Realpolitik: Immortales Imperii


Fighting Tyranny
Nov 10, 2009
New Lunar Republic
Greetings CivFanatics! I am Sparthage, Game Manager, Anarchist, and a storyteller every now and then… AND THIS – IS – REALPOLITIK – III!

There has been a Realpolitik in every active story forum but this one. I thought we ought to change that since we all know that CivIII is the best of the series... Wonder if anyone's gonna disagree with that? :mischief:

Here are the rules of the game:

- We are playing as the Romans on a modified Earthmap in Civilization III.

- I as host reserve the right to veto any action any player wishes to undertake. To consolidate the stability of the AAR, to stop interference with the normal functioning of the thread or simply because I feel like it. Don't mess with The Man.

- Rule #1 of Realpolitik: Democracy is absolute. Even when the Nazis or communists are elected into office, they will still have to answer to the opposition and face elections every thirty turns.

- Any member is free to establish or join a political party of his choice. A member can only be member of one party at a time, although he is free to switch allegiance whenever he sees fit.

- I am going to ask everyone to use their own nicknames at all times when playing or in story updates they write. This is to avoid confusion.

- Every thirty in-game turns an election shall be held, the first election will be in about one week. During the week, I'll grant the right to all parties to organize, unite and campaign to get as many people as they can to vote. Note that everyone registered on the CivFanatics forums is eligible to vote.

- Parties are allowed to form coalitions. At the end of an election, all votes are tallied and the party or coalition with the largest amount of votes wins the election.

- The parties that did not win will be sent to opposition, where they can comment on the policy of the leading faction. I will monitor opposition closely, and the leading players have to understand that failing to appease the public will lead to us penalizing out nation in-game (improvement deletion, raised unhappiness). It is therefore very important to listen to the public.

- If the opposition is strong enough, they can call for a General Strike, a Vote of No Confidence, an Assassination, or if things get REALLY ugly, an Armed Revolution.

- The winning party or coalition will come into office the in-game update after the elections. They must put together, before elections close, a complete cabinet encompassing 8 positions: President, Vice President, Foreign Minister, Domestic Minister, Chief of Staff, and the Chiefs of the Army, Navy*, and Air Force*. One person may hold more then one position, but you must have at least three people. Neither the President nor the Vice President may be the foreign minister, who may not be any of the four military ministers. Beyond that you may mix and match as you will. The President and the Vice President cannot be the same person.
* - Once we have the appropriate technology.

- Roles:
This list is arranged in the order of succession - if the President is assassinated, move to the VP, if he is then the Foreign, etc. etc.

President: Creates the basic plan and manages the workers and improvements. Sets priorities for Governors and for field commanders(in wartime). He can negotiate with foreigners, but if he does he risks assassination.

Vice-President: Primarily serves as the Governor of the capital Region. However, he takes office at the midterms, meaning for the first turnset you still have to put up with the previous VP. He can negotiate with foreigners, but if he does he risks assassination.

Foreign Minister: Negotiates with foreign leaders. Same as above, but much, much less so.

Chief of Staff: Negotiates between the various military branch heads to set up a coherent military proposed quota/budget for the term/turnset.

Domestic Minister: Serves in a mainly advisory role on policies, improvements, and what buildings to build in cities. Has no power unless he is also a Governor.

Military Branch Heads(Army>Navy>Air Force): They take a look at all our cities and selfishly focus their proposed budgets on enhancing their own branches at the exclusion of all others. They then grudgingly negotiate with the Chief of Staff to put a full military unit quota together.

Governors: They decide specific builds for their cities. They can also be issued Tactical Command of all forces fighting near them if the military ministers would rather not micro everything.

Some More Rules:

- The President may only issue general orders. I.E. "Moscow build Culturally, but no wonders." The military ministers may give specific orders for existing military forces upgrading and redeploying and such. The Domestic Minister advises the President and the Governors on buildings and wonders to build and policies to choose and improvements to prioritize. The Foreign Minister exists to meet with and negotiate with foreign leaders and NPC figures. The President MAY negotiate with them, but to leave the Capital is to risk assassination.

