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[Religion and Revolution]: Overview, Project Organization

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Civ4Col Modder
Jan 24, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
Hi everybody,

this thread is supposed to give an overview of our plans.
But mainly we will use it to organize ourselves and do some task management.

I kindly ask to not start discussions about concepts, features or ideas in this thread. :)
List of Features

We are based on TAC and thus include all the cool features from that mod.

Included from TAC:
Spoiler :

Fixing of many Vanilla Bugs
Many new geographically correct Maps
Adaption and improvement of new Mapscripts
Leaderheads with very differentiated Characters
Massive amounts of AI improvements
Massively improved Screens (EuropeScreen, CityScreen, ...) and UserInterface
Possibility to send ships to specific Cities from Europe Screen
Enhanced / Improved version of Event System with many many Events and Quests
Enhanced / Improved version of Achievement System with many Achievments
Many new Buildings, Units, Promotions, Founding Fathers, Traits, Resources, ...
Many improvements to Graphics and Texts for better authenticity and atmosphere
UnitArtStyles and Nationspecific CitySets
Enhanced / Improved version of Whaling
Native Mercenaries
European Wars
Revolutionary Support from other Europeans at Declaration of Independence
New Trade Route System
New / improved System for Prices in Europe
New European Nation Portugal
New Native Nations
New Yield Cocoa (with Resource, Profession, Specialist, ...)
Custom House that allows direct selling to Europe at 80% of price
Learning-By-Doing (Specialisation, Becoming Free and Fleeing)
Go-To-Command with choice of City
Capturing of Units on Land
Capturing of Ships
Natives steal and equip Weapons and Horses
Nationspecific Names for Generals
Nationspecific Names for Ships
Adaption of many features from Dales "Unofficial Patch 1.03"
Adaption of many features from NetBandit's Balance Mod (Ref, Education, Taxsystem, ...)
Improvements to Education System (Schools and Natives)
Improvements to Tax System and introduction of MaxTaxRate / MinTaxRate, which are influenced by your actions
Improvements to Calculation of Army of King (Size and distribution of Troops to Ships)
Improvements to Immigration System
Improvements to Missioning System
Massive amounts of other Balancing Changes (Gamespeeds, Handicaps, Founding Fathers, Units, Professions, Terrains, Resources, Traits, Leaderheads, Mapsizes, Buildings ...)
European AI players can be extinct under certain conditions
King will give Fregate if too many ships caught by Privateers
Many new Game Options
New Options at Declaration of Independence
Improved Cheat Menu
Immigration of several Immigrants at once possible
Replaced Leaders San Martin and William Penn by Hernan Cortes and John Adams
New Victory "Industrialization"
Vulcanos and Tornados
Many new Messages and Warnings considering Economy and certain Events
Boycotts can be lifted by paying gold
Geographically correct placement of Natives


This is only a summary, probably not complete and groups certain topics.
(To list every single bug fix, improvement to AI, improvement to texts or improvement to graphics would be way to much.)

Before Religion and Revolution, TAC was the largest CivCol mod ever created.

No other mod for CivCol has ever put comparable efforts into AI, balancing and atmosphere.
This is the reason, why we chose TAC as base for Religion and Revolution.

In Religion and Revolution we intend to continue this tradition of quality and atmosphere.

These are the changes, improvements and Features we implement on top.

Release 1.0:
Spoiler :

New Features:

Base Feature: Multiple Professions Per Building
Base Feature: Multiple Yields Produced / Consumed
Base Feature: Livestock Breeding
Geographically correct Placement of Natives (already became part of TAC)
Storms and Winds
No More Hidden Variables (Game Option)
Domestic Markets
Abandoning Cities
Bargaining with Natives like in Original CivCol
Native Raids like in Original CivCol
Cannons in Citadel bombarding Enemies outside City
Musketmen firing from Stockades
Stirring Up of Natives by Missionaries
DLL-Diplo-Event "European Peace"
European Prisons Crowded
Revolutionary Noble
Many new Events
Ability to Randomize Goodies in Maps
Native Slaves
African Slaves
Custom House Screen
Little Roundwise Income of Native Villages
Founding Fathers become available again when Nation is eliminated
Improved Scorelist with Gold of Nations
New Native Advisor Screen (Preview)
Plastered Roads


