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Realpolitik: The Elder Council


Squad Leader
May 10, 2010
Outside the Wall

The Elder Council


Hello, I am arya126, and this is a revival of the popular game genre of Realpolitik. Realpolitik is a game where you the players form parties and vote in elections to elect a leader, who will then submit orders for your faction. Usually in the past this has been done using a game platform such as Hearts of Iron II, Civilization 4, and Civilization 5. However in a stark departure from past games, I shall setting this game in the world of The Elder Scrolls gaming world, specifically on the continent of Tamriel that we all know and love.

Alhtough if you have played the Elder Scrolls games such as Morrorwind, Oblivion, or Skyrim you may find this game to be what you have always wanted, there is no need to have played any of these games before. Realpolitik is first and foremost a game about politiking with your fellow players on issues presented to you by me, the GM, in updates. Therefore the principle of the game of Realpolitik remains the same, its effects will simply be created by the GM instead of a game such as civilization.

You will all begin as members of the Elder Council, the governing body of the Third Empire. The Emperor Titus Mede II was recently assassinated while traveling to a province of the empire, and therefore the Elder Council has convened to elect a new dynasty to the throne...

The Basics of Realpolitik

Realpolitik, at its foundation, is simple. In elections, each player has two votes. In legislative votes, each player has one vote. Players can create and/or join political parties, and in elections multiple parties can form a coalition to obtain a majority of the votes in order for their candidate to win the election.

In between elections, issues of the empire can be debated by the Elder Council and on occasion acted on. Members of the opposition, those who lost the last election, may also use special actions.

To Join

To join I will need the following for your character.


I shall cover position in a minute, and the other three are fairly self explanatory.

I will also need you to distribute 17 points into the following skill categories for your character.

Combat: Your personal combat ability when facing off against enemies in melee or ranged combat.
Martial: This is your command ability as a general in the field.
Subterfuge: This is your skill in the shadows, whether it be spying, assassinating, stealing, etc.
Magic: This is your magical power. If you are not a mage, leave this at 0.

For those unfamiliar with the races of Tamriel, below are brief descriptions.

Nords: The original men on the continent of Tamriel, they migrated from a continent to the far north thousands of years ago. They defeated the dragons in the far past, and are pale haired and blue eyed. Native to Skyrim.

Imperial: Native humans to the capital province of Cyrodiil.

Dark Elf/Dunmer: An elf from Morrowind in the northeast.

Breton: A human from High Rock in the northwest, a heavily mountainous province.

Redguard: Dark skinned humans from Hammerfell, an independent Kingdom to the west that used to be a part of the Empire. Restricted.

Argonians: Reptilians from Black Marsh in the southeast, they can breathe underwater. Black Marsh is independent. Restricted.

Khajiit: A feline/cat like race that are very stealthy. They hail from Elseweyr in the south and are part of the Aldmeri Dominion. Restricted.

Orcs: Orcs are a tribal race with no central home in Tamriel, and are instead scattered across the continent. They are often skilled in combat. Restricted.

Wood Elves: Also called Bosmer, they hail from Valenwood in the southwest and live in giant trees. They are part of the Aldmeri Dominion. Restricted.

High Elves: High Elves are from Alinor, an island in the southwest that used to be called the Summerset Isles, and controlled by the nationalistic Thalmor who are elven supremacists. They are the lead race of the Aldmeri Dominion.

Restricted races are restricted in terms of their type of position, which shall be explained in the next section.


Members of the Elder Council are by nature powerful individuals in their own right. The Elder Council includes the Jarls of Skyrim, the Counts of Cyrodiil, the Earls of High Rock and the Lords of Morrowind. However they can also include influential individuals, powerful bureaucrats, notable warriors, mages, and diplomats. Although in the vast minority, there have been known to be representatives in exile from Black Marsh, Hammerfell, and provinces of the Aldmeri Dominion who wish to see reconciliation.

Therefore, yes, you may join as a Jarl, an Earl, a Lord or a Count in one of the respective provinces. This will yield you considerable power as you recieve wealth from your estates, you can call your men to war and lead them to plunder other territories, and you may find you have additional pull on the council.

However all is not lost if you wish to choose to play as somebody without landed estates and a lofty title. For the most part those things can be counterbalanced by skill in the shadows, manipulating others to your will, running as a candidate yourself while using others to provide the resources you need, etc. Aside from that, you can also join as the owner of a powerful company, one who specializes in a certain area which will be needed by whomever ends up in power, or simply as an ordinary person.


Here are a variety of maps that I have located on the internet for your use. They all focus on the continent of Tamriel and fairly well labeled. I suggest the first two for choosing your starting psoition if you want to begin as a noble such as a Jarl.

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Actions are specific structured actions that the government or opposition can take within the constraints of the game. You can of course come up with others, and this certainly does not stop you from sending in more elaborate orders if you wish to on an unrelated topic, however I am sure you will find they suffice for the majority of your needs.

Government Actions (Can only be done by the leader of government, whether it be Lord Chancellor or Emperor)

Imprison: Imprison a chosen NPC/PC for an indefinite amount of time. This action takes away the PC's voting rights and restricts their ability to perform additional actions. Limit of 2 per turn.

Absolute Rule: When declared by the leader of government this suspends elections indefinitely. Lifts limit on number of imprisonments per turn. Ruler gets martial bonus for commanding armies in the field, and an income bonus.

Opposition Actions (Can only be done by the Opposition Leader)

Rebellion: Full fledged rebellion, declared by the OL on behalf of themself and whatever backers they may have. This rebellion might aim to secede from the empire, depose the current leader of government, or institute certain restrictions on their power. Whatever the OL wants really.

Coup: Attempts to sieze power in the Imperial City, capital of the empire, by the OL and any supporters he may have.

Call for Desertion: OL calls for members of the Imperial Army to desert their posts, perhaps to pave the way for a coup or rebellion, or simply to weaken the power of the government.

Individual Actions (Can be done by anybody not in jail)

Sabotage: Sabotage something possessed by another player in the game world, such as an army unit, a farm, a mine. Can also be used on NPCs.

Kidnap: Kidnaps a character. Doing so takes away their voting rights and their ability to perform actions.

Assassinate: Kills a character, preferably without your involvement being known.

More to come.

First Election

The First Election shall be divided into two separate votes.

The first vote shall be whether to elect a new emperor or to centralize authority in the empire with the Elder Council. Should a majority of players vote to elect a new emperor, we will then do so in a new election. However if a majority decides to centralize authority amongst yourselves as a group, then a Lord Chancellor shall be elected instead.

The difference is thus: An Emperor would have complete control over the resources and activities of the Empire during his rule. He would come up for 're-election' every 6 years (3 turns) when the council would vote to depose him in favor of somebody new or not. A Lord Chancellor would act much like the modern RL US Speaker of the House would. By that I mean the Lord Chancellor would present the issues made public in the update to be debated, then ask for a vote on each issue by the Elder Council as a whole. It would be more decentralized, but each individual would have more power and input. More democratic in a way, and a revolutionary concept for the Elder Council to consider.
Reserved 1.
Reserved 3.
You may now post! Join and vote on whether you wish to elect an Emperor or a Lord Chancellor! Create and join parties! Make your opinions felt!
Name: Froki Hrisgard

Age: 69

Race: Nord

Position: Follower of Ysmir (Talos)

Combat: 3

Martial: 1

Subterfuge: 5

Magic: 8
Alright guys lets give this a chance. There hasnt been a good Realpolitik in a while, so lets give this one a shot shall we?
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