[Religion and Revolution]: Internal Blackboard

@team and partners:

Did anybody of you every see graphics for a "Large River" ? :think:

Basically I am talking about river graphics that simply look bigger than the rivers we have.
(Maybe also a little wilder ...)

I think the main problem is, that these "Large Rivers" would need to be connectable to our normal rivers.
(Smaller rivers flowing in / out of larger ones.)

If we could find something like that a lot of cool features could arise.
(Large Rivers would be something like Amazonas or Mississippi)
There is a discussion about it in the C IV forums. Look for the river mod in mod components (I think).
There is a discussion about it in the C IV forums. Look for the river mod in mod components (I think).

I know about that modcomp. :thumbsup:
(Basically that modcomp is part of the reason why I am asking for these graphics. :) )

But as far as I understand, it contains only logic aspects and no new graphics for "Large Rivers". :dunno:

Having the graphics for these "Large Rivers" would be the condition for me to start analyzing the modcomp you mentioned and
to create a technical concept of our own, which might consider parts of the modcomps logic.

After that has happened I would start discussing my ideas with the team and see if they like it or not.

But this does not have priority at the moment.
It is just thinking a little in the future ...
But as far as I understand, it contains only logic aspects and no new graphics for "Large Rive
Luckily you are wrong, that mod include graphics to make the rivers larger since now they are supposed to tiles. The basic graphics are already there, making it bigger or smaller is just matter of some modeling enlargement with nifskope for ex.
Luckily you are wrong, that mod include graphics to make the rivers larger since now they are supposed to tiles. The basic graphics are already there, making it bigger or smaller is just matter of some modeling enlargement with nifskope for ex.

It is not about making rivers bigger or smaller only. :think:

I want to have both in the game:
"Normal Rivers" and "Large Rivers"

Basically I am talking about
Large Rivers -> Tiles (smaller ships can sail on them, fish can be generated, ...)
Normal Rivers -> Tile Borders (just as now)

Thus, the critical thing is the connection between a normal river and a large river.
(Normal rivers flowing into larger ones.)

I think the main problem is, that these "Large Rivers" would need to be connectable to our normal rivers.
(Smaller rivers flowing in / out of larger ones.)

This needs to look nice and thus you need to have some graphical transition.
I don't believe that the modcomp did consider that. :dunno:

But of course I might be wrong.
I will check. :thumbsup:
(When I find some time after our Release 1.)

We are both talking about this modcomp, right ?


I just read / confirmed.
(It is just as I expected.)

The mod does not consider to have both "Normal Rivers" and "Large Rivers". :(
(It is missing all the transition graphics that would be needed.)

The modcomp is not usable as it is for my ideas. :dunno:
(And I am no graphical modder and thus lack the skills to create the necessary graphics.)

If I ever find the graphics, I will check, if I might reuse / adapt some of the logic though.

This would also get extremely heavy / difficult coding for good map generation and good AI. :eek:
But a modder should always have a few big dreams / wishes left for the future. :)
The AI is supossed to be done, at least in part (?).

I missed your point about having both rivers. Obviously I was talking about having only one type, either big or small. That's why I say it's possible to modify it...

I think your idea could be "doable". You would need to apply a "transition river tile" between big and small rivers which would be small on one side and big on the other.

If I find the time and way to do it, I will let you know; since that is something that also interest me as I have told you. I'm just starting with LHs graphics, so after gaining some experience I could try to modify the river models...
The AI is supossed to be done, at least in part (?).

Well, I have not checked yet.
Maybe thers is only some AI, maybe there is good AI ... I simply don't know yet. :dunno:

But usually implementing good AI really takes time.

I missed your point about having both rivers.

No Problem. :)

I think your idea could be "doable".

Almost everything is doable if you have the right people working on it. :)

You would need to apply a "transition river tile" between big and small rivers which would be small on one side and big on the other.

That is what I am talking about. :thumbsup:

If I find the time and way to do it, I will let you know; since that is something that also interest me as I have told you. I'm just starting with LHs graphics, so after gaining some experience I could try to modify the river models...

Sounds great. :thumbsup:
After our Release 1, I will discuss this with the team.
(But is probably no topic for the upcoming Release 2.)
It's an interesting idea about Rivers; though I think changing the DLL to have two different River types may prove to be extremely complicated -- you would need to make intersection graphics for every possible combination of Large River and Small River and Coast in each direction (an exponential number), and also change CIV4RiverModelInfos.xml and mod how the DLL handles it, which sounds like months of work for a small feature :crazyeye: :sad:

After thinking about it, a simpler way to achieve the same thing may be to adapt a Feature similar to Flood Plain from Civ4. If you name the Feature something like Large River or Watershed and color in the edges of the "flood plain" graphic to simulate a larger river, you could be able to merge Large and Small rivers realistically with a lot less work. You'd also be able to make unique yield changes & defensive bonuses etc for the Large River Feature which you couldn't do directly with a new River type. What do you think? :king:
It's an interesting idea about Rivers; though I think changing the DLL to have two different River types may prove to be extremely complicated -- you would need to make intersection graphics for every possible combination of Large River and Small River and Coast in each direction (an exponential number), and also change CIV4RiverModelInfos.xml and mod how the DLL handles it, which sounds like months of work for a small feature :crazyeye: :sad:

After thinking about it, a simpler way to achieve the same thing may be to adapt a Feature similar to Flood Plain from Civ4. If you name the Feature something like Large River or Watershed and color in the edges of the "flood plain" graphic to simulate a larger river, you could be able to merge Large and Small rivers realistically with a lot less work. You'd also be able to make unique yield changes & defensive bonuses etc for the Large River Feature which you couldn't do directly with a new River type. What do you think? :king:

Acutally the technical concept is already pretty clear.
Once we have the graphics, maybe Isablexxx and myself might work together for DLL.
(To create a feature for both mods: DoaNE and Religion and Revolution.)

Large Rivers -> New TerrainType (like Ocean / Coast)
Normal Rivers -> Terrain Borders (like now)

This is a lot of work however.
But a lot of cool things could arise from this ...

Give me some time to present my concept. :thumbsup:
(I was simply too busy with Release 1 in the last 2 weeks for long discussions.)
@team, partners and community:

For technical reasons (also considering "Inventions") we should split


into 2 Bonus Resources.

-> We can use the graphics we have
-> We need a new name

-> We would need new graphics
-> I could imagine something like a "Mammut Tree"
-> We could then simply call it "Mammut Trees"

Does anyone know graphics that could fit for B) ? :think:
Hi guys,

the next (small) feature I would like to implement is:

Drying Swamps and Planting Forrests

All I would need for that are the 2 Build Action Buttons (at the Pioneer).

I could creat some crappy looking buttons myself but maybe somebody already knows nice looking buttons or could create them ... :)
Hi Folks,

I made a new banner which can be used in forums or threads to promote the mod:



  • Banner_RaR.jpg
    459.7 KB · Views: 1,971
Please use [Religion and Revolution]: Feedback and Questions for such questions.
(It is better suited for modding related "How-To" questions and long explanations to answer such questions.)

We will try to answer there. :thumbsup:

This thread is meant for team members to ask for help (e.g. graphics or a piece of code) to finish a feature / work package of our mod.
Requests like "Could somebody help me create / search for ...".
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