Rbd19 Sg - Big Brother

Charis <<<<<< STILL UP NOW
Smegged <<< Still Needs to Review the Dotmap before playing. :p
Carbon (?? Are you in or out of this one, CC ??)
I, Charus, pen the words of the wise and mighty Romulus in this the annus of
1250. First the news all wait to hear. Our sister is well!! All else is details...

1250 BC (0) - As we review the architectural dot map, we see four news cities
since the plans drawn up. All three purples tops and one of three fine greens.
There is one other dot that Romulus feels compelled to found asap, and it's
too far south of the rest of the dot map to be seen, no doubt.
The dot of Palacius Forbiddenus, down toward our beautful sister, establishing
our half, in the grand tradition of Chicago and Bombay. And/or... a city at
the choke point down below, at the least. That choke is 17 squares from the
capital. Corrupt as heck, but not desolate. A choke town and one further down
at silks or good FP spot would be nice. There's also plenty of settling near
home to do.

The only wonder construction in the world is the Pyramids by the scandalous
Americans. When did they start this? The annals are quiet on this matter.
I notice most cities are building granaries. We can build the Pyramids in
44 turns (or less) have the Oracle to fall back on if needed. We have shields
out the wazoo in Rome, and food to match. I think it's a "go"! :hammer:

Athos has the barracks and will crank much needed troops. Veii is our settler
farm, Philo will do a temple then start a second wonder. Silkton to worker.
We'll need more settler output and soon, as well. Antium seems to want a
whip for the temple, but... with 12 turns to finish it, it would take LONGER
to regrow to size 3, and we stay our hand. I look at America's city list.
Sheesh. They're like rabbits. Not good.

Last move, send Wolf's spear down to the choke point, and another spear to
a goody hut.

1225 BC (1) - Silkton defends against a barbarian horse.
Rome is short two shields for a spear... rather than waste 7, I swap now
to pyramids. Something about "Crossing the Rubicon" is noted...

1200 BC (2) - We start to think of our sister's next birthday...

1150 BC (4) - A french warrior is seen above the choke, but no settler. We
shall try to protect our dear sister from harm and the brutal barbarians
up North by setting up an anti-bar wall at the choke :P

1125 BC (5) - Dear Joan sets up an embassy in our capital! :D

1075 BC (7) - Athos beats back a halitotic barbarian.

1025 BC (9) - Bar horse comes up next to our worker, must pull a spear from
Rome to defend, he can't move quick enough out of the way.

1000 BC (10) - Our dear sister starts the Pyramids. Good thing we started
at Rome!!! Abe would have beaten her, giving her great sorry. And now she
can cascade to the Great Library - much more useful for our sister to learn
how to read more than to eat more! :lol:

Wolf Ni... is renamed to Lupus, and our spear steps out a minute to kill
a barbarian and make it safe for our worker to work the cattle square.
** The horse came up to the cattle square in one move, so it's NOT safe
for the worker to be there without the spear! The city is safely out of
horse distance, so don't worry about it just yet **

The Roman spear kills the horse, he needs to re-enter Rome so we can bring
the lux slider back down (or kill the barbarian village off to the right!!)

There are bars west of Silkton too, be careful for the worker's safety. Its
doing another worker now, but perhaps a warrior or archer (or spear) would
be better.

The settler and next-door spear in the mountains are not on goto, but were
headed for the choke point. One settler is already there, at the site of
our Chokepoint city. The other spear is to seal off that path. There is a
warrior below, now on goto to come back and seal the landbridge before it's
too late. Once the other spear arrives, he can go back to exploring the black
zone down there. Antium will finish its temple next turn, maybe a settler next.
There is a settler due from Veii in two. (A super side benefit of the temple
right away in Antium- it will expand to snag the boundaries of the iron
and we can make... Legionary!! In fact... maybe crank a few *warriors* before
the iron is online to upgrade ??

Ah! Finally, our dear sister's birthday! [party] What shall we give her??

Sadly, no road yet to give her gems, so it's a little spending money again.
(She has map making btw, so any blockade is not permanent, but will stop a
flood and will keep the barbarians away from her.) Seventeen gold, as she
looks like a beautiful young girl!

Good luck,

Smegged <<< UP (see notes above!)
Jester <<< On Deck
I'm gonna steal your Idea.

Me and My freind are going to play a Variant Competition based on your rules.