- After the first turnset of a President's reign comes the midterm elections for governors. The elections work similarly to the Presidential elections, save that every player only has one vote and may only contribute to one race. NPCs will vote only in their own Region. NPCs may run for Governorships. Governors rule geographical regions in the Empire and can decide on specific build orders for their Regions. The Vice President is automatically the governor of the Capital Region, however, he serves the same term length and requirements as a normal Governor, meaning he will not take office until after the first turnset and will remain in office through the first turnset of the next administration.. You may be a Minister and a Governor (Exception: The President), but you may not be Governor of more then one Region at a time. Governor terms last 30 turns, meaning you'll have to put up with the previous group of governors for a while, at least . . . .

- NPC voters are divided into the Districts of each Region. Each District is worth at least a single vote in either midterm or presidential elections. Districts do not vote until the final day of the elections, though projections will be brought up to demonstrate likelihoods beforehand. Each region has issues and the party that pledges to fulfill their wishes will receive their votes. On election day, based on the strength of your get-out-the-vote campaign Districts might produce more votes.

- The buildings built in cities, the units near them, and the improvements around them will play a major role in determining the makeup of the voting population in Regions.

- NPC organizations may form, and these organizations will put forward candidates for governor of various regions. These governors will have their own traits, so the Politicians might want to watch the various races closely and contribute to slide favorable candidates into office.

- Colonial Territories (Cities built during the turnset) and Occupied cities will also have Governors appointed by the President. That failing, NPC groups may take over, and their intentions may not be to build a city loyal to the Realpolitik Republic . . . .

- An independent (non-party) can run for any position save that of the President or Vice President of the Republic. To run for office, simply state as much in the thread. NPCs may vote for you going into a specific position rather then vote for a President.

- Elections can be ended early if one side concedes defeat, but their starting strength will be lowered and they will gain it much slower.

- Every reader (including players) has two votes in the presidential elections. Putting in two votes for a single party is not allowed. However, if parties want to play it smart they'll seek coalition with a like-minded party so players can put two votes into their front.

- The host (Sparthage) retains full rights to ban any party that has violated these rules. Spamming parties, parties using a complaint generator, parties inciting hate, parties that are found obtrusive for the normal functioning of this thread or parties that plain tick him off will be banned from the elections indefinitely.

- Please refrain from PMing me for every Realpolitik-related issue. Alternatives are using the profile visitor comments, or simple commenting in the thread.

- You cannot change your vote once it is cast, but you can withdraw your party from a coalition and join another one mid-elections.

- Major Party Rule - A leader (or member) of a Party cannot put himself forward for the position of President unless he has another member (not counting himself) within his own party. He can, however, run for any lower position if he so wishes.

- If you have an issue about my GMing, contact me through PMs. Please do not feel afraid to bring issues to my attention. If you can talk to me but choose not to for whatever reason and instead “take an issue into your own hands” I can guarantee that you’ll get nowhere with me.

- By voting, joining a party or performing any other form of interaction with this AAR, you declare that you have read and understood all these rules to the letter. I don't want to be a jerk guys, so keep it clean!

Sparthage Administration (Turn 1- Turn 30)
Bowsling Administration (Turn 30- Present

President: Bowsling
Vice-President: Dumianos
Foreign Minister: CELTICEMPIRE
Chief of Staff: Princeof Persia
Domestic Minister: CharlemagneXLII
Head of the Army: Bowsling
Head of the Navy: CharlemagneXLII

Opposition Leader (OPLDR): Lighthearter
Opposition Strength Rating (OSR): Moderate

- Insignificant

- Weak

- Minor

- Moderate

- Noticeable

- Fairly Strong

- Strong

- Dangerous

- Murderous

Opposition Actions:

General Strike - Basic action. Must be declared in thread by opposition leader. Based on the strength of the opposition, a certain number of cities will be selected for coin flips. Heads=get off scat-free. Tails=all production shut down. Number of cities depends on opposition strength.

