Realpolitik: The Crusaders


crickety cricket
Dec 29, 2010
Deva Loka
Welcome to RP: The Crusaders! This is SouthernKing (who else?), the king of Civ4 S&T! I will be your (extrememly crappy and slow updating)(Well, if Yoshi was GM it would be a lot worse :D :joke:) GM for this Realpolitik.

- We are playing Kingdom of Jerusalem on normal speed in RFC: Sword of Islam.

- Will you stay loyal to the Pope in Rome, or will you convert to Islam? Will you live an existence as a small country at the shores of Palestine, or will you conquer lands around you and become the greatest power since Rome to be on the shores of the Eastern Medditerranean? It's all up to your choices.

- I as host reserve the right to veto any action any player wishes to undertake. To consolidate the stability of the AAR, to stop interference with the normal functioning of the thread or simply because I feel like it. Don't mess with The Man.

- Rule #1 of Realpolitik: Democracy is absolute. Even when the Nazis or communists are elected into office, they will still have to answer to the opposition and face elections every thirty turns.

- Any member is free to establish or join a political party of his choice. A member can only be member of one party at a time, although he is free to switch allegiance whenever he sees fit.

- I am going to ask everyone to use their own nicknames at all times when playing or in story updates they write. This is to avoid confusion.

- Every 15 in-game turns an election shall be held, the first election will be in about one week. During the week, I'll grant the right to all parties to organize, unite and campaign to get as many people as they can to vote. Note that everyone registered on the CivFanatics forums is eligible to vote.

- Parties are allowed to form coalitions. At the end of an election, all votes are tallied and the party or coalition with the largest amount of votes wins the election.

- You can create up to 3 NPCs that are in your party. These NPCs can be put forward for any government position, even president.

- The parties that did not win will be sent to opposition, where they can comment on the policy of the leading faction. I will monitor opposition closely, and the leading players have to understand that failing to appease the public will lead to us penalizing out nation in-game (improvement deletion, raised unhappiness). It is therefore very important to listen to the public.

- If the opposition is strong enough, they can call for a General Strike, a Vote of No Confidence, an Assassination, or if things get REALLY ugly, an Armed Revolution.

- The winning party or coalition will come into office the in-game update after the elections. They must put together, before elections close, a complete cabinet encompassing 5+ positions: President, Vice President, SecState, SecDef, and governers. . One person may hold more then one position, but you must have at least three people. Neither the President nor the Vice President may be the foreign minister, who may not be any of the four military ministers. Beyond that you may mix and match as you will. The President and the Vice President cannot be the same person.
* - Once we have the appropriate technology.
- Roles:
This list is arranged in the order of succession - if the President is assassinated, move to the VP, if he is then the Foreign, etc. etc.
President: Creates the basic plan and manages the workers and improvements. Sets priorities for Governors and for field commanders(in wartime). He can negotiate with foreigners, but if he does he risks assassination.
Vice-President: Primarily serves as the Governor of the capital Region. However, he takes office at the midterms, meaning for the first turnset you still have to put up with the previous VP. He can negotiate with foreigners, but if he does he risks assassination.
Secretary of State: Negotiates with foreign leaders. Same as above, but much, much less so.
Secretary of Defense: Controls the entire military. Thats army, navy, and the Secret Service.
Governors: They decide specific builds for their cities. They can also be issued Tactical Command of all forces fighting near them if the military ministers would rather not micro everything.


- The President may only issue general orders. I.E. "Moscow build Culturally, but no wonders." The military ministers may give specific orders for existing military forces upgrading and redeploying and such. The Domestic Minister advises the President and the Governors on buildings and wonders to build and policies to choose and improvements to prioritize. The Foreign Minister exists to meet with and negotiate with foreign leaders and NPC figures. The President MAY negotiate with them, but to leave the Capital is to risk assassination.

- Governors rule geographical regions in the Empire and can decide on specific build orders for their Regions. The Vice President is automatically the governor of the Capital Region, however, he serves the same term length and requirements as a normal Governor, meaning he will not take office until after the first turnset and will remain in office through the first turnset of the next administration.. You may be a Minister and a Governor(Exception: The President), but you may not be Governor of more then one Region at a time.

- NPC organizations may form, and these organizations will put forward candidates for the elections. These governors will have their own traits, so the Politicians might want to watch the various races closely and contribute to slide favorable candidates into office.

