Realpolitik: Immortales Imperii

Overall Voting (Updated):
AG/NOSP Coalition: 8
Legion Populus: 6
Roman People’s Party: 1
Conservative Party: 1
Putting in a second vote for IPQR.

The Novus Party howls now about leadership strength. Perhaps he could show us his "leadership strength" and tell us how he plans on attacking the Ottomans, rather than poisoning us with empty promises of revenge! Perhaps he could explain how he intends to defend the homeland while the army goes on a wild goose chase in Armenia?

The Celtic, Carthaginian, Spanish, Egyptian and Greek foreign ministries will be watching these elections intently. And hoping for a Novus victory.
Second vote for Legion Populus.
EDIT: Oops, I mean I vote for the Imperium party.
@Princeof Persia: You cannot vote for the same party twice, even if you have a name change.
Polls are now closed in Cumae!
Results for Cumae said:
AG/NOSP Coalition: 4
Legion Populus: 2
Party of Stone: 1

Overall Voting:
AG/NOSP Coalition: 11
Legion Populus: 10
Roman Progressive Party: 1
Conservative Party: 1
Party of Stone: 1
Polls will close in Antium at 6:00 PM EST this evening (6 Hours from now).

Fama Romae
The News of Rome
Smaller Parties Could Turn the Tide

In this year's extremely close elections, there are several parties that are recieving votes, but have yet to join either Coalition. If the Legion Populus can pull them over to their camp, then the LP would have a slight advantage over the current leading (still unnamed) Coalition between the Assassins' Guild and NOSP. What will the smaller parties do?

Antium to Focus on Growth and the Ottoman Front

The two major issues that concern voters in Antium are the Ottoman War and the growth in the city. For some time now, the city has been striving to expand, but a poor water supply has kept the city from expanding to its maximum potential. There are two solutions to this problem that have been forwarded by the City Council. The first is the construction of an Aqueduct. It would give the citizens much needed clean water and allow further growth of the town. A downside to this is the amount of work that would be required to construct the long structure from the Veii River to the north. The amount of labor would limit further development of the city's infastructure while the Aqueduct is built. The other option is the formation of a Settler Party. It would compose of several thousand citizens that would band together and set off to form a new Roman City elsewhere in the world. However, they would likely require several galleys to be contructed so that they might sail to their destination much faster.

The other issue that concerns the voters in Antium is the Ottoman War. Just recently, Roman forces engaged the Ottomans a short distance away from Roman mines where Antium miners work. Questions have been asked that concern the possible existance of a yet-to-be-seen Ottoman Army similar to the one that struck Pompeii at the beginning of the War. Thus, Antium voters are concerned about what both Coalitions might do to prevent this Ottoman force from attacking. The current Roman garrison in Antium is a Legion and a division of Archers. There are also three Roman divisions near the Byzantine-Greek-Roman border over which the Ottoman Spearmen crossed.

Employment in Antium:
43% Miners
15% Farmers
15% Fishermen
14% Hunters
13% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
Antium! You want to know how we'll protect you from the Ottomans? First we're going to kick those Byzantine and Greek SOBs right in the balls for allowing the damn Turks to rampage into our land! Then we attack the Ottomans themselves!

I say an aqueduct for the people! Don't let anyone more concerned about lining their pockets then giving you good water confuse you - it's in the end the only permanent solution, and why waste time?


And yet again, the Novus Party fails to find the immediate solution to our problems.

What will happen if we assault the Greeks and Byzantines for letting the Ottomans through? Then we will have Greeks, Byzantines, and Ottomans attacking the glorious city of Antium! Reinforce the area with more glorious Roman soldiers, and destroy the Ottomans as they try to attack!

And yes, if I am President, I will personally ensure that an aqueduct is built to insure the continuous growth of the city.
And yet again, the Novus Party fails to find the immediate solution to our problems.

What will happen if we assault the Greeks and Byzantines for letting the Ottomans through? Then we will have Greeks, Byzantines, and Ottomans attacking the glorious city of Antium! Reinforce the area with more glorious Roman soldiers, and destroy the Ottomans as they try to attack!

And yes, if I am President, I will personally ensure that an aqueduct is built to insure the continuous growth of the city.

Oh, so you'll just stand there and wait for them to come and kick us? Coward! Decisive action needs to be taken to expand the Empire and prevent another fight! Or do you want Antium to be fighting invasions for thousands of years to come? NO! I say the grandchildren of our grandchildren should not have to join the army and protect their city from the same invaders! I say we take this entire glorious continent for ourselves! The Ottomans stabbed us in the back, and we must show them what happens when you double-cross a loyal son of Rome and not a pansy-faced appeaser!


EDIT: OOC: RED! That image is adversely affecting our votecount! We ARE the lesser evil!

That is Cthulu, he is not in our colation (yet).
Polls are now closed in Antium!
Results for Antium said:
AG/NOSP Coalition: 4
Legion Populus: 3

Overall Voting:
AG/NOSP Coalition: 15
Legion Populus: 15
Roman Progressive Party: 1
Conservative Party: 1
Party of Stone: 1
Polls will close in Pompeii (4 Votes) at 8:00 PM EST this evening (2 Hours from now).

Polls will close in Veii (13 Votes) at 11:00 AM EST tomorrow morning (17 Hours from now).

Fama Romae
The News of Rome
Pompeii Still Suffering from First Attacks

As the War with the Ottomans seems likely to escalate further, the site of the initial conflict has yet to recover. The roads to the East are in ruins, hindering trade with the Egyptians and hurting the economy in general.

It seems unlikely that the situation will improve anytime in the future as Ottoman forces have been sighted building up on the Roman-Egyptian border on the Southeastern extreme of the Roman State. Roman forces are present in the city itself and are fortified atop the city's new walls, but have held back from attacking the Ottomans for fear of losing the strategically-vital city.

In a recent poll among voters, it was clear that the Ottoman War was the most important issue among those polled. The development of the city itself and the construction of farms around the city to support more growth were also important issues. Pompeii is a besieged city, but their votes might matter the most in such a close election.

Employment in Pompeii:
50% Fishermen
27% Dye Plantation Workers
23% City Dwellers/Aristocrats

Largest City Prepares for Elections

The people of Veii are preparing to cast their votes. Their votes will make up the largest percentage of all counted, a full 28%. Leaders of both coalitions and all major parties are expected to flock to the city in an effort to gain the upper hand against their adversaries. Thus, the issues found in Veii might be the most important to politicians.

Major issues among voters in Veii include: overcrowding in the city, occasional incursions by Celtic, Spanish, and Portuguese forces, and the development of Veii as a cultural center to rival the Rome itself. The War with the Ottomans means surprisingly little to voters in Veii, with the War receiving only 8% in the poll taken last week. The development of the Navy was a surprise major issue as well, receiving 13% in the poll’s final results.

Employment in Pompeii:
46% Farmers
18% Vineyard Workers
14% Scientists
9% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
8% Fishermen
7% Miners
The vote should be 16-15-1-1-1
oops, never saw PrinceofPersia's post, nevermind.
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