Civ4Col Modder
Hey guys,
this thread is supposed to give Tips and Tricks to people who are new to this mod and eventually have problems figuring out what to do considering the huge amount of features and changes this mod offers.
A few general words before we get into the details:
This mod will play slightly different to what you are used to.
Don't expect things to still be the same as they were in Vanilla or other mods.
We have purposely changed a lot of mechanisms and other small aspects.
This mod is designed to give you many choices and possibilities.
There is no single "golden strategy".
One game a specific strategy might be very successful and another game it might totally fail.
Be flexible and consider wisely and experiment a bit with the given possiblities.
We include almost everything from TAC.
But please don't expect us to explain all TAC features again.
It is also simply not possible to explain again every small detail we made.
Please also take the time to try and figure out some things for yourself.
(Colopedia, threads, playing, ...)
this thread is supposed to give Tips and Tricks to people who are new to this mod and eventually have problems figuring out what to do considering the huge amount of features and changes this mod offers.
A few general words before we get into the details:
This mod will play slightly different to what you are used to.
Don't expect things to still be the same as they were in Vanilla or other mods.
We have purposely changed a lot of mechanisms and other small aspects.
This mod is designed to give you many choices and possibilities.
There is no single "golden strategy".
One game a specific strategy might be very successful and another game it might totally fail.
Be flexible and consider wisely and experiment a bit with the given possiblities.
We include almost everything from TAC.
But please don't expect us to explain all TAC features again.
It is also simply not possible to explain again every small detail we made.

Please also take the time to try and figure out some things for yourself.
(Colopedia, threads, playing, ...)