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RBE DSG2 - It's a Small World After All


Designer, Mohawk Games
Dec 20, 2001
Pennsylvania, USA
The Deity Succession Games, venturing into Realms Beyond Emperor, bring you the next round of the series. Please see the thread on "Realms Beyond Emperor" for rules and more details.

RBE2: It's a Small World After All

Difficulty: Deity (of course)
Civilization: Aztecs
World Size: Small
Opponents: Five Civs, No Commercial or Scientific rivals
Terrain: Pelago 30%
Climate: Cold Wet Flat
Barbarians: Restless
Rules: Standard
Victory: Any


I took the first start that it generated and did nothing besides take a screen and save the game. As you can see, we start on the edge of the ice on a cold map, which should qualify on the difficult side of things. No commercial or scientific civs, but that means industrious, militaristic and religious opponents, who are likely to be adept at island grabbing. I am hoping these opponents will provide a slower tech pace and give us more of a chance, although that may just be a pipe dream.



T-hawk will start. Play twenty, thirty, or forty turns to start. If less than forty are played, Zed can play twenty if he likes. Once it gets to smegged, we'll shift permanently to ten turns per player.

As for that start, I would think we'd want to move SE one tile onto a tundra, and get next to the sea (or fresh water, if that happens to be a lake), while redeeming one tundra tile. The wines right there will help, and if we can get them irrigated they would provide 3 food under despotism, as well as early economic support in not having to run as much lux tax. Without immediate access to granaries or any kind of prebuild, we will either want to train jags or get a very early temple going.

RBE2 - Aztecs - 4000BC

OK guys, here we go. :)

- Sirian
...unless you have difficulty filling up this one. But my preference would be for a larger map and some kind of variantism going on :)
I'd be interested in this, or RBE3. My preference would be a game with an appalling starting position. One where defeat seems almost inevitable, and where we have to use all the strategy, teamwork, and wits we can muster. I tend to think small worlds are substantially more difficult on Deity than large worlds, since etching out any decent amount of territory at all is so damn difficult.

I think we should try to reserve a spot for Arathorn as well since he seems interested in smaller games, and he expressed an interest in this game a while back. Unless we hear from him and he can't make it...

A bit of variantism or a tough start would work for me.
I'd like to play in one or the other; once we come up with some settings I'll see which I'd like more. I think I'd be happy with this one on a small map and no variantism, though.

As for Arathorn, he's not too friendly towards Sirian at the moment; the gory details are over at the RBCiv forum. Still, I'd like to hear from him and see him in one of these games.

Also, small maps aren't all that small; a small map with 6 civs is only about 2-3 cities per civ less space than a standard map with 8 civs. Remember RBCiv Epic One? That didn't feel small at all to me.
Hmm, a bit of a shame. Different setting, though, might make a difference. I don't think Arathorn has a beef with the way Sirian plays, just with the way things are run over at Epics. Here, I don't imagine that same kind of interaction or politics would be involved; there's no commitment to any long term endeavor and no leadership role needed here -- other than game creator, which is a trivial role and need not be Sirian in any case. We shall see; I'd like to at least give him a chance to say something one way or the other.
I am not ruling out the possibility of playing a SG with Sirian in the future. At this point, however, I think it best that I do not. This is caused by RL concerns of my availability, at least as much as any animosity.

I would very much like to play an SG with T-hawk, Sirp, and Zed (again), but now is not the right time for me to commit.

Zed pretty much hit the nail on the head. I'm saying something on it. I'm saying "Not now". Hope you get your participation!

I would like to play in this one. Here is my proof that I have beat a deity game.


This is the same game that I posted about in the strategy forum where I talked about the Nationalism Slingshot technique.

Nationalism Slingshot
BTW, I should mention that I will be out of town next week. So, if we do start this one right away, you probably want to put me at the end of the order rather than at the beginning...
Never tried a SG, so why not now? Though I might have to skip an epic for it due to time constraints.

I'm currently attempting to qualify for the RBE DSG's with a solo Deity game. I just thought I'd share some screenshots :)

My homeland: (My fp is in Antioch, and was build around the AD/BC turn)


Germany (the only significant opponent at this stage)


Tech tree (Germany has one more tech than I do)

I'm not interested in playing (don't have time). Just want to read your posts to gain some insight. Actually just figured that I don't have any HOF pics to show you I've win at deity (accidental hard disk brakedown -> bye bye HOF -> bye bye top score of 6500). Got a 7300 at emperor though.
Now I'm in the middle of my third deity game started.
Hoping I won't abandon it due to some horrible mistake like it happened with the other two.
Hoping to pass the 10k line without milking.
Hoping to see you guys start this game and give some hints to read.
I have played a few more turns of my deity game, and I'm pretty sure I have this one in the bag. You see, Germany is a bit like Persia in RBE DSG-1. They have a LOT of territory, but no oil :lol: I control two of the sources, and Babylon control one. And there's no way in hell I'm gonna trade oil to 'em. :lol:

EDIT: The only thing that could stop me would be to lose a cultural victory. I don't quite have half the German culture. Fingers crossed I can take 'em quick enough.


RBE2 players check the top of the thread for details.


Jaffa Tamarin

smegged is interested and may soon qualify (waiting to see an actual victory message there though :) ). If so, that would make eight who have expressed interest. Some others have said in the home thread that they would be interested in a DSG but have not shown up here as yet.

Jaffa, it will be up to you and the 3-team to decide on your scenario. Also, whether you want to go with four players, or add any others who may show up once the details are worked out. I took the three players who expressed a specific interest in RBE2 and a small map, leaving you the rest. You can work on the details for RBE3 here, or move right on to your own thread. Good luck! :)

- Sirian
Sorry to jump in on the RBE2 thread, but I was hoping that Jaffa could put me in for the RBE3 game. Hopefully we can discuss game settings and the like in a separate thread for that game; perhaps someone will do the honors and create a new thread for that game so as to avoid spamming this game's space?
T-hawk: Zed's busy most of the week, too, so a delay starting won't even matter. So that's fine. Now that we have enough people, I wanted to set the rosters, free up the RBE3 team to head off to their game, and let everyone fit these things into their schedules.

- Sirian
Since RBE3 people want to get a moveon, could you slot me into RBE2 please, after Zed. I haven't quite finished my deity game, but the game is in the bag. I have lots of tanks, Germany has none. I also have a foothold on their continent. 'nuff said. If by some miracle Germany pulls a spaceship or cultural win out from under me, I'll obviously withdraw from this game, but you can count me in. I should be finished by late tomorrow, at latest.
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