

Sep 2, 2010
So what are peoples thoughts on the lack of religion in Civ 5? Seems a bit unrealistic since Religion was such a major influence on man from his beginnings till today. It might have been a little lopsided in 4, but I'm dissappointed its missing in 5.
Good riddance, stupid diplo blocs.

Hello, "what have you done for me lately."
Great in RL history.
Bad in video game history.
Didn't like it in Civ4. Don't miss it in Civ5.
I liked diplo bloks. Each game may had teams, or maybe not.
I wonder if I still have the Earth 18 game where like 8 out of the 10 civs I had contact with at that point were all following the same religion... talk about boring.
i miss it greatly - definatly added a great level of detail to the game and made for some intersting dlplomatic choices - also provided a victory condition. civ 5 now leave a bland flavour in my mouth.
The piety tree is sort of like religion. Not really a replacement but religion is acknowledged through piety social policy and theology etc techs
There is religion. There is piety policy track, monuments, temples and monasteries.

Also lurk more. This is probably the 10th thread "SO HWO DO YUO LIEK NO RELIJUN"
I dont miss the crappy apostolic palace. Other than that though, I hope they bring back religion in one of the expansions
I miss religion (it was an added layer) but I CERTAINLY don't miss the Apostolic Palace telling my SECULAR nation what to do.....they never did fix that....
I don't think religion is worth the effort to implement. Because they have to be politically correct it can't be anything like realistic. Even if it was realistic even same religion never acted same way in different places and times.

For example Christians were small and without power, later they had huge power and tried to kill all other religions. At one time they progressed science a lot because of copying books and teaching of reading. On another time they have slowed science by persecuting scientists. At one time Christian inquisition tortured countless innocent people. At other time and place Christian church has tried to stop torture.

How could you possibly represent something like that?
Good riddance, I was sick of having foreign religions magically pop up in my cities and being forced to found a second religion sometimes. As well as constantly getting Jehovah's witnesses neighbours.

I prefer just building a non-specific temple and pretending about the religions.
I'm glad it's gone. It always felt arbitrary in Civ 4. I never felt like there were any real strategies involving it. It's only use was to abuse the diplomacy system in your favour. usually. Most of my games I avoided taking a religion because I'd end up crammed between two different ones and not taking any religion at all just let me make sure they hated each other at least more than me.

Not saying there couldn't be some aspect of religion in Civ5 in the future beyond the Piety tree but I really hope the Civ4 religion system doesn't come back.
I liked it because it gave more options on how to interact diplomatically

And made a small culture, non military civ a more viable way to play

if I didnt want to bother with it being pagan until free religion usually worked out fine, no modifiers either way
I miss it.
I like how it auto formed TEAMS within the game, and how everyone was kinda friends with someone who they hated, but were friends cause their shared jewness :D

Was prob my favorite thing going from civ3 to 4...
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