Assassination - Any player may order an assassination of another politician or of an NPC, but if the assassin is successful then evidence always surfaces that reveals who ordered the action. Tread lightly. These assassinations, if successful, will remove the target from play for one turnset if a PC or opposing Immortal, permanently if a true NPC. If a minister is Assassinated, he is removed from office for the duration of his injuries.

Vote of No Confidence - Action that the Opposition Leader can take. Calls on the President to hold a reelection. I may step in depending on the circumstances, however, for one side or the other.

Sabotage - Basic action. May destroy a random province improvement. To perform, ANY player must PM me with the target city and improvement(or leave it up to me) and I will flip a coin for odds of success. Whether it fails or succeeds, I flip a coin again to decide if the President discovers evidence leading back to the instigator of the action.

Kidnap - Functions as Jail, save can be performed by any player. Higher odds of success if you are targeting an NPC. Odds increase further if there are multiple people participating.

Call for Desertion - Advanced action. Opposition leader must announce the call in the thread. Some units may or may not be disbanded. Number of units depends on opposition strength.

Armed Revolution (Civil War) - VERY advanced action. Must be declared in thread by opposition leader. Every player who wishes to participate for either side PMs me with this information:

- Allegiance (Government or Rebels)
- List of 4 units that they wish to command. The units must be era applicable (No tanks in the Ancient Age).
- Name of ship (if a naval unit, otherwise, unit will be called ______'s Company. Ships for the Government will be given the prefix HMS and rebel ships will be RNV(Revolutionary Naval Vessel)).

Each player will be represented by a King unit which will accompany his/her stack of units. Losing this unit will mean that the units formerly under his/her command will be given to the President or Opposition Leader to control.

Then I will use the editor to create an accurate map of the empire where the fighting will take place and add in the two armies. The Opposition Leader and President will then give me orders for what each unit will do. They will fight for supremacy and whoever emerges victorious or kills all of their opponents kings will become (or remain) President. Turn-by-turn updates will be given to both sides along with battle logs. If no orders are given, I will play for the absent leader in a highly aggressive manner.

Armed Revolution Concepts:

The Foreign Legions:

The Legions will provide extra strength to the Government or the Rebels in a Revolution if nearby nations are sympathetic to the cause of either side. Foreign Ministers for both factions in a Revolution may negotiate actively with foreign leaders for more troops - though this may backfire or prove ineffectual.

Secessionist States:

Cities that have been recently captured may revolt against the state and will attempt to break away. They will be represented by myself playing in a defensive manner, but might go on the offensive if an opportunity presents itself.

Government Actions:

Martial Law - Advanced action. All opposition actions except Armed Revolution and Sabotage are made impossible, and the latter is highly unlikely to succeed. Elections are not suspended, however. Is in effect until repealed, even if the President who ordered it is not the one who repeals it. That's right - it transcends elections. However, there are penalties for this action . . . .

Jail - The administration may place another player in jail at any time . . . but this will raise the OSR and could produce disastrous consequences if not handled correctly.

You have one week to organize your parties before the election begins, starting right . . . NOW!


Party Listing:
The Party of Stone
A Pacifist Builder party.
Leader: west_india_man
Members: None Yet

Optimate Party
A party in favor of a Roman Empire. It also supports the Upper Class and has a serious issue with Carthage.
Members: None Yet

People's Party of Rome
Pro-Pleb, Pro-Expansion, Pro-Army
Leader: manofaction2053
Members: None Yet

Imperium Party
In favor of the destruction enlightenment of those barbarians that surround us.
Leader: Bowsling
Members: Dumanios

IPQR Party
In favor of helping the "Senatus Populusque Romanus", or the Senate and People of Rome. Our theory to achieve this by expanding to provide new land for the people, whether through military conquest, or colonization.
Leader: Princeof Persia
Members: americanking and marvinmartian