- Guilds and Knightly Orders: A special addition to The Crusaders, these organizations are special NPC organizations. They cannot put forward candidates, but they have votes in elections. That number of votes is determined by the order's strength level, which ranges from 1 to 5. These organizations are not to be taken lightly, for if they are not pleased, there may be an uprising on your hands...

- Orders can be prosecuted. The success depends on their strength. If you prosecute them, I will run an RNG with the number of options based on their strength. The number that comes up is the loss to the order's strength.

- Occupied cities will also have Governors appointed by the President. That failing, NPC groups may take over, and their intentions may not be to build a city loyal to the Kingdom/Republic...

- An independent(non-party) can run for any position save that of the President or Vice President of the Republic. To run for office, simply state as much in the thread. NPCs may vote for you going into a specific position rather then vote for a President.

- Elections can be ended early if one side concedes defeat, but their starting strength will be lowered and they will gain it much slower.

- Every reader (including players) has two votes in the presidential elections. Putting in two votes for a single party is not allowed. However, if parties want to play it smart they'll seek coalition with a like-minded party so players can put two votes into their front.

- The host (Lighthearter SK, who else?) retains full rights to ban any party that has violated these rules. Spamming parties, parties using a complaint generator, parties inciting hate, parties that are found obtrusive for the normal functioning of this thread or parties that plain tick him off will be banned from the elections indefinitely.

- Please refrain from PMing me for every Realpolitik-related issue. Alternatives are using the profile visitor comments, or simple commenting in the thread.

- You cannot change your vote once it is cast, but you can withdraw your party from a coalition and join another one mid-elections.

- Major Party Rule - A leader (or member) of a Party cannot put himself forward for the position of President unless he has another member (not counting himself) within his own party. He can, however, run for any lower position if he so wishes.

- If you have an issue about my GMing, contact me through PMs. Please do not feel afraid to bring issues to my attention. If you can talk to me but choose not to for whatever reason and instead “take an issue into your own hands” I can guarantee that you’ll get nowhere with me.

Opposition Actions:

General Strike - Basic action. Must be declared in thread by opposition leader. Based on the strength of the opposition, a certain number of cities will be selected for coin flips. Heads=get off scat-free. Tails=all production shut down. Number of cities depends on opposition strength.

Assassination - Any player may order an assassination of another politician or of an NPC, but if the assassin is successful then evidence always surfaces that reveals who ordered the action. Tread lightly. These assassinations, if successful, will remove the target from play for one turnset if a PC or opposing Immortal, permanently if a true NPC. If a minister is Assassinated, he is removed from office for the duration of his injuries. PLEASE, DO NOT FORM THE ASSASSINS GUILD. IT WAS A GOOD IDEA, BUT ASSASSINATION IS A GAME MECHANIC THAT SHOULD NOT BE PUT INTO THE HANDS OF PCs.

Vote of No Confidence - Action that the Opposition Leader can take. Calls on the President to hold a reelection. I may step in depending on the circumstances, however, for one side or the other.

Sabotage - Basic action. May destroy a random province improvement. To perform, ANY player must PM me with the target city and improvement(or leave it up to me) and I will flip a coin for odds of success. Whether it fails or succeeds, I flip a coin again to decide if the President discovers evidence leading back to the instigator of the action.

Kidnap - Functions as Jail, save can be performed by any player. Higher odds of success if you are targeting an NPC. Odds increase further if there are multiple people participating.

Call for Desertion - Advanced action. Opposition leader must announce the call in the thread. Some units may or may not be disbanded. Number of units depends on opposition strength.

Armed Revolution - VERY advanced action. Must be declared in thread by opposition leader. Every player who wishes to participate for either side PMs me with this information (this will take place in normal BTS, not SOI):

- Allegiance (Government or Rebels)
- A unit type they wish to raise (Medieval/Rennisaince era, please)
- Four promotions (in order of priority) for their unit to receive.
- Name of ship (if a naval unit, otherwise, unit will be called ______'s Company. Ships for the Government will be given the prefix USS and rebel ships will be CSS).

The leaders (President and Opposition Leader) will be represented by a regiment with a Great General attached.

Then I will generate a Duel size BTS map. The fighting will take place between me and my AOE-playing friend. I will give you live updates as the fighting takes place.

Armed Revolution Concepts:

The Foreign Legions:

The Legions will provide extra strength to the Government or the Rebels in a Revolution if nearby nations are sympathetic to the cause of either side. Foreign Ministers for both factions in a Revolution may negotiate actively with foreign leaders for more troops - though this may backfire or prove ineffectual.

