Designer, Mohawk Games
The Deity Succession Games, venturing into Realms Beyond Emperor, bring you the next round of the series. Please see the thread on "Realms Beyond Emperor" for rules and more details.
RBE2: It's a Small World After All
Difficulty: Deity (of course)
Civilization: Aztecs
World Size: Small
Opponents: Five Civs, No Commercial or Scientific rivals
Terrain: Pelago 30%
Climate: Cold Wet Flat
Barbarians: Restless
Rules: Standard
Victory: Any
I took the first start that it generated and did nothing besides take a screen and save the game. As you can see, we start on the edge of the ice on a cold map, which should qualify on the difficult side of things. No commercial or scientific civs, but that means industrious, militaristic and religious opponents, who are likely to be adept at island grabbing. I am hoping these opponents will provide a slower tech pace and give us more of a chance, although that may just be a pipe dream.
T-hawk will start. Play twenty, thirty, or forty turns to start. If less than forty are played, Zed can play twenty if he likes. Once it gets to smegged, we'll shift permanently to ten turns per player.
As for that start, I would think we'd want to move SE one tile onto a tundra, and get next to the sea (or fresh water, if that happens to be a lake), while redeeming one tundra tile. The wines right there will help, and if we can get them irrigated they would provide 3 food under despotism, as well as early economic support in not having to run as much lux tax. Without immediate access to granaries or any kind of prebuild, we will either want to train jags or get a very early temple going.
RBE2 - Aztecs - 4000BC
OK guys, here we go.
- Sirian
RBE2: It's a Small World After All
Difficulty: Deity (of course)
Civilization: Aztecs
World Size: Small
Opponents: Five Civs, No Commercial or Scientific rivals
Terrain: Pelago 30%
Climate: Cold Wet Flat
Barbarians: Restless
Rules: Standard
Victory: Any

I took the first start that it generated and did nothing besides take a screen and save the game. As you can see, we start on the edge of the ice on a cold map, which should qualify on the difficult side of things. No commercial or scientific civs, but that means industrious, militaristic and religious opponents, who are likely to be adept at island grabbing. I am hoping these opponents will provide a slower tech pace and give us more of a chance, although that may just be a pipe dream.
T-hawk will start. Play twenty, thirty, or forty turns to start. If less than forty are played, Zed can play twenty if he likes. Once it gets to smegged, we'll shift permanently to ten turns per player.
As for that start, I would think we'd want to move SE one tile onto a tundra, and get next to the sea (or fresh water, if that happens to be a lake), while redeeming one tundra tile. The wines right there will help, and if we can get them irrigated they would provide 3 food under despotism, as well as early economic support in not having to run as much lux tax. Without immediate access to granaries or any kind of prebuild, we will either want to train jags or get a very early temple going.
RBE2 - Aztecs - 4000BC
OK guys, here we go.

- Sirian