Conservative Party of Rome
A traditionalist, isolationist, conservative party
Leader: CharlemagneXLII
Members: None Yet

Novus Ordo Seclorum Party
We must rise up, peoples of Rome! We have been stabbed in the back and betrayed around every corner by the other nations of this world! Carthage, Germany, France, Holland, all of them are complicit! And there are sympathizers and traitors in our midst! Rome shall attain glory beyond imagining! Rise up! NOVUS! ORDO! SECLORUM!
Leader: Lighthearter
Members: Arya126

Roman Progressive Party
We believe that Rome should distinguish itself from the warmongering, capitalist barbarians that plague greater Europe.
Leader: Zearo
Members: None Yet

The Assassins' Guild
How to get our services: Send a pm to us and Sparthage, asking us to assassinate someone, you give us a vote in the elections (secretly) and we assassinate said target. You can also apply for safety, which means we will not assassinate for a term, and it costs a vote. (Is a Member of the Coalition of Vengeance)
Leader: Red_Spy
Members: Yoshiegg737

NPC Orgainizations:
Insanely Mad Warmongers' Party
We believe that ROME should conquer the world! We need to destroy all enemies in our way! Of course, we need a good economy to support our army, so we support a good economy. And we need science to get Modern Armors, which are awesome, so we support science as well. But most of all we want to destroy and conquer! EXTERMINATE!!
Leader: Lord Octavian

Praetorian Guard:
Communist Party that advocates War against any who aid the Ottomans.
Leader: Julius Casear

Brotherhood of Scholars:
A peaceful party in favor of extensive trade, expansion of the market system, and building of universities and libraries.
Leader: Quintillian

The Eagle Party:
Advocates traditionalist values of Isolationism, but advocates war with the Celts.
Leader: Vercingian

None Yet

Legion Populus (IMWP/IP/OP/IPQR/CPR)
Coalition of Vengeance (AG/Novus)

None, Fortunately

-Sparthage :king:

Yes, I shamelessly almost copied the OP of RP2. :D


Alright, let's get this thing started...

My Modifications:
-There is no corruption on this map
-All civs have 4 Traits now
-All civs start with 3 citites and a decent-sized army (We start with 4 because test runs showed that we needed the fourth one)
-Techs can be researched in 1 turn rather than the standard 4 turns
-The Realpolitik Republic has been added as a technology, replacing Facism (researchable only by us)
-Maps can be traded upon discovery of Map Making, Communications at Writing
-Unit Support has been doubled for all Governments
-All civs can build Ancient Cavalry if Iron and Horses are connected. It is still auto-produced by the Statue of Zeus.
-All civs can build Dromons (renamed to Triremes), the Byzantine UU is now the Crusader (Still aut-produced by Knight's Templar GW)
-Courthouses act as a combination of a Barracks and Aqueduct
-Coastal Fortresses act as a combination of a Harbor and Offshore Platform
-Forbidden Palace has been renamed to Elephant Barracks. Elephant Barracks autoproduces War Elephants if connected to Ivory and Iron
-Secret Police HQ allows Spy Missions and Increases taxes in the city

Let's go!


Game Settings:
Civilization: Rome (Militaristic, Commercial, Scientific, and Industrious)
Difficulty: Emperor (Max Aggression)
Enemies: All 30 Other Civs

Turn 1 (4000 BC)- Start in Italy.


