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[Religion and Revolution]: Helping or Joining Team

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Civ4Col Modder
Jan 24, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
Hallo everybody,

a lot of people have asked how they could help us or if they could eventually join the team. :thumbsup:



  • Try to play our mod and get to know it.
  • Participate in the brainstorming, share your ideas and please report bugs if you find any.
  • If you know about interesting graphics (Leaderheads, Units, Bonusses, ...) that might fit to one of our features, tell us.

Partner Program:

  • Only selected people will get into this program. People that have highly been participating or people that are modding the game themselves.
  • Partners are people that get read access to our SVN and thus can access our current work at all times.
  • Partners also get stronger support from us to become modders themselves, if they want to.
  • Basically it is a form of working together and helping each other without people being team members (yet).


  • Cooperation is similar to "Partnership" but it is more focussed on creating and sharing specific features between projects of experienced modders.
  • We would really like to cooperate with other projects, meaning the structured exchange of ideas and implementations.
  • We believe that all projects could only profit from such cooperations.


  • You do not need to be a programmer to join. We need help in other areas (Texts, Translation, Balancing, Testing, Graphics, ...) too.
  • Please be sure you really like our ideas before you start discussion about joining us.
  • This is no small or short term project! It is really large and will go for quite some time. You should consider that too.
  • All team members are equal partnes. Decisions are made in consense !
  • Once accepted in the team you will get much more detailled information and access to our working ressources of course.


So ok, if you are interested in helping, joining or cooperating, simply let us know. ;)

You could either post here in this thread or simply write a private message.
We can then discuss the details.

Let us have fun together.
Hello Ray:

I would like to help in your endeavour. I'm currently playing TAC 2.02, and I have to say that it is very enjoyable. The events are great. I'm still in the early parts of the game.
Not a programmer but I can beta test and translate.

I would like to help in your endeavour.

Great. :)

I'm currently playing TAC 2.02

Be sure you play TAC 2.02b. :)
(The latest and currently best Release. Here is the link once more.)

TAC 2.02 is two Minor Releases older than TAC 2.02b.

Not a programmer but I can beta test and translate.

Currently there is not so much to test because we will start integrating our features and creating large new stuff when TAC 2.03 is available.
(Till then we will mainly basically do experimenting, preparing and improving stuff we already have.)

But we will come back to you, when we have our first internal test release. :thumbsup:

Which languages do you know / could you do translation ?

You are very welcome do participate in our discussions, of course too. :)
Be sure you play TAC 2.02b.
(The latest and currently best Release. Here is the link once more.)

TAC 2.02 is two Minor Releases older than TAC 2.02b.
I think that is the one that I'm playing. It was in german so I had to go a little slow before installing it. Thank god for google translation service.

Which languages do you know / could you do translation ?
Mostly English and Spanish. A little french. :)

Would it be too much of a bother if I ask you to send me a private message or post it in here the changes/additions that you are thinking/working on. I don't want to give ideas that are already being discussed.

Thanks for your time and effort to make this game more like the original 1994 that we all fell in love with.
Would it be too much of a bother if I ask you to send me a private message or post it in here the changes/additions that you are thinking/working on.

I will do that latest on the weekend. :)

Thanks for your time and effort to make this game more like the original 1994 that we all fell in love with.

Actually we want to do a lot more than that. :lol:
(... and that is why we will need a lot of help.)
Hi everyone,

Thank you Maidhross ! We'll need beta testers one of these days.

Spanish ! Are you interested in translating some parts in Spanish ?
French ! "C'est Très Bien !"

Of course, I can translate it in spanish.
C´est la vie.

Of course, I can translate it in spanish.
Hi Maidhross,

I'm the coordinator of TAC Project Team. If you wishes to translate TAC in spanish, we will be happy. Please contact us at the translation thread of TAC. Then your translations will be a part of that submod, which ray and Robert will develope, automatically. :)
Good idea. :thumbsup:

Currently there is nothing to translate for the new features of "Religion and Revolution".
(At the moment we are mostly only preparing features for the upcoming integration with TAC 2.03.)

And as W.B. said, all translations that are made for TAC will be part of our project, too.
Hi Maidhross,

I'm the coordinator of TAC Project Team. If you wishes to translate TAC in spanish, we will be happy. Please contact us at the translation thread of TAC. Then your translations will be a part of that submod, which ray and Robert will develope, automatically.
I have already posted in that thread.

Ich kann Ihnen mit der spanischen Übersetzung helfen, wenn Sie interessiert sind.
Ich spreche nicht noch schreiben richtig Deutsch, so bedenken Sie bitte, dass im Sinn.


Been away for a while. Do you need help with anything. I would really love to join in on the team. Eager to learn!

Been away for a while.

Hi Gomer. :wavey:
Good to hear that you did not loose interest in this project. :)

Do you need help with anything.

Hmm, let me think ... YES ! :lol:
This really is a big project and willingness to help is always apprecitated. :thumbsup:

I would really love to join in on the team.

Then let us talk a little about this project (Private Messages).
(@team: I will put you all on cc.)

We really appreciate, when people are interested or even interested enought to join. :)
(But as I said, let us talk a little first, before we as a team are going to make a decision.)

Eager to learn!

Good attitude. :thumbsup:
Hi Guys,

I would like to join this team in some capacity.

I play Colonization a lot, although never played the original 1990's version. I like the TAC mod and have played quite long games on that - and posted comments/feedback in the TAC threads.

I have no coding experience in any of the languages in this program. However I do understand the logic of programming. At work I have been a project manager and user rep on a few mainframe development projects - so I understand the process.

I have been following development of your mod by reading these threads. I agree with most of your ideas and principles, and even when I have concerns about the balance or how much these might change the game, I can see that you share these same concerns.

My own area of interest in this game is the economic / transport / logistic component. I play other transport / logistic / turn based strategy PC games, but have no interest in real time shooter games. I rarely play Civilisation because the transport / logistics component is much more hidden and automated.

So how might I help? Obviously testing when you have a release. But also by posting comments in these threads. Any other suggestions?
I would like to join this team in some capacity.

Hi Agaro,

thanks for your request to join the team. :)

We will need time however to discuss that internally because a decision like accepting a new team member
must be made by the whole team.

Please understand that currently some team members might not be available, so it might take some time until we can tell you our decision.

So how might I help? Obviously testing when you have a release.

Yes, testing is important.
Other things that can be done without knowledge of programming would be balancing, improving texts, searching graphics, ...

There is enough to do. ;)
I am a newb modder, but I got some mods working and I want something legit to work on. If you need units, civs, or leaders, I can probably at least get one per day (minus graphics, I'm no skinner!)I'm pretty good with XML. Perhaps I could help?

Also, I can translate into Russian. That would be cool , if it can be done. Also a little Spanish, and I have friends who speak fluent French.

Just saying, I would love some sort of project to work on, and I love colonization almost more than I love Civ IV.
Nice to hear!

I need the following unit:

I would like to combine the vanilla "Imperial_Musketman" (the one with the tea cup) with the motion sequence (fidget) of the vanilla "Vanilla_Musketman". I would care for the graphics. Is that possible? My biggest problem is the rifle, because the rifle of the veteran is combined with the body so that is not easy to remove only the body.
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