Increased absolut max. number of players in a CivCol game
Rebuild Traits
Rebuild of Breeding Horses
Rebuild of Missioning Natives
Rebuild of City Storage Capacity using Sum of all Goods stored
Changes at Entering Peaks
Changes to Custom House
Revised Tax Mechanism
Treasures cannot reveal Map or enter Plots with Goody-Huts anymore
Bonus-Ressources on Peaks configurable in CIV4BonusInfos.xml
Changes to Profession Missionary
Criminals, African Slaves and Native Slaves cannot found cities anymore
Specific Actions not possible if Natives furious

Improvements and Fixes:

Many many small improvements and fixes considering texts, graphics, gamefonts and existing features
Included selected part of melcher's Iso Mod
Fixing of Achievement System considering Buildings
Fixing of Random Seed (already became part of TAC)
New and atmospheric Soundtrack
New and atmospheric Screens
Improved and adjusted Maps and Mapscripts (will work only for RaR)
Improved Balancing for Leaderheads / Diplomacy
Improved Balancing for Immigration
Improved Balancing for Missioning
Improved Balancing for Training at Native Villages
AI buys and uses Native Mercenaries
Lowered Chances of AI destroying enemy cities instead of conquering
Improvement of all existing DLL-Diplo-Events
Improvements to Learning-By-Doing
Improved AI to better produce Horses
Improved AI for building Improvements
Improved AI to better defend Cities
Natives and Treasures
Corrected needed Berth Sizes of Transports on Land
Chances for Python Events slightly increased


Mapsize "Gigantic"
Savannah like in Original CivCol
Improvements Trapper's Hut and Cocoa Plantation
Improvements Quarry, Vineyard and Collector's Post
New Maps
New Achievements
New Native Nation Inuit
New Native Nation Hurons
New Native Nation Zapotec
New Native Nation Guarani
New Native Nation Algonquian
New Native Nation Carib
New Native Nation Navajo
New Native Nation Machiparo
New Native Nation Mixtec
New Native Nation Muisca
New Native Nation Commanche
New Native Nation Shoshone
New Native Nation Toromona
New European Nation Denmark
Totem Pole and Sacrifcial Altar
New Food Bonus Ressources: Coconut, Pumpkins, Turkeys and Melons
new ships: Sloop, Brigantine, West Indiaman, Caravela Redonda and Corvette
New Terrain Feature "Taiga" (on Thundra)
New UnitArtStlye for Treasures of Natives
Gold and Gems
Productionlines Coffee and Cocoa
Productionline Premium Fur to Premium Coats and changes to Fur
Productionlines for Rope and Sailcloth from Hemp
Productionline Coloured Cloth with Indigo
Productionlines based on Livestock Yields Sheep and Cattle
Productionlines for Beer and Wine from Grapes and Barley
Productionlines for Salt and Spices from Stone Salt and Red Pepper
Productionline for Furniture from Valuable Wood
Stone as strategic Yield for Buildings
Cannons as strategic Yield for Ships and Cannons
Luxury Goods that are supposed to be sold to own citizens
Chapel and Grand Cathedral
Market and Tavern

Release 1.1:
Spoiler :

Improvements and Fixes:

Fixed a major bug considering AI.
Several other small improvements.


A few new Founding Fathers.

