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Real Capitals


Aug 4, 2007

This is a very small mod to move a civ's capital from the old location to a new location after it is resurrected. For instance, Egypt begins in Niwt-Rst, but will now move its capital to Cairo if it is resurrected. The other civs which move capitals are Persia (Parsa -> Tehran), Japan (Kyoto -> Tokyo), Ethiopia (Aksum -> Addis Ababa), Vikings (Nidaros -> Copenhagen or Oslo), Arabia (Mecca -> Riyadh), Khmer (Angkor -> Phnom Penh), Mongolia (Karakorum -> Ulaanbataar) and Turkey (Sogut -> Ankara or Istanbul).

Download at the link above if you don't already use a modified Consts.py or RiseAndFall.py file. If you do, then you simply need to edit the Python code by adding the lines included below.

Spoiler :
In Consts.py:

Add after tCapitals:
tNewCapitals = (  #for RiseAndFall
((69, 35), (68, 35), (69, 33)), #Cairo
((90, 40), (90, 40)), #Delhi
((102, 47), (102, 47)), #Beijing
((76, 40), (76, 40)), #Baghdad
((67, 41), (67, 41)), #Athens
((80, 41), (81, 41), (82, 39)), #Teheran
((58, 39), (58, 39)), #Carthage
((60, 44), (60, 44)), #Rome
((116, 46), (116, 47), (113, 45)), #Tokyo
((72, 26), (72, 27), (72, 29)), #Addis Ababa
((22, 35), (22, 35)), #Tikal
((60, 55), (59, 58), (59, 59), (60, 59), (61, 62)), #Copenhagen & Oslo
((76, 35), (77, 35), (77, 34), (75, 33)), #Mecca
((102, 32), (102, 34)), #Phnom Penh
((52, 43), (52, 43)), #Madrid
((55, 50), (55, 50)), #Paris
((53, 54), (53, 54)), #London
((62, 52), (62, 52)), #Berlin
((73, 54), (73, 54)), #Moscow
((57, 53), (57, 53)), #Amsterdam
((53, 31), (53, 31)), #Timbuktu
((49, 43), (49, 43)), #Lisbon
((28, 22), (28, 22)), #Cuzco
((101, 50), (102, 50), (99, 51)), #Ulaanbataar
((18, 37), (18, 37)), #Mexico City
((72, 43), (68, 45), (67, 45), (69, 44), (70, 43)), #Ankara & Istanbul
((27, 46), (27, 46))) #Washington

In RiseAndFall.py:

tCapitals = con.tCapitals
tCapitals = con.tCapitals
tNewCapitals = con.tNewCapitals

Replace the entire function def moveBackCapital
        def moveBackCapital(self, iCiv):
                apCityList = PyPlayer(iCiv).getCityList()
                if (len(tNewCapitals[iCiv])):
                        for j in range(len(tNewCapitals[iCiv])):
                                pCurrent = gc.getMap().plot( tNewCapitals[iCiv][j][0], tNewCapitals[iCiv][j][1] )
                                if ( pCurrent.isCity()):
                                        newCapital = pCurrent.getPlotCity()
                                        if (newCapital.getOwner() == iCiv):
                                                if (not newCapital.hasBuilding(con.iPalace)):                                        
                                                        for pCity in apCityList:
                                                                pCity.GetCy().setHasRealBuilding((con.iPalace), False)
                                                        newCapital.setHasRealBuilding((con.iPalace), True)
                        iMaxValue = 0
                        bestCity = None
                        for pCity in apCityList:
                                loopCity = pCity.GetCy()
                                #loopCity.AI_cityValue() doesn't work as area AI types aren't updated yet
                                loopValue = max(0,500-loopCity.getGameTurnFounded()) + loopCity.getPopulation()*10
                                #print ("loopValue", loopCity.getName(), loopCity.AI_cityValue(), loopValue) #causes C++ exception
                                if (loopValue > iMaxValue):
                                        iMaxValue = loopValue
                                        bestCity = loopCity
                        if (bestCity != None):
                                for pCity in apCityList:
                                        loopCity = pCity.GetCy()
                                        if (loopCity != bestCity):
                                                loopCity.setHasRealBuilding((con.iPalace), False)
                                bestCity.setHasRealBuilding((con.iPalace), True)
Which mod are you talking about? Shouldn't your question be in the main RFC threads instead of here? Or are you proposing a new mod for RFC?
I'm aware that some people seem to think this is the RFC Europe forum, but it's not, and many of the threads are about actual finished modifications to the base game.
I'm aware that some people seem to think this is the RFC Europe forum, but it's not, and many of the threads are about actual finished modifications to the base game.

I wasn't assuming that at all. Just wondering.
This is a great idea! It could make a lot of people happy. For example. Remember this thread. I don't know a lot about Eastern history but people on that thread do.

Anyways, there is a typo in the code, unless it is the native spelling. It's not a big deal, but you have Teheran.
I also thought Mali should respawn with Bamako. Don't know where it should be on the Civ map, but seems like a good place considering it's the resurrected Malinese capital IRL.
And Inca should spawn with Lima, 3 tiles left, 1 up.

I'm not going to patch my game yet, seeing as I don't know how, but I'll wait for Rhye's next patch. So all the pressure is on you Rhye. :crazyeye:

So good job, and hopefully this thread gets as popular as your other mod thread. :goodjob:
The debate about China was the inspiration for this mod, actually. If Rhye ever implements a change of capital, this would facilitate Beijing's becoming the capital later in the game. But the same problem applies to other civs too. The spelling of Tehran is commented out so it doesn't matter. Bamako isn't a city in the CityNameManager. Lima would be a good addition in my view, but many people don't consider Inca to carry forward as Peru.

It's really quite easy to change the files yourself. It's just like editing a text file - you need a text editor like Notepad.
Yes I think it's the most important of all capital movements, now Rhye should change the Chinese's starting location few tiles south and add maybe 2 or 3 indy cities to represent the divided states of ancient China.

what exactly is the code doing ?? I always thought that the AI on respawn automatically chooses the appropiate next best location ? E.g. when Persia respawns but there is no city at the location of Teheran, what will it do then ?
If there is no city in the NewCapital plot, it then looks at the old capital plot. So Persia will first check Tehran, then Parsa, and then it will run the best-city check. The only change this mod makes is that a new first step is added.
Any chance of someone editing this into the appropriate file and uploading the file?
I have a slight fear of messing with python becouse of the strange way it handles indentations.
Thanks, you are a genius.
It's complicated and I don't particularly want to or know how to. Ask the people who changed Maya to Korea; they should have found out all the details needed in moving the capital spawning site. After that, all you need is this code to ensure respawn happens in Beijing.
I've also heard there's some routine in the Chinese AI that prevents them from settling any city north of their spawning site (i.e. Beijing) to leave more room for Mongolia.

So be careful, a southern capital could have unintended side effects.
I'm sure they would try to build Beijing, because like all the civs they have a high attraction value for their capital plots. But it surely would have unintended consequences.
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