The mod is RELEASED.
New - first playable Version 2.0
The Real Natural Disasters mod (RND for short) adds to the game random events in the form of natural disasters. It's basic working version is ready - you can get it here or from Steam. However, it needs some polishing and tuning, and I also want to implement a few minor features, that's why I consider it still Work-in-Progress.
All comments, ideas and bug reports highly appreciated
Steam link
Implemented disasters: Earthquake, Flood, Meteor, Tornado, Tsunami, Volcano, Wildfire.
How does it work?
The mechanism works like this:
Phase 1 - Map evaluation
Just a quick overview of where the event may happen:
Phase 2 - Did it happen?
Each disaster has a probability assigned on the tile level. So, e.g. the more mountains on the map - the more probable will be a volcano eruption, on Islands map expect more tsunamis, etc. The probabilities are calibrated in such a way that on the Continents map (a reference map) of the Standard size (8 players) for a Standard game pace (500 turns) there should be ~105 events for the entire game:
Phase 3 - Magnitude
Magnitude or the stregth of the event is also randomly chosen, but it follows the Gutenberg-Richter formula which was discovered for earthquakes. It says that the more powerful the event, the less probable it is. The correlation is logarithmic. The mod uses similar approach, so basically you can expect:
Phase 4 - Affected area
Each disaster works in a different way.
Phase 5 - Devastation
Depending on the magnitude, the stronger the disaster, the more damage it does. Basically, magnitude is used to assess the final effect. Assuming that M is the magnitude for a given tile:
Phase 6 - Lenses and Report
For each disaster type a map of potential starting points is shown (risk areas). They have different colors.
The recent disaster is shown using specific disaster type colour with white line around it and starting point is marked with ZOC sign. When you select Recent Disaster Lens, a popup info with the report will be opened as well, so you can access it any time you want.
This mod uses astog's More Lenses so it can be used with CQUI.
Version 1.1
- Startup Options that allow to select number of disasters, their strength and range.
- Disasters frequency is automaticaly adjusted also for Game Speed.
- Volcano Range is 2 due to ashes (not only magma).
- Improvements may sometimes survive (same as Buildings in Cities).
- Player's civ name is highlighted in Green in the report, so it's easy to find.
Version 1.2 - Improvements
- You can now turn down the volume of sound warnings using the volume slider for Special Effects in Audio Options.
- In the report, if the civ has not been met, its name will not be shown.
- 'Free' turn (no disaster, only info screen) will happen at 1st turn, no matter what the starting Era is.
- "No disasters" option added for modpacks that would include RND but someone wanted to play without RND
- Fixed some warnings when using CQUI, now the logs should be clear.
New - first playable Version 2.0
- Visualizations
- Disaster prevention mechanisms
- Disaster resources
- Many tweaks and improvements
The Real Natural Disasters mod (RND for short) adds to the game random events in the form of natural disasters. It's basic working version is ready - you can get it here or from Steam. However, it needs some polishing and tuning, and I also want to implement a few minor features, that's why I consider it still Work-in-Progress.
All comments, ideas and bug reports highly appreciated
Steam link
Implemented disasters: Earthquake, Flood, Meteor, Tornado, Tsunami, Volcano, Wildfire.
How does it work?
The mechanism works like this:
- When the game starts or is loaded from a save file, the map is evaluated for each disaster to find possible places for it to happen.
- Each turn the mod checks if any disaster has happened. It is randomized and depends on couple parameters.
- If the answer is yes - the disaster of a chosen type happens with a specific magnitude, also randomized using a Gutenberg-Richter-type algorithm.
- The disaster affects all tiles in its range causing various types of damage, depending on magnitude and what is on the tile.
- A detailed devastation report is shown to the player on his/her turn.
- There are 4 new Lenses implemented: 3 shows possible places where a disaster my happen (risk areas) and 1 shows the recent disaster. The Lenses only show areas that the player has revealed.
Phase 1 - Map evaluation
Just a quick overview of where the event may happen:
- Earthquake - hills and mountains that have at least one hill/mountain adjacent; some natural wonders are considered a mountain (everest, kilimanjaro, etc.)
