Rbd19 Sg - Big Brother

Infrastructure: Not much going on, seeing as we only had 5 workers at the start of my turn. Not too big a surprise, really, as we've been concentrating so much on settlers. What workers we do have are mostly concentrating on the road net, though I did spare a couple for irrigating bonus tiles on our high-food cities. Vetoed a couple things at the start of my turn, but nothing too drastic, and mostly in the outlying areas -- our core cities spent most of my turn building granaries. One of our cities is building a harbour for trade purposes as well as because it has pretty much no good food tiles available. All our cities with sufficient food are primarily still working on expansion (post-granary, of course.) Sirian, it's time to update the dot-map; you should have several settlers coming due shortly on your turn. There are also several temples in need of whipping on your turn.

Military: I tried to skimp as much here as possible in favour of infrastructure. We do have a couple cities pumping military (I had to build a barracks 1st in one case) simply because they are food-limited and there's nothing else good to build. We built our 1st legion near the end of my turn, it is in Rome awaiting instructions. There is a barb camp to the east of Rome, on the coast east of the warrior fortified on the iron hill; that might make a good proving ground for our (hopefully) elite force!

Research: Ho hum. Didn't veto the 10% into Literature, I guess it's possible we might eventually get it that way since we still need contact with a bunch of civs to lower the price enough for it to be worthwhile to buy it. Still 30 turns off.

Diplomacy: Ho hum, there doesn't seem to be much going on here either. Gave Joanie another 50 gold for her birthday since we don't have a trade route to her territory yet. Soon she will have her own gems and won't need ours, but there's always furs and spices! (Hmm. spicy furs... no, don't want to go there! :eek: ) We don't really have the workers to spare to be gifting her any right now anyway. :)

Looks like everything is proceeding apace, albeit with no firm plans at the moment other than land-grab. Two things that need a bit of attention are (1) FP location, and (2) whether to try to grab any land beyond the bottleneck at Cumae, with the latter decision affecting the former. Unfortunately the best spot for our FP if we don't expand past Cumae is in the middle of a mountain range, whereas if we do expand past Cumae then our bottleneck city might become our FP city.
Early turns: whipped some temples.

Middle turns: built some settlers.

Late turns: whipped some temples, founded some cities.

* Egypt finished Colossus. Two turns later, America finished the Great Wall from cascade.

* Bought Code of Laws from Joanie.

* GAVE HER WORKER BACK. (Nobody thought to do this? :spank: ).

* Hooked up some horses and trained one unit.

* Cleared out a barb camp, but two more have popped up, one in far north, one in an unknown location southwest of Rome.

:bday: [party] :bday:


For her birthday, darling Joan received a fine bunch of stout American slaves. I told her to put them to work on something mundane, to amuse herself -- perhaps plant a fine new garden outside the Palace in Paris, or have them polish the floors in the royal kitchens. :lol:

Some notes:

If we are going to get an early middle ages wonder, we need to start now. (Perhaps Sistine Chapel, to go along with our marvelous Oracle). I suggest Philo as the best site... it's on a river, our largest city, has good food to grow and plenty of happiness. All it needs is a courthouse first, then it can go on Palace Placeholder until the time is ripe to switch over and nab something good.

We need more workers. Not sure where best to train them, but our lands in many regions are begging for improvements, and many cities are working unimproved tiles.

Abe is the largest civ and we are second. However, Abe is Not Being a Good Boy. :mad: He has jumped behind little Joanie and IS STEALING HER JUNGLE LANDS. That bully is going to have to be punished, and we're going to have to take those lands away from him at some point (and give them to Joanie :love: so she can make use of them).

Might also be good to build a ship or two somewhere and start exploring. (Harbors first? Not sure).

Need to irrigate a couple grass around Rome in anticipation for government change upcoming soonish. Same with some grass around silktown, and some of our western towns are begging for more food.


- Sirian
OK, got it.

Had trouble last night as the link appeared broken. Now that I am awake this morning, I actually went to the Uploads directory to look for it and found it there. Apparently, the Uploads directory is case sensitive.

My Try at Link to Game 8-)

Originally posted by Sirian
This may be the wackiest game yet from the Variant folks at Realms Beyond. :crazyeyes

Our Objective in this game IS TO LOSE. That's right, we're going to win this (we hope) by "losing" the game! :lol:

Why would you guys play a game to lose?
This one makes no sense.

I can understand the other game changes by rdb crew, that make the game harder. What purpose does this one serve?
How can you force France to build a space ship?
Originally posted by TheWatcher

Why would you guys play a game to lose?
This one makes no sense.

