🔥Deny, Defend, Depose!🔥
Change is good and should be used to improve many peoples lives
Is change fundamentally good regardless of outcome? Or only good if the outcome improves peoples' lives? Do the methods of how one goes about such change factor into whether it is considered good?
The pace of that change is less important
Is it okay therefore to completely stagnate if the pace of change is less important?
Bad policies and practices of the past should be undone
What is considered "Bad" and likewise what is considered "Good"?
Government can and should be an agent for those change
Hypothetically if the government in question is an authoritarian one, can it still be and should be an agent of change?
People are fundamentally good
How so?
Genetics has replaced any thoughts of a blank slate
Do genetics imply people are fundamentally born good and not neutral?
Globalization of trade and travel is erasing racism and cultural biases
Or is it exacerbating it? ex. China/COVID-19.