Regicide King Behavior


Sep 20, 2012
It seems that Computer makes no attempt to protect their king in a regicide game, They often stay rooted to their capital cities so all you have to do is make a bee line to the capital to get him, I don't know if there are any mods that adjust their behavior but I think it ought to be a chase to pin them down, They ought to retreat if their city is under siege making it difficult to catch him. But what was even stranger was when I played an earth map with all 31 civs on the map. The kings would leave their capitals and just sit in the strangest places with no protection. Queen Elizabeth decided to leave London and stand around in South Africa with no guards. All it would take is for a barbarian camp to spawn or a war declaration from Zulu or Carthage and they would be toast. Even seeing leaders from Europe sitting in North America for whatever reason. Is there any explanation for this behavior because it seems using them as scouts would be more efficient, At least they would know to run away from approaching military units. When the player can just move his king away from places with a ton of enemies it makes this mod kind of stupid when you think about it. They are asking to be killed.

If anyone knows of any Mods that might change this please let me know

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