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[Religion and Revolution]: General Questions and Discussions


Civ4Col Modder
Jan 24, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
Hallo everybody,

Robert Surcouf and me (raystuttgart) have agreed to start a new mod-project for CivCol.

Some time ago we started some very interesting talks, where we found out that we do share a lot of ideas and basically have the same vision.

Both of us are experienced in modding CivCol and have worked on other projects before.
(But that's not the topic here. ;))

But we believe that together we can simply achieve a lot more.

Currently the working title of our project is "Religion and Revolution".
(We are still thinking about the name. Maybe someone else has a better suggestion ? :) )

Our intention is to merge the best features ever created (by ourselves and others) but also to create totally new features of course.

Our basic plan so far:

  • We will use the mod TAC ("The Authentic Colonization") as base for our own work
  • We will integrate some features we have already created in other projects
  • We will of course also integrate great features of other existing mods and mod-components
  • We will create totally new features

Some words about TAC ("The Authentic Colonization") and our project:

  • First of all, we would like to thank the TAC-Team for being allowed to use their work. Thank you TAC-team ! :)
  • We have chosen TAC as base of our mod, because it is a really huge mod with interesting features and very high quality and atmosphere
  • A complete translation of TAC is in work and TAC will soon also be released and thoroughly explained here at civfanatics
  • Here you can find the latest release of TAC with partial translation into English.
  • We are looking forward to further great cooperation between us and the TAC-team. :thumbsup:
  • For reason of politeness we leave detailled explanation of TAC and their features to the TAC-team, once they release here

Within the next weeks we will thoroughly discuss our ideas and plans.

The two us agree, that we definitely would like to cooperate with other modders and would also like to find more team members.

If you share our ideas and would like to join us as an equal team-member, then simlpy let us know and we can talk about it. :thumbsup:
(The same of course if you would like to have some cooperation.)

We need to get started first however, so we ask for a little patience.
(Actually it is very strange that I talk about patience, because I am not very patient myself ... :lol:)

So ok, let's have some fun ! :rockon:
Thank you landlubber !

As Ray was saying, our project name is for now "Religion and Revolution". For now, we're a two-member team. But we're open to any help.

I don't know a thing about modding
You don't need to know anything about modding if you want to join us! We can use any kind of help. One can join us as a game tester. (Being a game tester would mean you would be the first to see our future mod!).

If someone wants to helps us with texts, graphics or anything else, feel free to join us.
but good luck with this!
Thank you very much!

Location: Freedom
I've never been there! Where is "Freedom" landlubber?
Yes, thank you landlubber. :)


Currently "Religion and Revolution" is the working title of our mod.
However we are not sure about that name yet.

Does anybody have any other suggestions ? :)

Hi Androrc. :)

What are the features you have thinking of?

Oh boy, a lot !

1.) Since we will use TAC as a base (we will later merge with TAC 2.03 when it is out) everything TAC created till then

2.) Features Robert already created.
(Like "Storms" for example. But Robert can tell better about his features.)

3.) Features I have already created. (You can read a little here.)

4.) Inclusion of great Features and Mod-Components of other modders.
(For example your great "Multiple Professions per Building" and your "Breeding".)

5.) Features we have been talking about a little:

* Wild Animals and Pirates
* Religions (Catholics and Protestants)
* System of Satisfaction / Happiness
* Slavery
* other Ports (Africa, Port Royal)

We are just starting. :)
We simply found out that we share a lot of ideas.

We still have to figure out the details, but we have many many ideas. :lol:
You don't need to know anything about modding if you want to join us! We can use any kind of help. One can join us as a game tester. (Being a game tester would mean you would be the first to see our future mod!)
I'd definitely be willing to do this!
Hi everyone

It just ties in with my sig. "In my mind I am free" and all that. Not an actual geographical place. :p
I know. I was just kidding you!

Well then Landlubber, thanks for your help!

Hi Androrc the Orc!

What are the features you have thinking of?
As Ray was saying:
1.) TAC features
2.) Here's a few features I created. It isn't much but it's a start. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=425319
a) I added some terrain features on ocean plots (Winds and Storms)
b) I slightly changed education mechanism. Although other mods have done better than me regarding education(Age of Discovery II, TAC, and I've probably forgot other mods), I think I'm the only one to allow training a unit even if it isn't inside our city...
c) Standard Map generator generates bonuses on peaks
Oh and I almost forgot !
d) I added Trebuchet unit:rolleyes:

3.) Ray has created many features !

4.) I really like your livestock breeding Androrc. I added it in my Storm and Light mod

5.) We still have to figure out the details, but we have many many ideas.
Well said Ray !
I'd definitely be willing to do this!

Everybody is very welcome to participate in the discussions (about features for examples) we are going to start soon. :)

Of course, anybody who likes our ideas and plans is also very welcome to join our team.

We can use any help:
* programming
* graphics
* testing
* writing texts (for Civilopedia for example)
* translation

All of theses aspects are important !
(You do not need to be a programmer to help or join us ! :) )

Just give us a little time to get started. :thumbsup:
(We will probably start the fist discussions this evening.)
Its a really big shame TAC isnt translated into english. My german is very very bad. hehe. Any of you know if there is plans to translate it into english aswell?

Is the TAC mod you are basing your mod on a mod with several new european factions or only original factions like england, spain, france and the netherlands? What I really want to see is colonization like it should have been when released. Keep the original but make that better.???:)
Its a really big shame TAC isnt translated into english. My german is very very bad. hehe. Any of you know if there is plans to translate it into english aswell?