- Flood - all rivers and lakes
- Meteor - land and coastal sea (excluded ocean so there won't be 'empty' hits)
- Tornado - flatlands that have at least 2 other flatlands adjacent (so the tornado may actually move)
- Tsunami - ocean areas 3-tiles away from land; tsunami always goes towards land
- Volcano - all mountains
- Wildfire - flammable tiles that have at least other flammable tile adjacent; flammable = forest, grass, some resources (e.g. tobacco, silk, wheat, etc.) As for now rainforest is not flammable.
Phase 2 - Did it happen?
Each disaster has a probability assigned on the tile level. So, e.g. the more mountains on the map - the more probable will be a volcano eruption, on Islands map expect more tsunamis, etc. The probabilities are calibrated in such a way that on the Continents map (a reference map) of the Standard size (8 players) for a Standard game pace (500 turns) there should be ~105 events for the entire game:
- 25 earthquakes,
- 15 floods,
- 5 meteors,
- 15 tornadoes,
- 10 tsunamis,
- 10 volcano eruptions,
- 25 wildfires.
Phase 3 - Magnitude
Magnitude or the stregth of the event is also randomly chosen, but it follows the Gutenberg-Richter formula which was discovered for earthquakes. It says that the more powerful the event, the less probable it is. The correlation is logarithmic. The mod uses similar approach, so basically you can expect:
- Cat 1 - 45% of events (minimal damage)
- Cat 2 - 25% of events (moderate damage)
- Cat 3 - 15% (extensive damage)
- Cat 4 - 8% (extreme damage)
- Cat 5 - 5% (catastrophic damage)
- Cat X - ~1% (total damage)
Phase 4 - Affected area
Each disaster works in a different way.
- Earthquake - area around starting point (epicenter), 3-tiles radius
- Flood - a second starting point is chosen adjacent to the initial one and from them the water flows 2-tiles into any flatlands tile (so, hills and mountains are not flooded)
- Meteor - 2-tiles around epicenter (hit point)
- Tornado - it moves in a straight line, up to 5 tiles from starting point; a hill or a mountain may change its direction; cannot go into water
- Tsunami - a 2-directional wave is generated from epicenter that goes towards land; the wave goes for 5 tiles, so usually it reaches 2-3 tiles into the land. The wave is stopped by mountains and ice caps.
- Volcano - 2-tile aroun d the volcano-mountain.
- Wildfire - all flammable tiles into a specific direction (wind direction, actually) up to 4-tiles away from the starting point.
Phase 5 - Devastation
Depending on the magnitude, the stronger the disaster, the more damage it does. Basically, magnitude is used to assess the final effect. Assuming that M is the magnitude for a given tile:
- Units - can be killed with probability M/2, otherwise wounded for M hp. The unit may die due to wounds.
- Improvements - destroyed with M/2 probability, otherwise pillaged. Yes - the farms, mines, etc. are actually removed from the map if destroyed.
- City - losses some percentage of population, between M/4 to M/2. For average (50) disasters a city of 10 population loses 3 pop.
- Districts - only Encampment and City Center - lose M*2 or M*3 hitpoints, depending on whether there are walls or not.
- Buildings - destroyed with M/2 probability, pillaged with M probability, there's a chance that they will survive untouched
Phase 6 - Lenses and Report
For each disaster type a map of potential starting points is shown (risk areas). They have different colors.
The recent disaster is shown using specific disaster type colour with white line around it and starting point is marked with ZOC sign. When you select Recent Disaster Lens, a popup info with the report will be opened as well, so you can access it any time you want.
This mod uses astog's More Lenses so it can be used with CQUI.
Version 1.1
- Startup Options that allow to select number of disasters, their strength and range.
- Disasters frequency is automaticaly adjusted also for Game Speed.
- Volcano Range is 2 due to ashes (not only magma).
- Improvements may sometimes survive (same as Buildings in Cities).
- Player's civ name is highlighted in Green in the report, so it's easy to find.
Version 1.2 - Improvements
- You can now turn down the volume of sound warnings using the volume slider for Special Effects in Audio Options.
- In the report, if the civ has not been met, its name will not be shown.
- 'Free' turn (no disaster, only info screen) will happen at 1st turn, no matter what the starting Era is.
- "No disasters" option added for modpacks that would include RND but someone wanted to play without RND
- Fixed some warnings when using CQUI, now the logs should be clear.
Real Natural Disasters (v1.0).zip1.3 MB · Views: 3,461
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Real Natural Disasters (v1.1).zip1.3 MB · Views: 1,971
Real Natural Disasters (v1.2).zip1.3 MB · Views: 2,248
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