Trade with Spain: Give Warrior Code, Get Ceremonial Burial and 17 Gold.
Trade with Carthage: Give Warrior Code and Ceremonial Burial, Get Masonry, Worker, and 3 Gold.
Trade with Greece: Give Masonry and Ceremonial Burial, Get Bronze Working, Worker, and 44 Gold.
Trade with Byzantines: Give Masonry and Ceremonial Burial, Get 3 Workers and 100 Gold.
Trade with Celts: Give Bronze Working, Masonry, and Warrior Code, Get Pottery, 3 Workers, 100 Gold, and 1 GPT.
Trade with Portugal: Give Masonry and Warrior Code, Get 3 Workers, 100 Gold, and 2 GPT.
Trade with Babylon: Give Masonry, Get 3 Workers and 10 Gold.
Trade with Egypt: Give Alphabet, Get 3 Workers and 10 Gold.
Another Trade with Greece: Give Warrior Code, Get 56 Gold.
Another Trade with Carthage: Give Bronze Working, Get 97 Gold and Worker
Another Trade with Spain: Give Masonry and Bronze Working, Get 3 Workers, 83 Gold and 2 GPT.
And at the end of one turn, our WM looks like this:


IBT- Get asked to leave by several civs.

Turn 2 (3950 BC)- Trade with Hittites: Give Warrior Code, Get 68 Gold.
Trade with Germans: Give Wines, Get 78 Gold.
Trade with French: Give Bronze Working, Get 57 Gold.

Turn 3 (3900 BC)- Zzzzz...

IBT- Zzzzz...

Turn 4 (3850 BC)- Zzzzz...

IBT- Zzzzz...

Turn 5 (3800 BC)- Zzzzz...

IBT- Trade with Dutch: Give Wines, Get the Wheel and 10 Gold.

Turn 6 (3750 BC)- Trade with Egypt: Give Wines, Get Mysticisim and 25 Gold.
Trade with Ottomans:[/B] Give 134 Gold, Get Iron Working.

IBT- Zzzz...

Turn 7 (3700 BC)- Upgrade 4 Warriors for 120 Gold.

IBT- Writing In.

Turn 8 (3650 BC)- Trade a ton of Contacts. Basically we get a tech, Contact with the entire Old World, 3 Workers, and about 2000 gold.

IBT- Zzzzz...

Turn 9 (3600 BC)- More Zzzz...

IBT- Zzzz...

Turn 10 (3550 BC)- Zzzzz...

IBT- Pull off the Philosophy Slingshot, taking Literature as our free tech.

Turn 11 (3500 BC)- Zzzzz...

IBT- Zzzzz...

Turn 12 (3450 BC)- Zzzzz...

IBT- Zzzzz...

Turn 13 (3350 BC)- Zzzzz...

IBT- Map Making in, Begin Mathematics in 2.

Turn 14 (3300 BC)- We trade WMs with everyone, lifting a ton of fog and giving us 3 new Techs, including Mathematics (sigh). Currency is now being researched in 3 turns.

IBT- Zzzz...

Turn 15 (3250 BC)- Zzzz...

IBT- More Zzzzz...

Turn 16 (3200 BC)- We discover America, making contact with the Iroquois. We now have a massive World Map.

IBT- Currency in, Begin Mathematics in 3.

Turn 17 (3150 BC)- Zzzz...

IBT- Nuthin.

Turn 18 (3100 BC)- We buy Construction from the Celts for 165 gold. Enter the Middle Ages. (Yeah, this game is going pretty fast)
Get Monotheisim as our Free Tech.
Get Engineering from the Dutch
Get Feudalism from the Hittites
Invention in 8 Turns.

IBT- Nothing Happens :faint:

Turn 19 (3050 BC)- Nada

IBT- Zip

Turn 20 (3000 BC)- Stop Here. The rest of the turns will be played during the elections. START FORMIN' THOSE PARTIES!

Spoiler Pictures that Matter :
A Map of Our Empire

The Rest of Europe and North Africa

The City of Rome

The City of Veii

The City of Antium (Screenie is Out of Date, Will be Updated Later)

The City of Cumae

The City of Neapolis

The City of Pompeii

Domestic Advisor

Trade Advisor

Military Advisor

Foreign Advisor (Us vs. Our Neighbors)

Cultural Advisor

Scientific Advisor

Our World Map (Enlarged)


Histograph (Power)
I found the Party of Stone! We shall build, build, build and not make war!

