Reasons for AI not trading, like WDWTSTTTJY / WFYABTA & the ways to avoid trade blockade.


Jun 11, 2019
In semi-isolation game I'm in a situation AI refuses to trade techs because WDWTSTTTJY.

Seems if AI knows only you - it is a degenerate case. I find little info about WDWTSTTTJY and its implications.

Other threads pointed to the function CvTeamAI::AI_techTrade. It mentions following reasons:


        <English>"We would have nothing to gain."</English>

        <English>"We will never trade with you, our worst enemy!!!"</English>

        <English>"We just don't like you enough."</English>

        <English>"We fear you are becoming too advanced."</English>

        <English>"We don't want to start trading away this technology just yet."</English>

        <English>"We have our reasons."</English>

        <English>"We'd rather win the game, thank you very much..."</English>

DLL source code, as pointed in some threads, is in the function:

Spoiler Code for CvTeamAI::AI_techTrade() :

DenialTypes CvTeamAI::AI_techTrade(TechTypes eTech, TeamTypes eTeam) const
    AttitudeTypes eAttitude;
    int iNoTechTradeThreshold;
    int iTechTradeKnownPercent;
    int iKnownCount;
    int iPossibleKnownCount;
    int iI, iJ;
    FAssertMsg(eTeam != getID(), "shouldn't call this function on ourselves");
        CvTeam& kTeam = GET_TEAM(eTeam);
        if (!kTeam.isHasTech(eTech))
            if (!kTeam.isHuman())
                if (2 * kTeam.getResearchProgress(eTech) > kTeam.getResearchCost(eTech))
                    return DENIAL_NO_GAIN;
    if (isHuman())
        return NO_DENIAL;
    if (isVassal(eTeam))
        return NO_DENIAL;
    if (isAtWar(eTeam))
        return NO_DENIAL;
    if (AI_getWorstEnemy() == eTeam)
        return DENIAL_WORST_ENEMY;
    eAttitude = AI_getAttitude(eTeam);
    for (iI = 0; iI < MAX_PLAYERS; iI++)
        if (GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).isAlive())
            if (GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).getTeam() == getID())
                if (eAttitude <= GC.getLeaderHeadInfo(GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).getPersonalityType()).getTechRefuseAttitudeThreshold())
                    return DENIAL_ATTITUDE;
    if (eAttitude < ATTITUDE_FRIENDLY)
        if ((GC.getGameINLINE().getTeamRank(getID()) < (GC.getGameINLINE().countCivTeamsEverAlive() / 2)) ||
              (GC.getGameINLINE().getTeamRank(eTeam) < (GC.getGameINLINE().countCivTeamsEverAlive() / 2)))
            iNoTechTradeThreshold = AI_noTechTradeThreshold();
            iNoTechTradeThreshold *= std::max(0, (GC.getHandicapInfo(GET_TEAM(eTeam).getHandicapType()).getNoTechTradeModifier() + 100));
            iNoTechTradeThreshold /= 100;
            if (AI_getMemoryCount(eTeam, MEMORY_RECEIVED_TECH_FROM_ANY) > iNoTechTradeThreshold)
                return DENIAL_TECH_WHORE;
        iKnownCount = 0;
        iPossibleKnownCount = 0;
        for (iI = 0; iI < MAX_CIV_TEAMS; iI++)
            if (GET_TEAM((TeamTypes)iI).isAlive())
                if ((iI != getID()) && (iI != eTeam))
                    if (isHasMet((TeamTypes)iI))
                        if (GET_TEAM((TeamTypes)iI).isHasTech(eTech))
        iTechTradeKnownPercent = AI_techTradeKnownPercent();
        iTechTradeKnownPercent *= std::max(0, (GC.getHandicapInfo(GET_TEAM(eTeam).getHandicapType()).getTechTradeKnownModifier() + 100));
        iTechTradeKnownPercent /= 100;
        iTechTradeKnownPercent *= AI_getTechMonopolyValue(eTech, eTeam);
        iTechTradeKnownPercent /= 100;
        if ((iPossibleKnownCount > 0) ? (((iKnownCount * 100) / iPossibleKnownCount) < iTechTradeKnownPercent) : (iTechTradeKnownPercent > 0))
            return DENIAL_TECH_MONOPOLY;
    for (iI = 0; iI < GC.getNumUnitInfos(); iI++)
        if (isTechRequiredForUnit(eTech, ((UnitTypes)iI)))
            if (isWorldUnitClass((UnitClassTypes)(GC.getUnitInfo((UnitTypes)iI).getUnitClassType())))
                if (getUnitClassMaking((UnitClassTypes)(GC.getUnitInfo((UnitTypes)iI).getUnitClassType())) > 0)
                    return DENIAL_MYSTERY;
    for (iI = 0; iI < GC.getNumBuildingInfos(); iI++)
        if (isTechRequiredForBuilding(eTech, ((BuildingTypes)iI)))
            if (isWorldWonderClass((BuildingClassTypes)(GC.getBuildingInfo((BuildingTypes)iI).getBuildingClassType())))
                if (getBuildingClassMaking((BuildingClassTypes)(GC.getBuildingInfo((BuildingTypes)iI).getBuildingClassType())) > 0)
                    return DENIAL_MYSTERY;
    for (iI = 0; iI < GC.getNumProjectInfos(); iI++)
        if (GC.getProjectInfo((ProjectTypes)iI).getTechPrereq() == eTech)
            if (isWorldProject((ProjectTypes)iI))
                if (getProjectMaking((ProjectTypes)iI) > 0)
                    return DENIAL_MYSTERY;
            for (iJ = 0; iJ < GC.getNumVictoryInfos(); iJ++)
                if (GC.getGameINLINE().isVictoryValid((VictoryTypes)iJ))
                    if (GC.getProjectInfo((ProjectTypes)iI).getVictoryThreshold((VictoryTypes)iJ))
                        return DENIAL_VICTORY;
    return NO_DENIAL;

