Realpolitik: Immortales Imperii

The Novus Ordo Seclorum Party!

We must rise up, peoples of Rome! We have been stabbed in the back and betrayed around every corner by the other nations of this world! Carthage, Germany, France, Holland, all of them are complicit! And there are sympathizers and traitors in our midst! Rome shall attain glory beyond imagining! Rise up! NOVUS! ORDO! SECLORUM!


AKA Roman Nazis.

We believe that Rome should distinguish itself from the warmongering, capitalist barbarians that plague greater Europe.

Domestically we support a focus on social rather than military building projects and research, the removal of conservative religion from society (burn the temples) and the preservation and replanting of our natural environment (more forests, no mines). A republic is our preferred form of governance.

Internationally, while pacifist by nature, we recognise that Rome must grow in order to compete on the global scale, and defend our values and the rights of our citizens. Conquest of the barbaric celtic lands are our first priority followed by expansion into Spain and Portugal. We should defend our brother civilizations of Greece and Byzantine from the barbarian onslaughts. Upon establishing our presence within Europe we recommend adopting a "defence, unless attacked" approach, working to ensure the roman civilization is competitive globaly. Oppressive and backwards dictaorships should be venomously opposed.

We are firmly against any War against Carthage, as we believe they can be a usefull ally, and trading partner. It is also our parties belief that this war is a conservative plot, designed to keep the aristocracy in place by giving the money to the military instead of to the people who truly need it. We should trade our wines with Carthage and Greece, with the intention of bringing other luxuries and gold into the nation.

Fama Romae
The News of Rome


Soldiers of the 5th Roman Legion fight bravely to the death against Ottoman Cavalrymen

It was known for just a few days that they were coming. Three Ottoman Cavalry Divisions entered Roman North Africa through Egyptian territory recently. But slowed down by desert sands, the Ottoman forces were delayed and the Romans had barely enough time to bring three military divisions across the Mediterranean from Cumae. Once the Ottomans reached Pompeii, they attacked the city. City workers fled back into the city as the 5th Legion set up for battle on the edge of the hill leading to the city.

A pitched battle between barbaric Ottoman Cavalry and Roman Legionaries soon ensued. In the first clash Romans in the 5th Legion fought members of the Ottoman 2nd Heavy Cavalry. Roman casualties were extremely light in this first duel, while the Ottoman Cavalry were forced to retreat in a panic after 80% of their force was lost to Roman Legionnaires.

The next fight was even more violent and bloody as the 5th Legion was attacked again, this time by the slightly less experienced Ottoman 3rd Heavy Cavalry. Drawing the Roman Cohorts into a devastating trap, the barbaric horsemen cut down nearly every Roman, officers and men alike. Adding insult to injury, the Ottoman barbarians also burned the colors of the 5th Legion in front of the city.

Knowing that Pompeii would be impossible to take at this point, the Ottomans retreated back towards Egyptian territory, but pillaged the roads behind them to avoid being pursued by the non-mounted Roman infantry forces.

Roman Naval operations against the Ottoman Cavalry forces have failed to produce any further results in defeating the somewhat intact Cavalry force.

Now, with Rome at war, it will be interesting to see how the political parties will respond to this shocking surprise attack.
Spoiler Turns 20 (IBT) - Turn 26 :
IBT (Turn 20)- Nada

Turn 21 (2950 BC)- Nutin

IBT- Nada

Turn 22 (2900 BC)- Zip

IBT- Squat

Turn 23 (2850 BC)- Give Greece Monotheism for Monarchy and Gold.

IBT- Zzzz...

Turn 24 (2800 BC)- One Turn from Great Library.

IBT- Ottomans Move 3 Ancient Cavalry next to Pompeii.
Great Library completed in Rome.


Turn 25 (2750 BC)- Move 3 Divisions to Pompeii, preparing for war.

IBT- Ottomans Declare War on Us.


4/4 Roman 5th Legion forces 5/5 Ottoman Ancient Cavalry to retreat, 0 HP lost.
4/4 Roman 5th Legion killed by 4/4 Ottoman Ancient Cavalry, 3 HP knocked off.
Ottomans pillage road SE of Pompeii.
Invention in, Begin Gunpowder.
Gain Theology and The Republic from Great Library.

Turn 26 (2710 BC)- Bombardment of Ottoman Cavalry fails (0/1).

