Rename Ameri's Capital, San Francisco

Originally posted by disorganizer
That's incredibly familiar... remind me where it's from?
its the place where the gods live on the ramtops ;-)

my next request would be to rename the mountain range west of sanfran to ramtops ;-)
what do you guys think of 'Omerikopitol' or Omeri Kopitol (Ameri Capital)
maybe 'Boyophiron' (bay of iron)
or 'Boyophinzenze' (bay of insence)
or maybe just 'Zon Phronzizko' (San Francisco)
well, look at the town.... beautiful! on the oceans, on the montains... its the place where gods will live in their retirement-time.
so if the ramtops will host the retirement-castles of the gods and the place where it lyes is called dunmanifestin, why shouldnt we call our most fabulous city like their home?
well, but if yes then i must insist on having it named the official way (english) because dunmoniphuztin looks rather weired... ;-)

i could also stick with Zon Phronzizko and renaming one of our cities the ameri-way everytime a governor gets elected.
I like it too, Plexus.
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