Realms Beyond
RBP7 - Defiant Nationalists of China
It's time for a rematch, nay, a grudge match! Combined arms from
the proud RBP5 DEFN team and the prevailing RBP6 MOW squad of doom
are out for blood. It takes the form of a variant deity game with
some lethal restrictions. Rules are as follows...
A 'Defiant' civ takes "no guff!", never giving in to tribute demands or paying for peace
The Nationalist in Civilization has a supreme view of itself as a nation, putting its own
interests first above all others, shuns globalism, and has a keen view of independence.
The proposed "Defiant Nationalist" rules are:
* No giving in to tribute, ever. That includes never paying for peace.
* May never sign mutual protection pacts, military alliance, right of passage, or embargo
* Any troops in your land must be told to leave immediately
* No capturing of foreign cities or demanding cities in tribute (flips/propaganda are ok)
* No qualms about dastardly actions in the best interest of our nation
(e.g., steal tech, military blockades, wars of aggression, neutral pillaging...)
* If an AI razes one of your cities, it must be eliminated (timeframe up to you)
* Foreign workers may never be added to your cities. They should not be 'bought' either
* Nationalism should be learned ASAP upon entering Industrial era
* Every city size 7+ at this time, and subsequent cities reaching size 7 for first time,
MUST draft a unit for defense of that city. (So eventually, a conscript in every 'city')
[Note in EDIT -- using foreign workers for labor, and obtaining them by capture, barter, or other non-cash means *is* allowed]
Other comments to set the spirit of the game...
- International reputation is simply not a high priority, although treaties are not
broken for simply monetary gain. Under the rules described though, I can't see
getting in situations where you would have to cancel a treaty early,
since you have no RoP, no alliances, tell troops to leave rather than openly
declare, and have 20 turns to 'prepare' for required action.
- If a city you found is captured, you should not rest until that city is recovered
Peace before that occurs is an option, but do not forsake the city - work to get it back!
- Any govt form is allowed, but if the people start whining about weariness, take no
guff from them either! Strike down the insurrection and change to become an
Emperor (Monarchy) or an Ultranationalist Government (Communism)
- Refusing tribute and having no alliances is going to make for a MAJOR challenge -
expect at least one "dogpile" on us, which won't be pretty
- At the end of a war you will have foreign troops who need time to get out. You
may give them a reasonable but limited time to get out. If they linger, or start
trampling unnecessarily over our nation, then they must get the boot.
- Chiang Kai-Shek is listed in Bartleby's as: "18871975, Chinese Nationalist leader"
In 1928 he became head of the Nationalist government at Nanjing and generalissimo of all
Chinese Nationalist forces.
Game details for RBP7 (PtW v1.21):
- Difficulty: Deity
- Civ: China (Mil/Ind), led by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
- Map: Standard, medium pangaea, random attributes, restless barbarians. No respawn.
- Foes: Mostly random (Japan not one of them, in honor of RBP5), one 'traditional' for sure
- Victory conditions for player: cultural, space, domination, conquest.
First player will take up to 40 turns, second player 20, then 10 after that.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Iteen and ukrneal for their ideals on a Defiant
game and a nationalism-focused game. These, along with some ideas and playtesting
of my own led to this variant. Thanks also to cpp1 and others who helped shape the
rules for this game, and to players in RBP5 for feeling the true impact of the rules.
Roster - interested parties from RBP6 and/or RBP5:
Cartouche Bee, Reagan, Meldor, ToddMarshall, Ridgelake, Charis
Arathorn, Architect, Jaxom, cpp1 of the Meiji line.
(More than I thought. I haven't heard anything out of RBP5 players other
than Meldor in a while. We'll either see a near repeat-roster of MOW
or we'll see game-A and game-B in a doubly-defiant spectacle? The MOW team
mentioned specific interest, so respond here if NOT interested or if you've
gotten your card filled up with another game, DEFN squad should response
asap if interested)
Be careful
PS - As with RBP5 I generated the map to be able to check for a 'dud' by playing
through a few turns. The first was a hideous sprawling jungle, but the second seems
fair. So I'll make no dotmap comments and go last in the first round.
It's time for a rematch, nay, a grudge match! Combined arms from
the proud RBP5 DEFN team and the prevailing RBP6 MOW squad of doom
are out for blood. It takes the form of a variant deity game with
some lethal restrictions. Rules are as follows...
A 'Defiant' civ takes "no guff!", never giving in to tribute demands or paying for peace
The Nationalist in Civilization has a supreme view of itself as a nation, putting its own
interests first above all others, shuns globalism, and has a keen view of independence.
The proposed "Defiant Nationalist" rules are:
* No giving in to tribute, ever. That includes never paying for peace.
* May never sign mutual protection pacts, military alliance, right of passage, or embargo
* Any troops in your land must be told to leave immediately
* No capturing of foreign cities or demanding cities in tribute (flips/propaganda are ok)
* No qualms about dastardly actions in the best interest of our nation
(e.g., steal tech, military blockades, wars of aggression, neutral pillaging...)
* If an AI razes one of your cities, it must be eliminated (timeframe up to you)
* Foreign workers may never be added to your cities. They should not be 'bought' either
* Nationalism should be learned ASAP upon entering Industrial era
* Every city size 7+ at this time, and subsequent cities reaching size 7 for first time,
MUST draft a unit for defense of that city. (So eventually, a conscript in every 'city')
[Note in EDIT -- using foreign workers for labor, and obtaining them by capture, barter, or other non-cash means *is* allowed]
Other comments to set the spirit of the game...
- International reputation is simply not a high priority, although treaties are not
broken for simply monetary gain. Under the rules described though, I can't see
getting in situations where you would have to cancel a treaty early,
since you have no RoP, no alliances, tell troops to leave rather than openly
declare, and have 20 turns to 'prepare' for required action.
- If a city you found is captured, you should not rest until that city is recovered
Peace before that occurs is an option, but do not forsake the city - work to get it back!
- Any govt form is allowed, but if the people start whining about weariness, take no
guff from them either! Strike down the insurrection and change to become an
Emperor (Monarchy) or an Ultranationalist Government (Communism)
- Refusing tribute and having no alliances is going to make for a MAJOR challenge -
expect at least one "dogpile" on us, which won't be pretty