I can understand the other game changes by rdb crew, that make the game harder. What purpose does this one serve?
How can you force France to build a space ship?

One learns more from losing than from winning. I think this is an excellent exercise.

Besides, if they lose, they win
We only win if we lose the right way. :)

We can't *force* France to build a space ship, but we certainly can encourage it. Usually towards the end of the game all the tech leaders start a spaceship. If we can ensure that France is a tech leader, and can prevent anyone else from doing so (or at least completing one,) that leaves France in a very favourable environment for a space victory.

Of course, whatever Joanie desires, goes. :love: If she wants to win by some other victory condition, or even by histogram, I'm sure we'll accomodate her...
Ok, little of note here.

I built 2 more cities, one is set to found next turn, and there is a spare settler lounging about in Rome.

We are up to 12 workers.

Philo is placeholding.

Japan was destoyed, and we have met some new folk.

Dear Joan was given gold for her birthday 8-).

Heh. I can always tell when Cy's in a game, as I have to go round and execute the governors in the new cities :)

Joan came and asked to trade territory maps, which of course we were delighted to do :)

Darling Joan researched Currency! We bought it off her for 220g and our World Map.

Byzantium was sacked by barbarian horsemen. We lost the warrior defender, and 1g.

In 230AD, America declared war on France. Oh, Lincoln, you have Chosen Unwisely!

We declare war on America in defence of darling Joan. (I note that we did have an unexpired luxury trade with America, so this is going to ruin our rep, even with Joan :( ).

250AD was the end of my turn, so Charis, you get all the excitement :)

America has captured Rheims from Joan, which is right over the other side of France, so it's going to be a long haul trying to get it back for her. However there are plenty of nearby American cities we can raze in retaliation.

We set up an RoP with Joanie (for free), and give her plain boring gold for her birthday.

Smegged << Up Now
Jester <<<< On Deck
Charis << Reshuffled to End of Roster
Inherited turn - not much to do :).

290 AD - China and America have allied against us! More importantly, China declares war on our little sister!

San Fransisco completes the Great Library.

300 AD - China and Persia Ally against us! Then Persia declare war on our little sister.

Let it be known that world war I has been declared against Romulus and his little sister.

Let it be known that Romulus' people will come do the defense and protection of not only his people, but of his little sister also!

I ally with Babylon against the Chinese (for the simple fact that it will take some of the heat off the French).

India make contact with us!

320 AD - Joanie says that we are a tough negotiator :(. Oh well, I buy Monotheism off her at her bargain basement discount price of 290 gold + world map. Then I buy her updated world map for 210 gold. Then I get comms with the Aztecs for a meager 2 gpt and 9 gold from her. She's such a lovely little sister :love:

It looks like in between turns Joanie recaptured her city :) yay!!!

340 AD - Persia and the Aztecs ally against us (but not Joanie :))

It's Joanies Birthday. I give her our world map and 71 gold. I also get republic off her for 9 gpt and 50 gold. We are now officially broke.

Note to next leaders. We need a new wonder soon. Philio is building the palace at the moment, and would NOT be a good site for a fp.

In this turn I started mainly millitary, workers and courthouses.

We still need to raze an American city.

I've got it. Hopefully, I won't have to abuse the 10 day timeline this time.

We've got an SoD descending on Kansas City and Dallas. We will avenge our little sister!

I left most of the infrastructure that had been ordered to build, and ordered a little more, mostly in the shape of marketplaces in rome and other central cities. One can never have enough of those.

We've got some legionaires, mostly in our SoD down south, and some more coming; I don't see us being in any danger.

Joanie didn't lose any cities, as far as I can tell, so it was a pretty sleepy turn.


There is this matter of the wonder. We've got a palace due in 12, now that I crippled our wonder city (forgot the name, pretty obvious, since it's building a palace...). There wasn't a single tech that came up my whole turn, from anyone. Until the last turn.

Joanie has feudalism. I love our little sister dearly, but I'm NOT paying our whole treasury (plus 100) as well as 39 gpt and our world map for feudalism. That's just not kosher.

I'm hoping she trades it around, and the prices go down, so we can buy it off her in the next go-round for something generous but reasonable, then switch ourselves over to sun tzu's, in time to start a good prebuild on the sistine, since obvioulsy nobody's doing any major research.

Well, that's that, I guess! Go raze Kansas City to the ground, and kill every man woman and child for the greater glory of our little sister!


