Rbd19 Sg - Big Brother

One thing of note: Our wonder city, on my turn, was going to pop a palace in far too few turns. So I deliberately rigged the city to produce vastly sub-optimal shields. That's what I meant by "crippled our wonder city". Shoulda been more clear.

Is this still going? That seems quite a while for Sun Tzu to get here...?

No, it's not still going on. I put the entertainers back to work (before that it was like 26 turns or something.) Sun Tzu just requires a lot more shields than the Palace.

Incidentally, there's no doubt at all in my mind that our little sis is going to win somehow. She's in Republic and is going to have at least half our income going to her pretty much the entire game in the form of tech/resource purchases and birthday gifts, so she's rolling in dough. We're spoiling her rotten, no doubt. :)
Spoiling her rotten??? Aw dad, you're too harsh! :lol: Our little sister lives, er, like a queen :queen: because, well, she IS a queen. Ya know? She's also the sunshine of the earth, and birds migrate from all over the earth to hear her sing.

Joanie... :love:
We do not have to get resources only from our Sister. We can get them from somewhere else IF she has none of that type to offer us. As for tech, we can get that from anyone, by any method, but we must trade to Sis for what she offers, or else just give it to her, by the end of the current player's turn.

EDIT: I've heard from Charis and he's out of the Civ3 picture. So the game marches on. I've got it.

Sirian <<<< Up Now
Cy <<<<< On Deck

- Sirian
550 AD??

Well it looks like playing a turn here to help out really wouldn't make a difference. This one still has plenty of time to go.

With a 10 day deadline I would NOT join the game. To easy for it to get lost with a "I have plenty of time" thought pattern.
JT: yeah, where does the time go? The ten day time limit seemed like a good idea at the time, but I don't think it panned out. I sort of had in mind that most would play within a couple of days, when it turned out most took the bulk of the available time.

I am finding that with ANY SG, if the pace doesn't move along zip-zip and keep moving, my interest wanes. My head gets into the game with newer games and I lose connection to the old game. Some things remain familiar, but... sometimes the spark dies.

The spark for me wasn't dead yet on this game, and I still have some interest in the idea, but maybe it was more dead than I thought, since I haven't given it a thought since it became my turn. Several other things, including a bout of major forum posting and improving weather to be getting outdoors, have occupied my attention.

No man is above the law, though. The rules are there for a reason and SG's have been suffering for lack of enforcement. I took too long, consider me dropped from the roster. Good luck with the rest of the game, guys!

- Sirian
Heh, well if both you and Charis are out, then most likely the game is dead anyway, Sirian. :( If enough ppl are still interested, it may go on; it looks doubtful to me, but you never know.

I guess it's up to whoever's next in rotation... is Cy still playing? Or does that make Jaffa up?
I think anyone who is still interested should post here.
That will decide if the game can continue.
Well if you check the original few posts you'll see that I liked the idea and wanted to be in this game, but at the time I wasn't included in the game. :rolleyes: I would like to play and finish this one but I'm majorly over-committed at the moment on games and simply cannot pick up another succession game. How about when RBD12 finishes in a couple days we pick this one up, LKendter?
Actually I almost signed up to this one. The concept was so whacked, even I wanted to give it a try. I was also overcommited at the time.

Well I think RBD12 has more that a couple of days, but it is close. Not to often you can kill 2 civs in 10 rounds.

Since Sirian was running this, it makes sense for a new thread.
I could start another take over thread like LK24 was.

Signed up:
Sulla (wants RBD12 to finish).

Does anyone else still want to play?
To get this to work, you will probably have to abandon the 10-day turn limit idea. Since this is a large map, I probably couldn't play under those circumstances.

In fact, I'm trying to cut back on Civ3 commitments as I'm spending my time on other games these days. So, unless the rest of the people currently playing want to continue the game as is, you can probably count me out.
I agree, the 10-day turn limit doesn't work.

If enough people want to keep it going, I want to go with a standard 24 got it, 48 total time format.
I don't mean to be abandoning the game. When I set it up, the ten day rule was iron clad. It just isn't right to set that standard and then ignore it for myself. It's not much better to abandon the game, though, and watch it collapse, since the rule was written to serve the game, not to sink it.

On the other hand, something in me says that it's OK to let games go. Rather than spread all ourselves out, what the RBD players need most is to reorganize, figure who's still interested and committed and who is not, then start NEW games, where all interested are invested in the game from the start. My RBD12 v2 game was an experiment along this line. How would a game do with a fresh crew on a new start? I think that one has worked out very well. It has worked out so well, I intend to spend my energy on SG's in that direction. RBD10 and RBD18 are the only other still-ongoing RB games to which I am still committed. LOTR2 is another, but it is almost over. 18 is teetering, it has had several players drop out.

There are five new players in my Training Day game that have showed a good level of commitment and could be ready any time to jump into more SG's according to the time they have available. That may be premature -- I wouldn't want to stretch any of them into being overcommitted, and that's pretty easy to do. But I intend to conduct an "RB Roll Call" here some time soon, gather up everybody of old who was interested, and everyone of new who's shown reliability and commitment, and start some new games. Drop the "D", which has nothing to do with civ, and start fresh with "RB 1".

In that sense, yes, I think it's best to cut this game loose. It was a cute idea that I may come back to, or may use in the Epics, but the cost is just too much at the moment. Charis was much of the life of this SG, and it's now missing too much without him.

LK, if you really want to finish it, or carry it to a new thread with or without any of the original participants, you have my permission. Any of the current participants who want to finish it in its current form have my permission, too. Whatever works.

- Sirian
Well, new ones with limited time commitment involved, I may still join. Just not more than 1 or 2 at a time. :)

I didn't realize this was another game that Charis was that important. I agree with a couple of the ended games that he was a key.

You may be right, find out who is still going for the RB crew and get new games going. They key is to spread the starts apart. Hitting 5 games in 1000 BC is easy. 5 games in 1900 AD can be brutal.

I misunderstood your comment, and won't pick this one up in an LK orphan thread.
I must say that my interest in SGs has waned. But it has more to do with the fact that I have had no time recently for any games, much less time for games that require me to pick them up within 24 hours (this game isn't one of them).

RBD18 and 20 are going to be my last SGs I feel. I am still committed to Civ III, just not in an SG format.
But I intend to conduct an "RB Roll Call" here some time soon, gather up everybody of old who was interested, and everyone of new who's shown reliability and commitment, and start some new games. Drop the "D", which has nothing to do with civ, and start fresh with "RB 1".

Hey, is this happening any time soon? I'm still looking to get in on the ground floor of some RB SGs. I tried starting one, which very slowly got a lukewarm level of interest, and may yet work out.
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