Release 1.2:
Spoiler :

New Features:

Natives proactively trading with Europeans
Fishing Boats similar to Whaling
Growing Improvements

Improvements and Fixes:

Huge performance improvements (DLL, XML, Graphics, ...)
Huge clean up (incl. fixing) of graphics of the mod
Many small bugfixes that lead to much more stability
Many small balancing improvements
Many fixes and improvements for Screens
Improvements of features (Native Raids, ...) according to feedback
Improvement / unification of city graphics (buildings)
Improvement of the bridge graphics for Plastered Roads
Removed "Treasures cannot reveal map"
Improved AI considering removing terrain features
Several other small AI improvements considering our new features
New Starting Screen
New Icon for Shortcut (in the Download)


A few new Founding Fathers.
Mounted Conquistadores

Release 1.3:
Spoiler :

New Features:

Included Price Correction from Androrc
Domestic Market Overview in Domestic Advisor Screen

Improvements and Fixes:

2 Issues that could cause CTDs.
Improved PlotSystem (Farms, Plantations, Large Farms, Large Plantations)
UnitArtStyles for Caravela Redonda
Improved Mapgeneration and AI Found Values (considering Forests)
General Code Improvements
New Sounds for Winds and Storms
New Sounds for Jungle
Fixed some minor problems with Graphics
Several minor balancing corrections
Fixed problems with graphics of Kings
Improved Features "Conquistadores" and "Rangers"
Plastered Roads working as Upgrade of Road


New European Nation Sweden
New European Nation Russia
New Native Nation Crow
New Native Nation Blackfoot
New Native Nation Guaymi
New Native Nation Tarascans
New Native Nation Omagua
New Native Nation Mapuche
Devout Priests
Bonus Resource Giant Trees
Increased the number of Founding Fathers to 85 !
Buildings Windmills and Watermill

Release 1.4:
Spoiler :

New Features:

Rebuild of Culture/Area of Influence
Full 2-Plot-City-Radius
Railroads, Trains and Trainstations
New Goodies spawning Units
Goody Huts in Water
Wild Animals on Land and in Water
Possibility to create National Wonders
Further Enhancement of Goody Functionality and further Goodies (e.g. Fountain of Youth)
Monasteries and Forts (also see here)
Drying Swamps and Planting Forests
Runaway / Fleeing Criminals, Indentured Servants, African Slaves and Native Slaves
Entertainment (generates gold from Culture)
Continental Guard
Building chain to Market that increases domestic demand

Improvements and Fixes:

German translation completed
Many many small balancing changes and improvements
Improved / Enhanced Goody Hut System with new functions
Negative Effects of Bells on King's Attitude are now limited
Lumber and Stone are not sold by Custome House or lost to Overflow anymore
Production of Native Units from Hammers slowed down
Many adjustments to Founding Fathers for new Features, Units and Buildings
Improved UnitArtStyles
Further improvements of graphics (especially ships)


Added some new Promotions and small changes from Willi Tell
Added a new Level of Storage Building and rebalanced Storage Capacity
Corn Chamber and Granary
Many National Wonders: Colonial Congress, Cathedral of the Archbishop, ...
Improved Pedia Screens from Roamty
Improved Pedia Screens from Nightinggale
Map "The New World" (Gigantic, geographically correct)

Release 1.5:
Spoiler :

A polished version of Release 1.4.
Several small bugifxes, some balancing corrections and a few other improvements.

Release 1.6:
Spoiler :

One major bugfix to a bug that occassionally caused game freezes
Many small bug fixes, balancing improvements, graphical improvements, AI improvements, ...
Performance and speed improvements (most noteable optimizations from Nightinggale.)
New Advisor Screen from Nightinggale

Release 1.7:
Spoiler :

Many new Achievments
Merged several small improvments from modmodders
A few new promotions from agnat86
Import Feeder Service from Nightinggale
Overflow algorithm improved
Added two new buildings for Natives
New Feature Unrest and Militia
New Faction Church (with several Diplomacy Events and possibility to request favours)
Fixed some Vanilla issues with Permanent Alliance and activated it as default
Trait Trader (of Natives) now gives bonus for Bargaining
Abandoning Cities is now also possible during War

Release 1.8:
Spoiler :

Africa and Port Royal (Harbours similar to Europe) with great backgrounds from Willi_Tell
Several graphic improvments from Schmiddie
Bugfixes to Trade Route System and Import Feeder Service from Nightinggale
A few other small improvments and fixes
New map from Tre59

Release 1.9:
Spoiler :

Polished version of Release 1.8. (A fewbugfixes, balancing improvments, graphic improvments, translations, ...)