P.S: Not knowing what else to give, I forked over 100 gold to her. I thought about taking her offer for feudalism as a gift (if she'd offered, instead of me asking, the rules would have required it... scary.) but I'm not that nuts. I hope I interpreted the rules right... was I obligated to take it? If so, no turns have passed, so we could accept without problem.
Not obliged to take it, but not allowed to lower the price from what she asks. It's OK to wait and do nothing. We would do better to grab SunTzu even at ridiculous cost than screw up and move the palace, though, or waste the shields. Next player will have to be artful with that. :)

- Sirian
That would be me, then. :) Got it, probably won't play right away though.
Hmm. Once again, we seem to be short of workers... it's 450 AD and we have lots of cities without even the most basic land improvements. That needs to be rectified. A lot of our cities need irrigation -- even on grass since we should be out of Despotism soon. We also need some settlers to fill in gaps in our territory. I want to switch to Republic, but we seem to be at war with 2/3 of the known world, and I'm not sure how bad we'd get hit with weariness. Wonder how that happened? ;) Seems like our little sis could use some lessons in tact -- we love her, but gotta recognize the flaws as well as the virtues... :) Looks like Monarchy is more likely, assuming we can get our hands on it.

We are 10 turns away from Palace; hopefully we can get Feudalism or Theology before then. Failing that I may have to revolt just to give us a few more turns; hope we get Monarchy in there somewhere.

450-470 AD: Hammurabi discovers Monarchy. Hmm, do we try to tech broker here, or wait for the AIs to do it? I decide to wait a turn to see if they will broker, and patch up relations with Montezuma and establish embassies with the Aztecs and India so we gan get RoPs with them to make them happier with us. Unfortunately they are pretty much broke so we don't get enough out of them to cover the costs of the embassies, but it's still worth it for the improved relations. Looks like Joanie's got her own mini SoD on the way to Kansas city. :)

480 AD: Joanie wipes out Kansas City on her own -- go sis go! Our SoD is on the way to Dallas, but hers may beat us to it as well, meaning we'll need to go after a city on native American soil.

490 AD: Joanie and Montezuma ally against China.

500 AD: Joanie has swapped Feudalism with the Babs for Monarchy! Great, now swap around a little more guys... price of Feudalism is down to 402 gold + 4 gpt. Part of that is the tech swap, but part of it too is less gpt -- remember our rep was shot from declaring war on America, so gpt deals are waaay expensive now. Joanie wipes out Dallas -- meaning that our SoD is going to have to travel all the way through France to find an American city to wipe out! Who knows how long that is going to take.

510 AD: France signs a peace treaty with America. Of course, we still have to go wipe out that city before we can make peace...

530 AD: There's no way anyone else is buying into Feudalism or Monarchy, they are all too dirt poor. We buy Feudalism for 470 gold and world map from Joanie, and swap Philio to the Art of War. I'd like to get Monarchy too, but there's no way we can afford it from her... we could probably get it from Hammurabi for some lux and maybe an alliance or two, or an RoP, but he's broke as well, so we can't get gold from him and buy Monarchy off our sis. The rules state that we can't get resources from anyone but Joanie, but what about tech? I'm not clear on what the story is with that, but we've waited this long, a couple extra turns until Sirian can make the call isn't going to hurt too much I guess.

540-550 AD: Wrap up while we wait to collect gold to buy Monarchy off Joanie. If we can short-circuit this by getting tech elsewhere, great, but for now I'm not going that way. We still don't have enough workers or settlers, but I skimmed as much as I felt I could during my turn and the next batch will have to come during someone else's tenure. I've been trying to get irrigation down toward Lupus (and perhaps beyond?) but we also need more workers near Philio now that we have a real wonder to build. I've slowly been moving some that way but there are urgent projects along the way as well; all our core cities need some more improved tiles. I almost completely neglected military during my turn as we are in pretty mediocre shape as far as infrastructure goes due to the dearth of workers -- we have lots of courthouses, which is good, but without improved tiles to work they don't mean much.

We give Joanie more boring gold for her birthday. We don't seem to have much else to offer...

One final note -- arrrgh on us ruining our rep because of the foul Americans! I would have loved to get both Monarchy and Feudalism from our sis so we could be in something better than Despotism, but we couldn't afford the cash to get both and we couldn't pay in gpt either. Our timing on wonder-building sucks too -- if we had not needed to get Feudalism RIGHT NOW to take care of the wonder I would have gone for Monarchy first hands down.

Oh well. As our dear sis would say, c'est la vie. Sun Tzu in like 19 or so, less if we speed it with tile improvements around Philio.

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