Spoiler Military Information, Maps, and New Employment Breakdowns :
Roman Military:
5 Worker Bands
23 Slave Worker Bands
4 Archer Regiments (0 Reg./4 Vet./0 Elite)
4 Spearmen Divisions (0/4/0)
1 Transoprt (0/1/0)
13 Legions (0/13/0)
1 Maceman Division (0/1/0)
3 Triremes (0/3/0)

Roman Forces in North Africa:
8th Legion (In Pompeii)
4th Archer Regiment (In Pompeii)
4th Infantry Division (In Pompeii)
RPS Rome (On Coast of North Africa)

Roman Empire - 2710 BC


Ottoman Republic - 2710 BC


Labor Breakdowns:

25% Farmers
25% Vineyard Workers
13% Miners
13% Fishermen
12% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
12% Scientists

46% Farmers
16% Vineyard Workers
15% Scientists
8% Miner
8% Fisherman
7% City Dwellers/Aristocrats

43% Miners
15% Farmers
14% Fishermen
14% Hunters
14% City Dwellers/Aristocrats

43% Farmers
28% Fishermen
15% Vineyard Workers
14% City Dwellers/Aristocrats

29% Farmers
28% Fishermen
15% Merchants
14% Hunters
14% City Dwellers/Aristocrats

34% Dye Plantation Workers
33% Fisherman
33% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
Elections Have Begun!

NPC Votes will close on Friday, May 27, 2011.



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This recent development is a disturbing reminder of the real attitude of the rest of the world, they are cowards intent on destroying the glory of Rome that they so envy with these sniveling hit-and-run attacks.

However, moving into this war it is important to keep level heads and not get distracted by our righteous anger. Ottoman territory is far away and has little to offer. It would be wasteful and irresponsible to go on the offensive in this war. We must instead strengthen our homeland security by increasing our garrison strength and beefing up security at seaports to prevent any Ottoman terrorists or spies from entering the country or boarding a large passenger vessel.

The Conservative Party of Rome offers its heartfelt thanks to the brave soldiers who fought and gave their lives at the battle of Pompeii, and our condolences to the families of those lost heroes.
Once again, the reasoning behind our foreign policy is confirmed. While nigh every party in Roma declared our main enemy to be Cartharge, the Ottomans attacked us by surprise, taking the lives of many brave roman soldiers. We should consolidate our friendship with Byzantine, as outlined in our policies, in order to prevent future incursions by the Ottomans on our soil.

*Also, for the sake of diminishing confusion, I rename the RPM the Roman Progressive Party (RPP)*
This is the true face of the Ottomans! THIS! RISE UP, PEOPLE OF ROME! We have preached this to you for overlong! They simply stab us in the back and laugh while we bleed! Novus! Ordo! Seclorum! Stand behind us! We will lead you to a new era of prosperity as we grind them into the dust! We will slaughter a thousand women and children for every soldier who died at Pompeii! We will ransack a dozen cities for each building they torched! Those we spare shall be enslaved! We will obliterate their civilization and sow salt among Istanbul'd ruins! NOVUS! NOVUS! NOVUS! NOVUS!

-Lighthearter giving a speech in Rome

Edit: I vote for Novus Ordo Seclorum
Vote for Imperium Party.

I personally do not understand the basis on which the Novus party will operate. They plan on going out of our way to go and destroy Ottomania for one incursion on Roman soil and soveirgnity. How are we supposed to get our army there? How are we supposed to defend our heartland against barbarian invaders if all of our soldiers are campaigning in Armenia? A foreign affairs policy based on revenge is not a successful foreign affairs policy. The Ottomans shall be subjected to rule from Rome when the time comes, once we share a border with them. For now, we need to focus on our immediate neighbors. Remember, a vote for the Imperium Party is a vote for sober foreign and domestic policies, a vote for a prosperous Rome.
People of the Roman Empire,
The Ottomans have openly showed their barbarianism, invading one of our cities, Pompeii, trying to attempt to disroot the Roman Empire. Will we let this happen? No! They came to our homes and destroyed the historic buildings of Pompeii. I shall not let this stand! The tyrannical reign of the Ottomans ends here! When elected, I shall tend to the needs of the Imperium Populusque, or the Empire and her People. If you wish for the Ottomans to be slayen, so be it. It shall happen.

The Novus Ordo Seclorum fills your mind with lies. They do not wish to help you, they only wish for more luxury. The invasion of the Ottomans would fuel their quest for true power over Rome. They are bloodthirsty and barbarious. If they are elected, they shall ruin Rome!
Our Party is for the Empire and People of Rome! IPQR!
I cast my first vote for the IPQR Party.
Bowsling promises a sensible foreign policy, but yet has entered a coalition with the Insanely Mad Warmonger's party. Does this sound like sensible foreign policy to you?

Only the Conservative Party can provide sensible foreign policy with the aim of slowly expanding the glory of Rome without spending ourselves into a deficit.