As you can read here:
  • TAC is already partially (most important things to play) translated into English
  • TAC 2.03 (the last release of the TAC-Base-Mod) will be fully translated into English (currently in work)

Is the TAC mod you are basing your mod on a mod with several new european factions or only original factions like england, spain, france and the netherlands?

Portugal is included in TAC.
I also would like to include Prussia.

What I really want to see is colonization like it should have been when released. Keep the original but make that better.???:)

That is what TAC and my other project did. ;)

Some examples of efforts to create Features like in Original CivCol:

  • Learning by Doing like in Original CivCol (even better !)
  • Natives stealing and equipping Horses and Weapons like in Original CivCol
  • Settlers being captured like in Original CivCol
  • European Wars
  • Bargaining with Natives like in Original CivCol
  • Light Green Savanna like in Original CivCol
  • ...

And of course many many other features to make the game even better than Original CivCol ! :thumbsup:

TAC is the largest Civ4Col-Mod I have ever seen !
And we already created a lot of cool other new features and will create even more cool stuff in this project !
Of course, we want to add a lot of other great features from other mods and mod-components as well.

All together this is supposed to become a really, really, really big, complete and fun to play mod. :)
(Of course, this will take some time and we can use every help we get. :thumbsup:)

But again:

For reasons of politeness we will leave detailled explanations of TAC-Features to the TAC-Team once they release with full translation into English here at civfanatics.
(Please be a little patient. The discussions we will start soon will first focus on the new features we will add to TAC.)
Hi everyone.

I understand you Gomer_Pyle! I must insist. Our discussions will be in English, our mod will be released in English.

Ray is German, and I'm French. So of course, I would really like to have someone translate it in French, and Ray might ask some help too for the German texts. But we shall start with English.

Is the TAC mod you are basing your mod on a mod with several new european factions or only original factions like england, spain, france and the netherlands? What I really want to see is colonization like it should have been when released. Keep the original but make that better.???
Trust me Gomer_Pyle, you'll not going to be disappointed. I've tried playing TAC, although my German isn't that good... (version 2.02 is downloadable here TAC). I haven't seen everything, but I can't find a Col94 feature that hasn't been added to TAC 2.02 !

If you think of another feature you want to add, you can tell us!
Of, course Portugal should have been there in Civ4Col and in Col94!
I also would like to include Prussia.
I understand Ray ! As we say "The more the merrier!"
In Dawn of A New Era, they've added Italy. Dale in Age of Discovery II added Portugal, Australian colonies and New China.
I'm willing to hear your proposals Gomer_Pyle. (or anybody else).
I like the idea of getting to choose between more Nations. However, I have a little preference for European ones for a start...
Trust me Gomer_Pyle, you'll not going to be disappointed. I've tried playing TAC, although my German isn't that good... (version 2.02 is downloadable here TAC). !

I strongly suggest downloading version TAC 2.02b_inoffiziell from here. :)
(It is called "inofficial" but that is only because it is not a major release like the upcoming TAC 2.03.
It is very stable and it already has English translation of the most important parts.)
Our discussions will be in English, our mod will be released in English.


Ray is German, and I'm French. So of course, I would really like to have someone translate it in French, and Ray might ask some help too for the German texts. But we shall start with English.


If you think of another feature you want to add, you can tell us!


The details of features (like which Nations we are going to add), we simply have to discuss. :)
Oh yes, I forgot about the Unofficial version.:blush:
Thank you for correcting me Ray.
So latest version is 2.02b!

Correct me again if I'm wrong, but it seems to partially translated in English. So you can try it if you want Gomer_Pyle!

I have now tried TAC. And I LOOOOOVE it. Atlast someone has made Colonization as it should be. Thanks for putting links in here and letting us know about it. I looking forward to seeing your mod.

If I would suggest something I would say keep the playable nations as vanilla game + portugal, they were the core colonizing powers at the time. but maybe release a "faction expansion pack" if people would like to play with others they could download and install that. I would have more native nations instead to be honest.

Edit: 2.03 is final version of TAC? Any indication of how long it is until release?
I have now tried TAC. And I LOOOOOVE it.

See, I told you. :)
(It really is the largest Civ4Col-Mod ever created.)

I looking forward to seeing your mod.

We already have some really good features. :)
But our plans are very big. :thumbsup:

I bet you will really also like our features. ;)

I would have more native nations instead to be honest.

I would like more native nations, too. :)

2.03 is final version of TAC?

Yes, that is their plan. :(
(That is one reason for me for this project.)

Any indication of how long it is until release?

Sorry, but I leave that answer to the TAC-Team. ;)
(I am not a member of TAC anymore, but we are still in good contact.)
Well, I'm going to try the TAC mod to see it for myself. :)

I would be willing to help you guys (not a programmer) but I can help with the beta testing and with some ideas or perhaps translating.

Well, I'm going to try the TAC mod to see it for myself. :)

This will definitely give you a better understanding of what we do and help to discuss or support us. :thumbsup:

I would be willing to help you guys (not a programmer) but I can help with the beta testing and with some ideas or perhaps translating.

Great ! :)

Currently however we are still organizing ourselves and preparing single features.
It will take some time, until we have an internal test release. :)

But you are very welcome to join our discussions about features here. :thumbsup:
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