Release 2.0
Spoiler :

New Features:

Stealing Immigrants
City Health, incl. Buildings, Profession and Specialist
More possibilities to rotate map (Credits to BlueMod)
Great geographically correct maps from Marla_Singer


new / improved graphics (Schmiddie did awesome work again)
improved balancing
improved performance
improved Colopedia
improved texts


Bugfix for a rare CTD during WOI (Credits for analysis to Ramkamhaeng)
Bugfix for a rare CTD when Natives offered to Trade goods and the corresponding home City to transfer the goods was destroyed in same round (Credits to Nightinggale)
Bugfix for a very rare situation that would not allow AI to recover after loosing last city (Credits for analysis to Don Senglar)
Bugfix for a small bug related to overflows with Custom House

Release 2.1
Spoiler :


Fix for a bug in a DLL-Diplo-Event with Church
Fix for Ships being trapped in Port Royal when grouped strangely
Fix for a small bug in Map RaR America Huge
Fix for Bargaining causing OOS in MP (Thanks to Nightinggale for analyzing and fixing)
Fix for King asking to declare War against dead player (Thanks to Nightinggale for analyzing)
Fix for a bug with broken Yield Icons in City Screen on old and weak machines (Thanks to Nightinggale for analyzing)

New Features / Additions:

about 60 new (Python-)Events
Removal of completely binary Combat System (Credits to Commander Bello for some of the Code taken from his modmod)
Free Settlers can become Veterans through Combat Experience
Indentured Servants and Petty Criminals can become Free Settlers through Combat Experience
Great Admirals with nationspecific Names (Thanks to AbsintheRed for his help with searching for names)
New Yield Coca, incl. Profession, Specialist, Resource, ... (with great graphics by Schmiddie)
New Yield Blades incl. Profession, Spezialist, adjusted Balancing ... (with great graphics by Schmiddie)
New Military Profession Town Guard (with great Graphics by Schmiddie)
1 new Founding Father (with great graphic by Schmiddie)
2 new Promotions for Ships (with great Buttons by Schmiddie)
New Achievments (by Schmiddie, also Thanks to Willi_Tell for providing a graphic for one of the Achievments)
New Water Goody Event


Massive Enhancement and Improvment of Colopedia (Thanks to agnat86 for all the effort)
Massive Improvment of French Translations (Thanks to Marla_Singer for all the effort)
Improvment of German Translations
Lots of graphical Improvments for Specialists, Ships, Natives, Buttons, ... (by Schmiddie)
Several small Improvments to Balancing
Improvment to Map Script Faire Weather (Thanks to agnat86)
Improvments to Promotions
Small AI Improvments considering Military
Cleanup of Folders and XML Files related to graphics (by Schmiddie)

Originally Planned:
Spoiler :

Native Knowledge and Inventions
War of Independence will further be improved
Splitting up Swamp into Swamp and Marsh
Changes to Victory Condition Independence
Religions: Protestants and Catholics
Improving Game Options
Changing Cannons from Units to Professions
Some more Diplomacy Trade Options
Loyalty to the King
Changing Names and Flags of Colonies after declaring Independence
What is this mod ?

Well, it is currently by far the largest existing CivCol mod.
It is our attempt to unite many of the best ideas and concepts created by the CivCol modding community into one single gigantic mod.

But we did not simply throw everything together. Almost everything we included was heavily adjusted and improved.
We considered very carefully which features to add and how to implement them.

We want to create a mod that offers more diversity, more possibilites and more challenge.
Step by step we try to improve every single aspect the game offers. (Economy, Exploration, Diplomacy, Trade, Events, Wars, ...)
Some aspects of the mod already have and will continue to move a little bit more towards complex simulation, others a little bit more towards action.

