Realpolitik of the Smoky Skies - The Reboot

NEWS: Dissolution of the Dawn Party, Henry Absoluti is now a free agent. Dedicated to traveling the world and writing back every so often about his opinions. Now a dashing, charismatic, and handsome Adventurer(and officer when need be).
Will Henry Absoluti be running for Senate as an independent candidate or is he staying out of elections for now?
I will run next election set, this one I'm content sitting on the sidelines(unless coventry needs more politicians) :D
Does Coventry have any other politicians besides me?
1889 is gone.
Is the whole Dawn party gone, or is it just you that's not running?
Considering the Dawn Party is one person, its in a weird limbo at the moment. If someone else joined I'd be glad to open it up again, but its on hiatus for now.
Richterson follows Gurra with the opening of his campaign.
Spoiler :
People of Coventry, I am David Richterson, member of the P3 party and representative of Coventry in the Senate. I made promises to you before, in the last election, 10 years ago. I did my best to keep those promises, as I will for the ones I am about to make now.

Artillery will be made in Pulias City, as well as an increase in Coventry's garrison. These are to insure Pulias's protection and as a deterrent to people who plan to invade.

The P3 plans to bestow an official Mandate of Heaven upon our monarch.

We will begin plans to construct a massive and beautiful castle in Pulias.

A grand mansion will be built in Coventry for greater wealth and a stronger economy for our people.

We will build a massive Analytical Engine, a machine capable of great technological feats. It will definitely allow for enhanced production and eventually wealth.

A factory, something I have long advocated for, is to be built in Coventry. This will, of course, have large industrial benefits.
I propose to the future government that I stay on as a diplomatic attache in either Zurich, Zanzibar, or Yerevan.
The Honourable William Melda addressed the Haven chapter of the League for Peace. This was the easiest speech to give: they were his people.

Here is an excerpt from his speech:

Spoiler :
. . . the lasting peace, the Long Peace. This we promise to continue to uphold as our party has since the Dawn. Like you we absolutely oppose naked aggression. We will be ensuring Pulias's defence force remains large enough to act as a deterrent to potential foreign aggression but small enough to not risk our great and peaceful Realm from being tempted into aggressive dispositions. We will construct artillery in the capital to enhance the defences of Coventry, which is admittedly the most exposed and isolated city in the kingdom. But we pledge to keep our armed forces safely in their barracks and garrisons unless a state of war occurs.

We encourage and support the further development of international trade networks in the hope that it will bind the modern nations of Europa together with economic ties so strong that even warmongers will shy away from conflict, lest they risk their own nation's economic good fortunes.

We will maintain friendly attitudes toward all nations, including the United Kingdom of Vedria, but we will not be pursuing a formal declaration of friendship at this time. We do not rule out such actions in the future, but we do not feel it is a prudent course of action just at this particular juncture. If this position costs me your votes then I will be disappointed but understand.

On the other hand, we will be expanding the sphere of protection established by the Second Antilles Ministry, doubling its radius and allowing for enhanced diplomatic relations with the nation states of Zurich, Zanzibar and Yerevan.

We have a programme for the establishment of trade colleges throughout the Realm. At the present time we are intending to establish a trial site right here in Haven of Peace, with the view of constructing more in future terms of government if the trial is successful.
1889 is probably not active, which is why Percy Huggins isn't a PPP candidate for the 1843 elections. I sent a message a few weeks ago to ask if they were still in the game but didn't get any response.
Cpm, do the factions have NPC leaders/speakers I can meet with? Basically me rping/pming with you
Cpm, do the factions have NPC leaders/speakers I can meet with? Basically me rping/pming with you

We could work something out for that, certainly. Perhaps we do like Melda's done for the newspaper interviews?
Heerlo Antilles gives a speech in Pulias City.

Spoiler :
Greetings, my fellow Pulians! I thank you all for being in attendance today. We have come here today to discuss the situation and the challenges of our nation in this soon-to-come administration. We have accomplished much in the past decade. However, we have many new challenges ahead of us.

Firstly, let me start off by saying that our deficit from the previous decade has been eliminated and our economy is now going strong. The national railway has connected our nation like never before, and has brought trade to a new height.