I've got the case of WDWTSTTTJY, in a game I have only 1 AI on the land (espionage allocation supports the idea, as I haven't spoiled the game via WorldBuilder yet), so DENIAL_TECH_MONOPOLY was took place, because iPossibleKnownCount is zero, AI_techTradeKnownPercent() should be 30% for the leader, and AI_getTechMonopolyValue(eTech, eTeam) is non-zero (because all techs open mil units or non-religion buildings or wonders), so iTechTradeKnownPercent > 0 is true ((

Seems AI_getTechMonopolyValue will be zero for few techs, like Alpha, Monotheism, Monarchy, Liberalism, Replaceable Parts (what else are with only religion buildings, no-wonders, no-warriors?).

One AI is a degenerate case, if you want trading - you need to befriend AI, so if you identified semi-isolation you please AI from the beginning... or you won't get +10 relations fast enough (before Astronomy).

Isolation with 2 AIs is less detrimental, iPossibleKnownCount is 1, so we need to overcome condition ((iKnownCount * 100) / iPossibleKnownCount) < iTechTradeKnownPercent = (iKnownCount * 100) < iTechTradeKnownPercent, in other words both AIs should know tech as the condition is for 100% knowledge.

Isolation with 3 AIs even less punishing - iPossibleKnownCount is 2, so the threshold is 50%, which is it for half of the AIs, so if a tech is known by 2 of 3 AIs we won't hit WDWTSTTTJY for many leaders (with 15/20/30/40/50% threshold).

Thus in semi-isolation trade you first fight with WDWTSTTTJY and only then you hit WFYABTA, so breaking isolation has one additional reason (besides overseas large AI cluster trade feast, you miss).
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Honestly you confuse me much effort over simple topics ;)
I did a few more efforts, here:

* Years of peace is +1 once after 60T
* We appreciate the years you have supplied us with resources +1 for 50 turn-resources at most twice.
* Our Open Borders have brought our people close together +1 after 25T twice
* Gifting a city gives at least 1150 trade value, after even 300T it gives almost 1150/300 ~= +4 diplomacy!

Also if you place a gifted city somewhat near AI's capital you could get +1 for liberation - although this info is from vague forum posts - it is the first time I gifted a city and know nothing about liberation bonus...
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