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[Religion and Revolution]: General Questions and Discussions

This is correct. It is currently not so important to use the unique unit for the different professions. I'm currently thinking about a re-balance that makes it easier and more usefull (e.g. only 2 specialists - one for infantry and one for dragoons and cavalry; special promotions which can only be reached by the specialists).

Thanks for picking this up!
Hm. If you are going to mess with it, any chance that some military professions and units could be available only after certain date (I suppose using eras that are AFAIK already in game, but not being used for anything else but different starts)? I mean, the game basically takes image of, with a few exceptions, a late 17/18th century warfare, which makes no sense from both gameplay and historical perspective. We can get 18th century style line infantry, with appropriate strength compared to natives, at era when armies were just transitioning to pike and shot model.
This is a well known problem of the game. The vanilla game does not include devlopments of the military professions/units between 1492 and the revolution in the 18th century. Hence the implementation requires a lot of work. You need a lot of changes in XML, Python and the DLL, not to mention the huge amount of graphics that would need to be designed an implemented!

Furthermore the changes would not impact the gameplay very much. Therefore we have refrained from these changes until now.
Would it be possible to code things such that desert tiles adjacent to rivers (or freshwater lakes?) could be 'irrigated' and made into Savannahs, or no?
If possible, is that something the R&R team is favorable to the idea of?
I have just realized I don't really know how veteranship system is supposed to work. In old Col, it was simple combat bonus, but it doesn't appear to be so in Civ4Col. In fact, the only difference I see between professional soldier and colonist pressed into that role are starting promotions. Which begs the question, how important is using right veteran for right job? For example, line infantry veteran has better promotions than militiaman, wouldn't it actually be better to use line infantry vet for militiaman profession, if there happen to be lack of blades for line infantry...or even using the line infantry specialists for all military professions, since they, especially with Dom Pedro, have best promotions available.

I have changed this a little bit now. There exists only one specialist for infantry: The veteran infantry soldier - this unit is specialist for both professions: Colonial Militia and Line Infantry.
@ConjurerDragon : The issue(s) concerning players returning to their port of origin is caused by some problematic AI logic ( AI_transportSeaMove ) which determines what the transport (or rather, ship) should do. I have fixed this in RaR 2.7 by not allowing ships carrying units to travel to any port (Europe or Africa).
In what circumstances native raid considered partially successfull? I keep getting robbed by them or get my buildings destroyed even if I win every battle during their raids. Is this a bug? Playing 2.71b2 version
In what circumstances native raid considered partially successfull? I keep getting robbed by them or get my buildings destroyed even if I win every battle during their raids. Is this a bug? Playing 2.71b2 version

It's not a bug. Native raids can do some damage even if battle is lost, the chance however decreases with higher level of fortifications in colony. I think you need fortress to completely eliminate this.
does the level of fortification influence whether a unit will attempt to raid or just the outcome?
Its a long time ago I last played colonization, I used to play with the TAC mod. Now Im back and see what you guys have done to the "base-mod" TAC, congratulations to all Team Members, very good job.
I wonder if there is an location where I can change the hurry cost modifier for buildings in the colonies or forbid hurrying at all for the human player ?
I have looked into ...Documents\My Games\Colo\MODS\Religion_and_Revolution\Assets\XML\GlobalDefinesAlt.xml, but could not find any related option ?
I wonder if there is an location where I can change the hurry cost modifier for buildings in the colonies or forbid hurrying at all for the human player ?
I have looked into ...Documents\My Games\Colo\MODS\Religion_and_Revolution\Assets\XML\GlobalDefinesAlt.xml, but could not find any related option ?

I don't have access to the game installation at the moment, but you can alter value associated with the XML tag NEW_HURRY_MODIFIER and it will impact the hurry modifier for both buildings and units. I guess RaR did not change it so look in the XML files for the base game. If you do decide to change it, copy the tag over to GlobalDefinesAlt.xml in the RaR folder for it to take affect. Don't forget to clear the cache (hold the shift key or turn off caching entirely)
In what circumstances native raid considered partially successfull? I keep getting robbed by them or get my buildings destroyed even if I win every battle during their raids. Is this a bug? Playing 2.71b2 version

Raids can succeed even if the brave died. The consequences are only a bit less severe. I guess you just can't win! :crazyeye:

does the level of fortification influence whether a unit will attempt to raid or just the outcome?

I looked into this recently and fortifications do influence the chance of a successful raid but they do not impact the decision of a brave to attempt it.
However, the way the code is structured makes it so that fortifications have a fairly low impact since the raider gets multiple chances (up to 4) to raid the target. There is a random dice roll that determines this outcome:
if (GC.getGameINLINE().getSorenRandNum(200, "Buildings raid") < pCity->getDefenseModifier())
    return false;

Assuming a city has a defensive modifier of 150, there is still a 25% chance of a raid passing this dice roll. The odds of a raid failing 4 attempts is 0.75^4. The chance of success is thus 1-0.75^4 = 0.684 or close to 70% chance of success!

Note that I am not claiming that these are the real odds of a successful raid, this is just a brief analsis of the impact of defensive structures on the odds. There are other factors as well.
However, I think it's reasonable to say that defensive structures are not that helpful.

If anybody wants to have a look at this the code is in CvUnit::raidCity
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thank you for your help, I just forgot to look at the original xml
Another question:
Is it possible, to transfer a whole bunch of goods into a cargo container fe. using shortcuts ? (600 at once into a galleon)
Hi, I have to say this is an excellent mod, and it gives the games a whole new feeling and thanks those who worked in it.
I have the next question: How can I change the city storage mechanics so it can be like it was before? (like in the original TAC and Vanilla version)
How can I change the city storage mechanics so it can be like it was before? (like in the original TAC and Vanilla version)
I don't think anybody have tested if the old system is still working as intended, but the way you control the warehouse capacity system is by editing Assets/xml/GlobalDefinesALT.xml. In line 545, it says NEW_CAPACITY and it has the value of 1. Set this to 0 and it looks like it should revert to the vanilla code.
Thank you very much Nightinggale, you were right about where to changing the NEW_CAPACITY to 0, it reverted to vanilla code. There is any chance you know where I can change the warehouses capacities? Cause +2000 for everything it's too much. Anyways, thank you very much for the help!
How far into the Pacific Ocean do I have to go to trigger the event reward for its discovery?
Only a single western "Europe" tile needs to be revealed to trigger the achivement. For the quest, you'll have to be the first to reveal one of these tiles before any other player. As for the AI, it is currently not capable of purposefully targetting any quest objective, so if the AI beats you, it is just a byproduct of something else :p
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