We have also recently discovered the strange element called aetherium, and we know that we have at least two deposits of this resources near our borders. While we do not know much about aetherium as of yet, we do know that somehow it is capable of counteracting gravity and levitating. As would be obvious, this could be very useful in a variety of fields, including military use. I encourage research into this new element, and if elected I hope to have the government launch a program of research to learn more about it.

Speaking of military, during the last few years of the previous administration I have been told that our military is relatively weak, commpared to our neighbors'. This is something I will work to see remedied in the next administration. As many of you know, our relations with Eruch have been strained in the past few years, and while I am not proposing aggressive action, we must be prepared for whatever threats we may face from other nations.

In this new decade, I would also like to see our nation reach a new level of education and research. And I believe the first step to this goal is is the nationwide building of the great education centers, or trade colleges, as some call them. Not only will this make us a competitive force in the world, but it will also help to give our youth higher paying jobs and establish a higher standard of living for all Pulians.

But now I wish to hear from you. For the next two hours, we will have discussion, and I wish to hear from all of you your concerns, your requests, and what you would like to see done in this coming adminsitration.
The Honourable William Melda addressed the insular and inward-looking lobby group Pulias First in their Haven of Peace headquarters. Ideologically this group were not completely on the same page with he and his party, given that the PPP were internationalists and Pulias First were isolationists, but both his party and the lobby group believed in the development of strong infrastructure within the Realm. Here is an excerpt from his speech.

Spoiler :

As a socialist party we believe in a strong focus on internal development for benefit of all citizens. We've demonstrated this repeatedly over the past forty-three years through the construction of factories, hospitals and other infrastructure that we believe contributes to the common good. We ensured the construction of the Haven Hospital. You can trust us to continue to invest in the internal development of the nation.

Our track record of constructing factories throughout the Realm stands for itself so I'm confident I don't need to say any more on that. What I will say, though, is that we will complete the factory programme we started through the construction of a factory at Coventry to boost the nation's productivity to new heights. It's not for nothing that we are consistently rated as the most productive nation in Europa.

Like you we agree that securing the exotic mineral Aetherium should be a priority for the Pulian Government. As you may be aware there are Aetherium deposits near Coventry which will be accessible in two years' time; we intend to mine those resources for the betterment of our great nation. I am sure we cannot imagine the untapped potential of this new element. I say the way to realise it is to go get it. We will do this if given a strong electoral mandate to do so, and even if not we will still argue in favour of it.

We intend to construct artillery in the capital to ensure Pulias's defensive capability remains assured and capable to deter any foreign powers who might be considering aggression. We will also be promoting international trade to better insure us against attacks by making such ventures unprofitable and unattractive.

We will implement Noble Obligation* which will allow us to build a great wonder that will be the envy of Europa called Neuschwanstein. This and our castle renovation and restoration projects will greatly increase happiness, culture and money throughout the entire Realm.

Spoiler A note on 'Noble Obligation' :

Yes, I know that's not the translation nor intent of Noblesse Oblige, but we're re-interpreting this as a kind of 'noble'/positive 'obligation'/intent of the people rather than the original aristocratic meaning which we believe is not contextually appropriate for the Pulian Realm.

We will then research Eruptives technology which will provide us with access to more advanced Landships and Airships in the future.
The Honourable William Melda addressed the hall of the Fiscal Responsibility League.

Eleven years earlier he'd had a simultaneously frosty and fiery reception here, what with the national Treasury deficit and the false accusation of broken promises made against he and his party.

Now the deficit had been eliminated and the Realm had never been richer he felt much more confident at receiving a far less hostile reaction this time around. He hoped that the last eleven years had proven his previous assertions correct. But it was hard to tell with people who were so focussed on and obsessed with money and not on issues that William considered to be important for ensuring the common good.

Here is an excerpt from his speech.

Spoiler :
Previously I argued that adopting socialism would reduce the deficit. Some accused me of lies or broken promises when that did not appear to take place, and did not believe me when I explained that the deficit had been reduced but that the initial upfront costs of the National Railway Network trackwork had caused a "new deficit". This information was all publicly available through the release of Treasury papers which I know some did not accept as true and correct. That anyone would accuse our nation's civil service of such impropriety and dishonesty was unthinkable to me. The civil service has proven themselves again and again of their professionalism and political neutrality and impartiality.

