As a socialist party we believe in a strong focus on internal development for benefit of all citizens. We've demonstrated this repeatedly over the past forty-three years through the construction of factories, hospitals and other infrastructure that we believe contributes to the common good. We ensured the construction of the Haven Hospital. You can trust us to continue to invest in the internal development of the nation.
Our track record of constructing factories throughout the Realm stands for itself so I'm confident I don't need to say any more on that. What I will say, though, is that we will complete the factory programme we started through the construction of a factory at Coventry to boost the nation's productivity to new heights. It's not for nothing that we are consistently rated as the most productive nation in Europa.
Like you we agree that securing the exotic mineral Aetherium should be a priority for the Pulian Government. As you may be aware there are Aetherium deposits near Coventry which will be accessible in two years' time; we intend to mine those resources for the betterment of our great nation. I am sure we cannot imagine the untapped potential of this new element. I say the way to realise it is to go get it. We will do this if given a strong electoral mandate to do so, and even if not we will still argue in favour of it.
We intend to construct artillery in the capital to ensure Pulias's defensive capability remains assured and capable to deter any foreign powers who might be considering aggression. We will also be promoting international trade to better insure us against attacks by making such ventures unprofitable and unattractive.
We will implement Noble Obligation* which will allow us to build a great wonder that will be the envy of Europa called Neuschwanstein. This and our castle renovation and restoration projects will greatly increase happiness, culture and money throughout the entire Realm.
We will then research Eruptives technology which will provide us with access to more advanced Landships and Airships in the future.