Realpolitik: Immortales Imperii

I will personally stay in Pompeii this whole election.

People, the Legion talks about not paying the Ottomans back! About just hiding in our shells! How well has that worked for you? I promise you vengeance! I promise you that the blood you spilled defending your city can be avenged by the spilling of the blood of those who attacked it and those who condoned the assault!


Polls are now closed in Pompeii!
Results for Pompeii said:
AG/NOSP Coalition: 3
Legion Populus: 1

Overall Voting:
AG/NOSP Coalition: 18
Legion Populus: 16
Roman Progressive Party: 1
Conservative Party: 1
Party of Stone: 1

Remember, polls in Veii close at 11:00 AM EST tomorrow morning (In 14 Hours)!
OOC: Well then come up with a Coalition name if you don't want to see it there.

Polls in Rome close at 4:00 PM EST tomorrow afternoon (19 Hours from now).

Immortal Votes will close at 6:00 PM EST tomorrow evening, the President will then be announced.
To the citizens of Veii and Rome:

Remember, a vote for Imperium is a vote for stability and development, for the establishment of a great empire, one that expands in logical order, with these two great cities at the centre! Choose the improvement of the two greatest cities of the empire. Say no to insane pursuits of revenge! Vote for the Imperium Party!
We are the Coalition of Vengeance.

I agree completely with everything Bowsling just said. If you want growth and stability and an army more concerned with protecting the trade interests of the Legion Populus, VOTE IMPERIUM!

If you want a large empire that actually gives a damn about preventing threats from coming back time and again, VOTE NOVUS!

Rome and Veii are the heartland of the Empire, and no one could forget them!

But I would like to ask the common, working citizens, who make up the entire foundation of he empire how "seeking vengeance" for a minor attack, easily defended against, would benefit your lives?

Instead, why don't you choose the Imperium Party? We will spend our money and resources on the important things, like he subjugation of our immediate rivals, and the continous improvement of your daily lives! How would you like it, if you can go to a doctor to be healed, and have he government pay for your visit? That is one of the many reasons to vote for the Imperium Party!



Vengeance is something that must be taken. We cannot allow this dastardly attack on our homes and people to go unpunished. Or, sir, would you rather encourage the Ottomans to pound away at us again, and again? NO! I say, decisive action is needed - we must cut them out with fire and sword.

But we are not fighting humans. We are fighting an artificial intelligence. Seeking vengeance against one will not discourage the other ones, in fact, they will likely go after us because our military is away from home.

And where is this promised military plan? I think it has gone in the same place as the rest of his promises go, in the trash can.
Lighthearter does not know what he is saying. He secretly plans to destroy the empire.

Oh, you can't find fault with anything I just said so your only response is to say "HE'S WRONG YUKYUKYUK!" You, sir, are a disgrace to all that Rome has ever stood for!

I challenge you - find one flaw with my stated policies and I'll debate you on it!

Stated Policies?

The Novus party platform resembles the platform of a dog running for office - barking around madness about Novus and revenge, with no policies or anything that might resemble political sensibility.
Polls are now closed in Veii!
Results for Veii said:
Legion Populus: 8
Coalition of Vengeance: 5

Overall Voting:
Legion Populus: 24
Coalition of Vengeance: 23
Roman Progressive Party: 1
Conservative Party: 1
Party of Stone: 1

Polls in Rome close at 6:00 PM EST tonight (In 4 Hours)!
Rome (9 Votes):
Employment Breakdown-
24% Vineyard Workers
23% Farmers
20% Miners
13% Fishermen
10% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
9% Scientists
-The Ottoman War
-Construction of Wonders
-Expansion of the Empire (Colonization or Imperialism?)
-Expansion of the Sciences (University)
-Construction of a Marketplace
-Religious Buildings (Temples and Cathedrals)
-Building the Capital to be more influential
Polls are now closed in Rome!
Results for Rome said:
Coalition of Vengeance: 6
Legion Populus: 3

Overall Voting:
Coalition of Vengeance: 29
Legion Populus: 27
Roman Progressive Party: 1
Conservative Party: 1
Party of Stone: 1

Immortals have 45 Minutes to Vote! Results are final at 7:00 PM EST!
I have put much thought into this, I shall vote in favour of the Legion Populus, if only because going through Greece and Byzantium would be extremely unwieldy.
I vote for novis and ag. I havent been all that involved in this, haven't had time. Once I get back on a computer Monday instead of my iPod, I will catch up.
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