze at but not a single mine for metal was to be found anywhere near the city. Babs start the Great Wall and finish the Great Library. England starts the Oracle.

(4) 670 BC - Calcutta finishes a spear and starts a second one. Several cities are still defnded by a warrior only. The Romans and French cascade to the Oracle, Egypt to the Great Lighthouse, and England to the Great Wall. England then finishes the Oracle to restart the cascade. Cannibus looks over the parchment pictures of these new wonders and utters one of his most noteworthy lines..."Cool, Dude".

(5) 650 BC - A galley is finished in Kolhpar and they set sail on a tour of a small deserted island off of the coast. The skipper will return to pick up setller from Bombay and pick up sightseers. The French cascade to the Great Lighthouse, the Romans, Egyptians, and Babs to the Great Wall and the Japaneese finish the Colossus. The statue in Madras will have to be reshaped.

(6) 630 BC - Madras is cascaded to the Great Lighthouse and it will be completed in 42 turns (yea, right). Cannibus may be smoking some good weed but hopes that mines may pull it in far enough to go from "when pigs fly" to "we just missed it". England starts the Great Wall.

(7) 610 BC - Settler group with names like "Professor and Mary Ann" head for coast and awaiting galley. The Egyptians finish the Great Wall. The Babs and England switch to the Great Lighthouse.

(8) 590 BC - A single mine is finished at Madras and the time to Lighthouse drops to 32 turns. Egypt finishes the Great Wall.

(9) 570 BC - A second mine comes on line at Madras and the turn to the Lighthouse drop to 26. A PACHYDRERM IS STARTED IN AGRA, after completion of settlers Thurstan and "Lovie".

(10) 550 BC - News comes from the coast that the group on the three hour tour are caught in a storm. The ship is put on to a desert islnd and the Professor and Mary Ann are left to fend for themselves. The skipper and his mate repair the boat the skate back to the coast to pick up a group of richer settlers from Agra called the "Howles". Meanwhile the Prof and Mary Ann settle down to making more and brewing strange distillates. They call this new place Chemystery Island. Cannibus likes it so much he funds secret research into uses for shrooms found in mountains in hopes of one day selling those to the idiots of the world...I mean our wonderful trading partners.

That is all of any worth that was found on these scrolls.

Notes: Settler in Calcutta was heading for coast to be picked up by galley. Looks like some room behind Egypt to maybe grab some more luxes.
The first Pachyderm is due in two turns, I thought it fitting that Charis get the first one.
The Great Lighthouse is due in 25 turns and workers are trying to complete two more mines. Not that it will matter.
Somewhere in there Bangalore expanded its border and brought horses into our hands.
I built spears for the cities. We don't need too many more and we can start building troops to go capture the luxes in the hands of those foul foreigners.
I saw a lot of wonders built on my watch...unfortunately they weren't built by us.....

Don't get smoked.....
Nice write-up Meldor :p

I was in the middle of a "hey where is the save post" then
notice down below where I'm typing it has snuck in via an edit.

Must have been a kicker to see those wonders flying by. We had other, uh... interests. As the 'free' spots all become settled, and our crucial isle of Chemistry, it'll likely move to our first guerilla action. Good think we'll have a pachy or two on hand to help. Watching Jumbo carry a Sword or something into battle should be fun :hammer: If they fight it will Goldenize us. Hmm... looking at all that wonder cascade, I wonder if the right time to 'go Golden' is just a Feudalism is researched, giving us a shot at one or more real wonders? Later on in the Era, Smith's is a must for us. :P

Good luck to Jester,
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