Republic military gpt....

Originally posted by Gogf
Could somebody please explain how Republic was better than democracy? It seemed the same, except:

Republic worker rate: 100%
Democracy worker rate: 150%

Republic special: none
Democracy special: immune to propaganda

Democracy seems better to me.

There are differences in terms of # free units (democracy none) and war weariness (democracy worse)...IIRC, democracy is also better at assimilating foreign civilians than republic, too.
Republic also has no free units.

Thank you for the feedback. I never knew this. Also, I always have my budget aroung 5.5.0 (no happiness tax). And I am almost always in democracy, maybe that will change if I mod republic back to where it was in pre-conquests civ3.
thanks to merepatra for the official info. support per city is a good thing for the republic. also, the reason that america outspends more than all other countries combined, supposedly, is because we have the money to do so. all those small "defensive force" countries, would have an offensive force as well if they had the resources to do so.
Wow, Gogf, you never really played using Republic before, but now you want to mod the game back. And you haven't even tried the new Republic. :)

IMNSHO, the Republic is still the most useful government form in general. It is good during peace and good during limited war. Now, though, you may want to use something different depending on the situations and play style instead of using the previous form which was very good at all times and places (even extended major war).

Before you guys go on about how much this sucks now and has to be modded back, try it. I personally think that the guys at Firaxis and Breakaway fixed a broken part of the game with this change. If there is a clear always best choice in the game, there is effectively no choice. Choices are what make strategy games fun, they made if so that now you need to choose (go for Monarchy, Republic, or maybe wait a little longer and choose Feudalism).
I like the change, perhaps there will be more AI monarchs now :)
i agree, more choices, more options...can only be better- It has been my experience that Republic gives way to communism in the later game for almost all the civs, if Republic has been changed to a truly "middle of the road" gov. then so much the better-
looks like many are eager to try out Facism- as i am- but i suspect we may be in for a surprise when its pitfalls are revealed- like losing to un or cultural victory conditions...I look forward to seeing more ai gov types- might be imaginative fun to fight the facists as a republic or fight the communists as a facist ect.
rome was first a monarchy, then something close to a despotism, then the republick, then despotism, then monarchy
ROme was never a despotism- what you ar ereffeing to are the various dictators who forced there way, and usually hel a temporory suspension of the republican constitution to make way for their own wants- but since NONE of these men held power for the rest of thire life- and relinquished it eventually of there own will, it is more in line with the official dictaeorships that could be installe din a time of emergency- and each of these dictators took power in such a time.
ROme was never a despotism- what you ar ereffeing to are the various dictators who forced there way, and usually hel a temporory suspension of the republican constitution to make way for their own wants- but since NONE of these men held power for the rest of thire life- and relinquished it eventually of there own will, it is more in line with the official dictaeorships that could be installe din a time of emergency- and each of these dictators took power in such a time.

Ah, I disagree. Julius Caesar was a dictator. He was not the first emperor, that was Caesar Augustus. So, Caesar was a dictator who held power until his assasination on the ides of March (March 15th), 44 B.C.
Originally posted by Xen
ROme was never a despotism- what you ar ereffeing to are the various dictators who forced there way, and usually hel a temporory suspension of the republican constitution to make way for their own wants- but since NONE of these men held power for the rest of thire life- and relinquished it eventually of there own will, it is more in line with the official dictaeorships that could be installe din a time of emergency- and each of these dictators took power in such a time.

ceaser?! he was a despotist, he refused the crown every time, so he was not a monarch!
Originally posted by Gogf
Could somebody please explain how Republic was better than democracy? It seemed the same, except:

Republic worker rate: 100%
Democracy worker rate: 150%

Republic special: none
Democracy special: immune to propaganda

Democracy seems better to me.

Also, the corruption is much lower in Democracy and, as mentioned, the ww is higher.

I welcome the change in unit-support for Rep, since it was the best government for both peace and wartime before the discovery of Democracy and Communism. Now there's gonna be more of a choice.
Does anybody know what effect facism will have on commerce?
I always have a really big army by the time you can switch to democracy, so that eats up most of my gold anyway. If you can still do quick research with facism, I might use it all the time.
Well i certainally will have to rethink my strategy with the main game as far as thsi increase for Republican governments go, but I think it's good overall because it means i will seriously have to consider what government's to choose, rather than just going from depotism to republic to democracy liek i usually do. And with secret police HQ communism now also seems like a pretty good option.
Originally posted by Gogf

Ah, I disagree. Julius Caesar was a dictator. He was not the first emperor, that was Caesar Augustus. So, Caesar was a dictator who held power until his assasination on the ides of March (March 15th), 44 B.C.

how did you come to such a conclusion? Ceasar was famous for WINNING the publics AFFECTION, AND SUPPORT!- the mand even left forty bucks to every citizen in Roman republic in his will!

there is also the fact that he kept the senate around, and FOLLOWED THE REPUBLICAN CONSTITUION!- if anything the reign of ceasar as dictator for (the position was first apponted by the senate I might add) as well as the previous civil war, and the ensuing civil war between Octavian, and Antony is equivilent of the period of anarchy in between govenments- NOT a despotism
I think this is good. Why? Because then Republic isn't the super-government it is now. Republic is essientially Democracy without the killer WW. You can fight very long wars in Republic. Now, that will be impossible, because the double unit cost will mean large militaries are unmaintainable.

This means, if you want war, you'll probably have to switch to Fascism, Communism, or Monarchy.
I think depowering Republic is a good thing. Previously it was too strong, being the best choice for the entire game in many games. I think it will still be too strong in Conquests. With double unit support cost, but 1 free unit/town, 3/city, 4/metro, it has not been depowered terribly much, just made a bit more subtle. It will still often be more powerful than Monarchy or Democracy.
Originally posted by SirPleb
I think depowering Republic is a good thing. Previously it was too strong, being the best choice for the entire game in many games. I think it will still be too strong in Conquests. With double unit support cost, but 1 free unit/town, 3/city, 4/metro, it has not been depowered terribly much, just made a bit more subtle. It will still often be more powerful than Monarchy or Democracy.

i totally disagree. although the game makers would like us ll to think that all governemnets are created equal, we know this is not true at all. for example, everyone switches out of despotism as soon as they have the chance. although republic is arguably the strongest gov by far in civ3 and ptw, the balance is realistic for conquests. the support cost is higher, but you need more than a small "defensive force" as it has been referred to in this thread. i can say i will still use republic and in times of war i will probably switch to fascism. i think that republic is the best peace time government and fascism is the best war time government. more so than monarch or communism.
Originally posted by patronr383

i totally disagree. although the game makers would like us ll to think that all governemnets are created equal, we know this is not true at all. for example, everyone switches out of despotism as soon as they have the chance. although republic is arguably the strongest gov by far in civ3 and ptw, the balance is realistic for conquests. the support cost is higher, but you need more than a small "defensive force" as it has been referred to in this thread. i can say i will still use republic and in times of war i will probably switch to fascism. i think that republic is the best peace time government and fascism is the best war time government. more so than monarch or communism.

But Sir Pleb didn't compare republic to fascism. He only said that Republic would be better than monarchy or democracy.
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