Realism Invictus ( Civics 1.1 ) Mod of Mod


Feb 15, 2002
Hey Walter H., Im starting this thread as we talked about with some civics tweaks I did for fun and hopefully to make a few types more interesting/historic though thats always open to interpretation

I greatly appreciate Walter H. for his encouraging me to add these and of course the immense work of the true modders who made Realism Invictus so great!

Will add info on changes. To use unzip to path Firaxis games/Civ4/Beyond the Sword/mods/Realism Invictus/assets/XML/GameInfo/Civ4civicInfos, it will overwrite that file so back-up or copy original.

Pacifism went to -50% military production and take out the dreaded 1- gold per unit charge. I did that and like the change alot, as it makes sense as a peace-time civic.

Barbarism, +75% maint cost for distance from palace, +10% military production , +8 free military units, 1 unhappy in 5 largest (same as before I think) Thinking barbarism civic should more greatly stifle early expansion far from cap. Also raiding far away cities but not holding encouraged.

monarchy added -10% sci all cities, added can draft 1 per turn , added 15 free military (representing vassel units), added +1 unhappy per-non state religion , other items same, Thinking of the religious turmoil often apart of monarchies, some vassel units, science could be conflicting with religion of time

oligarchy +25% gg emerge from +50%, distance from palace pen 20% from 25%, 4 free units (ruling family servants), 5 free miltary units, -5% science due to less science/religion conflict

theocracy, Added -20% sci rate all, unlimited priest same, took off -10% gold pen., +20% military production , 20 free miltary units
other parts same theocracy now functions more like in the older civs, strong military less science.

parlimentary system -10% distance from palace bonus instead of -25%, 1 free specialist per city, extra representation equals more specialist activity and each city can choose bonus

dictatorship same the extra happy per military unit is key and production seems ok ( federalism added 1 extra shield/hammer to the +1 bonus for towns settlements so its +2 now) feel it better represents productivity gain of that govt. type and encourages lots of town/settlements around city which fits u.s. in particular.

****I think esp. if you beeline to Monarchy it makes starting out a little easier overall and you can try to keep the historic govt. all game long for the challenge,though I woulnt try to consider barbarism as a serious end govt..***

Other govt civic specific sp bonus buildings remain the same of course.

NEW****Science rate Handicap Zip*** Changes the AI science rates to /Warlord 80% from 90%/ Nobel 90% from 100%/ Prince 100% from 110%/ monarch 105% from 115%/

Did this because the rates for AI were higher in this mod thus increasing difficulty, the lower rates will work better for my total war games/prince and are similar to vanilla BTS rates. Path to UNZIP CIV4/beyond the sword/mods/realism invictus/assets/xml/game info/

First file removed after 11 downloads, I have slightly changed a couple values in this new file but basically the same.


Im doing a few resource edits in games I play, I will list the ones I like and place a file link here in time.
Played as Catherine (monarchy)/total war/prince level/large map/domination/12 civs/no vassels/isolated island start/archipelagio/snaky continents/good map type to play large maps/very imp. no science trading/transfer/5k advance start

Beeline to monarchy with your advanced start budget, you will want the edited monarchy file :)

Using edited monarchy from above, working really well to use pacifism with it even with the military production cut as long as possible to get more great people, important to try and get great scientist and engineers esp to add science and rush wonders. Even on prince level I always struggle to keep up with best ai civs science rate so you have to work to build science beakers early on.

War and peace==100% great people also, get as soon as possible plus pyramids gets you a couple great engineers. So pacifism+war and peace gets you 150% great person rate, use as long as you can get great people quickly, will be tough though if you are in an early conflict, thats where island type maps can help.

I love the total war games to fight and get veteran promoted units but its rough if you are beside civs to start.

396 bc ranked 3rd in most advanced civ rank, havnt met any other civs yet except Apache have built a well-defended city on island above.
Is your path to extract the zip file correct? Surely you want to overwrite the Civ4civicInfos for RI Mod and not the Civ4civicInfos for vanilla Beyond the Sword?
Is your path to extract the zip file correct? Surely you want to overwrite the Civ4civicInfos for RI Mod and not the Civ4civicInfos for vanilla Beyond the Sword?

Yep I left out Mod/Realism Invictus out of the path :blush: thx for pointing that out and let me know if you like it. I think it would default to the correct path when unzipped but just in case I changed the info above.
Added 1 small zip that slows down ai science rates a bit.
Nice work. Have you thought about advertising your job on the first page of the CFC? -> Civ4 downloads?

Hey, Thx man, No when I first talked to Walter H. he suggested we post these small file changes here, but Im glad a few people here seem to be trying them out.
Hey, Thx man, No when I first talked to Walter H. he suggested we post these small file changes here, but Im glad a few people here seem to be trying them out.

You can post your work, no with the name "RI" but something like: DreadModmod for RI or Dreadbabymod for RI. :)
Using Rome using all 4 mini-mod files, I have a great game going with me having the points lead (total war/prince/12 civs/large/snake cont./ at 973 ad. Esp using the tech speed mini, though I have the overall points lead, once I encountered Ethiopia I found out they still had developed a tech lead and atacked with better ships (frigates) to my caravellas though troop-wise we seem about even, though I never got horses which hurts.

Of interest is that with science rate 100% in file settings, meaning (human and AI are even) one civ still got a little ahead and is causing problems now which show the AI can build up and do well on that setting. When I saw I had the points lead I thought it was likely going to be a fairly easy path to win but on total war it only takes 1 civ to get ahead a bit to cause a constant challenge/risk, which for the human players keeps the game interesting to continue:goodjob:

Now on a non-total war game this setting might be worked around if you stayed peacefull with the civ and went for a different type of victory, thats the biggest reason I like total war games because it generally will make the late game keep from getting totally boring and just a mop-up exercise, but at the same time you arent so far behind to make it impossible to win.
Have added a new mini-mod file/seige units mod beta.
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