EDIT: Nice exploring and teching, we seem to be quite advanced.
People's party
Pro-Pleb, Pro-Expansion, Pro-Army
Motto: "Plebs First"
Founding the Imperium Party.
For the destruction enlightenment of those barbarians.

It wasn't possible to name cities based on their placement rather than city list :please:
Dumanios joins the Imperium Party once it is formed.

Unrelated: Perhaps rename Rome into Roma, Veii into Mediolanum, Neapolis into Caralis, Cumae into Syracuse, Antium into Tergeste(Trieste) and Pompeii into Tripolis(Tripoli).
This time, I’ll try something different.

Say hello to the Sanely Sane Peacemongers’ Party. :eek:


Just joking.



We believe that ROME should conquer the world! We need to destroy all enemies in our way! Of course, we need a good economy to support our army, so we support a good economy. And we need science to get Modern Armours, which are awesome, so we support science as well. But most of all we want to destroy and conquer! EXTERMINATE!!!

@Imperium Party, Coalition?
@NC: ............not again...oh well.

I join the IMWP, like how I always do at the start of a RP
@NC: ............not again...oh well.

I join the IMWP, like how I always do at the start of a RP

Welcome to INSANITY!

Tell me, do you like your Mercury straight or with soft drink?
Dumanios joins the Imperium Party once it is formed.

Unrelated: Perhaps rename Rome into Roma, Veii into Mediolanum, Neapolis into Caralis, Cumae into Syracuse, Antium into Tergeste(Trieste) and Pompeii into Tripolis(Tripoli).

Actually, it would be better to rename Antium to Spalatum, and Cumae to Syracusae.
Breakdown for Each City:
Rome (8 Votes):
25% Miners
25% Vineyard Workers
25% Farmers
13% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
12% Scientists
-Development of the City's Infrastructure
-Expansion of the Empire (Colonization or Imperialism?)
-Expansion of the Sciences
-Exportation of Wines to Foreign Peoples
-Building the Capital to be more influential

Veii (12 Votes):
50% Farmers
17% Vineyard Workers
16% Scientists
8% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
-Expansion of the Empire (Colonization or Imperialism?)
-Defenses against the Celts
-Continued Development of the City as a Cultural Center (To Build a Cathedral or Great Wonder, Both, or Neither?)
-Occasional Spanish Incursions into Roman Lands
-Expansion of the Sciences
-Exportation of Wines to Foreign Peoples
-Continued Importation of Silks

Antium (7 Votes):
43% Miners
15% Farmers
14% Fishermen
14% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
14% Hunters
-Defenses against the Byzantines, Celts, and Greeks
-Occasional Greek Incursions into Roman Lands
-Poor Water Supply
-Development of the Army
-Expansion of the Empire (Colonization or Imperialism?)

Cumae (7 Votes):
57% Farmers
15% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
14% Fishermen
14% Vineyard Workers
-Incursions By Byzantines, Greeks, Hittites, Babylonians, and Carthaginians
-Poor Water Supply
-Development of the Military
-Defenses Against the Carthaginians
-Exportation of Wines to Foreign Peoples
-Development of the City's Culture

Neapolis (5 Votes):
40% Fishermen
20% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
20% Farmers
20% Hunters
-Road Building/Tile Improvement
-Defenses Against the Spanish and Carthaginians
-Development of the City's Infrastructure
-Development of the Navy
-Poor Water Supply

Pompeii (3 Votes):
34% Dye Plantation Workers
33% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
33% Farmers
-Development of Agriculture and Removal of Trees from Plantations
-Defenses Against the Carthaginians and Egyptians
-Development of the City's Infrastructure
-Development of the Military
I am happy to announce that there is a Coalition has been formed between IWMP and IP. There is no name yet though. So yeah.

