Rebalance of 2/3 of all civs in April!


Nov 13, 2020
In the Vietnam/Kublai Kahn Livestream chat Firaxis revealed they will release a balance update for 2/3 of ALL civs this April.

Which civs do you think these rebalances apply to? And what would they be? Will they upgrade older civs like Spain? Or will they give special abilities to civs that match with the new game modes?
The possible changes I can think of are:

Spain's toolkit;
Stepwell UI;
Château UI;
Ziggurat UI;
Kurgan UI;
Maya's housing penalty;
Wilhelmina's little-to-none loyalty bonus;
I think these rebalances will mainly include civs from the first rounds of releases: base game, first DLCs and R&F.
After GS, the civs are already very strong and well balanced.
Here's a couple I'd like to see:

The Netherlands: An update to do with the new game mode would work fine with me considering it's one I'd like to have on all the time. Maybe they could create a corporation earlier than Economics and slot products in their shipyards. :mischief:

Persia: When playing with R&F or GS maybe make cities with Governors in them yield more gold and culture from domestic trade routes. Well they're ability is called Satrapies after all. :crazyeye:

Khmer: It would be nice if the Grand Baray's ability worked for Dams like Aqueducts.

I'm sure there's more that I could think of. Peter the Great's ability could change but I'm not sure how to do that considering the other bonuses of Russia are strong.
Here's a couple I'd like to see:

The Netherlands: An update to do with the new game mode would work fine with me considering it's one I'd like to have on all the time. Maybe they could create a corporation earlier than Economics and slot products in their shipyards. :mischief:

I'm sure there's more that I could think of. Peter the Great's ability could change but I'm not sure how to do that considering the other bonuses of Russia are strong.
Definitely these two need another look.

For Wilhelmina, it would be nice if technologies like, oh I don't know, RADIO increased Wilhelmina's RADIO Oranje bonus yields for trade routes. Just a thought. :P
Make Georgia great again. Or maybe it's make Georgia great for the first time. :) Scythia sucks too, though the light cavalry bonus is pretty good.
Khmer: It would be nice if the Grand Baray's ability worked for Dams like Aqueducts.

I totally agree about the Khmer. Now that we have Canals and Dams in addition to the Aqueduct, I have been hoping for a while now that they’d be updated to take advantage of these new hydroengineering districts.

I’d also like to see some playstyle upgrades for some of the Faith Civs, particularly those without G.Prophet bonuses. Since we had Diplomatic Favor added, I’ve thought that Gandhi might be better suited towards a Diplo-Faith effect rather than the raw faith he produces now. I believe Philip could use a new trick to make his playstyle more distinct from Basil. And I would like some kind of bonus rider on the Norwegian Stave Church to make it more related to their other bonuses.

I also think the Leader abilities that are focused on a single Casus Belli could be improved. Some small domestic bonuses for when you can’t or are unable to declare your one specific type of war. So Robert, Tamar, and even Chandragupta. They don’t need to be huge, just a bit extra to keep them interesting outside of combat.
Since we had Diplomatic Favor added, I’ve thought that Gandhi might be better suited towards a Diplo-Faith effect rather than the raw faith he produces now.
Gaining diplo favor would be nice for Gandhi and could even be put into the Dharma ability. Though since Chandragupta is more "aggressive" it would work fine for Gandhi.
When they say rebalance, are they talking about tweaking yields and stuff, or potentially reintroducing new mechanics to make some of the traditional civs less passive? I def think some civs should have passive abilities for players who don't like extra weird stuff but I like the weird stuff like Great Wall, culture bombs, Babylon, etc.
I'd like to see Mapuche and Spain get worked over. Both got beaten by their own game by Eleanor and Byzantium respectively and it would be nice to see them get refocussed both to boost them and to differentiate them.

It'd also be nice to see Canada get some yields on tundra without needing a worker just to deal with their painful icebound starts that come up all too often. Maybe simplify last best west which is gaining so many addendums it's got to be in the running for longest ability...

Georgia... I'd love to see them buffed. Though firaxis don't have a great track record for buffing them... Not for lack of trying
That's awesome news. But definitely sounds like the end of Civ 6 as folks have mentioned. They finished up Civ 6 with a big balance patch as well (that was even publicly betaed iirc?). Well, then they dropped a surprise revamp of the conquest of the new world scenario as final capper with the launch of the 'complete' edition.
A random change I'd like to see for a civ that doesn't necessarily need help is that I'd like to see Brazil's UD not count against the district population limit (similar to Vietnam's). Just makes sense to me. Could maybe remove the UD's ability to buff their theater square adjacencies to keep it from being OP, too.

As for who needs help, Mapuche is always the first to come to my mind. Their stuff doesn't really synergize all that well IMO. I know people think highly of their UI but for me personally I always end up being disappointed by them even when I go all out to try and take advantage of them... and it usually takes a lot of work to make use of them in the first place.

I think France could use some help too... I know someone will post how you can use Magnificence Catherine to get a cheesy fast culture victory but when played normally I think they're a little lacking.

I'm not worried about balance so much as I'm worried about making some civs more fun to play. I'll take a weak-but-fun civ over a balanced-but-boring civ any day.
A random change I'd like to see for a civ that doesn't necessarily need help is that I'd like to see Brazil's UD not count against the district population limit (similar to Vietnam's). Just makes sense to me. Could maybe remove the UD's ability to buff their theater square adjacencies to keep it from being OP, too.

As for who needs help, Mapuche is always the first to come to my mind. Their stuff doesn't really synergize all that well IMO. I know people think highly of their UI but for me personally I always end up being disappointed by them even when I go all out to try and take advantage of them... and it usually takes a lot of work to make use of them in the first place.

I think France could use some help too... I know someone will post how you can use Magnificence Catherine to get a cheesy fast culture victory but when played normally I think they're a little lacking.

I'm not worried about balance so much as I'm worried about making some civs more fun to play. I'll take a weak-but-fun civ over a balanced-but-boring civ any day.

I wouldn't object any of these.

Touching up some of the older Unique Infrastructures would be appreciated. As an example, I know the Aztecs are good, but the Tlachti is kind of lame.

I really don't like the way the Mapuche are designed. Toqui and the Chemamull are cool enough, but I think Lautaro's ability is "anti-fun" as it punishes players for playing the game well.
Touching up some of the older Unique Infrastructures would be appreciated. As an example, I know the Aztecs are good, but the Tlachti is kind of lame.
Killing a unit in range of a tlachtli could grant a boost of faith or culture. It wouldn't be a game changer but it sounds appropriate.
Is this an off-the-cuff comment, or has it been officially confirmed? Certainly quite a few civs need a bit of love.

Dang, we're on 57 different leaders at the moment. 58 when the March civ comes in to play.
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Is this an off-the-cuff comment, or has it been officially confirmed? Certainly quite a few civs need a bit of love.
It was. They said it during today's livestream.
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