Realms Beyond
RBP2 Variant Succession Game
Civ: Korea Difficulty: Deity
Foes: Japan, China, Mongols, India, Russia
Map: Small, 60% water Pangaea, 5 billion, temperate, Sedentary barbarians
Suggested reading - RobberBaron's Wang Kong thread on Korea ideas...
Scientific and Commercial, not bad for a peaceful builder game.
But we're not playing that. We're out for blood! A very KEY concern
is the need for a GA to set off the golden age! The scientific choices
are Great Library, ToE, Newton ; Commercial include: Lighthouse, Colossus,
UN, Magellans, and Smiths. The age at which we would 'like' to be at the
height of our power is late Middle Ages, with our UU at Metallurgy.
It needs saltpeter, not iron.
You start out with the Alphabet and Bronze Working. Nice ones.
- Can try for Colossus asap
- One tech from spearmen
- Alphabet is on path to literature and GL
(Note Math needs Alphabet but also Masonry, and doesn't head to literature)
I ran a good half-dozen quick openings to see how effective various plans might
be, bee-line Great Library, build Colossus, and warrior rush!
- On a small pangaea I couldn't get even CLOSE to the Great Library
- Unless I had a coastal capital and forsook all expansion, I couldn't get Colossus
- I never really did see a 'super food' start, so I'm not saying the above are
impossible, just highly unlikely under normal conditions. But I didn't want
an artifically good start here.
- I had a very fun test game where I whacked three Indian workers with a warrior,
extremely early. The counterattack was brutal. His "starting" units were enough
to wipe me out twice!
Seems the best chance for early wonders here is a leader! 8-\
So after those test games, I conclude on the following scenario for this game:
* Koreans mindset is quite territorial, in a gang-like world where turf and
rumbles are everything.
* All the bullies in the neighborhood have picked on Wang Kon enough, calling
him a sissy moneygrubbing bookworm. He's had enough, and now insists on
being called Wang Kong!
* Deny the first tribute, and prepare for the worst in the opening moves.
(This is just a foretaste of the "Defiant" nationalist game!) After this,
you're free to pay/deny/request tribute as makes sense.
* Catapults *MUST* play a role in the ancient era war. Plan to make many of them,
have them on-hand for defense as well as offense, and have two dozen by Metallurgy.
* If the tech pace can be slowed, the duration where Hwatch'a are effective will be longer
* Prepare for an offensive war after getting a Hwatch'a SOD.
* Given the oddness of the game and upcoming holidays, this will NOT be a strict
10-turn game. I went 2-3 times as far as a typical SG opening, because I basically
had to see the ancient era war through. Others should play anywhere from 10 turns
to enough to 'make a statement'. 20-30 turns are fine for the next turns. Once we
hit Metallurgy we'll do a round of 10 turns each just so that ALL get a chance to
use these in battle.
* Given the abysmal hope of building our way to a Golden Age anytime before Internet,
give the strongest possible consideration to CAPTURING one sci and one commercial
wonder, then building anything - that will give us a GA. That would mean GL or Newton,
AND either Lighthouse, Colossus, Smith or Magellan. This/these would very likely be
determined Hwatch'a based assaults.
Here's the starting position of the first one generated after our tests were done...
More coming next post... Roster is partly TBA...
Civ: Korea Difficulty: Deity
Foes: Japan, China, Mongols, India, Russia
Map: Small, 60% water Pangaea, 5 billion, temperate, Sedentary barbarians
Suggested reading - RobberBaron's Wang Kong thread on Korea ideas...
Scientific and Commercial, not bad for a peaceful builder game.
But we're not playing that. We're out for blood! A very KEY concern
is the need for a GA to set off the golden age! The scientific choices
are Great Library, ToE, Newton ; Commercial include: Lighthouse, Colossus,
UN, Magellans, and Smiths. The age at which we would 'like' to be at the
height of our power is late Middle Ages, with our UU at Metallurgy.
It needs saltpeter, not iron.
You start out with the Alphabet and Bronze Working. Nice ones.
- Can try for Colossus asap
- One tech from spearmen
- Alphabet is on path to literature and GL
(Note Math needs Alphabet but also Masonry, and doesn't head to literature)
I ran a good half-dozen quick openings to see how effective various plans might
be, bee-line Great Library, build Colossus, and warrior rush!
- On a small pangaea I couldn't get even CLOSE to the Great Library
- Unless I had a coastal capital and forsook all expansion, I couldn't get Colossus
- I never really did see a 'super food' start, so I'm not saying the above are
impossible, just highly unlikely under normal conditions. But I didn't want
an artifically good start here.
- I had a very fun test game where I whacked three Indian workers with a warrior,
extremely early. The counterattack was brutal. His "starting" units were enough
to wipe me out twice!
Seems the best chance for early wonders here is a leader! 8-\
So after those test games, I conclude on the following scenario for this game:
* Koreans mindset is quite territorial, in a gang-like world where turf and
rumbles are everything.
* All the bullies in the neighborhood have picked on Wang Kon enough, calling
him a sissy moneygrubbing bookworm. He's had enough, and now insists on
being called Wang Kong!
* Deny the first tribute, and prepare for the worst in the opening moves.
(This is just a foretaste of the "Defiant" nationalist game!) After this,
you're free to pay/deny/request tribute as makes sense.
* Catapults *MUST* play a role in the ancient era war. Plan to make many of them,
have them on-hand for defense as well as offense, and have two dozen by Metallurgy.
* If the tech pace can be slowed, the duration where Hwatch'a are effective will be longer
* Prepare for an offensive war after getting a Hwatch'a SOD.
* Given the oddness of the game and upcoming holidays, this will NOT be a strict
10-turn game. I went 2-3 times as far as a typical SG opening, because I basically
had to see the ancient era war through. Others should play anywhere from 10 turns
to enough to 'make a statement'. 20-30 turns are fine for the next turns. Once we
hit Metallurgy we'll do a round of 10 turns each just so that ALL get a chance to
use these in battle.
* Given the abysmal hope of building our way to a Golden Age anytime before Internet,
give the strongest possible consideration to CAPTURING one sci and one commercial
wonder, then building anything - that will give us a GA. That would mean GL or Newton,
AND either Lighthouse, Colossus, Smith or Magellan. This/these would very likely be
determined Hwatch'a based assaults.
Here's the starting position of the first one generated after our tests were done...
More coming next post... Roster is partly TBA...