I would like to create the SPQR party. Our goal it to help the "Senatus Populusque Romanus", or the Senate and People of Rome. Our theory to acheive this by expanding to provide new land for the people, whether through military conquest, or colonization.
And we have our first coalition! Just remember to invite me to the social group should you choose to create one.
Spoiler What Party of Stone will do if elected :
Breakdown for Each City:
Rome (8 Votes):
25% Miners
25% Vineyard Workers
25% Farmers
13% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
12% Scientists
-Development of the City's Infrastructure
-Expansion of the Empire (Colonization or Imperialism?)
-Expansion of the Sciences
-Exportation of Wines to Foreign Peoples
-Building the Capital to be more influential

The Party of Stone believes that there should be more colonialism, but a market should be built in Rome first, to generate money, then a library to generate science and culture. Exportation wines to foreign peoples for gpt will probably be a good idea.

Veii (12 Votes):
50% Farmers
17% Vineyard Workers
16% Scientists
8% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
-Expansion of the Empire (Colonization or Imperialism?)
-Defenses against the Celts
-Continued Development of the City as a Cultural Center (To Build a Cathedral or Great Wonder, Both, or Neither?)
-Occasional Spanish Incursions into Roman Lands
-Expansion of the Sciences
-Exportation of Wines to Foreign Peoples
-Continued Importation of Silks

The party thinks that some spearmen be built to defend the city after two workers, but then Sun Tzu's to be built here so as to be better at defending. Silks should continue to be imported until we find our own supply. Although a library wont be immediate, Veii should get one later on (after Sun Tzu's), and probably a university once the appropriate tech is researched.

Antium (7 Votes):
43% Miners
15% Farmers
14% Fishermen
14% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
14% Hunters
-Defenses against the Byzantines, Celts, and Greeks
-Occasional Greek Incursions into Roman Lands
-Poor Water Supply
-Development of the Army
-Expansion of the Empire (Colonization or Imperialism?)

Spearmen should also be built here after an aqueduct.

Cumae (7 Votes):
57% Farmers
15% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
14% Fishermen
14% Vineyard Workers
-Incursions By Byzantines, Greeks, Hittites, Babylonians, and Carthaginians
-Poor Water Supply
-Development of the Military
-Defenses Against the Carthaginians
-Exportation of Wines to Foreign Peoples
-Development of the City's Culture

Aqueduct - Spear - Spear - Worker - Temple - Spear - Spear - Spear e.t.c. Not much else to say, this is the only really specific city plan I'm writing in this post.

Neapolis (5 Votes):
40% Fishermen
20% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
20% Farmers
20% Hunters
-Road Building/Tile Improvement
-Defenses Against the Spanish and Carthaginians
-Development of the City's Infrastructure
-Development of the Navy
-Poor Water Supply

Ferry a worker here to build necessary improvements, build only galleys and a few spears after an aqueduct.

Pompeii (3 Votes):
34% Dye Plantation Workers
33% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
33% Farmers
-Development of Agriculture and Removal of Trees from Plantations
-Defenses Against the Carthaginians and Egyptians
-Development of the City's Infrastructure
-Development of the Military

Also ferry a worker here, cut down the forest while building a cathedral (to counter enemy culture), and build spears here.

Every time any city reaches size 11, build two workers or a settler, depending if a settler is needed.

The plans for Rome and Veii are longer than the others due to covering other issues of course, which aren't necessary to cover multiple times.
Imperium Party guarantees:

-Continued development of navy, and strategically placing our ships to block barbarian incursions.
-Development of army, and henceforth application of it against Carthage to eliminate cultural threats on Pompeii, Cumae, and Neapolis.
-Construction of the Temple of Artemis in Veii
-Turn up the luxury slider
-Long-term plans for colonization of West Africa
-Training a significant amount of workers to improve our bare lands and increase production

What's up with the in-game government?
If you vote for the Party of Stone, it will come at a steep cost to the nation. Their leader proposes to build more ineffective marketplaces (we have no cities who's income is significant enough for the extra gold generation to do more than simply pay for the maintenance). He also proposes to train more spearmen, with no clear plan as to how they will be payed for, and what they will do other than just relax.

Great civilizations are never forged out of peace! Long live the emperor!
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