I just love em!
Well, it turned out to be a private SG for two persons.

I will tell you all any goodies and the outcome!

Report from our private little SG.

Player Civ: Persians
Map: Large
Number of Enemy Civs: 7 or 8, can't remember...

We got a pretty good start and the first Civ we met was the Americans. They became our little brother. Little Abe.

The only tech we have been able to give him was the Iron Working, because of his own speed in researching and the AI's trading.

We started by giving Little Abe a tribute of 20 Gold per turn(players turn=10 turns), and then increasing it to 30.

But we are in a mess right now, in a war and most recently Abe declared an alliance with the Shaka against us!

The upside is that Little Abe has covered the most land of all Civilizations with his cities, and he got the Oracle.

We are the last in the Tech race, but we are about to get the Great Library, so...

Well I keep reporting, and tell you what happened with the War with our little Brother.
Grey, that's wild, little brother Abe teams up with Shaka of all people to destroy you.

I'm glad we got gentle, sweet Joan! :love:
(Actually, I do wonder if she'll pull an rbd2-Egypt and go nuts at a very early stage)

Look forward to news how your war goes :P
Inherited turn -

Looked at our territory and our wonderful sisters land. She wanted to know our lands, and all the lands we know, and have sixty crates of gold as well. But she's our little sister, and she'd never rip us off :)

From Joanies maps it looks like America can't expand in their own territory much more. Five mini towns, tops. So he'll be headed our way soon (or Joanies way).

Also, we are on an isolated continent, with only France on the same landmass. America is on their own landmass, and are isolated.


Antium builds temple, starts worker.
Spear returns to rome, and lux set to 10%.
Silktown worker vetoed for warrior


Veii builds settler - sent to an orange dot near a horsie
barb camp near lupus destroyed for 25 gold!




Elite french warrior spotted above chokepoint. The choke is sealed now, and will only be unsealed if they want to remove themselves from our territory.

I find some weed. Philio was building the collossus!!! I switched it to a temple, which wastes 0 sheilds this turn, but three sheilds next turn. Oh well, cannot be helped.

Athos changed from archers to spears. We need defensive units, not offensive ones! Especially since our only neighbour is our sweet sister :).

World map traded to America for their world map + 87 gold. He goes to polite.

Our little sister sells us a worker for 30 gold :)

Lux to 20% to stop revolts next turn in rome.

Embassy established in washington. They have one citizen and are building a spear. San Fransisco investigated which reveals that the Americans have 108 turns left on the pyramids :).


We get iron :)
Philio phinishes its temple and starts a warrior (to claim hut).
Antium starts settler
French warrior seen heading north.


Rome rearranged to finish in 17 turns. If it had stayed how it was, it would grow in 14 and finish the pyramids in 20 turns.

America comes a-calling and wants a straight exchange of world maps. Why not?


silktown warrior has to attack a barb horsie or the worker near there will die. He looses one health. Another horsie spotted.


eep, silktown warrior down to one health after taking the barb horsie (who obviously wanted to pillage rather than attack the warrior - he didn't get his chance though :) )
a spear gets promoted to elite on its way to choketon.


Philio culturally expands
silktown creates warrior
athos builds spear, archer sent to disperse barb camp.


goody hut nets 50 gold. Choketon settler in place for founding next move. The other settler is on it's way to the orange dot next to the horsies. The warrior next to Rome is on it's way to disperse the barb camp on our eastern coast.

It is noticed that the hideous american scum dogs have founded a city right next to our glorious little sister. We must pillage them off our rock. For the sake of our little sister that is :).

Which reminds me, it's her birthday. We are feeling generous and give her our world map, our territory map, and 27 of our gold piles (what good are they any way, they only collect dust - but in our sisters hands, it could be put to good use). She loves us :). She says that we are very generous. Aww shucks Joanie, you shouldn't have :blush:
Was the Colossus actually weed? I'm not sure, haven't opened it up lately, but on large maps, one of the LAST things you want to see is the Colossus left to hang around. Often, capital cities are inland, and the AI's don't start on the Colossus at all early, so it's one of the best moves you can make. And... you called it weed and vetoed it? I'll have to have a look later and see. I hope you're right, because if you were [pimp] when you applied the veto stamp, it's The Prod for you! :whipped: :lol:

Sounds like a good turn in general. The more we find out about that lecher, Abe the better! I'm more the type to build workers and take risks -- early growth curve is just huge, and even if barbs do raid a town, they usually only get a few gold. However, every now and then something bad happens, so my way's not always the best result, but in general, it leads to much faster starts. It's all about postponing What Can Wait and hurrying the growth cycle. Can't push it too far or the house of cards collapses, but you have to cut corners somewhere on higher difficulties to get ahead.