But while doing so, we always try to think about usability, AI, performance, historical authenticity ...

We are not done yet, of course. :)

This mod is based on TAC ?

Yes, it is originally based on TAC and almost completely includes everything that is in TAC 2.03.
With its amazing size, love for the detail and outstanding quality TAC was a great base for this project.

However, we have heavily changed, improved or added to that base.
(In many cases adjusted / improved versions of features from other mods / modcomps but also often created by ourselves.)

We really have to thank all the modders out there for their great work.
Special thanks of course to the TAC team.
Without all their hard work, this mod would not exist. :thumbsup:
Known Bugs and Problems

This mod requires official patch 1.01f.
Not installing that patch may cause serious problems.

Due to its extreme size (considering graphics and logic) the mod is known to not run very well on older systems.
Try to play on smaller maps, deactivate virus scanner while playing, turn down graphical settings, ...
When roundtimes get to long, save, exit to desktop and reload the save.

Tutorial was not adjusted to the mod.
Leave it turned off.

Special Characters in user directories of your system may cause problems with Icons, City Names, ...
Simply install the mod directly into the /mod directory of the main installation path of the colonization itself.

On some systems, games crash when trying to exit a game to Main Menu.
Simply exit to Desktop instead to avoid this.

DLL-Diplo Events are calculated at the previous round.
So sometimes it may happen that you get to Europe Screen before the event.
Any money you may have acquired there is not considered in the answering choices of the DLL-Diplo Event.
However, no serious consequences other than answer not fitting may arise from that.

Eliminating a player by killing his last unit sometimes results in the game not returning to normal view.
Simply click on Mini-Map when this happens.
Hi Robert,

I have taken a look over our current feature-list and have the following suggestion for our first release:

Release 1:

Storms, Wind and other features on Ocean (implemented)
No More Hidden Variables (Game Option) (partially implemented)
Rebuild of Missioning Natives (implemented)
Abandoning Cities (implemented)
Changes at Entering Peaks (implemented)
Little Roundwise Income of Native Villages (implemented)
Bargaining with Natives like in Original CivCol (implemented)
Native Raids like in Original CivCol (more info) (basic implementaion exists)
Many new DLL-Diplo Events with King (partially implemented)
Totem Pole and Sacrifcial Altar (partially implemented)
Include Livestock Breeding from Andorc ?

In the first release I would like to bring out the features that are

1) Not critical concerning game balance
2) Almost completely already implemented

After we have finished Release 1, we will discuss and decide what we will do next in Release 2.
(If we will have other "small" features, we could of course also consider releasing them in first release.)

Do you agree ?
The Religion and Revolution team is happy to announce that colonialfan has joined our forces ! :woohoo:

He will mainly take responsibility for historical researches of background information and conceptional work.

Welcome to the team and let us have fun together ! :rockon:
We thank a thousand times René Osmanczyk for giving us permissions to use his fantastic music in this mod. :bowdown:

Important Note:

Permission was granted to this mod only.
If you want to use his work yourself, you need to ask him yourself.
The Religion and Revolution proudly announces that KJ Jansson has become our newest teammate ! :woohoo:

He is a very capable modder already very known in the scene for releasing various great mods and modpackages. :thumbsup:

Once more:
Welcome to the team and let us have fun together ! :rockon:

I am really happy to work with you again. :)
Hi Ray!

Thank you very much. I hope I could help in the "Religion and Revolution" mod development in same aspects.
If the buildings are pretty much in the same format as in Civ IV (which I guess is true) ...

Yes, they are. :)

..., then I can make you building models.

Very interesting offer. :thumbsup:
We will come back to you, if we need help with buildings. :)
The Religion and Revolution team is happy to announce that Gomer_Pyle has joined us ! :)

Gomer was one of the first people to discuss features with us and has shown true interest in this project. :thumbsup:

Welcome to the team ! :high5:
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