Knightly Orders:

Knightly Orders may join one side or another with their own units, depending on strength.

Government Actions:

Martial Law - Advanced action. All opposition actions except Armed Revolution and Sabotage are made impossible, and the latter is highly unlikely to succeed. Elections are not suspended, however. Is in effect until repealed, even if the President who ordered it is not the one who repeals it. That's right - it transcends elections. However, there are penalties for this action . . . .

Jail - The administration may place another player in jail at any time . . . but this will raise the OSR and could produce disastrous consequences if not handled correctly.

Execution - The administration can order someone executed. This is equivalent to assassination.
SouthernKing Administration
Red Spy Administration

President: Red Spy
Vice President: Ilduce349
Secretary of State: Dem Taqat
Secretary of Defense: Mosher

Governor of Acre: West India Man
Governor of Tyre: Lord Dot (Dot80)
Governor of Damascus: Duke of Britain
Governor of Callincum: Yoshiegg737
Governor of Mosul: Mayor

Opposition Leader(OPLDR):
Opposition Strength Rating(OSR):

- Insignificant

- Weak

- Minor

- Moderate

- Noticeable

- Fairly Strong

- Strong

- Dangerous

- Murderous


The Order of the Cross
Deeply religious, we hope to spread the faith over the holy land, and to peaceful with other Christians.
Leader: Red Spy
Members: West India Man, Red Medic,

Orthodox National Democratic Party
1) we believe that orthodox christianity is the true religion.
2) we believe in democracy.
3) we should build cultural buldings so we can spread our culture.
4)we should mainly focus on economy.
5) only defend. never attack because larger empires means less democracy.

Leader: christos200
Members: Gruekiller, Alexius, Basil, Leon

Greek Ninja Party
The Greek Ninja Party will ensure the solid rule of Jerusalem. We will make our citizen's happy and ensure that our enemies feel a quick death. As always, safety will be our top priority as well as making sure our citizens feel happy.
Leader: Yoshiegg737
Members: Mr. Marlin

Aristocratic Union
A union of Nobles formed. We believe that the government should be ruled by an elite council and that the king pres should have little power.
Leader: ilduce349
members: Dot80, Duke Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke Francis of Oviedo, Tambien

The Ambassador Party
We don't want to offend anyone. While trying to stay on good terms with the Christian nations, we will also endeavour to befirend the Islamic ones. Whoever offends or attacks us, however, will be crushed, and their cities will crumble to dust.
Leader: General Olaf
Members: mayor, Raymond IV of Toulouse

Knights Hospitaller
A political organization seeking the unification of the Middle East under a single banner. We support an authoritarian government, a strong military, and normally prioritize military technologies. We have a strong hatred for Islamic peoples, and will imprison all members of the Islamic Nationalists, and execute all followers in the faith that reside within our borders.
Leader: Mosher
Members: Duke of Britain

The Party of Solomon
We believe that the Jews were the original inhabitants of the Holy Land, thus we should be the rightful rulers to the Holy Land. However, we tolerate others in our country, as long as they accept the Jews as rulers.
Leader: arya126
Members: Abraham Goldberg, Jake Goldberg, David ben Epishul

The Hasashins
An order dedicated to obtaining power and defending the Muslim inhabitants of these lands. A religious organization that studies the more esoteric side of Islam. We work in the shadows, gathering support for our cause. Although we aren't above using violence to achieve our ends, we prefer to use targeted strikes, rather than risk harming civilians. We also aren't necessarily against the occupiers of this land.

We teach our disciples to be patient, calculating, and well read.

Leader: mechaerik
Members: hoplitejoe

Jerusalemic City Party
Our party believes in the holiness of Jerusalem. Even those of other faiths agree, and so it must have a great holy power. We believe that power should be expressed physically as well as spiritually. We seek to make Jerusalem the greatest city on earth, and have it rule the greatest empire. We feel that just as the city should be the centre of our greatness, so should we have a small centralized government, with the ability to do the great, maybe harsh, things necessary to make our city the greatest in the world. Though we are currently largely Christian, we are willing to accept all faiths, as long as they accept the awesome holiness of Jerusalem.
Leader: Dem Taqat
Members: Bishop Ravas


NPC Parties:

Knightly Orders:

The Opus Dei:
A organization that believes in the support of Christ through everyday sacrifices. Our militant arm has helped the Pope during the Crusades.
Grand Master: Manuel Aringarosa
Strength: 2

The Sicilian Ninjas:
A splinter sect of the Greek Ninjas, the Sicilian Ninjas believe in strictly being Catholic and supporting the Pope.
Grand Master: Luigi Sampson
Strength: 2

The Knights Templar:
We take residence under what was once the Temple of Solomon. We will protect travelers and ordinary citizens from enemies of the country. But we believe in tolerance and not killing and massacring.
Grand Master: Jacques de Molay
Strength: 2


The Noble Sword of Christ (NSC) (OTC, AU, KH)

The Peaceful Greek Ninja's (TPGN) (GNP, AP)


Red Heavy
OK. I will be on vacation for 2 weeks, so you can discuss and form parties/coalitions/cabinets until then. Elections will begin once I get back.
Current Parties and Coalitions:


The Order of the Cross

Deeply religious, we hope to spread the faith over the holy land, and to peaceful with other Christians.
Leader: Red Spy
Members: Dem Taqat and West India Man

Othodox national socialist party (insp)

1) we should convert to islam.
2)we should mainly focus on economy.
3) only defend. never attack because larger empires means less democracy.

Leader: christos
Members: Gruekiller

Greek Ninja Party

The Greek Ninja Party will ensure the solid rule of Jerusalem. We will make our citizen's happy and ensure that our enemies feel a quick death. As always, safety will be our top priority as well as making sure our citizens feel happy.

Leader: Yoshiegg
Members: Mr. Marlin

Aristocratic Union

A union of Nobles formed. We believe that the government should be ruled by an elite council and that the king pres should have little power.

Leader: ilDuce
members: Dot

The Ambassador Party

We don't want to offend anyone. While trying to stay on good terms with the Christian nations, we will also endeavour to befirend the Islamic ones. Whoever offends or attacks us, however, will be crushed, and their cities will crumble to dust.

Leader: General Olaf
Members: None

Knights Hospitaller

A political organization seeking the unification of the Middle East under a single banner. We support an authoritarian government, a strong military, and normally prioritize military technologies. We have a strong hatred for Islamic peoples, and will imprison all members of the Islamic Nationalists, and execute all followers in the faith that reside within our borders.

Leader: Mosher
Members: Duke of Britain

Hoplite Joe


The Noble Sword of Christ

The Peaceful Greek Ninja's (TPGN)
islamic national socialist party (insp)
1) we should convert to islam.
2)we should mainly focus on economy.
3) only defend. never attack because larger empires means less democracy.
No, this land was given to us by God, The Kingdom of Jerusalem shall remain a christian state.

I Form the Greek Ninja Party (GNP)




The Greek Ninja Party will ensure the solid rule of Jerusalem. We will make our citizen's happy and ensure that our enemies feel a quick death. As always, safety will be our top priority as well as making sure our citizens feel happy.


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I'll play,
My allegiance is so far undecided....
If you want my vote you have to convince me... Or I might just run on my own for office :cool:

offcourse not... the religious orders are a part of the game.... so the Grand Masters aren't the leaders of KoJ ...nouja eigenlijk is het RoJ (republic of Jerusalem :p)

EDIT: Did I just switch to Dutch in the middle of a post :facepalm: what I said was: Well, actually its RoJ (Republic of Jerusalem :p)
Aristocratic Union
A union of Nobles formed. We believe that the government should be ruled by an elite council and that the king pres should have little power.

Our fav civic is
Government: Aristocracy or die this is a priority
Legal: Vassalage, but we would be willing to give Religious Law and Meritocracy a chance. However we are heavily against Bureaucracy and Tribal Law
Labor: Anything but tribalism. Preferably Serfdom or Caste
Economy: Merchant or Market. As long as its not State or Agrarian I am fine
Religion: organized, theocratic or persecution. We don't care as long as we remain loyal Christians.
The Order sees the Aristocratic Union as fellow Christians, would you like to form a coalition with us?
The Order of the Cross and The Aristocratic Union have founded the first coalition, The Noble Sword of Christ!
imho... if you're a christian coalition I would go for Noble Sword of Christ...
But it's not my coalition so.... I'll just keep quiet:twitch:
Sorry, got it mixed up, edited.
mayor, you should join me to spread islam.
that's one convincing argument.......... :crazyeye:
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