First off, is it just me, or do religions seldom spread on their own in BTS? It HAS been a while, but I do seem to recall religions spontaneously spreading of their own accord fairly frequently in vanilla Civ 4...
Secondly, how do you guys handle spreading your religion? In the game I just played, I beelined for Monotheism so I could spread my religion around with missionaries, and Asoka (who had founded a rival religion) ended up getting his religion in the cities of every single neighbor before I could, despite being roughly the same distance from them.
Its such a pain to get the AIs to convert to your religion, and until they do, they hate you... what am I supposed to do here?
Also, do you guys send military escorts with your missionaries? Sometimes the nearest neighbor is quite some distance away... or is it not worth converting them to my religion then?
It seems to me like unless you go all out with spreading your religion (thus falling behind in other areas) the AI will spread its own religions like wildfire and you'll end up with a tiny cult rather than a full blown religion...
Also, I've been having problems managing my economy in early game lately... so any advice in that area would be great (I only mention this because getting a great prophet and making my religion's special building is one of the methods that I tried for avoiding an economic crash).
Secondly, how do you guys handle spreading your religion? In the game I just played, I beelined for Monotheism so I could spread my religion around with missionaries, and Asoka (who had founded a rival religion) ended up getting his religion in the cities of every single neighbor before I could, despite being roughly the same distance from them.
Its such a pain to get the AIs to convert to your religion, and until they do, they hate you... what am I supposed to do here?
Also, do you guys send military escorts with your missionaries? Sometimes the nearest neighbor is quite some distance away... or is it not worth converting them to my religion then?
It seems to me like unless you go all out with spreading your religion (thus falling behind in other areas) the AI will spread its own religions like wildfire and you'll end up with a tiny cult rather than a full blown religion...
Also, I've been having problems managing my economy in early game lately... so any advice in that area would be great (I only mention this because getting a great prophet and making my religion's special building is one of the methods that I tried for avoiding an economic crash).