- At the end of a war you will have foreign troops who need time to get out. You
may give them a reasonable but limited time to get out. If they linger, or start
trampling unnecessarily over our nation, then they must get the boot.
- Chiang Kai-Shek is listed in Bartleby's as: "18871975, Chinese Nationalist leader"

In 1928 he became head of the Nationalist government at Nanjing and generalissimo of all
Chinese Nationalist forces.
Game details for RBP7 (PtW v1.21):
- Difficulty: Deity
- Civ: China (Mil/Ind), led by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
- Map: Standard, medium pangaea, random attributes, restless barbarians. No respawn.
- Foes: Mostly random (Japan not one of them, in honor of RBP5), one 'traditional' for sure
- Victory conditions for player: cultural, space, domination, conquest.

First player will take up to 40 turns, second player 20, then 10 after that.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Iteen and ukrneal for their ideals on a Defiant
game and a nationalism-focused game. These, along with some ideas and playtesting
of my own led to this variant. Thanks also to cpp1 and others who helped shape the
rules for this game, and to players in RBP5 for feeling the true impact of the rules.
Roster - interested parties from RBP6 and/or RBP5:
Cartouche Bee, Reagan, Meldor, ToddMarshall, Ridgelake, Charis
Arathorn, Architect, Jaxom, cpp1 of the Meiji line.
(More than I thought. I haven't heard anything out of RBP5 players other
than Meldor in a while. We'll either see a near repeat-roster of MOW
or we'll see game-A and game-B in a doubly-defiant spectacle? The MOW team
mentioned specific interest, so respond here if NOT interested or if you've
gotten your card filled up with another game, DEFN squad should response
asap if interested)
Be careful

PS - As with RBP5 I generated the map to be able to check for a 'dud' by playing
through a few turns. The first was a hideous sprawling jungle, but the second seems
fair. So I'll make no dotmap comments and go last in the first round.