As for buying a worker from Joanie... that was just plain bad. :spank: :nono:

1) She has one less worker (and is not fiscally responsible enough, yet, to make adequate use of the gold you paid for it anyway! Heck, just GIVE HER the gold if she wants it, and decline the worker. But... she did not offer this deal, did she? DID SHE??? :lol: I didn't think so. I have never seen the AI volunteer to sell a worker.)

2) There is a continuing diplomatic penalty for using a civ's workers as slave labor. That it's minor usually doesn't matter, but in this case that's Not Kosher with Joanie's little French Helpers. Even the most minor annoyances to her are a Big Deal to us, as we don't want to be ticking her off.

3) I was already secretly planning to give Joanie one of OUR workers as my next Birthday gift to her. :bday: Now I'll have to give back her worker, AND the one I was going to give her, AND another one just to say, "I'm Sorry". :) The faster she improves her lands, the better.

Still... I know you meant well. Whoever's up next, give that worker back and we'll laugh it off as "just teasing her" -- and, being our darling little sister, she will of course just giggle a bit, take the worker back and say nice things about us.


- Sirian
Sorry for highjacking this thread...

New report about our private little SG.

The war with little borther Abe is over, but before that could happen we were dragged into war with everyone else. Shaka wouldn't stop by using Abe to get to us (I think it was a trick to make us mad at our brother...), he also invited the Japanese, the Chinese, the Iroquais and the Aztecs in the Party of destroying us. Everybody on the planet that we were aware of...

Anyway, that just made us real mad and Shaka was going to PAY! We started the production of Immortals in about every city we could and started massing troops outside his borders, some where killed, but more of his horsemen were slain during their little attack at our siege... then when we got enough units we started our razing of their cities. And we are not stopping until we have their capital (with the Pyramids). So when we had razed all of their western and northern cities (a total of 4), we reached their Capital (this is were the game is saved). About this time we had been having peace with our brother for some time and he actually wanted an Formal Peace Treaty (those with Turn limits...), so we said yes of course. And gave him our world map and half of our treasurees.

We are in par with all the others we have met thanks to the Great Library, but our city number are not that great. What we intend to do is build up two productive areas and settle for that. Then wage war when necesary and perhaps have a Communistic government. Which is great if you have the optimum city number. and two great Core areas, and no corrupt areas before. Then Defend this areas well, and wage war with almost all civs at almost every point of the game. Building lots of artillary, and defensive units. (we should be able to stay with the Immortals for a very long time as the attacker, more so if we prevent the others from getting Saltpeter, and Iron if we can).

We have succeded with the assignment of getting our Brother a fare amount (large), of land... but not with our own land.

So the future would consist of waging war, and trying to build some more cities, grabbing the areas we intend to have, and then getting our brother Gracious and keep on protecting him.

P.S: Why did you buy the worker, not a Nice thing to do against your sister. You should donate some to her instead as she is Industrius and all... (as we have too, with our cute little wrinkled Abe)
It wasn't the collossus, but the oracle :P

As for the worker, yes, when I thought about it, I shouldn't have bought it. It is just a habbit I have. I did offer her 30 gold for it (when all she wanted was 25).

But, my mistake. Giving it back to her is a good idea.
I'll get right on it!

Well, sometime, anyway. Ten days gives me a lotta leeway, but I'll see if I can finish it before next... (flip flip flip) wednesday after next wednesday.


Okay, pretty standard turn.

Joanie got 50 gold and a world map as a gift. We have such an abundance of luxuries, however, that I think we could be nice and generous with those pretty soon.

We didn't get the pyramids; I was forced to bail to oracle, which we now have, useless as it may be. We have the money to buy some tech if we want. We're certainly making enough of it.

We've got some more cities, placed according to the dotmap priorities, no surprises there.

Research is nominally on literature, on the off-off-offhand chance that nobody else is trying for it. Everything else, we could probably buy.

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