This is our agenda in more detail:
Build a courthouse in every city by 0 AD
Sliders at 30.30.40
Build marketplaces in Rome, Veii and Cumae by 500 BC. We will also evaluate the usefulness of a marketplace in other cities as they grow.
Build cathedrals in Rome and Veii by 500 BC.
End wine exports as soon as legally possible.
Shrink government's role by not hiring any specialists.
In a further effort to shrink government, we will continually re-evaluate the need for any and all public buildings in our cities.

As you can see, we have a strong tough on crime agenda that will protect the citizens of the Empire.

I vote for my party. Can you put it on the list in the OP?
Marketplaces and cathedrals? IS THIS HOW WE RESPOND TO AN INVASION!?! People, listen to my! I'm Lighthearter, and I'm here to tell you the truth! The Ottomans snuck up behind us and stabbed us in the back while we trusted them - and now the other parties are all for lettin' 'em do it again!

I say, we show the Ottomans what they've courted. I say we show them HATE! Show them WRATH! SHOW! THEM! THEIR! DEATHS! They murdered hundreds, nay, thousands of your brothers and fathers and husbands and sons in the recent fighting - I say we show them hate! We show them our response! Show them what murder really is!

Any Ottoman in this city is fair game - he who slays one of Ottoman descent is a hero to the Empire! Vote for me and I'll give you your revenge - I'll give you a heaping load of revenge! Like I said in Rome, a thousand women and children for every soldier, a dozen cities for every building of ours they torched! I will burn them into the ground and slaughter their babies! Let's see how they like having their children murdered before their very eyes!

And this talk of marketplaces and courthouses? Bah! We should be speaking of legions and catapults and triremes! We will bury them in a wave of shining steel! The Conservatives, the Imperium, the IPQR - they all spread lies and slander! They talk of being for the protection and expansion of Rome but when it comes time to fulfil their promises - "It's not convenient." bah! I say we show THEM our hate as well!

Remember, I'm Lighthearter, and I'm the only ally the common man has anymore in Rome!




-Lighthearter speaking in Pompeii
I just fail to see the point in going off and destroying the Ottomans when we could invade Carthage, the Celts, Spain, and Greece to expand our core. Does the Novus Party have a reason for that other than avenging the deaths of many brave Romans? How does he plan on avenging the Romans that are killed getting revenge on the Ottomans?

Did the Greek City-States invade Persia for their precious "revenge" after they beat back the invasions of Darius and Xerxes? No!

Avoid the obsessive militarists, avoid the crazy Pacifists, vote for a bright Roman future! Vote for Imperium!
Really? Is that the best you got? I say that since the Ottomans have to have come down through the Middle East, we go and invade all them while we're at this! They're all complicit in this!

Those who die giving us our revenge are heroes of Rome! We honor them by proving our nation worthy of their sacrifice. And we start by murdering their murders. An eye for an eye is the saying - I say nay! I say a life for an eye!


I now join the Novus Ordo Seclorum party.
News release later, but here are the final few turns.
Spoiler Turn Log :
IBT (Turn 26)- Ottomans Pillage another Road, then retreat.
Turn 27 (2670 BC)- Zzzz...
IBT- Silks for Wines Deal Expires with Korea.
Ottomans move a Spear near Antium
Chivalry from Great Library
Turn 28 (2630 BC)- Roman 4/4 10th Legion killed by Ottoman 3/3 Spearman, 0 HP knocked off.
Roman 4/4 3rd Legion kills Ottoman 3/3 Spearman, 1 HP lost. 3rd Legion Promoted to Elite.




IBT- Nuthin.
Turn 29 (2590 BC)- RPS Rome (TR-01) Bombards Ottoman 3/3 Galley. 2 HP Knocked off.
IBT- Education from Great Library.
Great Library Obsolete
Ottoman Forces Building up on Pompeii's Border.
Turn 30 (2550 BC)- RPS Rome (TR-01) Bombards Ottoman 3/3 Trireme. 1 HP knocked off.
Spoiler Pictures :

















Spoiler Other Stuff :
Wonder Locations:
The Pyramids:
Leipzig, Germany
The Colossus: Athens, Greece
The Great Library: Rome, Rome
The Hanging Gardens: Seville, Spain
The Great Lighthouse: Orleans, France
The Oracle: Trondheim, Scandinavia
The Great Wall: Canton, China
The Temple of Artemis: Seoul, Korea
The Statue of Zeus: Zimbabwe, Zululand
The Mausoleum of Mausollos: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sorry guys, I don’t have time for this.

I put Yoshiegg in charge of my party but I request that he renames it to something else. IWMP is MY trademark. :D
Sorry guys, I don’t have time for this.

I put Yoshiegg in charge of my party but I request that he renames it to something else. IWMP is MY trademark. :D
Whaaaaaat? I don't have enough time to run a party...

Who want's control over IMWP? :D
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