I said that the adoption of socialism and the completion of the National Railway Network would eliminate the deficit and provide a surplus. The passage of time has revealed that I was telling the truth, that I was correct after all, so I hope this vindicates me in your eyes or at least allows you to view me and my claims with less suspicion than you once did.

With that said, I would like to talk about our future plans and why I think you should vote for me and my party.

You want a stock exchange. With your support we will establish one here in Haven of Peace during the upcoming term of government.

We will undertake research to build the Neuschwanstein and in conjunction with our historical sites programme will greatly boost money raised from tourism in all cities of the Realm.

We will commence research on Eruptives which will allow us to construct patent offices and an inventor's hall to support Pulian entrepreneurialism and greatly boost the nation's economic performance and output.

We supported and ensured the construction of a grand mansion here in Haven of Peace during the last government. We will build another one in Coventry in the upcoming term of government, with a view to construct one in the capital in the term after that. We support the economic arguments in favour of their construction.
The Honourable William Melda addressed the Exploration League of Pulias. He'd never actually addressed them in person before, but he felt confident that as the former Minister of Science and his party's history of pro-science policies that his speech would go over well. There was only one way to find out, though, and that was to give it a go. Here's an excerpt from his speech.

Spoiler :
My party is the oldest political party in Pulias and has been here since the Dawn. As you should know, our track record for supporting scientific research is impeccable. We adopted secularism and entrenched it in our nation's cultural character. Some have accused us of being anti-religious because of this, but that's not true. We did this because we are all for progress and the promotion of the sciences and we adamantly pursue social policies the further those aims. Even Charles Babbage, normally a staunch critic of governments and their attitudes to and investment in the sciences has praised our work on producing difference engines throughout the Realm.

I know you are all excited about the prospects and potential of Aetherium. So are we. In the next term of government we will secure these resources for study and exploitation, beginning with those deposits located near to Coventry.

We agree with the view that Eruptives research will gain us access to more advanced Landships and Airships, as well as lead to the establishment of patent offices and an inventor's hall which will in turn will greatly increase the nation's productivity, scientific research and economic output. We will commence research on this during the next term of government.

In the capital city we will construct an Analytical Engine, the dream and brainchild of Mister Charles Babbage. This will further boost the nation's scientific output and act as a cap stone to our national Difference Engine Project.

We have a programme for the establishment of trade colleges throughout the Realm to boost scientific research. At the present time we are intending to establish a trial site here in Haven of Peace, with the view of possibly constructing more in future terms of government.
The Honourable William Melda gave his final scheduled speech in Haven of Peace to the lobby group he was the most apprehensive of addressing: the Armament League.

That his party were pacifists and that the League were warmongers — or at least jingoists — was enough to cause him concern. Spending time with those of a militant mindset was not something he made a habit of; there was just something unsettling and unnerving about those who wished to cause ill to their fellow man that made him fear for his personal safety. But it was for the good of the party and the good of the nation to try and engage with this lobby group. He doubted they'd vote for him, but it was his responsibility to put forward his policy programme to them and at least give it a go.

Here's an excerpt of his speech.

Spoiler :
I know many of you think of me and my associates as reckless and naïve, as people who want to disarm the nation and disband our armies. I know convincing you otherwise will be probably impossible, but I would implore you to look at our track record in government and recognise that we have never pushed for policies to that effect. Even in the late and Honourable Gustuvus Gurra's founding speech for the party he asserted his and our party's enduring belief in our nation's right to self defence. We want our defence forces to be well equipped with the most advanced equipment and technology as possible to ensure their safety and to signal to the other great powers in Europa that we are well defended and not to be trifled with.

In the next term of government we will be constructing artillery in the capital which we intend to garrison in Coventry. We recognise, as you do, Coventry's exposed position in the world. We recognise, as do you, that it needs to be protected from aggressive foreign powers who might seek to test our mettle. We will bolster Coventry's defences with artillery and we will ensure the city is equipped to defend against any potential foreign aggression, should the Long Peace end.

In the next term of government, with your support we will commence research of Eruptives which will provide the nation with access to more advanced Landships and Airships in the future. We will not allow our brave men of the Pulian defence force to suffer with outdated and obsolete equipment. We value their lives too much to do otherwise.
A pertinent question.

If an election were held today I think we'd have only four Senators, all elected unopposed. :p

Maybe Mister Absoluti needs to reconsider his travel plans and make a run for the Senate after all?
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