Fighting Tyranny
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If you vote for the Party of Stone, it will come at a steep cost to the nation. Their leader proposes to build more ineffective marketplaces (we have no cities who's income is significant enough for the extra gold generation to do more than simply pay for the maintenance). He also proposes to train more spearmen, with no clear plan as to how they will be payed for, and what they will do other than just relax.
Great civilizations are never forged out of peace! Long live the emperor!
Adding the Minor Coalition Rule: Any party with a single member may join in a Coalition with another party to gain the ability to put forward a Presidential Candidate.Protests Outside of Embassy in Carthage
Large numbers of protesters have gathered outside of the Roman Embassy in Carthage after news from Italy showed the growing power of those against the Carthaginian state. Angry protesters fear that war would be unavoidable should the Legion Populus gain the Presidency in the upcoming Roman elections. There have been reports of embassy guards and local policemen firing arrows into the crowds to disperse them. This has only served to upset the people even more as the protests continue to grow in size.
Similar protests have occurred in Entremont, Athens, Constantinople, Madrid, and Paris. These protests have been smaller but still occur due to the rising Imperialist sentiment in Rome.
Poll: People Say Nay to Wine Exports
In Favor of Wine Exports 40.5%
Opposed to Wine Exports - 58.2%
No Opinion - 1.3%
In an interesting turn of events, a poll among vineyard workers has shown that the exportation of Roman wine is not approved of. Further questioning among those polled seemed to show that the common reason for this feeling is that it is unacceptable for foreigners to enjoy the fruits (or its juice) of Roman labor.
The Legion Populus: Will There Be Any Opposition?
Since the formation of the Legion Populus Coalition, there has been little opposition in the form of a rival coalition. The Party of Stone and Conservative Party are the only parties so far that are not members of this political juggernaut. Though public opinion leans towards these two outside parties, it is unlikely that either will have major political influence unless they gain more Immortal members or launch major campaign efforts.